Dear Pat,
Thanks for calling about John’s death
(only 53 years old!), even though it was 5:30 in the morning here in
Italy. I am so sorry for John because he never made the decision to
grow up and mature, and he developed a whole slew of excuses to not
want to work and to be a burden to others which he was able to con
with his intelligent lies and smooth talk as do many alcoholic and
drug addicts. He never was able to hold a job for very long. But I
have not lost hope in his eternal salvation, in particular, because
with all of his faults, he had the humility to keep his brown
scapular on which at least indicates a small sigh of trust in Jesus
and Mary rather than only in himself as so many “successful”
Catholics have done in their modern day self autonomy and
self-sufficiency. I offered my Mass at 8:00 for John. You were the
only one of my remaining 2 brothers and 2 sisters who called me.
As you said, our family was and is a
very dysfunctional family. I remember what you said about what Dad
one time said to you, that made me very sad. Some of the kids were
not wanted by our parents. I think the most not wanted was John, the
last child. John inherited this rejection, at least at the
psychological level, by his parents. Even without words, a child
realizes this rejection. John lived out this rejection in his life.
Later he used the “end of the world” as his excuse to not change
his life for the better, and continued to find all kinds of excuses
the rest of his life.
Do you remember when Dad sent to you,
and two other brothers and sisters, a tape cassette to express his
anger when John left home with your help around 1977 or 1978? Now I
am writing a letter about the death of my brother John.
I got the impression from Dad as we
were growing up that our family was just about the best family that
could exist. Later I began to realize that Dad’s religion and his
own assessment of his own holiness was heavily based on being better
than others rather than just looking at Jesus as our model. This is
why it was so important for him to criticize others so as to feel
more holy.
One time when Dad was strongly
criticizing Pope John Paul II because he did not do as our Dad
thought he should do, I commented to him, when he provoked my
response, that I do not presume to believe that I know more than the
Pope who sees the whole world and Church situation better than me and
that he is specially guided by the Holy Spirit as Jesus promised (Mt
16:18). Needless to say Dad was not very happy with my response!
Dad and Mom were trained in the old
school in which the main goal of religion was to avoid hell, so they
felt obliged to obey the Church in no birth control and the rest of
the commandments. But they never matured to discover a God Who loves
them immensely so as to do things to please the One Who loves them
most. They never found and developed a personal relationship with
Jesus. It is like a child who obeys his parents only out of fear
instead of out of gratitude and love for all that the parents do and
sacrifice for the child. Without gratitude, there is no salvation.
This lack of Christian maturity was reflected also in how Dad most
often disciplined his children out of fear instead of love, and we
children felt this misguided motive in the short run and in the long
Our younger sister and her husband
practiced and taught Natural Family Planning. When I listened to
some of the audio cassette tapes produced by NFP in 1990 which my
sister gave to me, I was struck by the rather strong attitude of
feeling superior and holier than the 97% of the Catholics who did not
follow the Church’s teachings by using NFP (according to NFP
members at the time). I came to realize why many Bishops at that
time had a difficult time with some of the promoters and teachers of
NFP because they lacked the humility to simply be grateful to God for
the gift of NFP for themselves without judging and condemning the
other numerous “sinners” who did not use NFP.
It was not easy for Dad and Mom, not
only on the material level to raise 6 children, but above all due to
the lack of true spiritual guidance. 400 years ago there was held an
important Council of the Church at Trent which was of great
importance for the Church; its fruits are still felt by the Church
today. The Council of Trent was a response to the Protestant
Reformation which inaugurated a Catholic counter reform not only on
the doctrinal level but also on the spiritual and moral levels. There
were a whole series of reforms with the religious congregations and
formation of the clergy. There were great innovators and renewers
such as Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint John of the Cross, and after the
Council, Saint Ignatius of Loyola.
On the one hand the Council of Trent
had a great importance, above all for the formation of the priests
and seminaries. But on the other hand there were collateral effects,
not wanted or intended, like with medicines, such as a certain
closure to the Sacred Scriptures caused by the desire to counter the
subjective interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures promoted by Martin
Luther. There was created a separation between the Old and the New
Testaments of the Bible. But this brought with it grave consequences
inside the Church. The New Testament was proclaimed in Latin which
very few people understood. This gave rise to devotions, which are
very good and did a lot of good. But unfortunately these religious
practices of piety and spirituality were very often presented and
lived as a moralistic obligation; this was caused by a tendency to
separate the Mass and Holy Communion from the whole of Christian life
which is fundamentally striving for an ever greater personal and
loving relationship with Jesus Christ. This moralism made many see
religion as many “do’s and don’ts” instead of leading toward
a more mature spiritual life with a personal loving trusting
relationship with Jesus in which “I can” do all these things for
love, or better “I want” to do all these thing (such as obeying
the Church in birth control and all of the 10 commandments) for this
true and mature motive of love of the One Who loves me most, Jesus
Christ. The Mass began to loose the important aspect of being the
prayer of the community and drifted toward individualistic types of
spiritualities. The clergy were to take care of the whole Mass; the
faithful could only associate themselves from a distance and thus
dedicated themselves to their personal devotions. Even Holy Communion
appeared as a private devotion without any special ties to the Mass.
It is true that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom!”
(Ps 111:10; Prov 9:10; see also: Job 28:28; Prov 1:7; 3:7; 15:33; Is
33:6). But “Perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with
punishment, and he who fears is not perfected in love” (1Jn 4:18).
Many Christians did not go forward in maturing from the “beginning
of wisdom” and did not become “perfected in love”!
It is interesting that most schismatic
traditionalists hold on to the Council of Trent which condemned the
subjective interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures while they
themselves do the same thing in subjectively interpreting not only
the Sacred Scriptures but all of the teachings of the Church and
writings of the Popes.
Another rather strong negative
influence on Dad and Mom was the jansenistic mentality which was
still rather strong up to the Council, even though it was condemned
by the Church many years ago (Pope Innocent X in 1653; Pope Alexander
VII in 1656). Jansenism stressed God’s selective salvation and
produced a general harshness and moral rigorism, denying God’s
mercy to all mankind. Disregard of papal teaching led to an arbitrary
attitude toward the use of the sacraments, notably reducing the
frequency of penance and the Eucharist, and giving rise to
Gallicanism, which denied papal primacy and infallibility. A great
help in stemming the damage being done to many souls was by way of
the apparitions to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-90) and the
devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus which helped people discover
the burning love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in a personal loving
relationship with Jesus. This mentality considered God as a cold
judge and very few are worthy even to receive Holy Communion and that
salvation was almost impossible. But of course those who adhered to
and promoted this heresy and distorted view and relationship with God
felt that they were among the elect and better than the others. Since
Dad and Mom did not have a good priest to help them realize the
negative influences of this current of thought, they went in that
direction which ultimately led to the family of our sister and Mom
leaving the Church and entering the sectarian groups with a similar
mentality which was not based on humility and the mercy of God, or
that salvation is gratuitous (
Few priests 60 years ago explained the very beneficial reasons for
the Church’s teaching on birth control and the other important
teachings, but most priests only said the Bible and the Church say so
and you must obey; 60 years ago for a good number of Catholics this
was enough but it did not help Catholics go toward greater maturity
as Christians. Today, very few people will obey without an
explanation about the truth with leads to a greater good and helping
people to embrace the teachings of the Church as their own, in their
own name. One cannot give to God the “paid bill” with a list of
all the Holy Communions and Rosaries said and say therefore God must
let me into heaven; salvation is a gratuitous gift although as St.
James tells us “faith without works is dead” (Jms 2:17).
Certainly Holy Communion and the Holy Rosary are very, in fact
extremely important, but it all depends on the intention and the
motive for which one receives Holy Communion and for which one prays
the Rosary. The Pharisees and Scribes followed the law very
scrupulously but Christ said: “Unless your righteousness exceeds
that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom
of heaven” (Mt 5:20). “For I came not to call the righteous, but
sinners” (Mt 9:13; Mk 2:17; Lk 5:32). “You received without pay,
give without pay” (Mt 10:8).
I remember a couple of times when two
or three of Dad’s sisters came to visit us, how Dad’s sisters
several times just smiled at Dad, or sluff him off or just walked
away, because they knew all too well that their little brother
believed he was always right when there was any disagreement on just
about any issue. Do you remember when we were rather young and Dad
and Mom would storm out of the house of the Reinharts in Carol, Iowa
when the relatives did not agree and totally accept what Dad and Mom
said in regards to religion and politics? I remember them doing the
same thing with the pastor near their house where they went to daily
Mass. It is true that Jesus told the apostles: “And if any one will
not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your
feet as you leave that house or town…” (Mt 10:14; Mk 6:11; Lk
9:5). But the apostle spoke the words of Jesus, for the glory of God,
not their own works or for their glory! The truth without humility or
charity is an idol!
The personalist principle of Blessed
Pope John Paul II has helped greatly in this aspect of explaining and
persuading people about the truth with leads to the true good. If
people could only be led to understand this truth about good then it
would cease to be a burden, it would cease to be oppressive. It is
all important that the moral law not just be there like a big battery
of do’s and don’ts, mainly don’t’s; that we might be able to
understand the human rhyme and reason for the right of this and the
wrong of that. So the truth about good has to be understood. Then we
can take it into ourselves and make it the inner law of our own
actions. In this way God’s laws then ceases to be a burden.
There are many, who seeing this
hypocrisy of lack of humility, love and trust in God in many
Christians, justify throwing out all the tremendous treasures in the
one true Church. I tell them that I go to Mass not for the priest or
nice friends, but for Jesus. If people want to use religion to serve
themselves instead of using religion to serve God, to discover the
will of God through the teaching of the Catholic Church, and to do
the will of God with the help of the sacraments, that is their choice
and God, Who is true Love, will respect that choice for all eternity!
To explain simply,
as well as to avoid the typical elusive argumentation which covers up
the true motive of so many who are fleeing from God (even though they
believe they will go to heaven if they still believe that such a
place exists), I tell people that if they want to make it to heaven,
they must seek the Truth (big “T”) in a difficult and confusing
world, especially listening the Vicar of Christ on earth, the Pope;
then live this Truth with God's help, so that they can spend eternity
with the Truth, who is God. Most people today do not even take the
first step of seeking the Truth which is inconvenient because it
bothers our almost dead consciences indicating to us that we must
change our lives and suffer. Most people choose the easy way of
convincing themselves that there is no eternity after death and thus
they freely choose to lower themselves even below the level of
animals with a mortal soul, thus thinking that they have no
responsibility for their great God-given dignity and great
responsibility. When they die, after fleeing the Truth all of their
lives, God, out of true love, will respect and confirm their choice,
and they will go to the place where there is no Truth, no God for all
eternity! The Catechism of the Catholic
Church (CCC 1035) as well as the saints clearly tell us that the
greatest pain in hell, more than all other pains put together, is the
total and absolute and eternal separation of the creature from its
Creator, Who is the TRUTH! To say that it is impossible to discover
the truth is to imply that God is an idiot; “I am the Way,
and the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father, but by Me”
(Jn 14:6); “The Truth Shall Set You Free” (Jn 8:32)!
If we realize this, we can sympathize
with Dad and Mom who were not helped by priests to obey the 10
Commandments explained by the Church not as an obligation only but as
the loving divine providence and guidance of God for the good of each
person, of each family and of each community and of the society as a
whole. Dad and Mom, as well as a great many Christians today, were
never offered Christianity and the revelation and guidance of God
through Jesus Christ and His Church as from a God Who loves each of
us personally and immensely. Thus there was not the foundation of
responding to this great and immense love but only the fear of hell
and punishment; this great lacking does not lead to a childlike trust
and loving relationship with our Father in Heaven. “Unless you
turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of
heaven” (Mt 18:3). The fundamental aspect of true love is to forget
self, go out of self to love God and neighbor. This is exactly what
God did in creating all of us even though God did not need us in any
way; God, on the cross, suffered immensely due to so many who refused
His love because they were not willing to trust and obey God and to
suffer with Jesus on the Cross in their daily lives living out the
Gospel and the 10 Commandments explained by the Church that Jesus
left us!
Thus Dad and Mom obeyed the Church in
not using birth control like a child who feels forced and fearful of
punishment instead of a child who learned to trust Holy Mother Church
as the way to arrive at true and lasting happiness and fulfillment.
Saint Thomas Aquinas tells us that true virtue lies in the middle
between the two extremes. There were those who obeyed the Church
because they felt forced with the motive of avoiding hell. And there
were those who rebelled totally against the Church and threw out
everything. It is interesting how the two extremes meet; the liberals
throw out the Church because they do not want to accept the proper
interpretation of the 10 Commandments which means they must give up
illicit pleasures and mortify themselves so as to be able to love
others in a true authentic way; the schismatic traditionalists throw
out the Church due to pride, seeing all the “sinners” in Church,
thinking that they are not sinners as did the Donatists sect in the
fourth century. There are few who find the middle path of true virtue
which is based on child like trust in God Who left us His Church,
with the Pope as the head, to guide us for our true and lasting good.
Even here one must struggle to maintain the middle path of virtue of
realizing that the Church, the Body of Christ, like her head, Christ,
is both divine and human. Thus just as the child Jesus “grew in
wisdom….” (Lk 2:40). This is explained in great detail in the
classic article: “An Essay on the Development of Christian
Doctrine”, by John Henry Newman
But this is not a type of modernism in
which truth subjectively changes according to “a kind of motion of
the heart”, or a “felling for the divine”. This is a
progression of understanding more and more the divine truths that
exist from all eternity and do not change. In Christ’s human
nature, he “grew in wisdom”, but in His divine nature, Christ
knew all things. It is a mystery. This analogy is very similar for
the Body of Christ, the Church, which is both divine and human!
One must also distinguish this proper
growing in wisdom from positivism, in particular today, legal
positivism, in which a great number of judges and government
officials interpret the law and the constitution according to their
world view, according to “modern times”, without any respect for
what the majority of the citizens voted to approve or even offering
the people to change the law by majority vote. Relativism says all is
relative, and thus also relativism is relative which relativists do
not want to admit. Relativism leads to legal positivism which is the
idea that whatever the law does is OK and cannot be criticized as
unjust. The individualism of this culture leads to an isolated
collection of individuals each of which is his own god. Pope Benedict
stated just before being elected Pope: “Today, having a clear faith
based on the Creed of the Church is often labeled as fundamentalism.
Whereas relativism, that is, letting oneself be "tossed here and
there, carried about by every wind of doctrine", seems the only
attitude that can cope with modern times. WE ARE BUILDING A
DICTATORSHIP OF RELATIVISM that does not recognize anything as
definitive and whose ultimate goal consists solely of one's own ego
and desires.”
When people throw out the saving and freeing laws of God which
commands that the strong must help the weak, automatically we go
toward the law of “MIGHT MAKES RIGHT!”; “the law of the
jungle”! If you are not the strongest, you will end up under a very
horrible dictatorship that could care less about you even though you
voted for these people who offered so many beautiful lies and
promises. One forgets so easily the old saying: “There is no honor
among thieves!” Those who do not pray and seek to live their
prayer; those who do not seek the Truth, the will of God, and thus do
not seek to live this Truth, the will of God, will be very easily led
by the pied piper with a hidden tail, a hidden agenda, while they
believe they are so intelligent, wise, sophisticated, modern and
politically correct, while they criticize and ridicule those who seek
to submit to a higher power above themselves and above this material
visible world! These little self made gods begin to call good evil
and evil good (Is 5:20-21). Those who truly pray and seek to live
their prayer will much more easily see through the smoke screen and
see the difference between nice lies and true, lasting and beneficial
fruits for everyone, not just an elite few! Of course the elite would
not like to be treated as they treat those outside of their special
group!!! What great evangelical principles! These elite believe that
they are the only ones with wisdom to direct everything and thus do
not understand how it was possible for the American experiment of
democracy lasted so long. But the people of a democracy must
continually work to sustain this precious gift. Upon his farewell
address to the nation, GEORGE WASHINGTON tried to impress upon his
fellow countrymen that it was “Religion and Morality” that served
as the foundation for our young nation. Without the foundation of
Religion and Morality that George Washington and the other founding
fathers provided for us, there is simply no real hope for the future
of this country. The people in so many countries of the world which
were not given the gift of a Christian foundation are used to
continual dictatorships. We Americans let our flag down in
maintaining “religion and morality” with vigilance and soon the
USA will be under the worst dictatorship that ever existed on the
face of the earth! The USA received much from God and thus the
punishment will be greater for not having used these talents to build
up the kingdom of God (Mt 25:14-30).
Listen to what the elite say about us
peons! Rockefeller asked Aaron Russo: “WHAT DO YOU CARE ABOUT THOSE
PEOPLE, what difference does it make to you? Take care of your own
life; do the best you can for you and your family. The rest of the
people they don’t mean anything to you; they’re just surfs,
they’re just people.” (“Nicholas Rockefeller admitted the elite
s goal is a 100% mic”;;
“Rockefeller: The Goal is to get everybody chipped!”
What would Hitler have done if he had at his disposal the technology
of today to be able to monitor every human being on the face of the
planet. The Austrians swallowed the lies of Hitler in an economic
crisis and thus 98% of the Austrians voted for Hitler before Hitler
invaded Austria!
There is a lawyer here where I live who
has already taken at least one doctor to court because the doctor put
in a microchip while performing a needed surgical operation. She also
gave me the website of a group which is trying to fight this
injustice but with very little success. There are thousands of
doctors who have begun doing this terrible act. (Cicat;
“Centro Internazionale Contro l'Abuso e l'Abuso Tecnologico”
(International Center Against Technological Abuse)
Pope Benedict tells
us: “Where positivist reason considers
itself the only sufficient culture and banishes all other cultural
realities to the status of subcultures, it diminishes man, indeed it
threatens his humanity.”
Fr. Bob Barron said in an interview
with Colleen Carroll Campbell on EWTN (“Bold Evangelization in an
Age of Beige Christianity”) that “many traditionalists attach the
Church to a culture that they want to bring back; but the Church is
bigger than this.”
SINNERS IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH which caused the Protestant
Reformation; today there are many sinners in the Church which cause
many to leave the Church. A good husband does not abandon his wife
when she becomes old and not pretty. If Satan cannot get you on the
extreme side of the liberals, he will try to get you on the other
extreme which is even worse. One can jump out of the Divine Ship,
the Church, either on the left side with the liberals or on the right
side with the schismatic traditionalists. My father used to say to
Protestants: “I’d rather have an ugly box with a diamond inside
than a beautiful box that is empty inside.” He was referring to
the fact that the Catholic Church has all seven sacraments; it is sad
that Dad did not try to avoid the temptation to put himself above the
Pope and fall into non constructive criticism which led the family
further away from the great gift of the guidance and help offered by
Christ’s Church. Schismatic traditionalists try to find a group
that is “as holy” as they are!?! It is Jesus, the Son of God, Who
decided to found His Church on 12 sinners instead of 12 perfect
angels from heaven! Who is more intelligent and full of wisdom, God
or us? St. Augustine even exclaimed while fighting off the Donatists:
“How many sheep there are outside the Church and how many wolves
are inside!” Many follow the mass media today in criticizing the
Church and the priests and the bishops. I asked one of these puppets
of the propaganda of the mass media who continually criticizes
Catholic clergy instead of praying for them: “Would it have been
better if Jesus Christ had founded the Church on 12 perfect men as
yourself, Sir?”
In the U.S., there
are over 30,000 independent protestant groups all
interpreting the Sacred Scriptures in their own way, very often in
contradictory ways. Jesus knew well that there would be many
opinions and confusion about the most important topic of eternal
salvation and so He gave to us the Church with the ROCK as our
guaranteed and divinely protected guide (Mt 16:18). Those who break
away from the Church wilfully put themselves above the ROCK that
Jesus left us and they feel they are infallibly and directly guided
by the Holy Spirit, just as all the founders of the protestant groups
believed. The branches not attached to the Vine, the Church with the
ROCK as the head, the branches wither (Jn 15: 5-6)!
Are we promoting and
teaching the religion of the Gospels explained by the one true
Church, the Catholic Church with the Pope as the visible head, or are
we promoting and teaching a nice comfortable “Christian” religion
without the cross, while rendering the consciences of our
parishioners insensitive and numb? Are we truly good shepherds of
our flocks to protect the sheep from the very numerous and subtly
ingenious wolves of today? Or have we slipped into the comfortable
and self-satisfying role of the hireling who gratifies himself with
the applause of the sheep with his nice words that the sheep want to
hear, but then when the sneaky shrewd astute sly wolf comes, he
abandons the flock, not being ready or willing to give his life for
the sheep due to the fact that he did not preach the uncomfortable
truths which would make him unpopular or even be rejected by the
majority of the self-seeking sheep (Jn 10:7-18)? “For the time is
coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching
ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own
likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander
into myths” (2Tim 4:3-4).
It is true that when I was younger I
was treated as the favored son, the favored child being the only one
genetically like Mom. They even spent money in their poverty to take
me to a doctor when I was young to help me grow taller! Did they do
this for the glory of God or for other motives?
But I too had to grow up and to go
beyond the great lackings of our parents. I too could have rebelled,
as at least one of our brothers did, and throw out my parents due to
their hypocrisy and then throw out also their religion as an excuse
to do whatever I pleased, like sex outside of marriage, without the
restrictions of the 10 Commandments explained by the teaching
authority that Jesus left us here on earth, the Church. I too could
have embraced the delight of pride of feeling special and holy as our
parents tried to maintain as is commonly done in the cults. Dad and
Mom, as well as a great number of Christians, never reach a loving
childlike trust in God and in His guidance through the Bible and His
Church in order to come to realize that Jesus loves each of us more
than we love ourselves, that His laws actually make us more free and
joyful, instead of less free and less happy. Thus so many Christians
did not grow out of their child egoism of immaturity, and they pass
this on to their children.
The ones who led the 1968 massive
rejection of authority on university campuses all over the world are
now in positions of power! “The Woodstock Generation!”, those
who received very little or no true altruistic example of love from
the parents who threw out all rules in the sexual revolution, who
never learned gratitude toward their creator nor toward their
parents; the generation which separated freedom from the truth
which meant license to do whatever you want to do without
restrictions. Do you remember how Simon & Garfunkel mesmerized
our generation telling us that we have no free will: “Like a rat in
a maze the pattern before me lies” (“Patterns”), and thus we
can blame everybody else for our problems: “When I think back at
all the crap I learned in High School…”
(“Kodachrome/Maybellene”). Remember how the “Fons” in “Happy
Days” gave so many youth of our day a model that was contrary to
the model and example that Christ gives to us. I remember Pat, when I
returned after my first year in college and you finished the second
year in high school, your personality had been totally changed into
the model of the Fons; you were no longer Pat my brother but another
person and I do not think you realized this. I was very surprised and
very sad. Jesus offers us our true personality and character; the
other very numerous god-less models and heroes of our day destroy the
great design and personality that God has given to each of us. We
make the choice which one we decide to follow and imitate and God
respects that choice for all eternity! Contrast this hideous and
immature attitude of the “great people” thrust upon us today by
the motors of the culture of death with gratitude toward God, parents
and teachers! We have all received so much from our Creator Who gave
us all that we have freely out of love. So many ungrateful people
are like tubes in which love enters at one end from God and from
others and then they choose to block the other end of the tube,
themselves, so as to use all they have been given for themselves
rather than being an open tube which passes on the love received to
others (Lk 8:38; Mt 10:8; Jn 1:12; Mt 7:7; Lc 11:9-13).
But I have a certain sympathy for these
people because almost all of them come from families poisoned by the
contraceptive mentality of their parents; the so-called sexual
revolution, free from all restraints or rules which is false love and
leads to the worst slavery; true love means to set oneself aside or
sacrifice oneself for the good of the other ! Is a train more free
off the railroad tracks or are preschool children more free outside
of the protecting walls of the playground? We have swallowed the
lies of the father of lies, Satan, offered to us by his numerous
followers, especially today! When one does not earnestly pray
everyday to seek to discover and do (“Thy will be done”!) God’s
holy and saving will, one no longer is able to distinguish between
good and evil, right or wrong, beautiful lies and promises, bad
fruits and true good fruits as Jesus warned us: “Beware of false
prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are
ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits” (Mt 7:15-16).
Those in the state of grace, who truly follow and live God’s
commandments and Gospel, will be able to RECOGNIZE THIS DECEPTION.
For those who do not "God shall send them strong delusion, that
they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed
not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." (2Thess
I followed the advice of my parents to
leave UCLA and to go with Ann to Necedah, Wisconsin. Even though at
Necedah I was totally surrounded by the sectarian mentality that the
outside world is all bad and we special people at the Shrine were
specially chosen by the Mother of God, somehow God gave me the grace
to begin to realize the foundation there in the cult at Necedah was
not one of humility and trust in God but rather pride and trust in
self. When I succeeded in putting this intuition into words in the
book “The Catholic Church and Private Revelation”
my parents, in a real sense, excommunicated me from the family and it
was a relief for me to go to Italy and enter a religious
congregation, the Oblates of the Virgin Mary.
I believe that at least one of the
paragraphs that Dad and Mom were not too happy with was the
“9.5: The Pit of Cynical
But one of the most self devastating
talents of rebellious man is the art of making rationalizations,
excuses and exceptions for himself even though he subjectively thinks
he is objective. What a deep pit of blind and proud self deception!
Who can help such a one or such a group all stampeding in the name of
God or Mary or holiness in the same perilous direction ironically
away from God and His representatives? …
When the illicit bishop at Necedah,
Benedetto, read the following two paragraphs, he exclaimed to the our
younger sister and her husband, who were present, “He (Brother Paul
as I was known in the short-lived Franciscan order at Necedah) was
writing this for us, for me!” The our younger sister and her
husband acknowledge this in 1986 but later, without the help of
prudent guidance or at least the study of Church history and the
accompanying documents, they easily slid back into the sectarian
mentality and thus closed themselves off from any input different
from the sectarian mentality.
Put here Catholicism, by Barron,
130106, about fundamental definition of sin, closure….
“7.14: Unconditional Surrender:
It is good to note that heresies and
schisms in Church history did not come about all of a sudden. There
were always various factors involved that developed in time. Besides
the unwillingness to follow the teachings and guidance of Holy Mother
Church, one of the major reasons for schism and heresy was ignorance,
both culpable and non-culpable, about the Catholic faith, especially
about what the Church is. The schismatics generally did not know what
the three attributes and the four marks of the Church were or meant.
Thus, when they left the Church, the Vine and source of all life,
they did not miss her too much because they never developed a prudent
appreciation of the Church based on solid reasonable truth from their
catechisms. The leaders of some of the schismatic groups, which
attempted to reunify with the Church, often would only go as far as
they were willing to as the negotiations progressed. In other words,
these lukewarm or stubborn schismatic leaders desired to reunite to
the Vine due to their weak but bothered consciences but only under
their terms and not the terms presented to them by the Church through
her representatives which was normally the seated local ordinary who
then corresponded with Rome. The leaders and followers of the
schismatic or heretical groups who remained outside of the Church did
not possess enough love or knowledge of Holy Mother Church and the
importance of being united to her. Thus, they were unwilling to give
up what ever was holding them back from unconditional surrender to
our gentle but firm mother on earth, the Church.
It is also interesting to note that
many schismatic or heretical branches which broke away from the Vine
understood the meaning, at least for a while of the word apostolic.
Thus, many such renegade branches who had a valid bishop within their
group (usually the leader), carefully maintained their valid and
documented apostolic succession in order to retain valid orders and
thus valid sacraments. These types of groups, while admitting the
validity and necessity of valid orders obtained from an apostolic
succession all the way back to the apostles, who received their
sacramental powers from Christ, DENIED ONE OF THE THREE MAJOR DIVINE
and thus the Church, the power and authority to infallibly teach, to
rule, and to sanctify all willing men to the end of time. Almost
invariably, a reform movement within a heretical group did not result
in bringing most of the group into the Church but at least it brought
the many of good will who were willing to accept truth when it was
shown to them. A good example of this was the Oxford Movement in
England, lead by John Henry, later Cardinal Newnan, within the
heretical group called Anglicanism which began as a schism under
Henry VIII (1534) but became a heresy under his successor Edward VI.
But for a whole year I did not succeed
in sleeping very well due to this expulsion by my parents. After the
death of Dad (April 2007), the our younger sister’s family
succeeded in leading Mom out of the Church. I had bought a plane
ticket in December of 2007 to come to visit Mom, but finally she had
the courage to tell me the real truth that she had left the Catholic
Church and that I was not a validly ordained priest and that she did
not want me to come home and celebrate in her home a false Mass. I
continued to call Mom about once a month, but frequently she would
vent her bothered conscience at me with the sectarian schismatic
mentality that she learned from the totally controlled and closed
environment of the Sedevacantists; I would simply respond with the
straightforward truth which she could not tolerate. One time she said
to me: “Well what is more important than the Latin Mass?” I
responded immediately: “Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ!” And she was
silent. She never matured to the point of seeking each day what Jesus
wants. As for so many people today, religion exists to serve me not
to help me serve God; things are totally upside down! Finally in
March 2012, when she heard my voice on her phone secretary, she no
longer responded to my phone calls; I am surprise it took her that
long to close up totally as did the our younger sister and her
husband years ago into the safety of their cult cut off from the
outside world and any explanation not filtered by the cult. When I
called Tom for his birthday in July, he told me that Mom will not
talk to me anymore until I ask for forgiveness (I found this somewhat
amusing since Mom does not respond to my telephone calls, so how can
I ask forgiveness for telling her that she should return to the
Church!)! After having suffered greatly years ago (1983-1984) after
being rejected by my parents, this time it was not difficult at all.
"Think not that I have come to send peace upon the earth: I have
come not to send peace, but the sword. For I have come to set a man
against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the
daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be
those of his own household. He that loves his father or mother more
than me (or His Church?!?) is not worthy of me: and he that loves his
son or daughter more than me (or His Church?!?) is not worth of me."
(Mt 10:34-37)!
People are free to pout and to throw
their tantrums and have a “pity party” even though it does great
harm to themselves and to those around them, or they are free to try
to learn to dialogue together to seek the truth outside of their
heads or outside their special group, or outside those who feel they
are more intelligent and wise and “politically correct”! But this
requires diligent daily prayer to acquire this true humility and
trust in their Creator instead of themselves. If a person is truly
seeking the Truth outside of their own heads, they would be willing
to listen also to those who are not in agreement with themselves,
those outside their “special group” or cult. The spirit of Truth
leads to openness; the spirit of non-truth leads to closure in
oneself and in a very restricted group. Certainly there is a lot of
crazy people and groups today which are to be avoided. But as Dad
used to say every once in a while: “When the going gets tough, the
tough get going!” The tough do not abandon their station, their
position, in the heat of the battle covered with blood, in the
greatest onslaught against God and His Church (Mt 24:21), against His
laws and His true followers. Precisely when the world was very far
from God and many had rejected their Creator, God the Father did not
abandon us or close in on Themselves (the Most Holy Trinity), but
rather sent His only begotten Son into the world, even though most of
His creatures rejected Him (Jn 1:10-11) and ended up crucifying Him
on the cross!
Jesus founded His Church on sinners
like you and me, not on confirmed saints or angels in heaven. People
who have slid into the sectarian mentality believe that only their
little group is perfect and holy and totally orthodox (and “saved”!)!
How many similar groups in the history of the Church are no longer
in existence such as the Donatists of the fifth century, etc.; but
the same pharisaical attitude continues to show up again and again.
If you cut yourself off from the vine, the branch withers away. (Jn
The Church on earth, the “Church
Militant”, is made up of saints and sinners and everything else in
between (Mt 13: 36-40, 47-50). In the early Church the heretical
cult, the Donatists, explained these two parables of the fish and of
the weeds in a rather simplistic way: the Church was made up of only
the good people and the world was made up of all the evil people
without hope of salvation. The Church would be in the world as a
“closed garden” or better, the Ark of Noah in which only for the
very few there is salvation from the general flood. St. Augustine’s
thought won out which was that of the universal Church. The Church
herself is a field in which grow weeds and good seed, bad and good
together . St. Augustine even exclaimed: “How many sheep there are
outside the Church and how many wolves are inside!” The world is
not divided into children of darkness and children of light; but
rather we are all children of darkness, we are all weeds, but
destined, if we desire it, to become children of the light and good
grain, receiving the Kingdom and converting ourselves. Nothing is
fixed or fatal, no castes of the elect or of the damned. The field
is, yes, the world, but it is also the Church: the place in which
there is room to grow, to convert oneself and above all to imitate
the patience of God. “The bad exist in this world either so that
they might convert themselves, or that by way of them the good
exercise patience” (St. Augustine).
Just like Adam and Eve lost their
spiritual and material inheritance for themselves and for their
progeny, so too parents who leave the Catholic Church deprive their
children of the great gift of the Church here on earth. Those who
cut themselves off from the vine will wither (Jn 15: 5-6), as is
shown also by Church history. Church history shows that even in the
most difficult times, the true followers of Christ did not succumb to
a closed mentality or enter a cult, like the Donatists, trying to
defend themselves from the strong spiritual onslaughts of Satan of
the times. We must always fight for the truth even though there are
many sinners “and wolves”, as St. Augustine put it, in the
Church. There are many good examples of this spiritual toughness
today such as seen on EWTN.
We must distinguish between heresy,
apostasy, and schism. Heresy is denying a revealed truth. Schism is
rejecting the authority of the Church, particularly the authority of
the Roman pontiff as head of the Church. Apostasy is rejecting
completely the Christian religion (CCC 817-819; CIC canon 751).
“However, one cannot charge with the sin of the separation those
who at present are BORN INTO THESE COMMUNITIES [that resulted from
such separation] and in them are brought up in the faith of Christ,
and the Catholic Church accepts them with respect and affection as
brothers” (CCC 818).
If one is sincere with God and prays a
lot, each rejection helps us to become more attached to the Truth,
Who is God, and less attached to the false and temporal and
pleasurable and prideful values or things that this world offers to
each of us in very stimulating, alluring and subtle ways today with
the mass media, destructive indoctrination in our schools and even in
most religious institutions. We so easily and so willingly forget
that life is a battle, a “DOUR COMBAT with the powers of evil”
(CCC 409)! We all want to relax; but if we relax in a combat, the
enemy advances immediately. Our enemy is much more intelligent than
we are and never sleeps. One of his main tactics is to lure us to
sleep spiritually so that we do not wake up until he offers his
hospitality to us in his eternal abode. If the enemy does not succeed
in luring us to sleep, he seeks to pervert our motives into pride.
After the sudden expulsion from the
religious congregation, the Oblates of the Virgin Mary (1990), as
well as a similar rejection by an Italian Pastor (2001; “Let Us
Love Our Spouse”;,
I took the advice of the Servant of God, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, and
I began making a holy hour every day before the Most Blessed
Sacrament in the tabernacle. I cannot tell you how much this has
helped me! A child was once asked what does it mean to love someone.
The child simply answered to want to spend time with that person! How
much time do we spend with Jesus in prayer and before Jesus in Person
in the tabernacle of every Catholic Church? Who do we really love?
It was also very interesting to me that
exactly during the same month (March 2012) that I no longer had a
home in the United States, after over 25 years in Italy, the Italian
government finally gave me the Italian citizenship. The providence of
God was not lacking and was right on time!
I write this that it might help us to
go forward without throwing out the baby (Jesus and His Church) with
the bathwater (the great lackings and weaknesses of others) which is
always a very strong temptation, especially if one has not persevered
in sincere humble constant prayer to arrive at a loving trusting
relationship with the One Who loves us most, Jesus. I hope these
personal reflections will help. I realize that these words might be
very strong if one has not formed a habit of prayer and seeking the
truth each day. These words in this email would have been hard for me
to swallow years ago. But unfortunately, life is short, and in
particular for our generation because so few people are praying! When
people do not want to consider the reality before them today in
regards to the world situation (“Ignorance is bliss!”), I tell
them simply that if more people would have been praying 100 years
ago, Hitler would not have been able to do what he did. Today there
are much less people praying than 100 years ago! The Body of Christ
will be crucified in our generation which will purify the Church.
I am not a pessimist. We know the last
chapter of the book! The true followers of Christ win, but after the
crucifixion! But we should be realists like St. Thomas, based on the
purely objective reality created by God. The further we get a field
of this base of objective truth the more easily Satan and his puppets
can manipulate us and lead us astray in any direction they decide.
In the prophetic classic book, written
for our very difficult times, “True
Devotion To The Blessed Virgin by St. Louis de Montfort”,
Montfort writes:
“I will place enmities between you
and the woman, between your race and her race; she will crush your
head and you will lie in wait for her heel” (Gen. 3:15) (51). “God
has established only one enmity–but it is an irreconcilable
one–which will last and even go on increasing to the end of time.
That enmity is between Mary, his worthy Mother, and the devil,
between the children and the servants of the Blessed Virgin and the
children and followers of Lucifer.” (52). “What Lucifer lost by
pride Mary won by humility.” (53). “God has established not just
one enmity but "enmities", and not only between Mary and
Satan but between her race and his race. That is, God has put
enmities, antipathies and hatreds between the true children and
servants of the Blessed Virgin and the children and slaves of the
devil.” (54)
Two armies are now being formed in our
period of time: the army of Mary made up of the truly humble who
submit to the lawful Authority that Jesus Christ left us, and the
army of Lucifer whose members submit only to themselves in relativism
or their special or perfect groups. In our generation will be
fulfilled “she will crush your head and you will lie in wait for
her heel”!
ANTICHURCH. (Visit: “An Open Letter To A Fellow Priest”;
The German people were not evil. The
Japanese people were not evil. The Russian people were not evil.
But it was a VERY FEW IDEOLOGUES that seized control and then
cannot happen in America! According to Edmund Burke, evil triumphs
when the good do nothing. If the Godly, who have not fallen into the
fundamental trap of being distracted and complacent with all kinds of
illicit and detrimental pleasures, and do not go out to fight the
forces of evil, the forces of evil will come to us. Those of good
will, all true Christians (not the pharisaical proud or those who
have embraced “license” to do whatever they please as freedom
detached from the Truth!), are the stars of Heaven, so we must shine
brightly especially today! On the darkest night, the stars shine the
brightest. Today we are truly in the darkest spiritual night that
ever was on the face of the earth. “Just because you do not take an
interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in
you!” -- Pericles (430 B.C.).
art, museums, hospitals, laboratories, and universities. And yet, in
less than six years (a shorter time span than just two terms of the
U. S. presidency) it was rounding up its own citizens, killing
others, abrogating its laws, turning children against parents, and
neighbors against neighbors. … all with the best of intentions, of
course. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
"WE THE PEOPLE", is one of
the most-quoted sections of the Constitution and of the Declaration
of Independence of the United States of America. President Abraham
Lincoln, at his famous “Gettysburg Address” in Gettysburg,
Pennsylvania on November 19, 1863, said: … “that from these
honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they
gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve
that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation,
under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government
of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from
the earth.” Let us not pervert and destroy our country by changing
Lincoln’s words to: “that government of the government, by the
government, for the government”! Our precious and wisely written
United States Constitution begins with the words: “We the People”!
We must not let these ruthless conceited bureaucrats interpret this
God-inspired document as: “WE THE GOVERNMENT”! This was
precisely the reason for the American Revolution!
PUBLICLY. This is our most precious gift which many countries in the
world do not enjoy; it is also the most important reason that our
founding fathers of our great country came to America. THE
become more and more united to the Truth, Who is God, in humility and
trust, they end up not knowing right from wrong, just from unjust,
good from evil, even though they consider themselves wise and
intelligent (Mt 11:25); in this way they end up being led by the pied
piper, Satan and his very numerous followers today. And thus they are
unable to distinguish between beautiful lies and true good and
lasting fruits which help society and the fundamental cell of the
society, the family. It is easier to believe beautiful lies than to
work hard to study how a candidate has voted in the past and the laws
that he has promoted. Has the candidate truly helped to build up
society and the fundamental cell of society, the family? In many
countries of the world, especially the rich countries where radical
secularism has taken a very strong hold on society and the mind set
of the people, good and evil are totally turned up side down. “Woe
to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light
and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for
bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in
their own sight!” (Is 5:20-21). This is why so many government
leaders who are working together to arrive at the “New World Order”
promote as their first priority, in a way as hidden and covert as
possible, all kinds of illicit sex, pornography, abortion,
euthanasia, homosexuality, and the division and thus the weakening of
the Catholic Church, so that the people do not care where the
government is leading them, as long as they have their spaghetti,
wine and sex. From a website in Italian one finds the following in
(visit: “Catholic Prophecy Today”
The great God-given gift and power and energy of the sexual drive can
be used to build up society or to destroy society, just as fire can
be used to warm the house or burn down the house. The devil knows
this all too well. This is why our Lady of Fatima told the three
for any other reason.” At Fatima, the Blessed Virgin Mary told the
three child seers that many souls go to hell because they have no one
to pray or make sacrifices for them. In her Memoirs, Sister
Lucy describes the vision of hell that Our Lady showed the children
at Fatima: (
Christians and Catholics who are in
favor of abortion could care less what Jesus wants, or why Jesus died
on the cross! They have made themselves little gods and they decide
what is right or wrong, and then, as little gods, they have convinced
themselves that hell does not exist or that there is nothing after
death! Those so-called Catholic politicians who say I am against
abortion as the Church teaches but then say I cannot impose my
beliefs on others is like saying I am against murder but I cannot
impose on others to not be able to murder others according to the
law. For believers, at conception God gives the embryo an immortal,
adult soul just like grown people!
On September 24, 2008, your wife wrote
to me by email: “You probably need to stop
sending us the smears about Barack Obama. You are not going to change
our minds about him. We continue to be active in his campaign. I
respect your views on abortion, and would not try to change your
mind. Barack Obama does support Roe vs. Wade, as I do.”
When several cousins
reacted negatively about what I revealed about Obama
before the elections of 2008, I responded in an email of November 4,
2008: “I believe that if a person openly proclaims that the
first thing he would do as president of the USA would be to promote
and increase the incredible genocide of killing tens of millions of
helpless, defenseless, innocent human beings, I believe that this
person would be CAPABLE OF ANYTHING!” I then quoted the following:
"The first thing I'd do as
president is sign the "Freedom of Choice Act" (FOCA).
That's the first thing that I'd do." -- Senator Barack Obama,
speaking to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, July 17, 2007
Beware also of FOCA-By-Stealth.
Abortion advocates are counting on the economy and other pressing
issues to divert the attention of the American people so they can
surreptitiously and with little resistance advance their radical
pro-abortion agenda. Read more about FOCA-By-Stealth at;
FOCA-by-Stealth Timeline: How Congress and the Obama Administration
are Implementing FOCA BY STEALTH;
It all depends if we follow the
instruction manual of the Creator of ourselves, our families, our
society and the whole universe. In the Catholic Church one can truly
point to one place to find the fullness of truth of Divine Revelation
and saving "elements of sanctification" (Lumen Gentium, no.
8) by which the faithful may be configured to Christ
But the Church also tells us: “Moreover, some, even very many, of
the most significant elements and endowments which together go to
build up and give life to the Church itself, can exist outside the
visible boundaries of the Catholic Church…” “All who have been
justified by faith in Baptism are incorporated into Christ; they
therefore have a right to be called Christians, and with good reason
are accepted as brothers in the Lord by the children of the Catholic
Church.” (UR 3, 4;
“Even though incorporated into the
Church, one who does not however persevere in charity is not saved.
He remains indeed in the bosom of the Church, but “in body” not
“in heart” (LG 14; CCC 819). The Church clearly teaches against
indifferentism and subjectivism (DH 1; Dignitatis Humanae, no. 1;
How many Catholics do not make these
distinctions and end up leaving the saving Ship left for us by Christ
because they trusted more in their own intelligence and wisdom! This
logic seems to imply that only the intelligent people go to heaven
because they knew more than the Church and the Pope, guided by the
Holy Spirit (Mt 16:18), while the unintelligent people who trust and
submit to some guy in Rome in union with other heads of the dioceses
around the world go to hell! “I thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven
and earth, that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and
understanding and revealed them to babes” (Mt 11:25)!
THOMAS JEFFERSON, our 3rd. President of
the USA, declared “That government is best which governs least.”
He also said: “A government big enough to give you everything you
want, is strong enough to take everything you have...” Is this not
right in line with the Church’s principle of subsidiarity? I wrote
the following paragraph to my representatives in the senate and in
the congress: “Please promote the principle of subsidiarity so that
our country does not become a socialistic dictatorship but remains
“for the people and by the people”. SUBSIDIARITY is an
organizing principle that matters ought to be handled by the
smallest, lowest or least centralized competent authority. The
Oxford English Dictionary defines subsidiarity as the idea that a
central authority should have a subsidiary function, performing only
those tasks which cannot be performed effectively at a more immediate
or local level. Let us give the power back to the people before it
is too late!”
It doesn't take a brain surgeon to
conclude that Mr. Jefferson must be whirling in his grave at the
current effort by President Barack Obama to increase our government
to a size and scope unprecedented in history, using taxpayer money in
amounts that exceed our comprehension. With each new bill touted as
"crucial" for the economy, the government is getting MORE
CONTROL over banks, health care, jobs, housing and more. It is an
all-out assault on capitalism and the form of government conceived
and enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S.
Constitution. With the Obamacare, we now have a huge bureaucracy
between the patient and the doctor (totally against the principle of
subsidiarity) and we are forced to pay for the murder of innocent,
helpless and unwanted human beings, a true genocide! All those who
have supported this diabolical agenda will find themselves in the
category to be eliminated in the near future, if not for all
eternity, if they do not repent, ask for God’s forgiveness and
change their lives before it is too late!
If the citizens are not diligent in
their moral life nourished with much prayer, slowly the citizens take
the easy way of letting the government do more and more for them,
allowing the government to acquire more and more power. We slowly
become used to the idea that our rights come from the state, the
government, and we surrender our rights to the state so that tomorrow
the government can then take our rights away. Without diligent prayer
and the living out of that prayer we quickly forget what was paid for
with blood in the American Revolution and then wisely written in the
declaration of independence: “We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed
by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these
are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
States and governments come and go, but
people who do not pray to seek and do the will of God forget that
they have a soul that does not come and go; the human soul from
conception is immortal. This is why the declaration of independence
had it totally right, written by men who believed in God and lived
out what they believed. If the people give the government the power
to legally eliminate categories of human beings such as unwanted
babies or unwanted old people, tomorrow the government can change the
category of people not protected by law and anyone of us can find
ourselves in that category to be eliminated. One does not have to
look too far back in history to see this process of the loss of
living out ones faith: 75 years ago in Germany, 100 years ago in
Russia, etc. We are quickly sliding ever more deeply into the culture
of death where there will be no respect for life as it is in hell.
When I try to help people realize how
far they have slid into relativism and no longer use religion
discover God’s will and then to do God’s holy will but to serve
themselves and to do their will, I cannot help thinking of how it
must have been for Noah building the Ark as the people in the city
laughed at him!
1973: "As I told you, if men do not repent
and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment
on all humanity. It will be a PUNISHMENT GREATER THAN THE DELUGE,
such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky
and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the
bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find
themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms
that will remain for you will be the Rosary and Sign left by My Son.
Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for
the pope, the bishops, and the priests."
"The work of
the devil will infiltrate even the Church in such a way that one will
see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against other bishops. The
priests who venerate Me will be scorned and opposed by their
conferees…churches and altars sacked, the Church will be full of
those who accept compromise and the demon will press many priests and
consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord. The demon will be
especially implacable against souls consecrated to God. The thought
of the loss of so many souls is the cause of My sadness. If sins
increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for
If we could see the adult soul given to
God at conception to every embryo, we would die of joy immediately!
But those who do not pray and live their prayer, not only do not
believe this by faith but want to destroy it for their own
convenience! Those who proclaim the greatness of the human soul are
scoffed at and ridiculed by those who have willingly lost and
eradicated inside themselves the knowledge and faith given to them by
God, imprinted on their very souls and hearts.
Just about all Christians say the Our
Father: “Thy will be done”. But in practice today, the great
majority of Christians live: “My will be done”! For a great
number of Christians God for them is like a Coca Cola machine, a
vending machine in which you put the coin in (a little prayer) and
they expect the Coca Cola or whatever they want to come out of the
machine. They do not trust in God but in themselves and in their
intelligence and wisdom, and thus they do not seek to discover what
God wants them to do, even though what God wants them to do is the
best for them.
Those who have more responsibility
given to them by God, such as bishops and priests, more will be
required of them in this “final confrontation” between good and
One of our brothers continued to
frequent the sacraments regularly and to pray the Rosary, as he had
learned from his family of birth, up until his second year of
college. At a certain point he began to have sexual relations with
girls before marriage without repenting or going to confession. He
also began to focus on the defects of his father which helped him to
justify throwing out all together the Catholic faith that he received
from his parents. After more that 30 years outside of the Church and
away from the sacraments, he even make the statement that all
religions are the same. One of his poor sons, who was deprived of the
inestimable gift of the Catholic faith, said: “I consider myself a
deist”. A year ago when I telephoned our brother, he expressed to
me his preoccupation about the date, December 21, 2012. Those who
reject God the Creator will end up filling the void and believing in
something; in this case, the infallible guide for my friend was no
longer God, Jesus Christ, or the Church Christ founded, the Catholic
Church with the Pope as the head, but science. I described to my
friend what science had discovered, with the help of the computer,
what the wise men saw 2000 years ago which motivated them to make a
trip of about 1000 kilometers in order to find the King of the Jews
born in Bethlehem. Unfortunately, after I finished this explanation,
my friend was not interested in continuing our conversation on the
phone since his infallible guide, science, had confirmed the
extraordinary signs left by the Creator in the giant precise system
of orbiting bodies in the universe, regarding the birth of Jesus
Christ (
(“Not 2012 But 2017!”;
What the world does not tell us, as
well as so many leaders in the Church due to human respect, is that
true love means respecting our great dignity, being created in the
image of God (Gen 1:26-27) and thus RESPECTING OUR CHOICE, OUR FREE
WILL, even if we choose to eternally destroy ourselves by running
from the Truth. The dignity, and thus the responsibility of parents,
priests and bishops is very great! Saint John Crisostomo, Saint John
Eudes and Saint Athanasius wrote about what the floor (bones of
priests and religious) and the lamps (skulls of bishops) in hell are
made of! OUR LADY AT GARABANDAL (Spain, 1965) revealed that "many
cardinals, many bishops and many priests are following the road to
perdition, and with them they are taking many more souls.” Contrary
to common belief, the Catholic Church has never condemned Garabandal
It is very interesting that Our Lady revealed this at about the time
that Pope Paul VI published Humanae Vitae, reaffirming the Churches
constant teaching that artificial contraception is a grave sin and
will end up destroying society and the family, the fundamental cell
of society, by separating the marital act from responsibility and
life, and by leading men to see women as sexual objects rather than
as persons to love. A great number of lay people, priests and bishops
ignored or rebelled against Humanae Vitae. Now is the first time in
history that there are more grandparents than children; this is the
fundamental reason for the crash of the economy – there are not
enough children to pay for the retirement pensions. I once told my
parishioners that if sometime in the future I begin to loose the
faith and to preach in opposition to what the Pope teaches on faith
and morals, “DO NOT FOLLOW ME TO HELL”! “But even if we, or an
angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that
which we preached to you, let him be accursed” (Gal 1:8). We must
pray very much for the first targets of Satan, those who received
more responsibility in the “dour combat”, as Our Lady asks us
cannot substitute for the role and the vocation of the father, and
vise versa, so too the lay people cannot substitute for the priests
and the bishops but can pray and offer sacrifices for them!
At a bar here in Italy, which also
sells magazines, where I live and go for a cup of coffee after my
daily Mass, one of the wives (co-owner of the bar; two family
owners), was talking about the calendar, which they sell, with a
completely nude woman on the front. I said to her that she will have
to render an account to God after her death for selling pornography
in her store. She was not happy with me and became frustrated. I then
said to her that we men, as God has created us, when we habitually
look at pornography without repenting and seeking to amend our lives,
begin to look upon women as objects of pleasure instead of persons to
appreciate and to esteem. She said with indignation: “But who says
this?” I answered, Pope Paul VI in Humanae Vitae! I then said to
her that when husbands, who are habituated to looking at pornography,
make love with their wives, they are making love with the image of
the pornography in their head, not with their wives, which is a true
betrayal! Italians in general are very adept to making banal
everything including the most sacred things of our faith. A week
later her husband put a poster (about 36x24 inches) of a fully naked
woman outside at the entrance of his bar in public view. When I
protested he justified himself with an attitude of arrogance and
laughing at me saying that God made women beautiful so why not look
at them? He then pulled out another copy of what he posted outside
his bar to show it to me close up inside the bar. I said that
according to his logic men then should look at beautiful naked women
and then leave their wives and break up the family and leave the
children abandoned! He continued to joke and laugh at me. I am even
more sad that the Pastor of the parish, who was present, just smiled
and laughed at the inappropriate jokes so as to be in agreement with
everyone as his way of treating others in a nice way and not being in
disagreement with anyone! This Pastor is very generous and kind but
it seems to me that his definition of “love” is to try to offer
what the people want so that the people are all happy; when there is
a conflict of interests between what he thinks the people want and
what one reads in the Bible as explained by the Catechism of the
Catholic Church, he ignores or pushes aside what the people do not
want to hear.
To read the rest of this experience,
If we do not seek the Truth with much
suffering and prayer, listening to those who do not agree with us,
there is a great risk of not spending eternity with the Truth! The
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 1035) as well as the saints
clearly tell us that the greatest pain in hell, more than all other
pains put together, is the total and absolute and eternal separation
of the creature from its Creator, Who is the TRUTH! The great
majority of the people today have taken as their philosophy of life:
“Ignorance is bliss”! Saint Faustina (died 1938) wrote in her
diary: “Today, I was led by an Angel to the chasms of hell… But I
noticed one thing: that MOST OF THE SOULS THERE ARE THOSE WHO
DISBELIEVED THAT THERE IS A HELL.” (Diary, 741). Today, a great
number of people have conveniently and willingly swallowed this lie
that hell and the devil do not exist! Even many bishops have lost the
faith and are leading many souls with them
So many people today have opted for the
easier choice of not seeking the Truth outside their own heads and
have convinced themselves that hell does not exist so that there are
no consequences for not seeking and living the Truth. Relativism,
according to Pope
Benedict XVI, is "the most profound difficulty of
our time."
I realize that some of the topics in
this letter are rather personal and revealing about the great
lackings in our “dysfunctional family”. It might seem
disrespectful to talk about these things while our mother is still
alive, but it helps tremendously for each of us to understand our
roots so as to see if we have been led knowingly or unknowingly,
culpably or not culpably, in some wrong directions which have
hindered us, often in a significant way, from arriving to true
happiness which can only be found from the One Who created us.
I realize that these words would have
been very difficult for me to understand years ago, and still more
difficult to not reject immediately without pondering on these words
with an open mind. But with the death of John and all that we have
all gone through as a “dysfunctional family” (as you put it Pat),
I think it might be of help for those of us who are willing to learn
from each other and willing to take the risk of dialogue among
ourselves. But this is not easy; it takes a lot of sincere prayer and
humility to be able to open ourselves up to consider the possibility
that we have allowed ourselves to take the wrong way out of pride or
out of taking the easy way without restrictions from outside of
ourselves, in particular, from God’s saving laws. I believe it is
of the utmost importance, to save our very immortal souls, to talk
about these things even though in this email I have indicated some of
the fundamental lackings, culpable or non culpable, of our parents
which have greatly influenced each of us. Saint Thomas Aquinas wrote:
“Rarely affirm, seldom deny, always distinguish.” We must
distinguish between the objective and the subjective; we must judge
the actions which are objectively wrong so as not to do the same and
perhaps give fraternal correction, but we should never judge
subjectively, that is, the persons moral guilt which only God knows,
since we do not know their motives, their intentions, their whole
life’s history or even the graces and knowledge they have received
from God. Those who are running away from the Truth do not want to
make this distinction and thus accuse those who condemn the sin of
condemning the sinner; this is why the homosexuals are very angered
with the true Christians who hate the sin as Christ does (the act of
homosexuality) but love the sinner (the person with the homosexual
But it can help a lot to see where we
have come from, to be able to shed light on some of the psychological
and spiritual traps we have been led into, as well as some of the
things that have hurt us and led us in the wrong direction to our
great detriment and spiritual blindness and possible eternal
separation from our Creator. While we are alive everything can be
changed with a good confession and a change of life with lots of
daily prayer. The saints tell us that those who pray end up being
saved; those who do not pray end up losing their immortal souls.
After death, nothing can be changed for all eternity whether we
believe it or not! This is why I also sent this email to our
relatives (bcc) so as to offer them these thoughts about our roots
that we all have inherited in one way or another.
I remember once Dad saying that it is
not good to talk to children about a bad teacher that they might have
in school at the time, but later in life it can help to sit down and
talk about some of the non positive influences that were received by
such a teacher.
What was the reaction of King David in
the Old Testament when the prophet Nathan (2 Sam 12:1-13) pointed out
the truth to David? Did David say to Nathan that your words are
“very offensive” and thus refused to communicate with Nathan from
then on? David had humility even though he was the king of all of
Those with some humility will probably
end up being grateful for the concern of someone else to offer
fraternal correction and wish to continue dialogue to learn more so
as to go toward greater freedom in the Truth; those with little or no
humility will most likely rebel and become even more hardened in
their chosen path and reject any further dialogue with those who
offer such correction even with all the best intentions, and perhaps
even close in on themselves into a closed group. But even though
there is this risk, God tells us to offer fraternal correction for
the good of the one offered council and for others who might have
been scandalized.
“If I say to the wicked, O wicked
man, you shall surely die, and you do not speak to warn the wicked to
turn from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his
blood I will require at your hand. But if you warn the wicked to turn
from his way, and he does not turn from his way; he shall die in his
iniquity, but you will have saved your life.” (Ezek 33:8-9).
“If your brother
sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him
alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he
does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every
word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses. …”
(Mt 18:15-16).
Pat, tell me why you do not agree, let
us dialogue to seek the truth together. Eternity is at stake!
I am sorry to hear about your
motorcycle accident and the damage to your legs. As I said at the end
of our phone call Pat: “I want to spend eternity with you!” I
want to play tennis with you for all eternity, not just during this
very short life. But there is no Easter without Good Friday, and
there is no Resurrection without the crucifixion in our own personal
lives in union with Christ crucified! “The Truth (big “T”)
shall set you free”!!! (Jn 8:32), not the false truth (little “t”)
of relativism so pervasive and destructive in our culture today!
(About relativism, read the homily of Cardinal Ratzinger at the Mass
preceding the conclave that quickly elected him Pope Benedict XVI:
“I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the
Father, but by Me” (Jn 14:6). Many try to copout of the
responsibilities of living our call to seek and live the Truth by
saying “Who knows” (agnostics) or even flat out denying the
Truth. But I say to these type of “Catholics” here in Italy that
to carry this logic to it’s logical conclusion would imply that God
is an idiot because He gave us the ability to reason and yet did not
offer to His rational creatures the possibility to use this reason to
discover the Truth so as to serve the Truth and then to spend
eternity with the Truth in heaven, as we learned as children in the
If I truly want well for you Pat (as
they say in Italian: “Ti voglio bene!”), true love, I want well
for you above all for all eternity and not just this very short life,
which is the kind of love that so many offer today, even among many
priests and bishops. This is misguided compassion; this is false
I tell the Italians in my parishes to
pray the Rosary like their grandparents did everyday as a family.
Many give me the excuse that there is no time and that 70 years ago
there was no TV and they worked together in the fields. I respond to
them that it is certainly more difficult today to pray the family
rosary as Fr. Patrick Peyton told the families to do 70 years ago.
But God gives the grace of the vocation for each person, in
particular in this case, to the father of the family to truly be the
provider but above all the protector and leader spiritually to be
able to say to those in his family after supper: “Let us turn off
the TV and pray the Rosary together!” If something is important to
each of us, we find time for that; if something is not very important
to us, we never find time for that! Each one decides his priorities
and God will respect that choice, because God is true Love, for all
eternity! God will not force anyone to spend eternity with Him in
God does not change His mind. He
created us with great dignity in His own image (Gen 1:26-27), equal
to the angels, and He will respect this great dignity and
corresponding responsibility and not treat us as animals after our
death, even if we freely decide to forfeit this dignity and
responsibility during our life time so as to live as animals which do
not have an immortal soul.
Forgive me if I write a little too
straight forward, but as you know I received my BA in mathematics.
But I have come to realize that this was probably a blessing in
disguise since the liberal arts departments of almost all the major
universities adopted a very secular mind set to the point of becoming
very Christophobic, rewriting history according to their nihilist
agenda and excluding good literature such as the writings of G.K.
Chesterton. It was more difficult for these God-less activists to
change mathematical formulas even though the great majority of the
professors in the science and math departments do not have the
humility to open their eyes to the possibility of a personal Creator.
I told my bishop that in mathematics I studied infinity which led me
later to discovered eternity, but few professors made the same
logical conclusion; faith and reason are not in opposition because
they both come from the same Creator! It is far more illogical to
seek to blot out and circumvent all the indications of an intelligent
design in creation than to open ones mind and receive the facts and
reality as they are perceived with our 5 senses in creation!
Obviously the fundamental motives to choose this destructive illogic
is to not submit to Someone bigger than oneself and to believe that
there are no negative consequences for ones actions after death.
After I entered seminary training, I began to develop a real desire
and yearning to learn from the documents of the Church and the true
and the false philosophical and theological foundations that lead us
toward the eternal Truth and true freedom and joy, or away from the
eternal Truth which gives one an initial feeling of pride and
self-satisfaction but later becomes the worst kind of slavery. It
takes work and effort to seek the Truth but it also takes work and a
conscious effort to run from and blot out this Truth stamped into our
very human nature by the Creator. It is interesting that in the USA,
more than in Europe, there has been a reaction to this radical
secularization of the universities, including most Catholic
universities; there have sprung up recently many new Catholic
universities loyal to the Truth protected by the authority of the
Church that Christ left us here on earth before ascending to heaven.
The numerous universities which have abandoned the Truth protected by
Christ’s Church will die out as the Truth seekers will have to
build new universities. This reminds me of how it is getting more and
more difficult for the “Pro Choice” movement to find youth to
carry forth the flag of the culture of death, because they have
murdered so many of their children even before they had the chance to
make their “CHOICE”, to live or to die, to kill others or to give
them a chance to live!
In our times we can see that in modern
man there is a growing tendency to disregard God, because God is
considered to be too demanding and uncomfortable. Under the influence
of many factors, people want to put God aside by simply eliminating
Him from their lives as a useless and superfluous Being. Behind this
attitude there lies a cultural view which takes the conquests of
science as its starting point and sets out to convince us that
scientific and technological progress will more and more enable man
to solve his problems and conquer the world on his own. Modern man
therefore thinks he is self-sufficient and this is his great sin.
Without God man is deprived of his true meaning. Another way of
shrugging off God, for people who do believe in him, is to not
recognize or to deny the practical consequences of their faith. We
Christians too, can often recognize ourselves in those Pharisees and
Sadducees whom John the Baptist berated (Mt 3:8). How often we are
Christians more because of certain inherited habits or a smattering
of religious instruction, rather than out of deep conviction or a
conscious choice of God! Do we not perhaps reduce our Christianity to
external practices and conditions without committing ourselves to
carrying out God's commandments, particularly the commandment to love
our neighbor, in particular the ones most vulnerable and weak, the
“smallest of my brethren” (Mt 25:40)?
We know that, in these modem times, to
renounce asserting our independence and to open ourselves to the
power of God is often considered to be a humiliation or a form of
alienation. The fact is, however, that by asserting our own
independence we become closed within ourselves and in the end we run
up against our own limitations. If, instead, we open ourselves to
God, we welcome into our lives One Who is greater than we are Who can
truly help us to fulfil ourselves and be happy.
May I also take this opportunity to
wish you a Holy Christmas with Baby Jesus, born in utter poverty, and
later died naked and rejected on a cross for each of us, and Who is
waiting for each of us in the tabernacle in every Catholic Church.
Mary, His Mother, will help us imitate and follower her divine Child
if we ask her, especially with the Holy Rosary! Without this divine
help, it will be impossible to not get sucked into the very strong
mentality of our society today poisoned with the culture of death and
promoted with all the motors of our God-less, nihilistic, secular
culture (mass media, schools, religious institutions, governments)
using attractive slogans and beautiful lies. I would rather be a fool
for Christ than politically correct! “He who denies Me before men
will be denied before the angels of God” (Lk 12:9). No government
or any group on earth can offer me eternal happiness in heaven. Only
Jesus Christ can offer me eternal life, whether we believe this Truth
or not!
Your brother,
- - - - - - -
P.s. The following is what I wrote to
Mom in May 2012 after having tried to call several times without any
response on the telephone except the phone secretary.
Dear Mom,
Since no one responds anymore to my
phone calls to your house, as it has been also for Russ and Ann since
they left the Church, may I wish you a Happy Mothers day by normal
Have a nice day.
Fr. Joe
- - -
I will no longer call you by phone
unless you indicate to me otherwise.
I discovered by various emails sent to
me, which also contained the email address of Russ and Ann, that Russ
and Ann do receive my monthly emails but have NEVER responded to my
emails. That is why a year ago I stopped sending a Christmas card to
Russ and Ann, and they promptly stopped sending to me their Christmas
card the following year, even though they never wrote anything on
their Christmas cards in the past except “Merry Christmas”.
Pouting can easily become a grave sin and separation from God if not
resisted and fought against with much diligence and prayer and
spiritual direction.
If people do not have even a little
drop of humility to seek the Truth (big “T”) outside of their own
head or outside of their own little groups (cults) which totally
agree with what they want to believe inside their own heads (little
“t”), they will never discover the Truth, Who is Jesus Christ.
You can lead a horse to water but you cannot force the horse to
drink. Out of love, God totally respects our free will, to seek and
live the Truth outside of our heads, or to NOT seek and live the
Truth, found outside of our own wisdom and intelligence, in creation
and divine Revelation. God will not force anyone to spend eternity
with the Truth, Who is Jesus! As Pope Benedict has pointed out many
times, the greatest trap of the devil today is “relativism” in
which each person decides the truth according to his or her likes and
desires. One reads only what is in agreement with oneself or the cult
that agrees with them. Reality is interpreted by themselves alone. In
this way they make themselves gods who can decide good and evil, the
truth, and even reality by themselves, which is fundamentally
Original Sin (Gen 3:4-5). But the problem is, in the real heaven
created by the real God for those who willing learn from Jesus Who is
meek and humble of heart (Mt 11:29), there is room for only one God,
not two!
“I thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven
and earth, that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and
understanding and revealed them to babes; yea, Father, for such was
thy gracious will” (Mt 11:25; Lk 10:21)!
It is interesting how pride makes us
blind: for little things scruples, for big things no scruples!
- - - - - - -
I write these things because I do not
want you to suffer after death. The great majority of so-called
“friends” today want you to be happy for this very short life but
eternity, as it really is, does not matter at all. This is false
“love” detached from the cross and from the Truth (relativism!).
Pope John Paul II when asked what verse in all of the Bible to leave
to the people of God, he answered without hesitation: “The Truth
Shall Set You Free (Jn 8:32), because he knew very well that the vast
majority of people today do not want to seek the Truth outside of
their own heads or their restricted group which agrees with them. If
one seeks the truth, there is the risk that they will have to change
their lives and suffer or have to give up their great attachment to
their pride of deciding all things for themselves. “Ignorance is
bliss”, bliss perhaps now but not later or after death for all
By now, who will you let communicate to
you from outside of your chosen and erected closure, from outside of
your closed mentality who does not agree with you? It seems that the
only option I have left to be able to help you is to put into
practice the request of our Lady of Fatima who urged us to prayer and
make sacrifices for the conversion of sinners!