Monday, September 23, 2019

Satan Will Recruit The False Prophet From Our Catholic Bishops

Satan Will Recruit The False Prophet From Our Catholic Bishops!

The Servant of God, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, wrote in 1948:
[Satan] will set up a counter church which will be the ape of the [Catholic] Church … It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and EMPTIED OF ITS DIVINE CONTENT.”
We are living in the days of the Apocalypse, the last days of our era. The two great forces – the Mystical Body of Christ and the Mystical Body of the anti-Christ – are beginning to draw battle lines for the catastrophic contest.”
The False prophet will have A RELIGION WITHOUT A CROSS. A RELIGION WITHOUT A WORLD TO COME. A religion to destroy religions. There will be a counterfeit Church.”
Christ’s Church the Catholic Church will be one; and the false Prophet will create the other.”
THE FALSE CHURCH WILL BE WORLDLY, ECUMENICAL, AND GLOBAL. It will be a loose federation of churches and religions, forming some type of global association.”
A world parliament of Churches. It will be emptied of all Divine content, it will be the mystical body of the anti-christ. The Mystical Body on earth today will have its Judas Iscariot, and he will be the false prophet. Satan will recruit him from our Bishops.”
THE ANTICHRIST WILL NOT BE SO CALLED; OTHERWISE HE WOULD HAVE NO FOLLOWERS. He will not wear red tights, nor vomit sulphur, nor carry a trident nor wave an arrowed tail as Mephistopheles in Faust. This masquerade has helped the Devil convince men that he does not exist. When no man recognizes, the more power he exercises. God has defined Himself as “I am Who am,” and the Devil as “I am who am not.”
Nowhere in Sacred Scripture do we find warrant for the popular myth of the Devil as a buffoon who is dressed like the first “red.” Rather is he described as an angel fallen from heaven, as “the Prince of this world,” whose business it is to tell us that there is no other world. HIS LOGIC IS SIMPLE: if there is no heaven there is no hell; if there is no hell, then there is no sin; if there is no sin, then there is no judge, and if there is no judgment then evil is good and good is evil. But above all these descriptions, OUR LORD TELLS US THAT HE WILL BE SO MUCH LIKE HIMSELF THAT HE WOULD DECEIVE EVEN THE ELECT – and certainly no devil ever seen in picture books could deceive even the elect. How will he come in this new age to win followers to his religion???
(Communism and the Conscience of the West, by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, Bobbs-Merril Company, Indianapolis, 1948, pp. 24-25)

The “Prophecy” of Saint Francis (Assisi) (
2. The power of the demons will be greater than usual, the immaculate purity of our religious community and of others, will withered to the point that very few Christians will want to obey the true Sovereign Pontiff and the Roman Church with a sincere heart and perfect charity. At the decisive moment of this crisis, a personage not canonically elected, raised to the Pontificate, will endeavor to administer shrewdly to many the mortal poison of his error.
7. Some preachers will keep silent about the truth and, denying the truth, they will trample upon the truth. The sanctity of life will be held in derision by those who only profess it outwardly, and for this reason Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a worthy Pastor, but a destroyer.”

I posted the following on Facebook in many Catholic groups at the beginning of September:

I posted “Toward the Synod, with the "blessing" of the WITCH DOCTOR” on Facebook in at least 30 Catholic groups on September 2, 2019 in the morning (even without any reference to my web domain spir –food .blogspot .com”, which is automatically blocked by FB!). The day after, right after I accepted to enter another group in Facebook, I suddenly received the message: “You're temporarily restricted from joining and posting to groups that you do not manage until Friday at 13:01 AM.” I was restricted for three days! That means I am a very bad boy according to WHO OR WHAT GROUP!?! When I tried to make a comment in one of the groups, I received the same message plus: “If you think this doesn't go against our Community Standards let us know.” Behold the “Community Standards” of WHO OR WHAT GROUP!?! After being restricted for three days, I began posting again “Toward the Synod, with the "blessing" of the WITCH DOCTOR” on Facebook in only about 5 Catholic groups on September 6, 2019. I suddenly received again the message: “You're temporarily restricted from joining and posting to groups that you do not manage until September 13 at 2:23 PM.” This time I was restricted for seven full days! Use Google, or perhaps better, DuckDuckGo, to find my articles, perhaps using key words such as “giuseppedwight” “josephdwight”. If you do not see any more activity of me, (“Joseph Dwight”) on Facebook, at least you will have an idea why!
Was it not “TRANSPARENCY” that the United States Government was asking of Facebook, when Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, was summoned to appear before US lawmakers in April 2018?!? We, the millions of Facebook users, have made the owners of Facebook very wealthy. Thus, just as the US lawmakers were demanding, we the users of Facebook would like simple and clear transparency regarding the criteria of what are these “Community Standards”!?! Do these “Community Standards” respect what we read in the US Declaration of Independence, “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, which is inseparably interwoven with the laws of eternal justice, or is there another hidden unspoken criteria behind these “Community Standards”?!?
Those who control the world and the Internet today are clamping down more and more especially regarding articles that help people to realize where we are being covertly led and how we are being manipulated and subtly brainwashed in a hidden way. For six years I have been continually attacked by the hackers of the Freemas0n New World 0rder, beginning when I translated from Italian into English (November 10, 2013) the article: “The Masonic Plan For The Destruction Of The Catholic Church”. My defense was to launch my computer with Ubuntu 14 on a closed memory card in “Try Mode” so that the operating system could not be modified. These new hackers entered into my computer in October 2017 and installed Ubuntu 14 on my hard disk so that they could then totally control my computer. After they deleted some of my files, I promptly reformatted my hard disk and re-booted my computer with my closed memory card. But they are still working very hard to close me down. As the New World 0rder becomes more and more heavy handed, their techniques will become more and more out in the open and dictatorial. When they finally arrive to the final stage, the NW0 will make Hitler’s dictatorship seem like a picnic! The people of the generation of ’68, who are in power today, thought they would find happiness and freedom by throwing out all rules and regulations, rejecting all authority and God, but they unwittingly fell under the dominion of the “prince of this world” (Jn 12:31; 14:30; Rev 12:9), Satan, who they believe does not exist! Yes, we will have to suffer, like Christ suffered 2000 years ago, in this period of the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21), when the Body of Christ, the Church, will be crucified (Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults; CCC 675-677)! But afterwards there is the Resurrection and life eternal for those who persevere. “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb” (Rev 7:14; Zech 13:7-9)!
The Truth (big “T”), of God, Shall Set You Free (Jn 8:32)! The truth (little “t”), of the world, of the devil and of ourselves, will give you today pleasure, or what you want, but afterwards you will be led toward slavery and destruction here on earth and for all eternity, separated from your eternal Creator!
You might find very enlightening and helpful in this period of great confusion: “To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons” ( This book gives much greater detail about what St. Louis de Montfort told us more than 300 years ago in his classic book, “True Devotion to Mary”: Mary is forming her cohort with the truly humble and little ones, while Satan takes all the rest in his cohort. In the end there will be “the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary” (Fatima 1917) when Mary will crush the head (his great pride) of the serpent (Satan) (Gen 3:15)! Our Lady of Fatima, who identified herself as Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, urged us to STAY CLOSE TO THE SACRAMENTS AND PRAY AT LEAST ONE WHOLE ROSARY EVERYDAY!

While posting this post, I received the notice from Facebook on September 17, 2019, at 16:41 O’Clock:
You're temporarily restricted from joining and posting to groups that you do not manage until September 24 at 4:41 PM.


Toward the Synod, with the "blessing" of the WITCH DOCTOR

Neocatecumenal Way - a Trojan Horse in the Church

The Abomination of Desolation

Signs of God vs. Signs of Satan
(A Woman Clothed With The Sun - A Great Red Dragon (Nibiru))

There is less prayer than ever before, more sin than ever before, even worse, indifference as if sin no longer exists, and so we have given much greater power to “the father of lies”, Satan (Jn 8:44). In particular Satan has more power to “disguise himself as an angel of light” (2Cor 11:14), to offer his very deadly beautiful lies as if they were the “truth that sets us free” (Jn 8:32)!
Thus it is very important in these times of great confusion, when even Catholic bishops are no longer in agreement about the fundamentals of our faith and morals, to not only pray much and to study the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults, but to keep our eyes open so as not to slide into the convenient half truths (which are worse than lies!), especially to speak only about mercy without “GO AND SIN NO MORE” (Jn 8:11; 5:14)!
FOR UPDATES on some of these fundamental, hidden, and disguised deceptions of the ancient serpent, visit one of my index web sites to see the more important, latest articles:

Those who control the world and the Internet today are clamping down more and more especially regarding articles that help people to realize where we are being covertly led. Thus if you do not succeed in accessing some of my websites, in particular the three index websites, you might try using Google to find my index websites, with keywords such as: josephdwight, joseph-dwight-index; giuseppedwight, giuseppe-dwight-indice.

Father Joseph Dwight

Monday, September 2, 2019

Toward the Synod, with the "blessing" of the WITCH DOCTOR

Toward the Synod, with the "blessing" of the WITCH DOCTOR

After many years of patient work, Satan has led the great majority of people in the Church and outside of the Church into relativism who has convinced this great majority of people that each person can decide the Truth for themselves without any reference to what God has revealed to us throughout human history (called Divine Revelation), well explained in the documents of the Catholic Church and well summarized in the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults (CCC, ed. 1992). Thus people no longer realize the great devastation that will happen afterwards due to neglecting and arrogantly changing the precious laws of God, which has been seen time and time again in history, and in the Old Testament, which people do not want to read or study. “For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an IOTA, not a DOT, will pass from the law until all is accomplished” (Mt 5:17-18; 24,35).

The Truth of God sets us free now and forever (Jn 8:32) whereas the (false) “truth” of Satan, “the father of lies” (Jn 8:44), “the prince of the world” (Jn 12:31; 14:30; Rev 12:9), is easier and pleasurable today but tomorrow and forever there is total slavery! Life is a “dour combat” (CCC 409)! “Enter by the narrow gate. … the way is hard that leads to life” (Mt 7:13-14)! Satan tells us that heaven is automatic and hell does not exist and thus a great number chose to believe these easier beautiful lies. “For the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many” (Mt 7:13-14)! Our ignoring and destroying the saving Truth of God will be more devastating than the Atomic Bomb! People no longer realize or care about this! People no longer want to know the difference between poison (beautiful lies) and healthy food (the Truth of God); they just want what they want now and they fantasize that tomorrow will never come or we are like animals without an immortal soul! We have allowed Satan to put us to sleep spiritually in many ways so as to lead us slowly and gently to his eternal abode of very great suffering and eternal despair (CCC 1035)! Each person makes his or her eternal choice!

We are truly in the period of the GREAT APOSTASY before the manifestation of the Antichrist written about by Saint Paul (2Thess 2:3-8). The Church, the Body of Christ, will be crucified (CCC 675-677) in this period of the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21), but in the end “my Immaculate Heart will triumph” (Fatima, 1917) to prepare for the second coming of her Son, Jesus Christ!

The Servant of God, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, wrote in 1948 that Satan will recruit the false prophet from our Catholic bishops!

The title of the article translated into English would be: "Toward the Synod, with the "blessing" of the WITCH DOCTOR" (“Verso il Sinodo, con la "benedizione" dello stregone” ( This article explains that “the photo that one sees from this article went viral which depicts a witch doctor of the Amazon while he gives a blessing to Columbian religious men and women in one of the parks of the headquarters of the Columbian Episcopal Conference. The image has given great cause of concern to millions of Catholics in Columbia and in many other countries, who see how the Catholic faith is crumbling in great strides in view of the Amazonian Synod. Isidoro Jajoy, the witch doctor which appears in the photo, is a medicine man of the Inga tribe of Columbia and “blessed” the people at Bogotà on August 14, 2019 during a preparatory meeting for the Synod of the bishops in October on the Amazon. Very near to the medicine man-witch doctor appears a religious sister and behind him there are two other camouflaged religious and priests among the people. All in reverent gestures while they receive the so-called “multicolored blessing” of Isidoro.”
The photo of our story shows a new Church, a Church in which reigns pantheism, animal activism, spiritism, the new age, shamanism, witchcraft, Quecha rituals. A new Church without God, without the cross, with hosts make of yucca, relativistic and satanic.”
As a preparation for the Amazonian Synod convoked by the Holy Father Frances which will take place in Rome during the month of October, the Episcopal Conference of Colombia has promoted and organized the forum “New paths for the Church and for an integral ecology”.”

LET US PRAY that all Catholics open their eyes to recognize Satan disguised “as an angel of light” (2Cor 11:14)!

When I read this article and I saw the witch doctor give a “blessing” to the religious sisters and to the priests, it came to mind a song very popular more than 60 years ago (1958), “Witch Doctor” by Ross Bagdasarian, Sr., which we sang as children without realizing the meaning of the words. The people of the generation of ’68, who are in power today, thought they would find happiness and freedom by throwing out all rules and regulations, rejecting all authority and God, but they unwittingly fell under the dominion of the “prince of this world”, Satan, who they believe does not exist! It seems to me that now in the Catholic Church, the first target of Satan to be destroyed, we have arrived to the GREAT CONFUSION without the stabilizing and saving Rock of the Truth of God, meticulously prepared by the very numerous followers of Satan today, especially in the Church, which one sings in this song: “My friend the witch doctor he taught me what to say. My friend the witch doctor he taught me what to do. I know that you'll be mine (Satan’s!) when I say this to you, oh baby: OOO-EEE-OOO-AH-AH TING TANG WALLA WALLA BING BANG (4x)”!?!

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The Servant of God, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, wrote in 1948:
[Satan] will set up a counter church which will be the ape of the [Catholic] Church … It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and EMPTIED OF ITS DIVINE CONTENT.”
We are living in the days of the Apocalypse, the last days of our era. The two great forces – the Mystical Body of Christ and the Mystical Body of the anti-Christ – are beginning to draw battle lines for the catastrophic contest.”
The False prophet will have A RELIGION WITHOUT A CROSS. A RELIGION WITHOUT A WORLD TO COME. A religion to destroy religions. There will be a counterfeit Church.”
Christ’s Church the Catholic Church will be one; and the false Prophet will create the other.”
THE FALSE CHURCH WILL BE WORLDLY, ECUMENICAL, AND GLOBAL. It will be a loose federation of churches and religions, forming some type of global association.”
A world parliament of Churches. It will be emptied of all Divine content, it will be the mystical body of the anti-christ. The Mystical Body on earth today will have its Judas Iscariot, and he will be the false prophet. Satan will recruit him from our Bishops.”
THE ANTICHRIST WILL NOT BE SO CALLED; OTHERWISE HE WOULD HAVE NO FOLLOWERS. He will not wear red tights, nor vomit sulphur, nor carry a trident nor wave an arrowed tail as Mephistopheles in Faust. This masquerade has helped the Devil convince men that he does not exist. When no man recognizes, the more power he exercises. God has defined Himself as “I am Who am,” and the Devil as “I am who am not.”
Nowhere in Sacred Scripture do we find warrant for the popular myth of the Devil as a buffoon who is dressed like the first “red.” Rather is he described as an angel fallen from heaven, as “the Prince of this world,” whose business it is to tell us that there is no other world. HIS LOGIC IS SIMPLE: if there is no heaven there is no hell; if there is no hell, then there is no sin; if there is no sin, then there is no judge, and if there is no judgment then evil is good and good is evil. But above all these descriptions, OUR LORD TELLS US THAT HE WILL BE SO MUCH LIKE HIMSELF THAT HE WOULD DECEIVE EVEN THE ELECT – and certainly no devil ever seen in picture books could deceive even the elect. How will he come in this new age to win followers to his religion???
(Communism and the Conscience of the West, by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, Bobbs-Merril Company, Indianapolis, 1948, pp. 24-25)

The “Prophecy of Saint Francis” (Assisi) tells us:
2. The power of the demons will be greater than usual, the immaculate purity of our religious community and of others, will withered to the point that very few Christians will want to obey the true Sovereign Pontiff and the Roman Church with a sincere heart and perfect charity. At the decisive moment of this crisis, a personage not canonically elected, raised to the Pontificate, will endeavor to administer shrewdly to many the mortal poison of his error.
7. Some preachers will keep silent about the truth and, denying the truth, they will trample upon the truth. The sanctity of life will be held in derision by those who only profess it outwardly, and for this reason Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a worthy Pastor, but a destroyer.”

Father Joseph Dwight

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Masonic Control of the New World Order

For more than six years I have been continually attacked by the hackers of the Freemason New World Order, beginning when I translated from Italian into English the article: “The Masonic Plan For The Destruction Of The Catholic Church”.
On September 18, 2015, I discovered for the first time that with the browser Explorer of Microsoft, there no longer appeared the contents of my two principle web sites which are the indexes of my more important articles in English and in Italian, but the contents of my two principle index web sites did appear using the web browsers Chrome of Google and Firefox of Mozilla.
As Our Lady of Good Success warned us more than four hundred years ago: “FREEMASONRY, which will then be in power…” (
Thus I have published these two principle web sites at other web addresses in order to facilitate access by people at least until even these new web sites might become blocked:

In Italian (in italiano):

Up until July 15, 2016, I could post on TWITTER.
On and after July 20, 2016, when I try to post on Twitter I receive the message:
Your account (@josephdwight) is currently suspended.

From the beginning of September 2017 Google (gmail) no longer allows me to send many emails together. I have discovered that many of my emails to you ended up in your SPAM! I would suggest that you copy any of my articles that you might want to save before they might be removed from the WEB by the NWO. I am discovering that more and more WEB sites that reveal what the Masons are doing behind the scenes are being removed from the WEB. One such site, which had many articles about what is going on at Santa Marta, where Bergoglio hangs out, and disappeared around March 7, 2018, is:

In January 2019, all of my more than 50 articles are no longer visible with Scribd.

In March 2019, I posted on many groups in Facebook the following:
Recently when I post or even comment with a reference to any of my articles in my Web Domain, “spir – food . blogspot . com”, Facebook gives me the message: “This link (specifically: “spir – food . blogspot . com”) goes against our C0mmunity Standards”, that is the “C0mmunity Standards” of Masonry, of the New W0rld 0rder (NW0), which in the end will be much worse than the Hitler’s Third Reich at the world level!!! If, at a certain point, you no longer hear from me by email or on Facebook or my posts on Facebook disappear, you might have an idea of what has happened.

Those who control the world and the Internet today are clamping down more and more especially regarding articles that help people to realize where we are being covertly led and how we are being subtly brainwashed in a hidden way. I have succeeded in continuing to publish on the Web by launching my computer in “Try Ubuntu” mode from a closed memory card. But about a year ago (2018) some of my important web sites no longer worked with Firefox 2014. I installed Ubuntu 14 on my hard disk and also on a memory card (open and thus modifiable) to be able to update Firefox, which is when the Masonic New World Order hackers wiped out my hard disk and memory card by reducing it from 160 GB to 255 MB – they did the same when I tried booting from an open 32 GB memory stick. After this destruction, I was unable to format this Hard Disk and the 32 GB memory stick with either Ubuntu or Windows 7. I discovered later a way to recover the 32 GB memory stick (with a digital camera) and also the Hard Disk by installing Ubuntu 14 on the whole disk. It took me a little bit to discover how to create a Persistent live bootable SD Card with Ubuntu (, updating Firefox, and then close the card and boot the computer with the card.

I posted “Toward the Synod, with the "blessing" of the WITCH DOCTOR” on Facebook in at least 30 Catholic groups on September 2, 2019 in the morning (even without any reference to my web domain spir –food .blogspot .com”). The day after, right after I accepted to enter another group in Facebook, I suddenly received the message: “You're temporarily restricted from joining and posting to groups that you do not manage until Friday at 13:01 AM.” I was restricted for three days! That means I am a very bad boy according to the NW0!?! When I tried to make a comment in one of the groups, I received the same message plus: “If you think this doesn't go against our Community Standards let us know.” Behold the “Community Standards” of the Masonic New World 0rder!!! After being restricted for three days, I began posting again “Toward the Synod, with the "blessing" of the WITCH DOCTOR” on Facebook in only about 5 Catholic groups on September 6, 2019. I suddenly received again the message: “You're temporarily restricted from joining and posting to groups that you do not manage until September 13 at 2:23 PM.” This time I was restricted for seven full days! Use google to find my articles. It might be better to use: If you do not see any more activity of me, (“Joseph Dwight”) on Facebook, at least you will have an idea why!

Thus, if at a certain point you no longer hear from me, pray for me and I will pray for you, so that we might do God’s holy will and spend eternity together in heaven!
The Truth (big “T”), of God, Shall Set You Free (Jn 8:32)! The truth (little “t”), of the world, of the devil and of ourselves, will give you today pleasure, or what you want, but afterwards you will be led toward slavery and destruction here on earth and for all eternity, separated from your eternal Creator!