Saturday, December 13, 2014

Letter to fellow Priests

This is an email that I sent to several priests in my diocese (November 2014). One can find the reference in “Spiritual Food 1412”. This article has now been recently updated and amplified, June 2015.

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Dear friends,

I think we are aware that we are living in extraordinary times. It is very important to pray very much especially the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. If you are not able to spend an hour everyday before our Eucharistic Lord in church, I would highly encourage you to adore our Eucharistic Lord often in the nearest church from where you are, as did often Saint Paschal Baylon, Patron of Eucharistic congresses and Eucharistic associations. You might do as the angel at Fatima instructed the three children prostrate before the Eucharist and say: I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee (and I thank Thee); I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee (and do not thank Thee). I would also highly recommend to you, if you have not already done so, to consecrate yourself, and your family if possible, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I made this consecration on August 15, 1976 after reading the “TRUE DEVOTION TO MARY”, by Saint Louis De Montfort, which you can find on my main website: . Looking back on these last 39 years since this consecration, I am truly amazed at how Our Lady has led me on a divine marvellous adventure that has been permeated by joy as well as many trials and difficulties.

When a priest said to me a few months ago, at one of our monthly diocesan formation days, that some say that Father Joe has the apocalyptic mentality (considered a type of mental sickness), I responded to him: “in the four Gospels Jesus indicated at least three times that those who do not want to open their eyes to THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES are hypocrites. I do not want to be a hypocrite!” After a priest next to me nodded his head in approval, this priest understood also. “YOU HYPOCRITES! You know how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky; but why do you not know how to interpret the present time?” (Lk 12:56; Mt 16:3; 24:51)! THE FUNDAMENTAL AND EASIER WAY that leads gently, and even with dancing and enjoyment, TO HELL is: “Ignorance is bliss”! See also in the Diary of Saint Faustina, no. 153, 741.

As you know, I have been trying to keep my eyes open to follow the signs of the times for many years. Many times I had to change many of my ideas when I came across new signs and information. Those who have done the same realize that the situation in the world, and in particular in the Catholic Church, is becoming more alarming and confusing. The great majority of Catholics have chosen the easier way of closing their eyes and have categorized those who have kept their eyes open as having the sickness of the apocalyptic mentality. Certainly one can exaggerate to either extreme of the spectrum, but this cannot be an excuse to stop seeking the truth in this age of confusion! Much prayer and prudence and humility and perseverance is needed. “The Truth will make you free!” (Jn 8:32; Jer 6:16). On earth during this short life, the Truth is generally uncomfortable and hanging on the cross; Christ crucified, Who is the Truth (Jn 14:6)!

I truly believe that the great majority of Catholics who have neglected their daily Rosary, Sunday Mass and monthly confession, have slide into the great apostasy of relativism. Saint Paul tells us that before the second coming of Jesus Christ, “that day will not come, unless the rebellion (apostasy) comes first” (2Thess 2:3).

I asked a couple of priests in my diocese recently what would they do if Pope Francis approves everything that Cardinal Kasper says in October at the Synod on the Family? In the last two years, under the reign of Pope Francis, many bishops, cardinals and priests, who want to change the 10 Commandments to please the people, a Christianity without the cross, have been promoted by Pope Francis, and those bishops who say that you cannot change the 10 Commandments and must take up your cross with Christ, were marginalized by Pope Francis! IF IT WILL BE APPROVED OFFICIALLY, that is by the pope, in October of this year at the Synod on the Family, what Cardinal Kasper promotes, that is, to be able to have sex outside of marriage without any obligation to do or live what we as Catholics say in the “Act of Contrition”: “I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more, and to avoid the near occasion of sin” (sin according to God explained by His Church, the Magisterium of the Church, not according to the relativism of each person or of the world!), THEN WE HAVE ARRIVED TO THE GREAT PROPHECIES OF THE BIBLE AS WELL AS THE PROPHECIES OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI, SAINT HILDEGARD (DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH) AND MANY OTHERS! After Satan deals a mighty blow to the soul of the world, the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church, the world will deteriorate more quickly and go rapidly toward the infernal abyss.

It is very interesting that in the proposals of these bishops to allow divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Communion without doing all they can “to avoid the near occasion of sin”, THERE IS NO MENTION OF WHAT IS BEST AND NEEDED FOR THE CHILDREN of separated and divorced Catholics. In these proposals, which are totally contrary to the teachings of the Church, there is only mentioned what the adults want and desire! Do these proposals of these bishops help people progress toward greater love of God and neighbor in self-sacrifice, or greater love of self?

A great number of Catholics today, after many years of being coerced and pushed into relativism and being manipulated toward irresponsibility by ignoring the less visible secondary consequences of their sinful actions, at all levels in the Church, do not realize the GREAT DEVASTATION that will be caused by shifting FROM OBEYING God’s laws which are for our true good, TO CHANGING the laws of God according to the impulses, whims and caprice of each person and the craze and fads of the world led by the prince of the world, Satan (Jn 12:31; 14:30). This great destruction is spurred on by nice sounding slogans and rhetoric from the very powerful psychological bombardment of the mass media and from the educational institutions (including seminaries), as well as well planned diversion tactics that lead us to focus on secondary issues such as the global environment, peace, world unity and the (false) unity of religions.

I have developed this study further and have updated this “Letter to fellow Priests” that I published last December 2014. It is rather long. I must admit that I am not a professional writer. I received my BA degree in mathematics and science from UCLA in 1974, not in English nor in History nor in other liberal arts (not that these disciplines are bad in themselves). I was ordained a priest in Italy on August 31, 1996. But at least in the 60’s and 70’s and 80’s there was much less influence of the secular humanists (who have undermined reason and logic) in the mathematics department; two plus two are still four! Virtue is still virtue, sin is still sin, heaven and hell still exist according to the Creator of the universe even though these culture destroyers have convinced us otherwise! As Archbishop Fulton Sheen used to say: “The truth is the truth even if no one believes it; error is error even if everyone believes it.” I even remember in 1969 my fallen away Catholic high school teacher of science posed the philosophical question to us students: If a tree falls in a forest were there is no one to hear or see it, did the tree fall?

We must prepare spiritually for the very real possibility of great persecution against those few who remain faithful, with true humility, especially the priests and bishops, to the immutable Truth Who is Jesus Christ (Jn 14:6). Pray especially for the priests and bishops in this great period of tribulation, as Our Lady continually asks us to do. No priest or bishop (the colonels and generals in this great cosmic battle) goes to heaven alone; no priest or bishop goes to hell alone!

Rest assured of my prayers for you and your loved ones.

Father Joseph Dwight


Having already received a few reactions to this introduction, both positive and negative, I would like to explain a little better my motive to come out more strongly now even though there are still four months before the Synod on the Family.

My primary motive for being more explicit is that if a person is not already going in the direction of seeking the uncomfortable truth, if it should be approved the proposal of Cardinal Kasper in October, it will be almost impossible for this person to realize the hidden but very powerful destruction that will result in accepting to change one Commandment of God or one “iota” of the law of God (Mt 5:18; Lk 16:17; Mk 13:31). As explained in the rest of this article, this possibility of changing a law of God will set a totally destructive precedence in which bishops can decide the proper interpretation of Divine Revelation, instead of God Who reveals the proper interpretation of His immutable laws in the Magisterium of the Church. After the acceptance of this revolutionary reversal of who decides the truth, the door will be open to change any or all of the laws and revelation of God.

More and more there is a great rebellion against the Absolute Truth Who is Jesus Christ (Jn 14:6)! The Truth (big “T”) here on earth, in this “dour combat” (CCC 409) is always accompanied by the cross of Christ in the present moment, but leads to true joy, peace and freedom. The truth (small “t”) of relativism, rejects suffering in the present moment, but leads to sorrow, unrest and slavery. “We do not need a Church that is moved by the world, but a Church that moves the world” – G.K. Chesterton. I do not think it was by chance that when Pope John Paul II was asked toward the end of his life to offer one verse from the entire Bible for the people of God, he responded without hesitation: “THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE” (Jn 8:32; Jer 6:16)!

Satan is a very intelligent expert in disguising “himself as an angel of light” (2Cor 11:14). Add to this the great power of the mass media totally in the hands of the “prince of this world” (Jn 12:31; 14:30) and controlled by Satan’s hidden and primary group, the Freemasons. Cardinal Kasper and gang present their proposal as if it is the best way for the people involved and for the whole Church. The more one has been following the signs of the times, not only in the Catholic Church, as indicated in many of my other articles, such as “Catholic Prophecy Today” (, the more one realizes the great possibility of a very powerful and hidden betrayal of not safeguarding the saving Truth of God in October at the Synod on the Family. Thus, I repeat, my main motive to publish this article now, and to not wait until after the Synod on the Family, is to encourage and warn people now to heed the warning of Christ:YOU HYPOCRITES! You know how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky; but why do you not know how to interpret the present time?” (Lk 12:56; Mt 16:3; 24:51)! Today, more than ever, one will suffer if he takes the risk of opening his eyes (E.g.: “The Hidden Broad Road to Perdition”; Forewarned is forearmed!

Our Lady exhorted the priests through Don Stefano Gobbi:
As apostles of the last times, you must announce with courage all the truths of the Catholic faith; proclaim the Gospel with force; and resolutely unmask the dangerous heresies which disguise themselves with truth in order to better deceive minds and thus lead astray from the true faith a great number of my children. As apostles of the last times, you must withstand with the strength of little ones the proud force of the great and the learned, who, seduced by a false science and by vainglory, have torn to pieces the Gospel of Jesus, by propounding an interpretation of it which is rationalistic, humanistic, and entirely erroneous. The times foretold by Saint Paul have come, times when many announce false and strange doctrines and thus they go running after these fables and stray away from the truth of the Gospel” (June 8, 1991).

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Dear brothers in the Priesthood,

How are you?

One finds in the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults: “The whole of man’s history has been the story of DOUR COMBAT with the powers of evil”; despite this fact there are many in the Church today who do not believe that the devil exists (;,-Father-Gabriele.html).

Our enemy does not sleep and is very intelligent! He is also very capable of DISGUISING “HIMSELF AS AN ANGEL OF LIGHT” (2Cor 11:14), above all today with so few who pray and so many sins, even an enormous indifference before God and His saving Law of Divine Revelation.

AT OUR LAST MONTHLY DIOCESAN RETREAT, October 9, many offered their comments after the death of our brother in the presbyterate. After our Cardinal invited us to offer our comments or observations, I had recounted how much it had helped me to spend everyday one hour before our Eucharistic Lord during the last 14 years, beyond the Holy Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours. Visit (in Youtube in Italian): “Ritiri Diocesani 2014 PG Interventi Don Jo” ( The infinite God is in the Tabernacle, the “Divine Prisoner”, as the saints call Him. Visit (in Italian): “A Servizio di Tutti” (; “Il Dio Infinito Fra Noi” (

The Servant of God, ARCHBISHOP FULTON SHEEN, recommended this holy hour every day to hundreds of priests and bishops in the United States. As I said, in these last 14 years, I have never suffered from loneliness. In the last few years I had encouraged other priests to do the same, but they all said: “I do not have time”. I answered them that if I did not do this holy hour everyday, I would end up giving to others a poor priest who is called Father Joe instead of Jesus Christ. We forget so easily the words that we say every year at the beginning of Lent: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

Toward the end of lunch together our Cardinal came to me and said: “Thank you for your comment”!

Archbishop Fulton Sheen said one time that if you want to discover the true Church, it is enough to look at the true history and discover WHICH CHURCH WAS THE MOST PERSECUTED! Only the Catholic Church has “the source and summit of the Christian life” (Vat. II: LG 11; CCC 1324), the Eucharist, the Son of God in Person!

The mass media is controlled more than ever today by the prince of this world, Satan (Jn 12:31; 14:30), and his puppets especially in the higher echelons of the Freemasons. Thus the mass media has always been against their number one enemy, the Body of Christ, the Catholic Church. But today, who are the idols of the mass media?!?

I believe that one of THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS FOR PASTORS to do, that is priests and bishops, is to not only pray much, but also to study much and to keep their eyes open as “wise serpents” (Mt 10:16) in order to warn the sheep of the lies and very underhanded deceptions of the wolf (the devil) especially in this period of the world and of the Church. “The maximum cupidity of the demons is deception. They succeed in possessing only those who they seduce with lies” (Saint Augustine: The City of God; 4,32). The first target of the devil is the Catholic Church, because she is the Body of Christ. “Who Decides The Truth?” (

Our Lady exhorted the priests through Don Stefano Gobbi:
“… above all be on the watch because today there are many false christs and false prophets, who are seducing many souls and bringing them to perdition” (March 1, 1980).

"If the task of Masonry is to lead souls to perdition, bringing them to the worship of false gods, the purpose of Ecclesiastical Masonry is rather to destroy Christ and his Church are building constructing a new idol, namely a false christ and a false church." (June 13, 1989).

"In this period of history, Freemasonry, assisted by the ecclesiastical Freemasonry, will succeed in its great aim: to construct an idol to be put in the place of Christ and of his Church. A false christ and a false church. Consequently, the statue built in honor of the first beast, to be adored by all the inhabitants of the earth and which will sign with its mark all those who will want to buy or sell, is that of the Antichrist ... (Rev ch. 13). Almost all will follow the false christ and the false church . Then it will be opened the door to the appearance of man or of the person of the Antichrist!" (June 17, 1989).

“First of all, it is necessary that my Enemy has the impression of having conquered everything, of having everything now in his hands. This is why he will be permitted to penetrate even into the interior of my Church, and he will succeed in plunging the sanctuary of God into darkness. He will reap the greatest number of victims from among the ministers of the sanctuary. THIS WILL IN FACT BE A TIME OF GREAT FALLS ON THE PART OF MY BELOVED SONS, MY PRIESTS. (October 18, 1975).

On the other hand, the few priests and bishops who remain faithful to the Truth, Who is God, Our Lady revealed to Don Stefano Gobbi:
“In fact at the very moment when Satan will be enthroned as lord of the world and will think himself now the sure victor, I myself will snatch the prey from his hands. In a trice he will find himself empty-handed, and in the end the victory will be exclusively my Son’s and mine. This will be THE TRIUMPH OF MY IMMACULATE HEART IN THE WORLD. If all the priests of my Movement only knew with what care they have been chosen and molded by me to prepare them for this great task! Every detail of their life – even the most insignificant – has a precise and profound meaning. Therefore let each one become accustomed to read with me in the stupendous book of their own existence. I will give them the gift of wisdom of heart, and they will understand with me the reason for all that concerns them: the reason for much of their lack of understanding, the reason for their sufferings, the reason for those times when they were abandoned, and even the reason for their falls. Oh, how many moments of darkness and of agony they must have had to experience in their lives, these beloved sons of mine! … I HAVE NEED OF YOU AND OF YOUR PRAYER TO REALIZE THE GREAT PLAN OF THE TRIUMPH OF MY IMMACULATE HEART” (December 19, 1973).

“Behold: when everything will have come tumbling down, all that will remain will be the strength of their tears that will compel me to intervene in an amazing and terrible way. AND MY TRIUMPH WILL BEGIN WITH THESE BELOVED SONS, MY PRIESTS “ (February 23, 1974).

“The secret scheme, which in a hidden way I have been preparing for some time in order to realize my great plan, is now beginning to become visible: the Movement of my priests, my cohorts ready for the decisive battle and destined for victory. … They will be the salt in a world which is completely corrupted and a shining light in the darkness which will have enveloped everything. – To fight, because my Adversary will set loose his army upon them, and he will pursue them with vehemence in a frightful battle. They will be ridiculed, despised, persecuted, and some will even be killed. BUT I WILL ALWAYS BE WITH THEM, AND WILL PROTECT AND DEFEND THEM, AND WILL CONSOLE THEM, WIPING AWAY EVERY TEAR AS ONLY THE MOTHER KNOWS HOW” (September 23, 1973).

As we learned in our theological studies, ONE MUST MAINTAIN BALANCE AND HARMONY AMONG THE TRUTHS OF GOD. To maintain order in a community or in a society, the strong essential elements must be kept in proper balance and proper priority and influence for each element, otherwise one element becomes too strong and dominants and suppresses or even destroys the other elements which are vital to the community or to the society. This indispensable need of proper balance is even more needed in regards to the powerful and essential elements of truth which make up the whole of divine revelation for the proper functioning of the spiritual realm of each person and of each community. It is impossible to separate the spiritual realm from the material realm just as it is impossible to separate the body from the soul or from the psychic or from the feelings of the person. The person is made up of body and soul which cannot be separated here on earth. So too, to ignore the proper balance and equilibrium of truths, each with its own proper priority and importance in relationship to the other truths, is to cause great negative consequences not only in the spiritual realm but also in the material realm as well. Here is where Satan plays his hidden cards! The Church has always maintained the proper hierarchy of values. Not all truths or priorities have the same importance or weight; this hierarchy of values, of truths, must be respected so as to maintain the well-functioning of each person and of each community, just as in a factory or in the motor of a car or even in the natural environment in nature.

“"INTRINSIC EVIL": it is not licit to do evil that good may come of it (cf. Rom 3:8). One must therefore reject the thesis, characteristic of teleological and proportionalist theories,…” (Veritatis Splendor, no. 79). “As is evident, in the question of the morality of human acts, and in particular THE QUESTION OF WHETHER THERE EXIST INTRINSICALLY EVIL ACTS, we find ourselves faced with the question of man himself, of his truth and of the moral consequences flowing from that truth. By acknowledging and teaching THE EXISTENCE OF INTRINSIC EVIL in given human acts, the Church remains faithful to the integral truth about man; she thus respects and promotes man in his dignity and vocation. Consequently, she must reject the theories set forth above, which contradict this truth” (Veritatis Splendor, no. 83;

“Explicit treatment of the problem was given in this Congregation's "Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics" of December 29, 1975. That document stressed the duty of trying to understand the homosexual condition and noted that culpability for homosexual acts should only be judged with prudence. At the same time the Congregation took note of the distinction commonly drawn between the homosexual condition or tendency and individual homosexual actions. These were described as deprived of their essential and indispensable finality, as being "intrinsically disordered", and able in no case to be approved of (cf. n. 8, parag. 4).” (No. 3; Congregation For The Doctrine Of The Faith; Letter To the Bishops of the Catholic Church: On the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons; 1 October 1986; Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect).

Pope Benedict explained to us the great IMPORTANCE OF DISTINGUISHING between the issues that are negotiable and the issues that are not negotiable, in particular referring to considering which political candidate is more likely to promote the culture of life or the culture of death. You might say that Pope Benedict is using more modern and understandable terminology; in the past the issues that are not negotiable were called and intrinsically evil act. The great number of people today in the Church, totally submerged in and surrounded by the atmosphere of relativism, do not like any restrictions at all (“freedom … essential link with the truth”) which are described in the teachings of the Church on intrinsically evil acts, the issues that are not negotiable.

“As far as the Catholic Church is concerned, the principal focus of her interventions in the public arena is the protection and promotion of the dignity of the person, and she is thereby consciously drawing particular attention to PRINCIPLES WHICH ARE NOT NEGOTIABLE. Among these the following emerge clearly today:…” (Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to the Members of the European People's Party (March 30, 2006;

“Democracy must be based on the true and SOLID FOUNDATION OF NON-NEGOTIABLE ETHICAL PRINCIPLES, which are the underpinning of life in society” (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Doctrinal Note on some questions regarding the Participation of Catholics in Political Life, November 24, 2002;

What is conveyed to the public when a very important Catholic religious leader says: “I never understood the term non-negotiable values”, without any other explanation to put this statement into the proper context according to the teaching of the Magisterium of the Church?!? What great damage is done by Pastors who do not live their beautiful vocation from God because they do not help the sheep, entrusted to them, to understand and to be on their guard for the very devastating hidden deceptions of the wolf???

Negligent religious leaders are often afraid to speak freely and say what needs to be said – for fear of losing favor with people. As Truth himself says, they are certainly not guarding their flock with the care expected of a shepherd but are acting like hirelings, because hiding behind a wall of silence is like taking flight at the approach of the wolf. These are the people whom the Lord is reproaching through the prophet, when he says: ‘THEY ARE ALL DUMB DOGS, THEY CANNOT BARK’ (Is 56:10) … If a religious leader is afraid to say what is right, what else can his silence mean but that he has taken flight? Whereas, if he stand firm in defense of his flock, he is building up a wall for the house of Israel against its enemies. And so again the sinful people are told: ‘Your prophets have seen false and foolish visions for you; they have not exposed your iniquity in order to provoke you to repentance.’ …” (Pope St. Gregory the Great; Office of Readings; Sunday, Week 27 of OT).

ABORTION IS NOT NEGOTIABLE; ABORTION IS MURDER! From the moment of conception God creates and unites an immortal soul to the embryo! But critics accuse those who hold to what Pope Benedict and many other popes have exhorted, in maintaining the proper hierarchy of values, guilty of causing an ecclesial discipline to become an ecclesial bureaucracy, to be bigots by remaining faithful to the guidance of the Church when the protestant brothers and others are not happy, even though these ecclesiastical exhortations are for the good of Catholics and as well as for the good of non-Catholics. Is this not gently sliding or pushing and manipulating, in a clever disguised way, into compromise as Our Lady of Akita, Japan warned us would happen: “the Church will be full of those who accept compromise …”

If one emphasises mercy without talking about in the same talk and in the same context, “go and sin no more”, as Jesus did in the Gospels (Jn 5:14; 8:11), there is a great tendency to take the easy way of not seeking to change ones life with the help of God, and to believe and say: “I’m OK!”; I answer very numerous people in relativism: “You are Ok, according to Who?!?”

A great number of people today have embraced the easier philosophy of life which does not lead to the Truth which offers true and lasting freedom: “Ignorance is bliss”! Certainly, on the other side of the coin, if one only speaks about “go and sin no more”, without talking about, in the same talk and in the same context, the infinite mercy of God, one can easily fall into despondency or desperation. The teaching of the Magisterium of the Church offers us the balance so necessary today. Here is where the hidden deception lies which causes great damage, of not presenting the essential elements of God’s revelation in balance, for a particular situation or topic, together in the same talk and in the same context! This is very difficult today surrounded by the “culture of death” (Evangelium Vitae, no. 21; But those who truly pray, with the help of the Sacraments, it is possible to live the Act of Contrition: “I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more, and to avoid the near occasion of sin”!

THE LAST SEVERAL POPES HAVE TOLD US THAT THE GREATEST SIN TODAY IS THAT THERE IS NO MORE SIN; we have lost the sense of sin. By now we have slowly and collectively slid outside of the Laws of God, which saves, and we have become habituated to being outside of the “state of grace” and we say that God forgives. But God forgives if a person is sincere when he or she says the Act of Contrition, because true love signifies the respect of our free will to seek to discover and to do the will of God with the help of God, or, to change the criteria of sin and of salvation according to relativism. God respects this choice for all eternity, to be with the Truth (“T”), Who is God, or to be with the truth (“v”) which comes from the “father of lies” (Jn 8:44), the “prince of the world” (Jn 12:31; 14:30). IT IS A TRUE ACT OF LOVE to help people to return to the “state of grace”, with God, because eternity is more important and this short life! The Laws of God, which are for OUR TRUE GOOD, do not change: “Not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished” (Mt 5:18; Lk 16:17; Mk 13:31)!

When Pope Paul VI issued his prophetic encyclical, “HUMANAE VITAE” (1968), there was an incredible negative reaction not only on the part of the laity who wanted to enjoy the pleasures of sexual relationships without any responsibility or openness to life by using artificial birth control, but even on the part of a great number of priests and bishops, even entire Episcopal conferences (e.g., the ‘Winnipeg Statement’ of the Canadian Bishops)! BEFORE 1930 ALL MAINLINE PROTESTANT DENOMINATIONS WERE IN ACCORD WITH THE CATHOLIC CHURCH that the use of artificial birth control was a grave evil and a serious sin. When the Anglican Church changed its stance in 1930 (Lambeth Conference) the other protestants churches quickly followed suit while Pope Pius XI reaffirmed the Church’s constant teaching on this grave evil in his encyclical Casti Cannubii (1930).

WHEN THE ANGLICAN CHURCH FIRST APPROVED THE USE OF CONTRACEPTION IN 1930 IT WAS ONLY FOR SERIOUS REASONS and only for married people who have been generous for life. However, by providing an opening for contraception, the qualifying phrase “for serious reason” was quickly ignored. Subsequently the use of contraception was viewed as virtuous behavior, and even the silent holocaust of abortion has become a private ethical choice of birth control. The unborn, unwanted babies no longer have any legal protection; they are now ripped to pieces after they are brutally murdered. BABIES DO NOT CHOOSE TO DIE! Is this not a good example of the slippery slop? The former Hippocratic oath for health care workers read: “I will administer no abortafacient to a pregnant woman.” The original Hippocratic oath acknowledged that abortion was a form of doing violence not only to the child but to the woman as well.

Sixty years ago there was much more of a sense of the importance to protect the common good of society against the various forms of egoism which, in particular, destroy the family and the morals of the society. Thus the use and distribution of contraceptives was even held illegal by virtually all Christians who put this on the books in order to work against immorality; IT WAS CONSIDERED THAT CONTRACEPTION LED TO VICE, IT LED TO MEN HAVING SEX WITH PROSTITUTES AND MISTRESSES, AND THAT IT WOULD NEVER BE SOMETHING YOU USE WITH YOUR WIFE. They believed it would lead to promiscuity, to pornography, a distorted understanding of sexuality. So these laws were kept on the books because back then people had more faith and thus more concern for others and the COMMON GOOD. People were willing to sacrifice for the common good and thus husbands and wives put up with each other for the sake of the children and the common good. Is this not basic Christianity in which Christians follow Christ Who laid down His life for others, for the whole Church, the “grain of wheat” which dies to bear much fruit (Jn 12:24)? Now we have arrived collectively to a lack of faith and charity and a level of egoism that the children and the common good are of no concern. Our liberating culture destroyers 60 years ago were trying to find some way to make contraception legal, which was illegal in just about every state in the U.S. STATE AFTER STATE SUCCUMBED TO THEIR UNDERHANDED MANEUVERINGS BY REPEALING THESE WISE LAWS BASED IN THE JUDEO-CHRISTIAN ETHOS. Read also: “CONTRACEPTION: WHY NOT?”. Janet Smith explains why the Catholic Church keeps insisting, in the face of the opposite position held by most of the rest of the modern world, that contraception is one of the worst inventions of our time. (

As soon as we do not see life as a precious gift but only as a convenience to ourselves, our society quickly sinks into the chaos of hell in the culture of death! When everything totally crashes and there is great suffering and confusion, the great majority will wander why! We are so blind to our fundamental egoism, pride, sloth and lack of charity which caused the catastrophe!

Behold the warning of Our Lady of Akita, Japan: “The Church will be full of those who accept compromise …”

On “The World Over April 9, 2010: George Weigel & Frank Cottrell Boyce” (, George Weigel said: “Christianity, and specifically the Catholic Church, is the last obstacle still standing on the chess board to a sweep of the board by the forces of what Pope Benedict called the dictatorship of relativism. The marriage question is engaged here, life issues are engaged here. This is all of a piece…”

What would happen if divorced and remarried Catholics were allowed “to receive Communion after “serious examination” of their conscience” without doing all they can “to avoid the near occasion of sin”? “In 1993, as Bishop of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Kasper released a pastoral letter along with Karl Lehman, then Bishop of Mainz that allowed divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Communion after “serious examination” of their conscience” ( The “fissures” will quickly expand and the damn will break and THERE WILL BE A MORAL TSUNAMI WORLD WIDE! Responding to Cardinal Kasper’s claim that his proposal involves a change in Church discipline rather than doctrine, Cardinal Burke said that this was a “very deceptive line of argument.” He said: “There can’t be in the Church a discipline that is not at the service of doctrine.” (

It is very interesting that in the proposals of these bishops to allow divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Communion without doing all they can “to avoid the near occasion of sin”, THERE IS NO MENTION OF WHAT IS BEST AND NEEDED FOR THE CHILDREN of separated and divorced Catholics. In these proposals, which are totally contrary to the teachings of the Church, there is only mentioned what the adults want and desire! Do these proposals of these bishops help people progress toward greater love of God and neighbor in self-sacrifice, or greater love of self?

The Catholic Church has always taught: “CONSCIENCE MUST BE INFORMED AND MORAL JUDGMENT ENLIGHTENED. A well-formed conscience is upright and truthful. It formulates its judgments according to reason, in conformity with the true good willed by the wisdom of the Creator. The education of conscience is indispensable for human beings who are subjected to negative influences and tempted by sin to prefer their own judgment and to reject authoritative teachings” (CCC 1783). THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH DOES EXIST! “Conscience can remain in ignorance or make erroneous judgments. Such ignorance and errors are not always free of guilt” (CCC 1801, 1713, 1714). “No one is deemed to be ignorant of the principles of the moral law, which are written in the conscience of every man” (CCC 1860).

BURKE IS SAYING THAT DISCIPLINE IS “AT THE SERVICE OF DOCTRINE” NOT AGAINST DOCTRINE. The constant teaching of the Church, the doctrine of the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit for 2000 years is that having sex outside of the holy bonds of matrimony is a grave mortal sin and thus does incalculable damage to the persons involved as well as the family and all of society, not to mention the One who suffers the most for these grave sins, Christ crucified! The only solution for the true good of those involved is to repent, ask for forgiveness in the sacrament of confession, with a firm purpose of amendment of life with the help of God with much prayer.

When the disciples “were amazed at His words”, and even “exceedingly astonished”, Christ did not offer false and empty and destructive compromises as so many leaders in the Church today are offering to the gullible “Christians”, but rather said: “With men it is impossible, but not with God; FOR ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD” (Mk 10:23-27). Many Church leaders do not live the Gospel, which is only possible by trusting in God (much prayer) not in themselves, and thus lead the souls entrusted to them down the same path of compromise and destruction, along “the road to perdition”. What Kasper is proposing and promoting, and now more and more bishops and cardinals recently promoted to higher positions of authority (and thus encouraged), is to open the flood gates, in the name of “compassion”, “mercy” and “love”! “But I say to you that every one who divorces his wife, except on the ground of un-chastity, makes her an adulteress; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery” (Mt 5:32; 19:9; Lk 16:18; Mk 10:11-12; 1Cor 7:10-13; Deut 24:1-4). Kasper and gang are helping us to look at ourselves instead of looking at God; to trust in ourselves, rather than total trust in God.

Christ is saying to all Christians, especially those who have greater responsibility, such as priests and bishops, that if people pray, it is possible to live the 10 Commandments as God gave to Moses. If people do not pray, it is impossible to live the 10 Commandments as God intended for our true good explained in detail by His Church, the Catholic Church. It is amazing today how many priests, bishops and cardinals are trying to change the 10 Commandments according to what the people want, instead of encouraging the people to set aside 15 minutes each day to meditate on the life of Christ in the Holy Rosary so that it becomes impossible to live the 10 Commandments as God intended. Thus one sees what Our Lady predicted for our times recently on the anniversary of the great miracle of the sun at Fatima on October 13, 1917: “The work of the devil will infiltrate even the Church in such a way that one will see CARDINALS OPPOSING CARDINALS, bishops against other bishops… The church will be full of those who accept compromise …(Our Lady of Akita, Japan; October 13, 1973;

So many Church leaders are offering as the solution compromise after compromise instead of offering the true solution first of all by their own example of adoration of our Eucharistic Lord and praying the Holy Rosary. Which of the two solutions will lead to the true and eternal solution and which solution will lead to destruction here on earth and for all eternity? Which solution leads us to trust more in God and which solution leads us to trust more in ourselves?

Should we follow the words of Cardinal Kasper and many others like him, or should we follow the words of the Angel Gabriel to Mary who became the Mother of God because she totally trusted in the Word of God? “For with God nothing will be impossible. And Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word”. (Lk 1:37-38)!

Marriage is the institution, based on the free choice of a man and a woman, that not only unites them with each other but with any children born from the union. MARRIAGE IS THE ONLY INSTITUTION THAT UNITES A MAN AND A WOMAN WITH THE CHILDREN BORN OF THEIR UNION; it unites the child with the mother and father. If you redefine that institution out of existence, now you are redefining our of existence the institution that unites the children with the father and the mother. It is in the public interest and in the common interest that every child be united to his or her parents.

But today marriage is viewed as only about two adults being happy together, and the child is left out of the picture! Traditional marriage between one man and one woman will more and more be viewed as discriminatory; the child is more and more out of the picture. “THE CHILD HAS THE RIGHT to be conceived, carried in the womb, brought into the world and brought up within marriage: it is through the secure and recognized relationship to his own parents that the child can discover his own identity and achieve his own proper human development” (Donum Vitae; No one wants to be used as an object of pleasure or of the desires of another, but so many have been brainwashed by the motors of the culture to promote homosexual unions and free sex or no fault divorces which ends up using others for our own pleasure and desires and even property, including the children. “What goes around comes around”, also for eternity if there is not change of life! “If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword”! If you promote the use of other human beings as objects of your desires, you too will end up being treated the same.

"First they came ..." is a famous statement attributed to Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group after group. The text expresses, in a condensed form, the understanding of history presented by Niemöller in a January 6, 1946 speech before representatives of the Confessing Church in Frankfurt, Germany.

"THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
and by that time no one was left to speak up."

Let us modify this brief poem for today:
FIRST THEY CAME for the unborn (or unwanted children), and I did not speak out because I was not an unborn.
THEN THEY CAME for the frail and the disabled, and I did not speak out because I was not frail and disabled.
THEN THEY CAME for the mentally challenged, and I did not speak out because I was not mentally challenged.
THEN THEY CAME for the sick and the aged, and I did not speak out because I was not sick or aged.
THEN THEY CAME for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.”

THIS SITUATION IS SIMILAR ALSO IN THE WORLD OF POLITICS. Very few people today are willing to make sacrifices for the common good, and thus the vast majority of citizens of a country vote for politicians who offer beautiful lies and empty promises without explaining the need for each citizen to make sacrifices for the common good, which is the only real solution for the future. If a politician is honest and offers the real solution of explaining the need for each citizen to contribute to make the “cake” and not just eat from the “cake” until there is not more “cake” to eat, the majority of citizens do not vote for this politician. Socialism, in a deceptive, rather hidden way, which encourages people to eat from the social cake while forcing those who work to pay for those who do not want to work (2Thess 3:10). Thus the citizens deserve the politicians that they elect. Catholics deserve “not a worthy Pastor, but a destroyer” (the “Prophecy of Saint Francis”)!

How often have I heard priests and bishops give a nice homily on the devotion to Christ crucified, without explaining in anyway that today, now, Christ is being crucified more than ever by our sins of almost total indifference to God’s saving 10 Commandments! The saints sought in everyway to make reparations to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as Our Lady of Fatima asked us to do. Padre Pio said that Christ will suffer for our sins until the end of the world. In a real but mystical way, we are made present at Christ’s passion and resurrection at every Holy Mass since for God there is no past or future but the eternal now, the eternal present! I PERSONALLY CRUCIFY JESUS BY MY SINS TODAY. Those who pray much and meditate often on the passion of Christ begin to penetrate this mystery, but the vast majority of Christians have freely chosen the easier path of “ignorance is bliss”, of closing their eyes, to the point of believing lies such as a fetus is just a piece of tissue instead of “the least of these my brethren” (Mt 25:31-46) with which Christ identifies Himself personally!

FIVE HIGH-RANKING CARDINALS TOOK ONE OF FRANCIS' FAVORITE THEOLOGIANS TO TASK over an issue dear to the pope's heart: Whether Catholics who divorce and remarry without an annulment can receive Communion. They wrote a book, "Remaining in the Truth of Christ," to rebut German Cardinal Walter Kasper, whom Francis praised in his first Sunday blessing after he was elected pope as "a great theologian" and subsequently entrusted with a keynote speech to set the agenda for the two-year study on marriage, divorce and family life that opened Oct. 5, 2014. "Remaining in the Truth of Christ," includes essays in response to Cardinal Kasper's proposal by three synod fathers: Cardinal Gerhard Muller, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, prefect of the Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature; and Cardinal Carlo Caffarra of Bologna, Italy, as well as Cardinal Brandmuller and Cardinal De Paolis.

Many people in the Church are comparing Cardinal Burke and other cardinals and bishops who are defending Catholic Doctrine, the unchanging Truth which comes from God, to the late Archbishop Marcel Lefevbr; they invoke “schism”! Will they next say that St. John Paul II was a Lefebvrite? St. John Paul issued “Familiaris Consortio” and the Catechism of the Catholic Church and everything that Card. Burke has said can be found in both!

Cardinal Burke said:
“Pastoral practice properly understood, serves to protect the teaching of the Church and seeks to communicate it. It is not the function of pastoral practice to determine what truth is. Pastoral practice is at the service of the magisterial doctrine of the Church. Pastoral practice ought to be simply the application and effective communication of the sacred doctrine of the Church.”
“There can’t be in the church a discipline which is not at the service of doctrine,” Cardinal Raymond Burke, a former archbishop of St. Louis who now heads the Vatican’s court system, told reporters on the eve of the synod. Burke, a canon lawyer and a leader of the camp opposing changes, said the reformers were saying: “Oh, we’re not questioning the indissolubility of marriage at all. We’re just going to make it easy for people to receive a declaration of nullity of marriage so that they can receive the sacraments.” But that, Burke said, “is a very deceptive line of argument which I’ve been hearing more now in this whole debate.”

Reporting on the Synod of October 2014:
In an indication of the chasm that is apparently underway within the church leadership itself, Francis decided late Friday to add six progressives from four continents to the synod leadership to help prepare the final document after several conservatives were elected to leadership positions. None of Francis’ appointees were Africans, who are traditionally among the most conservative on family issues” (
“The Great Division - Polish Bishops' Conference President: communion for "remarried" divorcees attacks indissolubility of marriage. Curiously enough, Archbishop StanisÅ‚aw GÄ…decki , of PoznaÅ„, President of the Polish Episcopal Conference, whose presence and firmness were so important in the October Synod, repeats the same line mentioned by Cardinal Francis George (Chicago) in his interview to John Allen: the differences are becoming so wide within the Church, the division so stark, we are not talking anymore about "liberals" and "conservatives", or left and right, but about what is true and what is false, about those who are faithful or unfaithful to the Magisterium” (

On “World Over - 2015-06-04 - Full Episode with Raymond Arroyo” (, after Raymond Arroyo had an interview with Cardinal Kasper, both Fr. Gerald E. Murray, JCD and Robert Royal, Editor-in-chief of “The Catholic Thing”, expressed the lack of logic and coherence with Catholic teaching in Cardinal Kasper’s proposal to offer Holy Communion to the divorced and remarried. In the end Fr. Murray, a canon lawyer, said that Cardinal Kasper has not answered the objection of Cardinal Caffarra regarding the validity of the first marriage. Fr. Murray said: “If the first marriage is still in existence, Cardinal Kasper’s proposal is shot down!”

Reporting from Rome, by Edward Pentin 05/27/2015, List of Participants Who Attended Gregorian 'Shadow Council' (Pontifical Gregorian University):
“The meeting, which aimed to explore various “pastoral innovations” ahead of the Synod on the Family in October, and reflect on a new “theology of love” that critics say would pave the way for Church recognition of same-sex relationships, was not advertised, even at the Gregorian” (

ALMOST EVERYONE IN THE CHURCH HAS BEEN BRAINWASHED TO MAKE THE EXCEPTIONS for these poor people married to a horrible wife or husband. But if fornication becomes approved, there will be the slippery slop effect immediately. If fornication is Ok for one situation, it becomes Ok for all situations. When one is tired of his wife or her husband, change partners, “everybody’s doing it”! No need to make sacrifices for the benefit of the children or for the society or for anyone else, just my personal needs and pleasure counts! If you say you can change the 6th and 9th commandment for some, then why not for all, and all the rest of the commandments?!? If the primary reason for marriage is the pleasure of the couple, then those who want to redefine marriage between two men, or two women, or anything else, are in line with this logic of pleasure and self-satisfaction as the highest goal. The relationship between children and their parents is not considered by those who want to redefine marriage. It is natural for children to want to know who their parents are; children have a innate desire and need to spend time with their parents. Children have a right, if possible, to have both a mother and a father. But in our egotistical society, more and more, the only thing that counts, and which is justified with beautiful rhetoric, is personal self-satisfaction with no concern for others. Is the safeguarding of the family, which includes the wellbeing of the children, considered in seeking to make it easier to change husbands or wives or partners?!?

Saying you can have sex outside of marriage is not only changing the law of God, which is God Himself, it is also saying that I trust man or myself, not God. Nothing happens to any of us without at least God’s permission, for our good, from a God Who loves us, even marrying a very difficult spouse, for the possibility of our salvation. It is to take away the narrow gate, the cross of Christ, which is the only entrance into heaven. No cross no crown; no pain no gain. It is turning away from God and His face and turning toward man and man’s face, the cult of man, not the cult of God. IT IS THE ERECTION OF A NEW STATUE OF GOLD (as did King Nebuchadnezzar; Dan ch. 3) in which no longer the Creator of the universe is worshiped, but man, which is highly promoted today by the puppets of Satan with all the modern means of brainwashing us with the motors of the culture! How many will have the faith and trust in God in this period of the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21) so as to have the courage to do as the three Jews: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Dan 3), who did not even have the help of the Eucharist? The great majority of Catholics today use religion to serve themselves rather than to discover and do the holy and saving will of God!

After the Second Vatican Council many did not obey the documents and SHREWDLY SHIFTED THE FOCUS OF ATTENTION FROM GOD TO MAN. Father Gabriele Amorth, the Vatican's chief exorcist said in an interview of 2001:
“The Second Vatican Council asked that some texts be revised. Disobeying this command, they set about re-writing them completely with no thought for the danger of making things worse instead of better. So many rites came off badly from this mania to throw out the old and start from scratch, as if the Church to date had always conned us and as if only now the time had at last come of the great geniuses, the super theologians, the super-biblists and the super-liturgists who know what the right thing is for the Church. This is a lie: the last Council simply asked that the texts be revised, not destroyed.” (;,-Father-Gabriele.html).

Pope John Paul II as well as Pope Benedict ordered in a very clear way the members of the Neocatecumenal Way to obey and faithfully follow the liturgical books of the Church; the three founders of the Neocatecumenal Way refused to obey these two popes. Visit: “The Neocatecumenal Mass” (

In my monthly email “Spiritual Food 1411” ( I included a meditation from our International Spiritual Exercises, at Collevalenza – Sanctuary of Merciful Love (Madre Speranza), June 22-28, 2008, given by Father Michael Gaughran to over 200 priests and to over 10 bishops of the Marian Movement of Priests, with the title of the meditation, The Church, The Movement and the current times. Regarding what Father Gabriele Amorth said about the wrong interpretations and implementations of the Second Vatican Council, Father Michael Gaughran in his meditation under the subtitle “The Clouds Are Gathering” the following:
It grew gradually. It is enough to think of a subtle change that happened around the time of the Second Vatican Council. With the arrival of the “experts” there developed the fashion of theologians, regardless of whether or not they deserved the name; the fact that they had published a book, in general that was enough. This continues and, with this, the center that guides the Church in the minds of many, has shifted from where God had placed it, in the hierarchy, the Pope and the bishops in union with him, and became the various opinions of all sorts of writers. [The students collected the books.] So, this has had an impact not only on the priests, but also on seminarians in many universities. This is the first part of the attack: the attack on the truth of God, the foundation of the Church.”

Our Lady of Akita, Japan (1973): “The work of the devil will infiltrate even the Church in such a way that one will see CARDINALS OPPOSING CARDINALS, bishops against other bishops… The church will be full of those who accept compromise …(

In the Sacred Scriptures, the words of Christ, explained by the Catholic Church for 2000 years, clearly show that to perform sexual acts outside of the holy bond of Matrimony is objectively a grave mortal sin. Visit: “Who Decides The Truth?” ( This has always been the constant teaching of the Magisterium of the Church, and thus it is not a part of Church discipline, which can be changed “at the service of doctrine”, but it is part of doctrine, that is, the Truth Who is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. THE CHURCH IS THE HANDMAID OF THE TRUTH, NOT THE AUTHOR OF THE TRUTH! Even if many cardinals, bishops and priests give their approval and blessing to receiving Holy Communion while remaining in “the near occasion of sin”, living together with someone who is not their husband or their wife, the act of fornication remains objectively grave mortal sin before God. Precisely at the time when there was a great rebellion against Pope Paul VI’s encyclical, Humanae Vitae (1968), at all levels of the Church, Saint Michael the Archangel at Garabandal (Spain, 1965) said: “Many Cardinal, many Bishops and many Priests are on the road to perdition and with them they are bringing many souls”!

Archbishop Fulton Sheen said: “The truth is the truth even if no one believes it; error is error even if everyone believes it.” Many Catholics actually believe today, in our climate of relativism, that the truth is established by the majority of people or perhaps by the priests, bishops or the pope; few Catholics realize today that God not only establishes the Truth, but God is the Truth (Jn 14:6), Who is immutable! In this period before the second coming of Jesus Christ, “that day will not come, unless THE REBELLION (APOSTASY) COMES FIRST” (2Thess 2:3); this indicates that the majority, if not the great majority of Catholics at all levels in the Church will follow the very attractive “apostasy” which will seem the best way, the right way, the most merciful way, the most loving way, the most ecumenical way, presented by “angels of light” (2Cor 11:14), who give their approval and blessing without any exhortation to “promise with the help of thy grace to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin” (Act of Contrition)! Christianity without the cross of Christ! These are the liberals who in the past left the Church on the “port side” (left side) of the Bark of Peter, while there are many who leave the Bark of Peter on the “starboard side”, (the right side) of the Bark of Peter, the schismatic traditionalists, by putting themselves above the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church, above the Truth which cannot change since it is part of the Divinely Revealed Truth. Visit: “A Common Sense Rebuttal to Schismatic Traditionalists and Sedevacantists” (; visit also:

The protestants of 400 years ago left the Catholic Church. The protestants in the Catholic Church in the last 60 or 70 years have changed their strategy, guided by the “father of lies” (Jn 8:44), so as to take over the Catholic Church and change the doctrines of the Catholic Church so as to offer a Christianity without the cross which does not lead to heaven where there dwells the eternal Truth! They have sought to subvert and take over the Catholic Church from within, similar to the more dangerous development of communism (socialism) beginning with Antonio Gramsci, as we see now in full bloom in the USA under the Obama administration. With the help of the puppets of the prince of the world, Satan, in particular the many groups under the Freemasons, these groups of Satan have taken control of the motors of the culture – the mass media, the schools, the religious institutions – in order to brainwash the societies in the direction of socialism, secularism, relativism, in other words, “the culture of death”. Thus unfortunately today, many priests and bishops have lost their faith but have remained in the Church for other motives than for love of God and of neighbour.

It is interesting how often in the Gospel we read about demonic possession, but today we hear very little about this. Today many Catholic priests and bishops do not even believe that the devil exists (;,-Father-Gabriele.html)! You might find interesting an exorcism of a woman in Switzerland about 40 years ago; she was possessed by several devils, among which a damned priest who died in France more than 300 years ago (! This damned priest, in the name of Jesus Christ, was forced to reveal why he, a Catholic priest, ended up in hell for all eternity! A shorter article of many excerpts of many exorcisms is: “Likes and Dislikes of the Devil” (

Within the Church, Satan seeks to empty the Church of Christian principles and values in such a way that as few as possible realize what they are loosing or the great dangers involved. Contrition for sins is above all an interior act of the will. Few people realize the slow effect of the play of words of repeating often that God is merciful while at the same time implying with rhetoric or silence that there is no need to “promise with the help of thy grace to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin”!

I wrote in the introduction of my article “The FALSE POPE - Saint Hildegard” (March 2013, after the resignation of Pope Benedict;
“The Pope, has been so ignored, disobeyed and despised in the last 50 years not only by the left side of the spectrum (ignore or disobey) but also by the right side of the spectrum (prideful rebellion). I think that this vacancy (while a “Judas” (Iscariot) will be in control of the Vatican) will be a great just punishment not only for the whole Church but for the whole world. The world which is intrinsically connected with all of creation, goes forward or backward depending on the behavior and choices of those who have received much more graces and responsibility from God in this “cosmic battle” (as Pope John Paul II put it), the lay Catholics, the priests and the bishops of the One True Church, the Catholic Church! Pope Paul VI was so devastated by the reaction to Humanae Vitae that he said, referring to the situation in the Church, “FROM SOME CREVICE, THE SMOKE OF SATAN HAS ENTERED THE TEMPLE OF GOD” (June 29, 1972); Pope Paul VI did not write another encyclical after Humanae Vitae (1968)!

Several months after I published the article “The FALSE POPE - Saint Hildegard”, I discovered for the first time the “Prophecy of Saint Francis” (
2. The power of the demons will be greater than usual, the immaculate purity of our religious community and of others, will withered to the point that very few Christians will want to obey the true Sovereign Pontiff and the Roman Church with a sincere heart and perfect charity. At the decisive moment of this crisis, a personage not canonically elected, raised to the Pontificate, will endeavor to administer shrewdly to many the mortal poison of his error.
7. Some preachers will keep silent about the truth and, denying the truth, they will trample upon the truth. The sanctity of life will be held in derision by those who only profess it outwardly, and for this reason Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a worthy Pastor, but a destroyer.

“ONE DAY, I SAW TWO ROADS. One was broad, covered with sand and flowers, full of joy, music and all sorts of pleasures. People walked along it, dancing and enjoying themselves. They reached the end without realizing it. And at the end of the road there was a horrible precipice; that is, the abyss of hell. The souls fell blindly into it; as they walked, so they fell. And their number was so great that it was impossible to count them. And I saw the other road, or rather, a path, for it was narrow and strewn with thorns and rocks; and the people who walked along it had tears in their eyes, and all kinds of suffering befell them. Some fell down upon the rocks, but stood up immediately and went on. At the end of the road there was a magnificent garden filled with all sorts of happiness, and all these souls entered there. At the very first instant they forgot all their sufferings.” (Diary, 153)

Today, I was led by an Angel to the chasms of hell… But I noticed one thing: that MOST OF THE SOULS THERE ARE THOSE WHO DISBELIEVED THAT THERE IS A HELL” (Diary, 741). It was recounted to Pope John Paul II that the Vatican's chief exorcist, Father Gabriele Amorth, “knows too many bishops who do not believe in the Devil”. The Pope replied bluntly: “ANYONE WHO DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THE DEVIL DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THE GOSPEL”. Amorth said in an interview (2001): “We have entire Episcopates trying to counter exorcism. We have countries completely devoid of exorcists, such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal. This is a shameful shortfall.” (;,-Father-Gabriele.html). The poor buck privates are on the great spiritual field of battle and a great number of our generals (bishops) and colonels (priests) tell us that the enemy does not even exist! We are in bad shape, to say the least!

Our Lady in the third apparition of Fatima on July 13, 1917, asked with insistence: “Pray, pray very much and make sacrifices for sinners, because many souls go to hell, because there is no one to make sacrifices for them”. Our Lady said to the three children: “Sacrifice yourselves for sinners, and say often this prayer, especially during any sacrifice: Oh my Jesus, I offer this for love of Thee, for the conversion of poor sinners, and in reparation for all the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.” It is at this point that Our Lady showed hell in all of its crudity to the three children. Lucy declared after that vision that they would have died of fright if there had not been a particular grace of God. Then Our Lady said to the three children: You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish throughout the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If people do as I shall ask many souls will be saved, and there will be peace... When you pray the Rosary, say after each mystery: “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy.”

One of the most fundamental tasks for Jesus was that of Redeemer, to free us from our sins for those of good will who confess their sins (Mk 2:17; Lk 5:31-32, etc.). Thus one of the most fundamental tasks for Priests is to be the doctor of the souls, to help the souls to identify and to cure the sickness of the soul, especially those most grave which are called “mortal sins”, that is, the sins that render the soul dead, but the body walks with a dead soul until death if there is no priest who helps the person to recognize the gravity of their situation and to make a good confession! If priests do not help people to identify the sicknesses of the soul (not according to the relativistic world, but according to the CCC), people do not know what are true sins which greatly harm us, and thus do not realize the need of Jesus the Redeemer, Who came for sinners, not for the just who believe they have no sins. In this way the Redemption is nullified per these people because they believe that they have no need of the Savior. By now a great number of people, who even frequent the parish, believe that religion and the parish and the pastor exist to serve them (for a party for First Communion and Baptism) instead to help us to discover and do the Will of God.

“It is true that we studied in pastoral theology the need to apply the “law of graduality”. But what I find is that the recent popes, in the world today, put us on our guard not so much about the lack of applying the “LAW OF GRADUALITY” but rather the danger of the “GRADUALITY OF THE LAW”, which must be refuted in as much as it reduces the value of the law to a mere ideal.” To not observe the instructions in the encyclical Humanae Vitae constitutes grave, mortal sin! (See the Appendix of my article “An Open Letter To A Fellow Priest”;

It is true that Jesus prayed for unity during the last supper (Jn 17), but a great number of people in the Church today want to offer a false and easy unity, which does not last without the fatigue of seeking and living the uncomfortable Truth from God. So many people want to be together at the same table, with some pasta and wine, but at the price of putting aside the uncomfortable Truth, Who is Jesus crucified (Jn 14:6)!

In the name of false love and of false mercy and false ecumenism, we Catholics are being pushed and coerced and manipulated, with beautiful words and slogans and nice lies to put aside the saving truths and the primary means of sanctification, expressed infallibly in the doctrines of the Church, and offered in the Sacraments. “We do not need a Church that is moved by the world, but a Church that moves the world” – G.K. Chesterton. Thus, no longer is the world put in shape by the light of the Gospel, but the Gospel is deformed to the lack of light of the world (false artificial light), of the contemporary culture of death!

G.K. Chesterton, in his book “Eugenics and Other Evils” says that when the world is ready to overturn the institution of marriage in order to accommodate a small percentage of people given to a particular perversion, when those who speak out against such a total lose of common sense can be convicted and imprisoned for hate speech, THEN THE EXCEPTION HAS BECOME THE RULE, and we are living under the dictatorship of relativism. Referring to this paradoxical proverb: The exception proves the Rule, Chesterton tells us that “when we are rid of the modern nightmare of the mad locking up the sane and the exceptions ruling the rule, there remains the true philosophical problem of the extent to which the rule can allow for the exceptions.”

One can easily convey to the public a reductionist interpretation of the fullness of truth and means of sanctification found in the One true Church, the Catholic Church. The result of false ecumenism is reductionism to the lowest common denominator, forfeiting our most precious means of sanctification and the fullness of truth, as Catholics, in the name of “love” and “mercy” and “ecumenism”!?! Precisely now the world needs, more than every before, these “means of sanctification”, found in the Church founded by Jesus Christ, and of the infallible Magisterium of the Church! The Truth, Who is Jesus (Jn 14:6), does not change with the world or with the times!

If we have a dialogue with a Muslim, with true Christian charity, we would not want the Muslim to lie about or be silent about fundamental truths of his faith. Why do so many so-called Catholics feel we must set aside the Catholic truths that those of other religions might not understand or accept? Why have we swallowed the lie of Satan to put aside our spiritual treasures most valuable in the name of “love”, in the name of “ecumenism”? With this false logic, Satan is leading us on a one-way street downhill, of putting aside all of our greatest spiritual treasures; more than ever before the world needs these spiritual treasures of grace and guidance! This is similar to how so many families in Italy put the first priority on being together at table, at supper, while avoiding as taboo disagreements due to differences in belief in the Catholic religion or Catholic morality. In the USA, this would be analogous to setting aside the Truth in order to be “politically correct”! For the great majority of Catholics today, the first priority is human respect, and what God desires is not even considered.

If one reverses or inverts the First Commandment of love of God with the Second to love one’s neighbor, in the end everything falls apart and disintegrates. This is precisely the subtle and underhanded strategy of Satan. It is very interesting how many times one finds this FALSE “LOVE” used as a powerful strategy in the 33 directives of the Grand Master of the Freemasons to the Catholic Masonic bishops to destroy the Catholic Church! The word “love” APPEARS A WHOPPING 11 TIMES in these 33 directives! “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2Cor 11:14)! Visit: “The Masonic Plan For The Destruction Of The Catholic Church” (

One finds the same underhanded strategy of Satan, to please the people, explained by a damned priest in a possessed woman, referring to priests who approve with their silence and even with their blessing the USE OF THE “PILL” BECAUSE IT IS TOO DIFFICULT to have more than one or two children. The damned priests explains also that many priests do not offer an example of mortification and self-sacrifice for God and for others. Read at least the last 7 pages of:
A Damned Priest Warns About Hell” (

THOMAS AQUINAS TELLS US: “RARELY AFFIRM, SELDOM DENY, always distinguish.” FEW CATHOLICS TODAY DISTINGUISH the difference between changing Church discipline (which can be changed) and changing Church doctrines which come from God Who is the immutable and absolute Truth, and thus can never be changed. And still more, a great number of so-called Catholics today do not distinguish between deepening and expressing better in human language the Absolute Truth which cannot changed, with changing the Absolute Truth (Modernism, etc.)! The Church is like the waiter but God is the Cook; the waiter must not change the meal prepared by the divine Cook but must deliver the Truth, as God has revealed it, to the clients, to the faithful. BEHOLD THE DESTRUCTIVE HIDDEN POISON IN THE NAME OF CHARITY (FALSE), misguided compassion, false ecumenism! “Who Decides The Truth?” ( One drop of poison in a glass of good wine is enough to kill you! The puppets of Satan in the Church seek to distract us with nice proposals and declarations, while seeking to draw our attention away from the real powerful poison of changing the divinely revealed Truths which are often difficult to put into practice even with the help of God. Satan has prepared us well in the last decades (and centuries!) to help us gently slide into relativism to the point where few people in the Church today realize the great danger of changing one “IOTA” of the law (Mt 5:18; Lk 16:17; Mk 13:31) of God which God has given us for our true good, not to torture us or take away our freedom. God does not give us suffering in living His Laws without a reason, without offering us a good much more precious for those who trust in God and embrace the gift of the cross of Jesus in their lives.

CERTAINLY, IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT THE CHURCH, with the bishops and the priests with the parents, TO EXPLAIN WELL TO THE NEW GENERATION THE GREAT INDISPENSABLE VALUE OF DIVINE REVELATION, first of all with good example and then with words. But now we are before a situation in which the great part of at least two generations of people have not received the great gift of the authentic faith. By now a great number of people in the Church believe that it is impossible to live the Ten Commandments as God explains to us by way of His Church and thus want to change the Ten Commandments of God according to the mentality of the world, to have a Christianity without the cross. In fact, the situation is worse than this because a great number of “Catholics” do not know the fundamental teachings of the faith and they believe they are all OK! These “Christians” who have let themselves slide into mediocrity accuse the few parents, the priests and the bishops, who seek to live the Word of God according to the CCC and to encourage others to do the same, to be out of touch with modern times.

THE PRIESTS TODAY WHO PREACH THE WHOLE GOSPEL and all of the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church are labeled ridged and old-fashioned, insensitive, lacking in compassion, divisive, judgmental, moralists. While at the same time the ones who maintain a culpable silence, the ones who tell their people what they think they want to hear are seen as understanding, sympathetic, pastorally sensitive and merciful. But this way of doing things is not true mercy! “Woe to you, when all men speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets” (Lk 6:26)! “How can you believe, who receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?” (Jn 5:44; Gal 1:10). But this way of doing is not true mercy! THIS IS FALSE LOVE, MISGUIDED COMPASSION, false mercy, false ecumenism, that does not lead to paradise for all eternity!?!

CERTAINLY IT IS MORE DIFFICULT TODAY with so many Catholics who have not received these habits to live the fullness of the Gospel from the example of their parents and of the religious leaders. But the great temptation is to dilute the faith and morals to our level today instead of getting on our knees before the infinite God in the Eucharist with the Rosary, to implore the graces to be able to live the Gospel according to God, not according to the world. Satan wants to offer us a renewal that is not authentic, that will give immediate relief and an easier way, but afterwards there will be the destruction, because the false renewal is not based on the Rock of the immutable Truth. There is needed contact with true Christians, not just books and rules. With the lack of true Christians today the temptation to offer a renewal without the commitment to seek to understand the wisdom of the CCC is stronger, and thus Satan offers us a Christianity without the cross, without the explanation of the Magisterium of the Church. So many people in the Church, at all levels, rebelled against the encyclical Humanae Vitae which undermined the fundamental cells of society, the family, in a very devastating way. Now we are at the point of the precipice to throw everything away, in the name of false “freedom”, freedom from the Cross of Jesus which saves us! We are now prepared and ready to welcome the False Prophet as Saint Francis foretold (“The “Prophecy” of Saint Francis (Assisi)”;

THE FALSE PROPHET will “disguise himself as an angel of light” (2Cor 11:14), and thus WILL SEEK TO SHOW THAT HE IS ALIGNED WITH THE SAINTS OF THE PAST, so that when he introduces his compromises of destruction, people will think he is in union with the true saints of the past; people will think that what the false prophet does and approves is what the true saints of the past would do and would approve! Without the guidance of true pastors who are faithful to the Truth of God which does not change, very few will realize the deception and the difference between compromise and fidelity to the Doctrines of the Church. It takes only one drop of poison in a glass of wine to kill you!

JESUS BEGAN HIS MINISTRY WITH MIRACLES, but afterwards He led His followers to the fullness of the Gospel which means to follow Jesus to Calvary, to sacrifice oneself for God and for others; Jesus lost many followers in the end. The gift from Jesus, more important than miracles and cures, is to offer us the possibility of overcoming our egoism, which can only be done by embracing our God-given sufferings with the help of God in sincere prayer. But if we follow only Jesus risen and not Jesus crucified, if we fall in love only with the consolations of God but not the God of consolations, we remain spoiled waiting for the mother to serve us our whole lives, which does not lead to altruism nor to paradise. When children grumble against the rules of the parents, is the solution to throw out all the rules of the house, of the family? Is this the true solution for the true good of the children?

Many Catholics who know their faith, realize that it is a matter of doctrine, of immutable truth from God, that it is an objectively grave, mortal sin to have sex outside of marriage. Years ago there was more trust in God and thus the people instinctively knew and believed that the 10 Commandments are not just a set of useless rules but are for our true good here on earth and after death. Our Lady of Fatima revealed that the principle sin for which a great number of souls fall into hell is the sin of the flesh. These loyal patient Catholics are now waiting for Pope Francis to do as Christ (Who first attracted many people with miracles and cures) to lead people world wide to the fullness of the Truth which necessarily leads to Calvary with the cross of Christ. To illustrate this expectation as well a certain mounting delusion as time passes, I will quote the words of Raymond Arroyo on World Over of EWTN (YouTube: The World Over 2014-3-13 - Full Show / First year of Pope Francis' pontificate;
I think once Francis is boxed into the corner of having to define doctrine, the Pope can’t change doctrine. He can change the way business is done, but he can’t change the business of the Church. And my sense is that when he comes out and defines it, that’s when the media starts turning on him because they realize these kinds of notions that they had of major revolution is not in the offing. It is the same revolution that has been quietly taking place for decades now.” Father Gerald Murray then added: “The pope believes in Catholic doctrine, and the world treats it as the Catholic position, sort of like what is the position paper of the democratic party or the republican party. Once it has become clear that that is not how the pope views the teaching of the Church, which clearly it is, he is going to disappoint a lot of people but he is going to encourage all the faithful.”

Nine months later, after the Synod on the Family, Raymond Arroyo’s comments were as follows (YouTube: World Over - 2015-01-01 – 2014 Year in Review & Year Ahead 2015 Special with Raymond Arroyo;
My prediction is very simple. Pope Francis seems to be indicating in interviews and in homilies that he means to change the Church discipline on Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics. Now many will make the case that this is not a change of doctrine. And I think an equally voracious majority will make the argument that it is. The synod in October may be smoother than its predecessor but the reaction outside the hall will be anything but. Robert (Royal), I’ll go a little step further than you, I think the pope is going to make a change on this issue. He’s been indicating it in every possible way, as recently in a homily just before Christmas.”

WHEN TIMES ARE MORE DIFFICULT, AS TODAY, GOD GIVES MORE to those who sincerely pray to discover and to do the will of God. By now a great number of people are habituated to a Christianity without the cross and are not willing to listen to the Truth which does not change; but the graces offered to these people are not wasted! Saint Louis Mary de Montfort tells us for out times: “I said that this will happen especially towards the end of the world, and indeed soon, because Almighty God and his holy Mother are to raise up great SAINTS WHO WILL SURPASS IN HOLINESS MOST OTHER SAINTS AS MUCH AS THE CEDARS OF LEBANON TOWER ABOVE LITTLE SHRUBS. This has been revealed to a holy soul whose life has been written by M. de Renty” (“True Devotion To Mary”, No. 47).

“SUFFERING IS THE GREATEST TREASURE ON EARTH; it purifies the soul. In suffering we learn who is our true friend. True love is measured by the thermometer of suffering…” (Diary of St. Faustina, 342). “Would that mortal men might know how wonderful is divine grace, how beautiful , how precious; what riches are hidden therein, what treasures, what joys, what delights. If they but knew, surely they would direct their energy with all care and diligence to procuring sufferings and afflictions for themselves. Instead of good fortune all men everywhere would seek out troubles, illness and suffering that they might obtain the inestimable treasure of grace. This is the final profit to be gained from patient endurance. No one would complain about the cross or about hardships coming seemingly by chance upon him, if he realized in what balance they are weighed before being distributed to men” (St. Rose of Lima; August 23; Breviary).

There is a FUNDAMENTAL NECESSITY OF MAINTAINING BALANCE among the precious and powerful truths of our Catholic faith in order to not slide into great and devastating error to the right or to the left. So many priests and bishops proclaim the part of “religious freedom, in turn, which men demand as necessary to fulfil their duty to worship God, has to do with immunity from coercion in civil society” (Dignitatis Humanae, no. 1; CCC 160). But they neglect to talk about “All men are bound to seek the truth, especially in what concerns God and His Church, and to embrace the truth they come to know, and to hold fast to it. This Vatican Council likewise professes its belief that it is upon the human conscience that these obligations fall and exert their binding force. The truth cannot impose itself except by virtue of its own truth, as it makes its entrance into the mind at once quietly and with power.” The Council “leaves untouched traditional Catholic doctrine on the moral duty of men and societies toward the true religion and toward the one Church of Christ” (Dignitatis Humanae, no. 1). Behold where Satan plays his hidden cards which cause great damage to souls and to the entire Church disguised in the name of “love” and “mercy” and “ecumenism” and with beautiful catchy slogans.

- “For the good of all”!
(Is this “good” based on the Truth of God, tied to the cross or not?);
- “For the unification of all the children of God”!
(Is this unification based on true ecumenism as described briefly by Dr. Warren Carroll above, or is it based on “superficial and meaningless agreements”?)
- “We need bridges, not walls”!
(Are these “walls” interpreted as the Laws of God and Divine Revelation to be pushed aside, or are the “walls” interpreted as not putting into practice God’s Laws so as to overcoming our personal and collective egoisms defined in the 10 Commandments?);
- “Attachment to the law, neglect love”!
(How is this phrase understood? Attachment to the unpopular laws of God with the cross, which makes us free (Jn 8:32), and thus encouragement or approval of putting aside the law of God for (false) love?);
- “Ecumenism of blood”!
(How is this phrase interpreted? Is it interpreted that those who do “ecumenism of blood” are those who recite the Rosary outside the clinics who practice interruption of pregnancy, those who respect the laws of God even they are difficult, those who do not accept false ecumenism? Is it interpreted that the true Christians are in the same category as true persecutors, as if they are rigid without charity and without mercy?);
- “Division is the favorite weapon of the devil”!
(Does this phrase have the same effect as the manipulative phrase “politically correct” so as to put pressure on those who do not go along with the majority and with the manipulations of the mass media? Does this phrase, with no other explanation given, help people to understand the difference between the division of the devil and the division of Christ, the Truth? “I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled! I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how I am constrained until it is accomplished! Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division; for henceforth in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three; they will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against her mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law." (Lk 12:49-53).);
- “Let us overcome the obstacles that still divide us”!
(Does this phase help people to understand true ecumenism explained by the Second Vatican Council, and thus to respect the diversities of “beliefs” (“seeds of the Word”) of each person and of each community? Do people interpret this phase in such a way to that it is best not talk about the truths which are not shared by others so as to arrive at the least common denominator of truth and means of sanctification?
ONE CANNOT PUT ASIDE THE DIFFERENCES OF TRUTH Who is Jesus; otherwise there is false unity, without Jesus, which does not lead to true freedom but to the “dictatorship of relativism”; thus there is not true unity for which Jesus prayed for in the Gospel of John chapter 17! Saint John Chrysostom in his homily (Office of Readings; Sept. 13) speaks about the importance of “standing on the Rock”, the Truth, as well as “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in their midst (Mt 18:20)? If the Truth is put aside, there is no possibility of having Jesus (the Truth) in our midst, even though we think, or convince ourselves, that we are “loving” our neighbor. True love leads to eternal happiness, not just temporal happiness without the cross of Christ!);
How is this interpreted by the great majority of people? This short phrase is very misleading to the public without the proper and needed explanation given in the same context of the talk or communication! Do people understand the great need to distinguish? Saint Thomas exhorts us to always distinguish, so as to not judge the subjective elements which are visible only to God, but to judge the objective elements which are visible to us and must be judged by us so as to determine if the words or behavior of a religious leader, or anyone, are true according to Divine Revelation, or if there are false and lead us into error by scandal. Both the ones who give scandal as well as those who follow scandal are culpable before God! (Sermon of St. Augustine on the Shepherds; Office of Readings; Week 24, Friday; Ez 34:3; Mk 9:42-49; CCC 2284). Christ clearly taught us to love the sinner but hate the sin. A great number of people today do not make this distinction and thus accuse true Christians of hating those with a homosexual tendency!
Also, in our secular, egotistical society today, people do not want to hear or understand the very detrimental consequences of private personal sins and their effects on others around them and on the whole of society, except when they are publically identified as hypocrites. The first priority for many people today is to save face and human respect. They want only their pleasure today without any responsibility for tomorrow or for others around them or the society, and woe to those who tell them otherwise. We hide abortions and the elderly with euthanasia; we hide the consequences of sin and Christ crucified for these sins.
HOW MANY CATHOLICS ARE READY TO LOOSE THEIR WORK AND PRESTIGE AND ENTER INTO POVERTY IN ORDER NOT TO COMMIT A GRAVE MORTAL SIN? I think very few indeed! The devil moves very gently and imperceptibly so that we might go toward the infernal precipice full of gaiety, dancing and all sorts of pleasures (Diary of St. Faustina, no. 153).
Also, in the atmosphere of relativism, prepared by Satan in the last decades, today, this phrase, “Who am I to judge”, is interpreted more than ever as if sin does not exist, or that there is mercy without any personal obligation, in order to have sincere repentance, to “promise, with the help of thy grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin”!

A half truth, when it is told to leave one to question or negate the other half, is worse than an outright lie because within it is a deception in what one is actually saying. Such obscurity is designed to keep just enough of one’s enemy asleep. The sense in which Jesus told us not to judge others was in regard to the measure of culpability for the sin committed. It was never to negate the need and importance of discerning or judging what sin is or whether another has committed or is living in sin. The negation of the certainty of very significant socially damaging (mortal!) sins by these deliberate half truths when the majority of Catholics have already negated them, causes great moral and spiritual damage. The type of judging that Jesus forbids is that which negates love for the sinner. The kind of judging we must do in discerning what sin is, IS REQUIRED BY LOVE FOR THE SINNER. When pastors and priests do not judge sin as sin it is because they do not love the sinner as they often falsely profess. This lack of true love (lovelessness) leads to moral chaos which then often leads to an opposite reactive lovelessness and the self destruction of families and eventually society.

In the four Gospels, one finds Jesus, Who is Love incarnate, referring to hell about 70 times! “Do not judge by appearance, but judge with right judgment” (Jn 7:24).

What is the effect when a very high ranking religious leader writes: “The question for those who do not believe in God lies in their obedience to their own conscience. There is sin, even for those who do not have faith, when one goes against the conscience … In other words, the truth being definitively one with love, requires humility and openness in order to be sought, received and expressed”? In this statement there is no explanation of the need to seek the truth outside of one’s own heads and to form one’s conscience according to at least the natural law which all men can come to understand, even those who have never heard about Jesus Christ (CCC 50).

The same deceptive half truth that leaves one to negate the other half is the statement that implies that if we take care of our own sin, that is all that is needed if we are merciful to others. So we need more SILENCE about the sins in the world and in the Church!?! The deception of many Church leaders is not only in being quite short on naming sin, and implying it is whatever we think it is, but that in implying that if we take care of sin in our own lives everyone else will do likewise without our “judgmental” intervention! It’s live and let live with a false message of mercy solving all things. THIS IS THE NEGATION OF SIN, THE SAME MESSAGE THE SERPENT GAVE TO EVE IN THE GARDEN.

The Second Vatican Council expressed this concept in the proper context so as not to lead astray or deceive the readers (Dignitatis Humanae, no. 1). How easy it is to fall into the hidden and devastating dangers of indifferentism and subjectivism. “By natural reason man can know God with certainty, on the basis of His works. But there is another order of knowledge, which man cannot possible arrive at by his own powers: the order of divine Revelation…” (CCC 50).

Fundamentally, the strategy to disarm the Church of her most powerful weapons and defenses against the onslaughts of Satan using false ecumenism, false love and false mercy, is the same strategy used by the homosexual activists to destroy the fundamental cell of society, the family. In the name of “love”, of “compassion”, of “tolerance”, of “mercy”, of “equal rights”, the puppets of Satan, these homosexual activists, manipulate, coerce, and impose their agenda on an unsuspecting public, even though their goal and agenda destroys not only the family but also the society and destroys themselves in this fundamental human disorder. Where is the courage of our pastors who have been given by God the grace of their vocation to warn the sheep of the very destructive hidden and devious lies of the ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing?

The affirmation that the Church is necessary for salvation “is not aimed at those who, through no fault of their own, do not know Christ and his Church: Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience - those too may achieve eternal salvation” (CCC 846-847).

Professor Ralph Martin, in the Seminary of the Sacred Heart (Detroit, MI, USA), clarified this very important teaching of the Second Vatican Council in his book “Will Many Be Saved?”, with the subtitle “What Vatican II actually teaches and Its Implications for the New Evangelization”.
Ralph Martin explains how people hear that it is possible to be saved without hearing the Gospel. Then a funny thing happens. They say, I am glad to hear that, I do not have to worry about people anymore. So they jump from the possibility to the presumed probability of almost universal certainty. There is always the example, probably people like Hitler do not make it, that type of thing. Even the most famous theologians who write on this subject do this. They just pay attention to the first few sentences of Lumen Gentium 16 and they jump from possibility to probability, and they completely ignore the last three sentences. These last three sentences speak about all those people who theoretically have the possibility of saying yes to the grace of God without hearing the Gospel but do not. And very often, the council is telling us, that this responding to the grace of God does not happen based on what Scripture reveals to us about the human condition. The verse of the Gospel of Mark, “He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned” (Mk 16:16), is talking about the outcome of our response to the Lord having consequences! The teaching of the Council is teaching in harmony with Sacred Scripture and the Church, and even though it is possible for someone to be saved without hearing the Gospel, very often that does not happen. We really need to help people to encounter Jesus Christ, and to discover the fullness of the means of sanctification and of the truth in the Catholic Church! Visit: “The Hidden Broad Road to Perdition” (

If I, as a priest, do NOT do all I can to help people to seek and discover the truth, so that there will be no surprises at the moment of death, and to encourage them to live the Truth with the help of God, what will be my judgment before God with the great responsibility of the vocation of priesthood?

Father Quartilio Gabrielli, in his meditation, “The Church Mystery of Christ”, to 200 priests and 10 bishops of the Marian Movement of Priests, at our International Spiritual Exercises, at Collevalenza, Italy, June 22-28, 2014, wrote (
The Heavenly Mother for some time, has denounced insistently and in many ways the gravity of the situation: the Church of Jesus throughout plagued by the wicked contagion of infidelity and apostasy. Outwardly all is tranquil, in the Church it seems that everything is in place and that all is well; but in reality it is pervaded by a wider and wider lack of faith, which extends everywhere creating a great and terrible apostasy. This great crisis currently in the Church Our Lady has announced openly since 1975:
"At Fatima I indicated that my Immaculate Heart, as a means of salvation for all humanity. I traced the way back to God. I was not listened to. Now I want to offer you My Immaculate Heart as your only refuge in the very painful moments that await you ... The crisis going on now in my Church, will deepen until open rebellion especially on the part of many of my children who participate in the Priesthood of My Son Jesus. Darkness, which already greatly thickens, will become deep night upon the world." (Our Lady to Don Stefano Gobbi; November 9, 1975).

If we make no distinctions, we put everything on the same level which causes great disorder and confusion in families and in societies, allowing evil to dominate good (visit no. 12-13, “Likes and Dislikes of the Devil; A father and husband in a family has a different vocation from God than that of a mother and wife in a family, and vise versa, with the accompanying graces of God for each vocation; the devil does all he can to confuse and to disrupt the God-given vocations for each person. The rules of a family cannot be lumped together with the laws of the state. There is great harm done in the Church and in society when the different vocations from God are not respected as God intended not only in the family but in the Church as well (Fourth Commandment: CCC 2197-2257; Different vocations in the Church:;

It is not easy to distinguish between false “truth”, false “love” and false “mercy”, false “ecumenism”, and the true “Truth”, true “love”, true “mercy, true “ecumenism”, after years of being brainwashed even to the point of changing the meaning of many key words disguised with nice slogans such as “Women’s health care”, “Pro-choice”, “Reproductive Healthcare” (read: abortion, murder!). THE MEANING OF “LOVE” for the pro-choice people is “I want well FOR ME!” The meaning of “love” for the pro-life people is “I want well FOR YOU!” Pro-choice is misguided compassion, an excuse to kill an unwanted baby!

Where are the true pastors who are alert and studious in discerning and detecting the clever and subtle deceptions of the wolf, the pastors who know how to interpret the signs of the times so as not to be hypocrites (Lk 12:56; Mt 16:3; 24:51), who are ready to lay down their lives in being ridiculed, mocked and persecuted in order to serve and save the sheep, as Christ did for us? This is the ESSENTIAL AND FUNDAMENTAL LOVE so needed today! Just as spoiled children rebel against good parents who proclaim the difficult truth to their children, so too MANY PEOPLE WILL REBEL AGAINST THESE FEW TRUE PASTORS, especially other pastors who go along with the apostasy, for proclaiming that the Truth comes from God and thus cannot be changed even one “iota” without doing great harm to people.

“But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we preached to you, let him be accursed” (Gal 1:8). I said to my parishioners that if at a certain point Father Joe says something not in accord with the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults (CCC), follow the CCC because the Truth, which frees and saves, does not change; DO NOT FOLLOW FATHER JOE ON THE WAY OF PERDITION!

I do not think it was by chance that when Pope John Paul II was asked toward the end of his life to offer one verse from the entire Bible for the people of God, he responded without hesitation: “THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE” (Jn 8:32)! Father, “Sanctify them in the truth” (Jn 17:17)!

RELATIVISM, according to Pope Benedict XVI, is "the most profound difficulty of our time." (
In his homily at the Mass preceding the conclave that quickly elected him Pope Benedict XVI, then Cardinal Ratzinger said: “Today, having a clear faith based on the Creed of the Church is often labeled as fundamentalism. Whereas relativism, that is, letting oneself be "tossed here and there, carried about by every wind of doctrine", seems the only attitude that can cope with modern times. WE ARE BUILDING A DICTATORSHIP OF RELATIVISM that does not recognize anything as definitive and whose ultimate goal consists solely of one's own ego and desires.”

FREEDOM negates and destroys itself, and becomes a factor leading to the destruction of others, when it no longer recognizes and respects its ESSENTIAL LINK WITH THE TRUTH. When freedom, out of a desire to emancipate itself from all forms of tradition and authority, shuts out even the most obvious evidence of an objective and universal truth, which is the foundation of personal and social life, then the person ends up by no longer taking as the sole and indisputable point of reference for his own choices the truth about good and evil, but only his subjective and changeable opinion or, indeed, his selfish interest and whims.” (Evangelium Vitae, no. 19).

It is very difficult for us priests today to offer “the truth” which “sets us free” (Jn 8:32; Jer 6,16), because so many people are used to by now a Christianity without the cross. According to POPE PAUL VI the temptation perhaps more aggressive in our times, which means “to empty the Cross of Christ” (1Cor 1:17), is hedonism, that is wellbeing, entertainment, pleasure, licentiousness, vice, uplifted to the abusive honor of primary finality of human existence” (Catechism, November 26, 1975).

We remember the dramatic words pronounced by Pope Paul VI on June 29 1972, after the Second Vatican Council, denouncing that “By some fissure the smoke of Satan has entered into the temple of God… One no longer trusts the Church; so many trust in the first profane prophet, who speaks to us in a magazine or in some social slogans, in order to run after him and ask him if he has the formula of true life. And we do not realize instead that we have already become lords and teachers. Doubt has entered our consciences, and it has entered through the windows which were meant to have been opened to the light. This state of uncertainty reigns even in the Church. It was hoped that after the Council there would be a day of sunlight in the history of the Church. Instead, there came a day of clouds, of darkness, of groping, of uncertainty…”

A few months before Pope Paul VI died, on September 8, 1977, he confirmed this grave judgment in a conversation with Jean Guitton. Here are the words of Paul VI recounted by the French philosopher:
"There is a great disturbance at this moment in the world and in the Church, and what is in question is the faith. It happens now that I find myself repeating the obscure saying of Jesus in the Gospel of Saint Luke: 'When the Son of man returns, will he find faith on the earth?' It happens that books are published in which important points of the faith are undermined, that the bishops are silent, that these books are not found to be strange. This, according to me, is strange. I read again every once in a while the Gospel of the end times and I realize that in this moment there is emerging some signs of the end times. Are we near the end? This we will never know. It is necessary to always be ready, but everything can still last quite a while. What strikes me, when I consider the Catholic world, is that a non-Catholic type of thought seems to predominate sometimes within Catholicism, and this non-Catholic thought might become the stronger one within Catholicism in the future. But it will never represent the thought of the Church. A small flock must remain, however small it may be."

Instead, a great number of pastors today want to close their eyes to the signs of the times, even to the point on convincing themselves and their flocks that the devil does not exist (;,-Father-Gabriele.html), and to “even promise the happiness of this world” in order to please the people!
WHAT KIND OF MEN ARE THEY who, FEARING TO HURT THOSE THEY SPEAK TO, not only do not prepare them for imminent temptations, but even promise the happiness of this world, which God did not promise to the world itself?...” (Sermon of St. Augustine on the Shepherds; Office of Readings; Sunday, Week 24 of OT, Friday).

I think Christ today would say similar words that He said to Peter, the first Pope: “GET BEHIND ME, SATAN! You are a hindrance to me; for you are not on the side of God, but of men” (Mt 16:23)!

Our Lady revealed to Don Stefano Gobbi (Feb. 9, 1985): “Darkness, with A THICK, COLD FOG, has entered the Church, obscuring it in the splendor of its truth. For this reason, every day, my word is forming you to the spirit of wisdom, that you may always see, in the light, the truth which my Son has taught you and proclaim it with courage to all in its integrity.”

“You are now living in obscure times, because in all kinds of ways an attempt is being made to reach a compromise between God and Satan, between good and evil, between the spirit of Jesus and the spirit of the world. Many are running the danger of becoming victims of this general confusion, and even in my Church a false spirit, which is not that of Jesus the Son of God, is seeking to spread itself about. Like a cloud of invisible poison gas, a spirit which jumbles the things of God with those of the world is expanding and succeeding in depriving the word of God of its vigor and in despoiling the announcement of the Gospel of its force” (Our Lady to Don Stefano Gobbi, December 8. 1982).

In regards to private revelations, St. Thomas Aquinas points out that “at all times there have not been lacking persons having the spirit of prophecy, not indeed for the declaration of any new doctrine of faith, but for the direction of human acts” (Summas Theologica II –II q174 a6 reply 3; see also Amos 3:7).

It seems to me that this “THICK, COLD FOG” obscures above all the light of the Truth. The saints tell us to pass as much time as possible on our knees before the incarnate Truth, the divine Prisoner, in the tabernacle, with the help of the “Seat of Wisdom”, Mary. Otherwise the words and programs of a pastor in a parish will be empty, even though for a few months or for a few years years, it might seem that there are fruits, like fireworks or straw that burns, but afterwards, these apparent fruits will not last if the pastor does not make the “First Announcement” of the Gospel to himself. Behold the activism which leads us to pray always less and to trust ever more in ourselves! (Visit in Italian: “A Servizio di Tutti” (; “A Damned Priest Warns About Hell”;

This is why Jesus calls those hypocrites who do not see the signs of the times, who do not seek to discover these things, the situation in the world and in the Church from God’s point of view, but instead go with the current of the secular world, and say “I’m Ok”. The inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah had no idea that that they were about to be annihilated. Like today, many governments promote the principle sin of Sodom, homosexuality. Today the blindness of egoism is more developed, to see everything only from our worldly point of view, which is called “relativism”, the cult of man, not the cult of God.

These prophetic private revelations are so important that Satan seeks in every way to diminish their divulgation, influence and effect. In 1882, Christ revealed to the stigmatist, Marie Julie Jahenny of La Fraudais, France that: "In the last days, a seemingly unlimited amount of FALSE REVELATIONS will arise from hell like a swarm of flies; a last attempt of Satan to choke and to destroy the efficacy of the TRUE REVELATIONS by false ones." This revelation of Jesus to Marie Julie Jahenny indicates that these revelations are so important that Satan tries to diminish their effectiveness by keeping us away from the true private revelations by offering many false ones. But this also indicates that there are many false revelations and thus one must be wise and prudent especially in regards to recent revelations in which the proper Church authorities have not made any pronouncement yet.
St. John also tells us: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God: for many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1Jn 4:1). St. Paul tells us: “Do not quench the Spirit, do not despise prophesying, but test everything; hold fast what is good” (1Thess 5:19-21).

Here is the directive of the Grand Master of the Freemasons that was taught to many seminarians:
26. Use committees of lay people and priests weak in faith who might condemn and reprehend without difficulty every apparition of Mary and apparent miracle especially of the Archangel St. Michael. Make sure that nothing of this, in no measure, will receive approval according to Vatican II. Call it disobedience to authority if anyone obeys the Revelations or even if someone reflects on them. Indicate the Seers as disobedient against Ecclesiastical Authority. Bring down their good name in the mud, so that no one will hold in consideration their Message.” (“The Masonic Plan For The Destruction Of The Catholic Church”;

There are many religious leaders and blog moderators on the Internet who put themselves in the place to judge and interpret the legality of reading, promoting or going to apparition sites not yet approved by the Church. THEY PUT THEMSELVES IN THE PLACE OF THE LOCAL BISHOP OR OF THE POPE HIMSELF; so many want to pontificate, instead of having the humility to say: I do not know, we must wait patiently to see if the fruits are good or bad! Often they interpret in their own rigorous way “The Decree of the “Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine and the Faith”, published in the "Official Acts of the Holy See" (A.A.S.) 58/16, dated December 29, 1966. Other Catholic critics accuse those who read and promote these messages of these apparitions of Our Lady (or also the Testimony of Gloria Polo) to be motivated only by curiosity and by pride (but who are the proud ones here?) because they seek to know what is not for them to know. But if one believes as these critics, then why are the announcements of 'Marian apparitions' multiplying all over the world as Cardinal Ratzinger indicated as one of the signs of our times in the book "The Ratzinger Report" (1985)? Why did Jesus tell us to “be wise as serpents” and not just “innocent as doves” (Mt 10:16)? Do these “wise” critics presume to know more than the Mother of God about what is need today? According to these “intelligent” (Mt 11:25; Lk 10:21) people, can there not be any other motive to read and to promote the messages of Our Lady in our particular times in which people need a particular help from heaven as God gave by way of the prophets and judges in the Old Testament? The Church encourages us to read the whole Bible, also the more difficult books such as the Book of Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel, Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13, etc. It is interesting how many people choose to close their eyes and their ears to the signs of our times! Jesus called these people hypocrites (Lk 12:56; Mt 16:3; 24:51). "God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." (2Thess 2:11-12). “I heard, but I did not understand. Then I said, “O my lord, what shall be the issue of these things?” He said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut up and sealed until the time of the end. Many shall purity themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but those who are wise shall understand.” (Dan 12:8-10).

GOD OR HIS MOTHER DO NOT NEED PERMISSION from a bishop or a priest or a Catholic group or a blog moderator on the Internet to appear or to give private revelations! I think that very few of the seventy thousand people who went to Fatima on October 13, 1917 asked permission from their respective bishops or priests before going to Fatima that day, and yet they were rewarded with the great miracle of the sun. I also believe that as we enter more deeply into this period of “great tribulation” (Mt 24), God in His love for us, like a loving mother, will give even more help, encouragement and words, to those of good will with humility, to help all to prepare so as to take advantage of this period of great trial and suffering, and in particular a guide in the “thick, cold fog” of confusion even in the Catholic Church, especially in the Catholic Church. In this way God will offer a very needed assistance to those who might be willing to convert and put God in the first place and priority in their lives rather than themselves or so many other things or persons.

IN THIS PERIOD GOD IS ALSO OFFERING US MANY SIGNS FOR THOSE OF GOOD WILL and for those who have not succumbed to the many false gods, such as science which is held up as the explanation and solution to all our problems. It is very interesting that the highly controlled mass media only reports what is absolutely necessary, to not loose face before the public, about thousands of very strange weather all over the world (see YouTube) that the god of science is not able to explain. The Masons do not want us to seek a God above science or above this visible world! Jesus said: "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." (Mt 24:7; Lk 21:11; Mk 13:8; Rev 6:8); "and knowledge shall be increased" (Dan 12:4). There shall be perilous times and terror in the last days (2Tim 3:1; Mt 24:37; Gen 6:11); "the sea and the waves roaring" (i.e., great increase in the frequency of hurricanes; and tsunami or seaquakes: Lk 21:25-26,36). There shall be "wars and rumors of war" and ethnic violence (Mt 24:6-7; Mk 13:7-8) as we see today!

Dear brothers in the priesthood, we must pray for one another for the grace to seek the immutable Truth of God which is always tied to the cross, and then to be ready to suffer and die for the sheep, even if we are abandoned by almost everyone as happened to Jesus at the Crucifixion.

Before the second coming of Jesus Christ “that day will not come, unless THE REBELLION (APOSTASY) COMES FIRST, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God” (2Thess 2:3-4).

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 675) we find: “Before Christ's second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers (Cf. Lk 18:8; Mt 24:12).. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth (Cf. Lk 21:12; Jn 15:19-20) will unveil the “mystery of iniquity” in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh.” (Cf. 2Thess 2:4-12; 1Thess 5:2-3; 2Jn 7; 1Jn 2:18,22).

It was interesting the Pope Benedict XVI INVITED CARDINAL BIFFI TO OFFER THE ANNUAL LENTEN RETREAT for the Pope and the top members of the Vatican (Feb. 27, 2007). The cardinal speaks often on the theme of the Antichrist. The Times of London reported in 2004 that the Cardinal described the Antichrist as “walking among us”. “Days will come in Christianity in which they will try to reduce the salvific event to a mere series of values.” It is a key passage in the last work of Vladimir Soloviev, “Tale of the Antichrist”, at the center of Cardinal James Biffi’s reflections. The Russian philosopher, who died in the year 1900 with great acumen, had prophesied the tragedies of the 20th century. In the “Tale of the Antichrist”, recalled the cardinal, “THE ANTICHRIST PRESENTS HIMSELF AS PACIFIST, ECOLOGIST AND ECUMENIST. He will convoke an ecumenical council and will seek the consensus of all the Christian confessions, granting something to each one. The masses will follow him, with the exception of small groups of Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants who will resist and will say to the Antichrist: ‘You give us everything, except what interests us, Jesus Christ’.” For Cardinal Biffi, this narrative is a warning: ‘Today, in fact, we run the risk of having a Christianity which puts aside Jesus with his cross and resurrection’

The Servant of God, ARCHBISHOP FULTON SHEEN, said: “The False Prophet will have a religion without a cross. A religion without a world to come. A religion to destroy religions. There will be a counterfeit church. Christ’s Church will be one. And the False Prophet will create the other. The false church will be worldly, ecumenical (false), and global. It will be a loose federation of churches, religions forming some type of global association, a world parliament of churches. It will be emptied of all divine content and will be the mystical body of the antichrist. The Mystical Body on earth today will have its Judas Iscariot and he will be the false prophet. SATAN WILL RECRUIT HIM FROM AMONG OUR BISHOPS.”

Jesus said to Saint Faustina (of the Divine Mercy): “YOU WILL PREPARE THE WORLD FOR MY FINAL COMING” (Diary of Saint Faustina, 429). Jesus also said to Saint Faustina: “BEFORE I COME AS A JUST JUDGE, I first open wide the door of My mercy. He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of My justice” (Diary, 1146).

I asked a couple of priests in my diocese recently what would they do if Pope Francis approves everything that Cardinal Kasper says? If it will be approved officially, that is by the pope, in October of this year at the Synod on the Family, what Cardinal Kasper promotes, that is to be able to have sex outside of marriage without any obligation to do or live what we as Catholics say in the “Act of Contrition”: “I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more, and to avoid the near occasion of sin” (sin according to God explained by His Church, not according to the relativism of each person!), then we have arrived to these prophecies of Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Hildegard (Doctor of the Church) and many others! In the last two years, under the reign of Pope Francis, many bishops, cardinals and priests, who want to change the 10 Commandments to please the people, a Christianity without the cross, have been promoted by Pope Francis, and those bishops who say that you cannot change the 10 Commandments and must take up your cross with Christ, were sent away by Pope Francis! A book that five of these cardinals loyal to the immutable Truth, which explained that you cannot change the Truth, because the Truth is God (“Remaining in the Truth of Christ”, regarding the sacrament of Matrimony), somehow did not arrive to the members of the preparation for the Synod on the Family last October 2014 (;;;

If it is accepted that a group of bishops can change, by way of voting, a doctrine of the Church, a Commandment of God, there is made a fundamental change in which one then believes that the law or the truth is no longer established by God but by men. At that point the door is opened to change any other commandment and then afterwards the sacraments so as to render them invalid and thus void of grace. Satan has worked very hard in the last several centuries, and in particular in the last 50 years, to prepare the people, especially Christians, to enter into relativism which puts man as the arbiter of Truth, as I wrote about in my article “Who Decides The Truth?” ( This is the slippery slope which we saw in 1930 regarding contraception, but this time there will be no “obstacle still standing on the chess board” of the world to stop the forces of “the dictatorship of relativism”!

A similar fundamental change of who decides the truth happened during the Church of England’s General Synod in 1992 (

If this changing of the laws of God is approved officially in October of this year in the Catholic Church, then we have arrived to the great prophecies of Mt 24, Lk 21, Mk 13, Rev 13, Dan 12, Ezek (etc.) and of many saints, that is, the manifestation of the false prophet, the second beast, the false pope, which will be the precursor of the first beast, the Antichrist!

I believe, as many other Christians do also, that the Body of Christ, the Church, will pass through in a similar way the stages of life that Christ passed through. I believe that we are already in the passion of Christ; very soon we, the Church, will be on the cross and the few loyal Christians remaining in this period will cry out with Jesus on the Cross: “My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Mt 27:46; Mk 15:34; Rev 13:7; Ps 22:1).

The false prophet, the false pope, will seek to form a One World Religion, by way of false ecumenism, which will result in the reduction to the lowest common denominator. Pope Francis is seeking to lead many protestant pastors toward Rome, through some type of “ecumenism”, such as Pastor Kenneth Copeland, Pastor Tony Palmer, and many other important protestant pastors. True and proper ecumenism respects the beliefs of each religion without asking or covertly manipulating any religious group to put aside any of their beliefs. False ecumenism leads us to the reduction to the lowest common denominator of all the religions, to forfeit our spiritual defenses and weapons against the forces of evil. In the name of (false) love, in the name of (false) mercy, in the name of (false) ecumenism, the Catholics are being lead to be deprived of their greatest treasures of grace and truth, which are precisely the most powerful means of salvation for us, for the others and, in effect, for the whole world! In this way one goes ever more toward mediocrity seeking to receive and to please everyone, with compromise after compromise, to the point of loosing just about all the true values of Jesus Christ as well as the authentic sources of grace through Jesus Christ. The founder of Christendom College (USA), Dr. Warren Carroll, wrote that ecumenism is important but properly understood is “not an ecumenism in which you would abandon convictions in truth which would be superficial and meaningless agreements, but developing an ecumenism built solidly on real conviction and truth.”

It is very important in these times, when Satan has more power to deceive, to be not just “innocent as doves” but especially “wise as serpents” (Mt 10:16) so as to have the perception of the hidden and well disguised deceptions of the serpent. Would not the false pope want to give the impression that he is in union with the Church, with the saints of the past and the recent popes? Thus would it not be to his advantage to canonize recent popes so that when he approves the heretical proposals of Cardinal Kasper that people will think that Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI are in agreement with a false pope?

We must beware of the false prophet! We are in the times of the greatest confusion in the history of the world, because the “father of lies” (Jn 8:44) has great power due to less prayer than ever before and more sins and indifference than ever before in the history of the world. Before the New World Order is manifested openly, the One World Religion must be prepared and ready. The first beast, the Antichrist, will be a political leader as the head of the New World Order, while the second beast, the false prophet, will be the head of the One World Religion. Man, by nature, has need of religion, and thus Satan does not seek to destroy religion but will offer a false religion that leads to the worship of Satan within the Antichrist (Rev 13). The prince of the world, Satan (Jn 12:31; 14:30), has always attacked the Catholic Church, and thus the mass media has always attacked, in a underhanded sly way, the Church. Have you ever wondered why in the last two years, for the first time ever, that one of the main idols, if not the most important idol, of the mass media is Pope Francis?!?

I can tell you my friends that it will be very difficult in this period to not enter into the apostasy (2Thess 2:3-4). The Beast will be able to perform “great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect(Mt 24:24; Mk 13,22; Rev 13:8; 19:20)! "God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." (2Thess 2:11-12). “I heard, but I did not understand. Then I said, “O my lord, what shall be the issue of these things?” He said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut up and sealed until the time of the end. Many shall purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but those who are wise shall understand.” (Dan 12:8-10).

Just as Satan, in his great pride, believed he had defeated Jesus Christ 2000 years ago at the death of Jesus on the cross, so too we will arrive to the point in this period that Satan again will believe to have destroyed the Body of Christ, which includes Jesus as the Head! At that point the Woman will crush the head of the serpent in a definitive way (Gen 3:15; Rev 12), and there will be fulfilled what this Woman prophesied at Fatima in 1917 just before the great miracle of the sun on October 13, 1917: “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph and the world will be granted a time of peace”! As they say: no pain, no gain. For the Church as a whole, the Body of Christ, as well as for each one of us individually, there will be no Easter without Good Friday, no resurrection without the crucifixion! Those who do not willingly embrace the sufferings that God sends to each of us in our lives, with patience and love and even gratitude, seeking to discover and live God’s holy will, with lots of prayer, will not arrive to the resurrection of the just!

I sincerely believe that if we see this apostasy approved officially by “Pope Francis” in October 2015, the few who remain faithful to the Truth, which cannot be change, will be greatly persecuted, and then shortly afterwards things will quickly precipitate in the whole world.

We cannot image the heights to which God can bring a soul if the soul is willing to seek the Truth and live the Truth with much prayer, following Jesus to Calvary with Mary at the foot of the cross! After death, there are only two places for all eternity: extreme joy or extreme pain; full union with God in heaven, or total separation from God for all eternity. Since God has created us with great dignity, at the level of the angels, there is no middle ground for the mediocre. Even if we live as animals without responsibility and convince ourselves that hell or life after death does not exist, whether we like it or not or believe it or not, we will be judged as human beings made in the image of God Himself (Gen 1:26-27)! God, Who is love, respects our free choice to seek and live the uncomfortable Truth on the cross, or to avoid the Truth, and thus believe and follow “the father of lies” (Jn 8:44). God does not send anyone to hell; those who did not want the Truth of God, who made up the truth as if they were God (as Adam and Eve did – Gen 3:4-5) in this short life, cannot tolerate to be with the absolute Truth in heaven for all eternity – they willingly throw themselves into hell for all eternity. This definitive and eternal separation from the Creator at death is more painful than all the other pains combined (CCC 1035)!

The Italian newspaper, “La Repubblica”, put on their front page Pope Francis’ letter in response to two open letters published in previous months by Eugenio Scalfari, the founder of “La Repubblica” and an avowed atheist (September 11, 2013). On the same front page was written an article with the title: “The Truth Is Never Absolute”! ( In his letter to La Repubblica, Pope Francis did not mention the absolute need of seeking the Truth outside of ones own head so as to form ones conscience not according to the relativism in ones own head or according to the secular environment that surrounds us; he made reference to what Pope Benedict wrote in his encyclical “Lumen Fidei” so as to imply his letter is in continuity with his predecessors, as well as to attract those who are faithful to the Church’s teachings, but without mentioning the full and balanced Truth contained in Pope Benedict’s encyclical.

As an open letter on the front page of a popular newspaper which is read by those of many faiths and convictions, why was it not stated more clearly and precisely the great danger which the documents of the Second Vatican Council present, in particular, that many people and many societies today are totally permeated by “the most profound difficulty of our time” (Pope Benedict), relativism? One can talk about love of Jesus or to write: “the mercy of God has no limits”, but if not explained together and in context with the absolute need to ask for this mercy from God, God does not offer this great and essential gift of divine Mercy, since God, Who is Love, respects our free will and choice. One must also ask mercy for sins according to the definition of sins according to God explained by His Catholic Church, that is, a well informed conscience. There was no celebration until the prodigal son said at least the words: “Father , I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son”! (Lk 15:11-32). Even though the prodigal son did not return for the motive of the great pain he caused to his father, but rather because his stomach was empty, “the father said to his servants, Bring quickly the best robe ….”! In the sacrament of confession, imperfect contrition suffices; without sacramental confession, there is needed perfect contrition. I am very grateful that Jesus instituted the Sacrament of Reconciliation because I cannot be sure that I have perfect contrition, that is, sorrow because I offended the One who loves me more than all others combined, Jesus Christ Who died for me! It is one thing to have private dialogue with an atheist; it is another thing to publish an open letter in which anyone can read it. One can easily convey to the public a reductionist interpretation of the fullness of truth and means of sanctification found in the One true Church, the Catholic Church. The result of false ecumenism is reductionism to the lowest common denominator, forfeiting our most precious means of sanctification and the fullness of truth, as Catholics, in the name of “love” and “mercy”!?!

Then one considers the greater part of the Catholics are convinced that what the Pope says is infallible, the game is done. Even if one protests that a letter to Scalfari or an interview to whoever, might be less than the opinion of a private doctor, in the era of media technology, the effect that will be produced will be much greater than any solemn pronouncement. In fact, the more the gesture or the talk is formally small and insignificant, the more it will have an effect and will be considered as unassailable and beyond criticism.

It was interesting that when Pope Francis was asked about homosexuality on the plane returning from Rio de Janeiro (July 28, 2013), he did not respond as the popes of the past responded in giving the whole complete response, in the proper context together, that we must love sinners but hate the sin. Pope Francis only talked about loving sinners, that is, those with the tendency of homosexuality, without explaining that homosexuality is a disorder and without talking about the great harm the act of homosexuality does to the persons involved, to the people around them and to the whole of society! Pope Francis said: “Who am I to judge?”, without talking about the objective wrong or consequent damage of not living the objective truth.

Contrast this statement, “Who am I to judge?” without further explanation, with what Cardinal Ratzinger communicates on the same issues:
We would heartily encourage programmes where these dangers are avoided. But we wish to make it clear that DEPARTURE FROM THE CHURCH'S TEACHING, OR SILENCE ABOUT IT, in an effort to provide pastoral care is neither caring nor pastoral. ONLY WHAT IS TRUE CAN ULTIMATELY BE PASTORAL. The neglect of the Church's position prevents homosexual men and women from receiving the care they need and deserve.” (No. 15; Congregation For The Doctrine Of The Faith; Letter To the Bishops of the Catholic Church: On the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons; 1 October 1986; Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect;

After a leading German bishop questioned the Church’s teaching on DIVORCE AND REMARRIAGE, the Vatican’s newspaper today published AN ESSAY BY POPE BENEDICT XVI, then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, that called the teaching of the Church compassionate and pastoral because it is true to the teaching of Christ:
Assuredly, the word of truth can be painful and uncomfortable. But it is the way to holiness, to peace, and to inner freedom,” said Pope Benedict in 1998. “A PASTORAL APPROACH WHICH TRULY WANTS TO HELP THE PEOPLE CONCERNED MUST ALWAYS BE GROUNDED IN THE TRUTH,” because “in the end, only the truth can be pastoral,” he wrote, quoting the Gospel promise of Christ that “you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (Osservatore Romano; 30 novembre 2011).

If we do not offer the full Truth of God to the people entrusted to us, the words of the prophet Isaiah will be applied to us, according the Pope St. Gregory the Great: “They are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark’ (Is 56:10)!

St. Augustine, in his most famous book, “Confessions”, describes how he was tortured in his own soul about the origin of evil, but he wanted to escape his complicity with it, to escape his personal responsibility for his sins. Because of that he was enchanted by the moral irresponsibility inherent in the doctrine of Manichaeism. It denied personal liberty and blamed criminality on extraneous forces. The contemporary form of Manichaeism leads us to point to genetic factors as the sole determinates of human behavior to justify alcoholism and disorders such as homosexuality as physically and psychologically induced inclinations which the homosexuals claim to have inherited. This then trumps God’s grace and law, man’s freedom and responsibility, justified in acting out same sex relationships in marriages.

There does not exist a “Gay gene”! 'Gay' gene claim suddenly vanishes”; “The Fading "Gay Gene"; (; “The Psychological Profession and Homosexuality: Lunatics Running the Asylum?”; (

Pope John Paul II in his letter 1994 to families wrote: The human family is facing the challenge of a new Manichaeanism, in which body and spirit are put in radical opposition; … Man thus ceases to live as a person and a subject. Regardless of all intentions and declarations to the contrary, he becomes merely an object.” (“Gratissimam Sane”;

Today this new manichaeanism has lead to the commodification of sex and to the depersonalization of human beings, to human persons being regarded as mere anonymous sex objects, to people being manipulated exploited, enslaved, in order to meet the market demand for impersonal objects of sexual self gratification and pleasure. Despite all the talk about respecting diversity, the new Manichaeism today clings to the illusion of sameness as the nature of gender equality and thus it subtly rejects love, rejects the complimentary character of man and woman unity, the interdependent and mutual character of their love. The gender ideology of the new Manichaeism fights against common sense because it denies the biological, psychological and social differences of man and woman. And the result is the war of the sexes. The new manichaeists are creating in their minds a false new man to replace the true man that God created. They believe that because they think this that reality follows. Instead they chose a counterfeit man, an un-free man. Revolutionary attempts in history which have created a Manichean new man have always produced a totalitarian suppression that destroys man.

Has the Atheist Communist Marxist Dictator Raúl Castro truly converted to the unchangeable Truth or has Pope Francis offered to the Marxist Dictator a new Catholicism? Castro said: “If the Pope continues to speak like this,… I will return to the Catholic Church ...” (

Pope Francis writes (“La Repubblica” - September 11, 2013): “The question for those who do not believe in God lies in their obedience to their own conscience. There is sin, even for those who do not have faith, when one goes against the conscience … In other words, the truth being definitively one with love, requires humility and openness in order to be sought, received and expressed”. But there was no explanation of the need to seek the truth outside of one’s own head and to form one’s conscience according to at least the natural law which all men can come to understand, even those who have never heard about Jesus Christ. How easy it is to fall into the hidden and devastating dangers of indifferentism and subjectivism, especially if our religious leaders do not communicates the whole truth along with these hidden and devastating dangers. Satan continues to repeat his primary temptation: “But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil" (Gen 3:4-5)”

By natural reason man can know God with certainty, on the basis of His works. But there is another order of knowledge, which man cannot possible arrive at by his own powers: the order of divine Revelation…” (CCC 50).

While respecting the rights of human beings, citing their God-given human dignity (and basic charity!), as a basis and justification to promote their creeds publicly and freely in their respective countries (DH 13), it is very clear in the document of VCII, “Dignitatis Humanae”, that the Church teaches against indifferentism and against subjectivism: “All men are bound to seek the truth, especially in what concerns God and His Church, and to embrace the truth they come to know, and to hold fast to it. This Vatican Council likewise professes its belief that it is upon the human conscience that these obligations fall and exert their binding force. The truth cannot impose itself except by virtue of its own truth, as it makes its entrance into the mind at once quietly and with power. Religious freedom, in turn, which men demand as necessary to fulfil their duty to worship God, has to do with immunity from coercion in civil society (CCC 160). Therefore it leaves untouched traditional Catholic doctrine on the moral duty of men and societies toward the true religion and toward the one Church of Christ (CCC 846). Over and above all this, the council intends to develop the doctrine of recent popes on the inviolable rights of the human person and the constitutional order of society” (DH 1).

Here again we see the fundamental need to maintain balance and equilibrium among the precious and powerful truths of our Catholic faith in order to not slide into great and devastating error to the right or to the left. Where are the true pastors who are alert and studious in discerning and detecting the clever and subtle deceptions of the wolf, the pastors who know how to interpret the signs of the times so as not to be hypocrites (Lk 12:56; Mt 16:3; 24:51), who are ready to lay down their lives in being ridiculed, mocked and persecuted in order to serve and save the sheep, as Christ did for us? “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we preached to you, let him be accursed” (Gal 1:8). But on the other hand, are the sheep encouraging their pastors and praying for their pastors, or are they only criticizing and judging their pastors, the primary targets of Satan?

After the Vatican Council and the post council was well underway, Pope John Paul II wrote, contesting “certain currents of modern thought … The individual conscience is accorded the status of a supreme tribunal of moral judgment which hands down categorical and infallible decisions about good and evil. … so much so that some have come to adopt a radically subjectivistic conception of moral judgment” (Veritatis Splendor, no. 32; Even the more imaginative “normalist” would find it hard to reconcile Pope Francis of 2013 with Pope John Paul II of 1993. Before such a change in direction, the newspapers do their work. They take up the sentences of Pope Francis, in evident contrast with what the popes of the Church had always taught, and they transform them into front-page headlines.

Pope Francis made an inclusive statement about gay members of the Catholic clergy, commenting that it is not up to him to judge Catholic priests based on who they love. He said: “If a person is gay and seeks the Lord and is of good will, who am I to judge him? ... The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains this in a very clear way. It says that these people should not be marginalized. They should be integrated into society” (July 29, 2013). ( But in this context, why was it not explained the rest of this section in the Catechism of the Catholic Church about the absolute need to seek forgiveness from God for the grave sin of homosexuality and the absolute need of a firm purpose of amendment of life as we say in the “Act of Contrition”: “I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more, and to avoid the near occasion of sin”?!? What message does the average reader take home with him if these important doctrines of the Church are not presented in the full context of the teachings of the Church?!?

IF ONE HABITUALLY TALKS ONLY ABOUT GOD IS ALL MERCIFUL but without talking about, in the same talk and in the same context, “go and sin no more”, as Jesus did in the Gospels (Jn 5:14; 8:11), there is a great tendency to take the easy way of not seeking to amend ones life with the help of God. If one only talks about “go and sin no more”, without talking about, in the same talk and in the same context, the infinite mercy of God, one can easily fall into despondency or desperation. Here is where the hidden deception lies which causes great damage, of not presenting and communicating the essential elements of God revelation, for a particular situation or topic, together in the same talk and in the same context!

Beverly Eakman, in her book “Agenda Games: How Today’s High-Stake Political Combat Works” shows very clearly how nice words are being used to promote sex and homosexuality ( She says that you have to know the tactics being used against you before you can fight them. SHAME AND SIN ARE BEING BANISHED FROM THE PUBLIC SQUARE. You do not say those words anymore without feeling politically incorrect. They have been turned into neurosis, medicalizing matters of conscience. We have to fight the medicalization of morals. Sin is now a neurosis and guilt is even more neurotic. This is the underlying and powerful strategy of the political combat of controlling our minds. But in the Church, this is done more subtly, but powerfully, by not talking about sin and its consequences (the devil and hell no longer exist!), but only talking about love. It is most interesting how often we find this false “love” used as a powerful strategy in the 33 directives of the Grand Master of the Masons to the Catholic Bishops to destroy the Catholic Church! In the very secularize world, pushing sin and healthy guilt into the category of neurosis, it does not take much to keep the ball rolling in the direction of eliminating the need of repentance. The popes, up to two years ago, realized this and warned about this fundamental and very great danger of the lose of repentance which serves as an anecdote to the very strong tide of pride in not acknowledging our sins before God and man. By acknowledging our sins and throwing ourselves into the merciful arms of our loving Savior Jesus Christ, we are relieved and free of the real psychological neurosis of suppressed guilt. As people go less and less to confession, it is very interesting how more and more people go to psychiatrists!

Papa Francesco is slowly opening the door (rather quickly step by step) to the idea that notions of sin, conscience and forgiveness are not the exclusive domain of the Catholic Church, as if each person can decide on these things or that truth changes in time. But the Catholic Church has always taught: “CONSCIENCE MUST BE INFORMED AND MORAL JUDGMENT ENLIGHTENED. …” (CCC 1783). THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH DOES EXIST! “Conscience can remain in ignorance or make erroneous judgments. Such ignorance and errors are not always free of guilt” (CCC 1801, 1713, 1714). “No one is deemed to be ignorant of the principles of the moral law, which are written in the conscience of every man” (CCC 1860).

The disconcerting aspect of the underlying thought to such affirmations is the idea of an incurable alternative between proper doctrine and mercy: if there is one, there cannot be the other. But the Church has always taught and lived the exact opposite. The perception of sin and repentance to have committed sin, together with the proposal to avoid sin in the future, makes possible the forgiveness of God. Jesus saved the prostitute from being stoned, absolves her, but sends her away saying: “Go and sin no more”. He does not say: “Go and do not worry because my Church will not exercise any spiritual interference in your personal life”!

Having seen almost a unanimous approval of the catholic people and infatuation of the world, even though against which the Gospel would put in suspicion, one would say that two years of Pope Francis has changed an era. In reality, one is witnessing a phenomena of a leader that says to the crowds exactly what the crowds want to hear to be said. But it is undeniable that this is done with great talent and great profession. Communication with people, which has become the people of God where there is in fact no more distinction between the believer and the non believer, is only in a very small part direct and spontaneous. Even the crowds of people in Saint Peter’s square, to the World Youth Day, to Lampedusa o at Assisi are filtered by the means of communication which seek to display the events united by their interpretation.

Two of the spiritual works of mercy are instructing and advising (CCC 2447); these constitute a true an act of love! The great majority of the public has happily received the message from Pope Francis that God loves all sinners, which is true and good. But if this welcoming the sinner is not explained together, in the same discourse and context, in the proper balance, with “instructing and advising” the sinner as the Church has always taught the faithful, will people take home with them the message and truth that the greatest gift for each of us as sinners is to overcome our sins according to God’s criteria and with God’s grace? According to Edmund Burke, evil triumphs when the good do nothing. One might apply this statement to when sin is not mentioned or at least downplayed, and the good do not seek to overcome their sins with the help of “instructing and advising” of Holy Mother Church, evil triumphs!

Many people are very happy when they hear Pope Francis speak about mercy and tenderness. Sometimes Pope Francis will speak about sin or the need for truth in the same talk about mercy but with religious or priests. The great majority of those who listen to the talks of Pope Francis to the general public actually believe that the Church is loosening up in receiving all into the Church without the need of recognizing and confessing their sins according to the criteria of sin revealed in divine revelation and explained by the documents of the Church. Even the Atheist Communist Marxist Dictator Raúl Castro says he “will return to the Catholic Church”

But if there is very little explanation about what sin is and the great harm of sin, one does not understand the need of mercy from God and thus one does not seek true mercy from God, but perhaps from other human beings. In this way the redemption is rendered void because people do not ask for mercy from God, but perhaps only from each other. Without reacquiring the lose sense of sin based on God’s criteria on the breaking of the relationship between the creature and the Creator, not according to subjective whims of each person or each society, people do not realize the need of repentance as we say in the “Act of Contrition”: “I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more, and to avoid the near occasion of sin”. The last several Popes have told us that the greatest sin today is that so many have lost the sense of sin because so many people have allowed themselves to loose a personal relationship with God with the neglect of prayer and thus the nonchalance in living the Gospel as God desires and consequently so many do not feel or understand anymore the lack of this fundamental relationship which is the only thing that remains for eternity and that gives us the guide in the right direction and the necessary strength to correspond with the relationship of love with God here on earth. This so-called “mercy” looses its connection with the reconciliation of our relationship with God, and becomes a type of humanistic mercy and reconciliation between other human beings with no underpinnings or foundation in the mercy as Jesus revealed to us, explained by Sacred Scriptures and the Church. In this way, the great gift of the Divine Mercy, as explained so well by Jesus through Saint Faustina, is rendered void and fruitless; the redemption is nullified since there is no motive to ask for mercy from God for a loss of the fundamental relationship with the Creator. Very seldom in confession today do people confess their rupture or blemished relationship with the One Who loves them most, their Creator, but rather one only confesses remorse for their ruptures or blemished relationships with their friends or relatives. There is no more vertical dimension, but only the horizontal dimension! One loses the true foundation of humility, which is the truth of who we are as creatures and Who God is as the Creator.

After years of eroding the idea and belief of the existence of the Absolute Truth, all moral structures that have sustained our societies up until now will crash! With this loss of sorrow for the loss of our relationship with the One Who gave us everything and the One Who loves us most, very few indeed will recognize the deception the of the false prophet as described by Cardinal Biffi and Archbishop Fulton Sheen ( We cannot imagine how much Jesus suffered on the cross for our sins. The saints tell us, such as Saint Padre Pio, that Christ, in a mysterious way, will suffer for our sins until the end of time, until the end of the world. This is why the saints speak about making reparations to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary! (Visit: “An Open Letter To A Fellow Priest” (

Pope Francis speaks about “the exercise of the maternity of the Church”. But if there is not maintained the proper balance and equilibrium between the maternity of the Church and the paternity of the Church, there is great damage to souls. Many theologians of the past spoke about the “unconditional love” of a mother, and the “conditional love” of a father. Just as the children in a family need both the paternal and the maternal development and formation, which is totally denied in “gay unions”, so too the children of the Church need both! Emphasizing only the maternity or only the paternity of the Church without maintaining the proper balance ordained by God causes great problems and harm to the children in a family as well as in the Church. Satan understands this need of proper balance better than we do; thus he swings the pendulum from one side to the other so we loose our equilibrium and balance in the spiritual life. In some senses before VCII there was more paternity; now the pendulum has been pushed to the other side of more maternity while seeking to undermine and degrade proper paternity. Just take a look at how males are presented on the TV today: misfits, awkward, cowards, wimps, Rambo types without humility, sissies, womanizers, philanderers, skirt chasers, milksops, namby-pambys.

This lack of paternity in the Church today has pushed ecumenical dialogue toward false ecumenism in being silent about many fundamental truths of the Catholic faith! “The Church of the nice”! Priest and bishop should know this, but so many have chosen to satisfy what the people want today without regard for their true wellbeing tomorrow, or for eternity, perhaps similar to a father who lets himself be swayed by the imprudent objections of his wife or his children to not enforce proper discipline.

True Catholics, who have persevered everyday in resisting the temptation of gently sliding into the easy and egotistical way of relativism, realize the difference between changing Church discipline (such as not eating meat on Friday substituted with making another personal sacrifice) and changing Church doctrine which comes from the immutable Truth, God. Church doctrine is not a matter of what the liberals feel or believe, or what the conservatives feel or believe, as often happens in politics. Church doctrine cannot change because it comes from God Who is immutable and does not change in time according to the whims and fads of each period in history. Human nature does not change and what is fundamentally best for human beings does not change; the Ten Commandments and the Gospels are for all times and places, not just for the Israelites before Christ or for those in Palestine 2000 years ago. The act of fornication, abortion and the act of homosexuality remain intrinsically wrong (non negotiable) and immoral and very harmful and destructive to those involved and to the whole of society. Often we do not see the negative effects until years later. We are now seeing the destruction and crash of western civilizations which have swallowed the convenient lies of our secular societies of slowly undermining the Truth, in illuminism, positivism, subjectivism, relativism, so as to arrive at justifying the rejection of all objective truth which is imprinted into our hearts by our Creator (the natural law), and reveled by our Creator in divine revelation. We are finally free from these useless rules and commandments from a God that most do not believe exists so as to become total slaves of the father of lies, Satan! We have allowed Satan to prepare the world for even greater lies and deceptions impersonated in the false prophet and the antichrist.

This is an all out war against the Truth, a war against God, to slowly put aside the immutable truth from God with all kinds of excuses and rationalizations to arrive to the ultimate and total rejection of the Truth as it is in hell! Many true Catholics are beginning to scratch their heads about the real message and effect of some of what Pope Francis has said and written. How are the majority of the people really understanding and perceiving what Pope Francis is communicating?

We as humans, when we are concentrating on looking in one direction, that Pope Francis was supposedly canonically elected, we Catholics interpret all in the direction of defending infallibility of a canonically elected Pope. But if one considers the possibility that we have arrived to that moment prophesied by many saints and seers, of “a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the Pontificate”, as Saint Francis foretold, then one begins to consider looking in the other direction of interpretation which helps us see the possibility of being lead in the wrong direction and of recognizing real negative fruits in the great majority of those who listen to Pope Francis. “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2Cor 11:14).

Do we sinners realizing the absolute necessity to discover the great harm of sin as defined by Sacred Scripture and infallibly explained by the Church that Christ left us, as well as the need to repent and change our lives for our good and the good of others, or are we being led today to believe that it is OK to continue in our sins and not worry about it and everything will be OK afterwards without any responsibility for our actions? Do we remember what we promise in the prayer, the “Act of Contrition: “I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more, and to avoid the near occasion of sin”? Are our pastors helping us, as well as the general public, to realize the absolute need to live this prayer of confessing our sins in humility before God and to “firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin”, or are we being lead to believe that mercy is automatic without doing at least what the prodigal’s son did: “Father , I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son” (Lk 15:11-32)?!?

A false pope that would change a doctrine of the Church in a smooth hidden way would be like proclaiming that two plus two are now defined as five! If this happens in October of this year, I hope that many of the true Catholics will begin to open their eyes to the possibility of what several saints and seers have prophesied recently about the false pope, the second beast, the false prophet. Visit: “Catholic Right, Traditionalists Lament Pope Francis Papacy” (

In an exclusive interview with Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger on the World Over Live (EWTN, 2003; “Conversations The World Over - Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger Pt. 1”;, Raymond Arroyo asked Cardinal Ratzinger what did Pope John Paul II mean by “a new springtime in the Church”. Cardinal Ratzinger replied:
“This does not mean that there will be great masses of conversions; this is not the way of God. Essential things in history begin always with small but convinced communities. The Church began with the 12 apostles. And even the churches of Saint Paul diffused in the Mediterranean with little communities, but these communities had in themselves the future of the world, because they had the truth; and the force of true conviction. I think also today it would be an error to think that now in 10 years in a new springtime all people will be catholic. This is not our future or our expectation. But we will have really convinced communities. This is the springtime, a new life in very convinced persons with the joy of the faith. But from these small numbers we will have a radiation of joy, an attraction.”

Jean-Baptiste Chautard in his classic book, “Soul of the Apostolate”, also explains how the parishes are renewed by small convinced groups with the truth and on fire for the Lord.

This reply of Cardinal Ratzinger seems to be rather different from the overall message of Pope Francis, of opening the doors to everyone, without emphasizing the fundamental need of small convinced communities with the Truth on fire for the Lord while maintaining true humility. Pope Francis, while saying lots of nice words leaves out the words needed to keep the idea in the context of the fullness of divine revelation, and is thus leading us to invite all into the Church, but without talking about the absolute need to not compromise with the truth in the same talk or discourse; he is leading us to dilute the community with those who feel no need or necessity to change their lives according to the absolute truth outside of themselves. This is a fundamental shift in emphasis and prudence from what Cardinal Ratzinger and the saints have told us in the past! In the end this shift will cause great damage to many souls and to the Church and to the world.

When the world and the societies were loosing the faith and sinking into the mire of their sins, what did the saints do? Compromise with the world or go totally to God? Saint Anthony, Abbot, went into the desert; Saint Benedict went to Subiaco; Saint Francis went to Laverna, Moses went to Mount Tabor! According to the mentality of the world, these saints were all crazy because they did not embrace the mentality of the world! But today in the most wicked generation in the history of the world we are being told to “go to the peripheries”, without putting first God in the heart, so as to be able to live the First Commandment: “You shall worship the Lord you God and Him only shall you serve” (Ex 20:2-5; Deut 5:6-9; CCC 2084). By now the world is so far from God that many religious leaders believe that the only way to evangelize is to compromise the 10 Commandments, to put aside the fullness of the means of sanctification, the sacraments above all the Eucharist, and the fullness of the Truth with the guidance of the Magisterium of the Church (Lumen Gentium 8) in order to evangelize the non Catholics. In this way one goes ever more toward mediocrity seeking to receive and to please everyone, with compromises after compromises, to the point of loosing all the true values of Jesus Christ.

Let us contrast what Pope Francis says, “go to the peripheries”, with what Our Lady said to the priests of the Marian Movement of Priests, by way of Don Stefano Gobbi:
“With the Church, Triumphant and Suffering, which palpitates around the center of love, which is the Eucharistic Jesus, the Church Militant should also be gathered together; you should all gather together, my beloved sons, religious and faithful, in order to form, with heaven and purgatory, an unceasing hymn of adoration and praise.
“Instead, today, Jesus in the tabernacle is surrounded by much emptiness, much neglect and much ingratitude. These times were foretold by me at Fatima, through the voice of the Angel who appeared to the children to whom he taught this prayer: ‘Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly, and I offer You the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference with which He Himself is surrounded…’
“This prayer was taught for these times of yours.
“Jesus is surrounded today by an emptiness, which has been brought about especially by you priests who, in your apostolic activity, often go about uselessly and very much on the periphery, going after things which are less important and more secondary and forgetting that the center of you priestly day should be here, before the tabernacle, where Jesus is present and is kept especially for you.
He is also surrounded by the indifference of many of my children, who live as if He were not there and, when they enter church for liturgical functions, are not aware of his divine and real presence in your midst.
Often Jesus in the Eucharist is placed in some isolated corner whereas he should be placed in the center of the church, and He should be placed at the center of your ecclesial gatherings, because the church is his temple which has been built first for Him and then for you.
“What causes deep bitterness to my motherly Heart is the way in which Jesus, present in the tabernacle, is treated in many churches, where He is placed in a little corner, as though He were some object or other to be made use of, for you ecclesial gatherings.
“But above all, it is the sacrileges which today form, around my Immaculate Heart, a painful crown of thorns. In these times, how many communions are made, and how many sacrileges perpetrated!
“It can be said that there is no longer any Eucharistic celebration where sacrilegious communions are not made. If you only saw with my eyes how great this wound is which has contaminated the whole Church and paralyzes it, halts it, and makes it impure and so very sick!
If you only saw with my eyes, you too would shed copious tears with me.
“And so my beloved ones and children consecrated to my Heart, it is you who must be today a clarion call for the full return of the whole Church Militant to Jesus present in the Eucharist.
Because there alone is to be found the spring of living water which will purify its aridity and renew the desert to which it has been reduced; there alone is to be found the secret of life which will open up for it a second Pentecost of grace and of light; there alone is to be found the fount of its renewed holiness: Jesus in the Eucharist!
IT IS NOT YOU PASTORAL PLANS and you discussions; it is not the human means on which you put reliance and so much assurance, but it is only Jesus in the Eucharist which will give to the whole Church the strength of a complete renewal, which will lead it to be poor, evangelical, chaste, stripped of all those supports on which it relies, holy, beautiful and without spot or wrinkle, in imitation of your heavenly Mother.
“I desire that this message of mine be made public and be numbered among those contained in my book. I desire that I be spread throughout the whole world because I am calling you today from every part of the earth to be a crown of love, of adoration, of thanksgiving and of reparation, upon the Immaculate Heart of her who is true Mother – joyful Mother but also most sorrowful Mother – of the Most Holy Eucharist.
“I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
(Our Lady to Don Stefano Gobbi, August 8. 1986).

One might also contrast public and private statements of Pope Francis with Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict regarding Marian apparitions! Pope John Paul II went to Fatima three times; Pope Benedict one time! Since Medjugorge was not yet approved, Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict had to be reserve; but it is not hard to find private statements of Pope John Paul II that are very favorable toward Medjugorge (“Pope John Paul II On Medjugorje - While these statements are not verified by the Pope's seal and signature, they are brought to us by persons in whom we may trust”; Pope Benedict XVI wrote in the book "The Ratzinger Report" (1985): "One of the signs of our times is that the announcements of 'MARIAN APPARITIONS' ARE MULTIPLYING ALL OVER THE WORLD."

Saint Louis De Montfort in his prophetic book, “True Devotion To Mary”, explains to us that in our period in the history of the world and of the Church, the proto Gospel (Gen 3:15) will be fulfilled:
"It is chiefly in reference to these last wicked persecutions of the devil, daily increasing until the advent of the reign of anti-Christ, that we should understand that first and well-known prophecy and curse of God uttered against the serpent in the garden of paradise. It is opportune to explain it here for the glory of the Blessed Virgin, the salvation of her children and the confusion of the devil: 'I will place enmities between you and the woman, between your race and her race; she will crush your head and you will lie in wait for her heel' (Gen 3:15)” (TD, no. 51).

While opening the doors of the Church, which is also what Christ did, and talking about mercy but without talking about the fundamental need of conversion in the same talk and context, we end up diluting the wine and end up with watered down compromise. Even though Christ was Mercy Itself incarnate, He never accepted compromise but called all to true conversion, which is true love because this leads to true and eternal happiness, and not just happiness in this short life. For many who accept compromise, and are happy with this one-sided emphasis of Pope Francis to accept anyone, they do not understand why the king, in the parable of the wedding feast, had bound hand and foot the man without a wedding garment, and had him “cast into the outer darkness; there men will weep and gnash their teeth. For many are called , but few are chosen” (Mt 22:1-14). Why does Pope Francis not talk about these parables? Is Jesus Christ the oppressor and Pope Francis the hero liberating us from the bonds of our guilty consciences without sacrifice and true repentance and change of life? One hears the phrase: “open the way to the truth”, or “first the Gospel, then the rules”. But this leads so easily to “bypass the rules”! If the “truth” and the “rules” are not explained in the same context, explaining how the truth and the rules offer us the true good of true love and true freedom, helping people to accept and embrace these difficult truths and rules in their own name freely, afterwards will come seven other spirits more evil than the one cast out (Lk 11:26; Mt 12:43-45)! Satan tries in everyway possible to negate the greatest gift from God, underlined in a special way through the revelations to Saint Faustina, the Divine Mercy. Thus Satan seeks to offer us a false mercy, non based on true contrition e true conversion. Thus one does not ask for the mercy of God according to the criteria of sin established by Go, and thus the redemption is nullified!

True love, above all, includes “an urgent call to conversion” (CCC 1036), which is “the first step in returning to the Father” (CCC 1423). “Jesus calls to conversion. This call is an essential part of the proclamation of the kingdom: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in the gospel” (Mk 1:15; CCC 1427). In heaven, only pure wine is admitted; all must be totally purified and perfect to enter heaven! One of the fundamental traps of Satan today is to convince us that it is easy or even automatic to go to heaven. But the Gospels (Lk 13:24; Mt 7:13-14) and the CCC indicate the exact opposite. Dead bodies float downstream; to get to heaven one must swim upstream against the current in struggling in this “dour combat” (CCC 409) of life!

In the world today, with few people praying and seeking to discover and live God’s holy will, it is very difficult to not slide into compromise and to sincerely live the “Act of Contrition”: “I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more, and to avoid the near occasion of sin”. So many people today, in our all encompassing environment of subjectivism and relativism, want to confess their feeling of guilt of perhaps living together out of wedlock but with no intention of changing their lives and living a chaste life according to their state of life explained by the Sacred Scriptures and interpreted by the Church.

On the TV program, “World Over - 2015-05-21 - The Church and the family, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia with Raymond Arroyo (, Raymond Arroyo asked Archbishop Paglia, President – Pontifical Council For The Family, if he agreed with Cardinal George Pell that the synod will reaffirm church teachings.
Archbishop Paglia answered: “I do not know exactly, the synod is realized exactly to reflect on this matter. Surely we have to increase our pastoral engagement. The doctrine is clear. Surely we have to increase a lot our closeness to all kinds of families, to families in good health, to blessed families, everywhere you have some signs, in the sense, I think that we are to enlarge our vision, we have to be sure that the pope really does in order to push a new spring of families, in the sense that we have to avoid some too ideological prospectives. We have to increase in our pastoral attitude because now is not the time for only some theoretical descriptions. The pope wants to pull the church and the believers to see the reality of families. We have to show the mercy of God for everyone. … We would like to find good words in order to announce the gospel family in the contemporary world.”

Does the phrase “too ideological prospectives” identify sin as a sin? Did God give us the 10 Commandments to torture us or for our true good? “We have to show the mercy of God for everyone”; does this mean mercy without encouraging and helping these people to escape the bondage of sin, and “to avoid the near occasions of sin”?!?

We have been brainwashed by the highly controlled mass media to no longer believe that the 10 Commandments are a gift from God for our true good, and thus we as creatures can change these saving rules according to our whims. Behold the powerful hidden nuclear bomb of Satan.

A great number of Catholics today, after many years of being coerced and pushed into relativism and being manipulated toward irresponsibility by ignoring the less visible secondary consequences of their sinful actions, at all levels in the Church, do not realize the GREAT DEVASTATION that will be caused by shifting FROM OBEYING God’s laws which are for our true good, TO CHANGING the laws of God according to the impulses, whims and caprice of each person and the craze and fads of the world led by the prince of the world, Satan (Jn 12:31; 14:30). This great destruction is spurred on by nice sounding slogans and rhetoric from the very powerful psychological bombardment of the mass media and from the educational institutions (including seminaries), as well as well planned diversion tactics that lead us to focus on secondary issues such as the global environment, peace, world unity and the (false) unity of religions.

The Church is the soul of the world. This is not just a shift, this is totally turning upside down the foundation of the moral and natural law: this shift is to convince human beings, especially those with greater responsibility before the people, that they are the authors of the moral and natural law, that they are the authors of the truth and all of reality, not God the Creator of the entire universe!!! This is Original Sin all over again (Gen 3:4-5)! After Satan deals a mighty blow to the soul of the world, the Church, the world will quickly deteriorate and go toward the infernal abyss. The puppets of the New World Order believe they are creating the greatest world order in the history of the world, as did the puppets of Hitler. But very few of these puppets realize that the one pulling the strings from the top of their organization is the prince of the world, Satan (Jn 12:31; 14:30). The true hidden agenda is not world domination, but to lead as many immortal souls to the infernal dwelling of Satan as possible. Satan cannot attack God directly; thus Satan seeks to deprive God of the great joy of having a personal relationship of love with each of His creature for all eternity.

The last four directives of the Grand Master of the Freemasons to the catholic Bishops for “The Masonic Plan For The Destruction Of The Catholic Church ( are as follows:
30. After the Antipope has been elected, dissolve the synod of bishops as well as the associations of priests and parish councils. Forbid all religious to question, without permission, these new provisions. Explain that God loves humility and hates those who aspire to glory. Accuse of disobedience against Ecclesiastical authority all those who raise questions. Discourage obedience to God. Tell the people that they must obey these higher ecclesiastics.
31. Give the Pope (= Antipope) the maximum power to choose their successors. Order under pain of excommunication all those who love God, to bear the mark of the beast. Do not call it though the "sign of the beast." The Sign of the Cross should not be done nor used on people or through them (you should not bless anymore). To make the Sign of the Cross will be designated as idolatry and disobedience.
32. Declare previous dogmas as false, except Papal Infallibility. Proclaim Jesus Christ as a failed revolutionary. Announce that the true Christ will soon come. Only the elected Antipope must be obeyed. Tell the people that they must bow when his name is uttered.
33. Order all the subjects of the Pope to fight in holy crusade to extend the one-world religion. Satan knows where one finds all the lost gold. Conquer the world without pity! All this will bring to humanity all that it has always craved: "the golden age of peace."

These puppets of Satan, “the father of lies” (Jn 8:44), without the grace of God, actually believe: “All this will bring to humanity all that it has always craved: "THE GOLDEN AGE OF PEACE."!” Behold the Age of Aquarius of the New Age Movement together with the Masonry: “When the moon is in the seventh house, and Jupiter aligns with Mars. Then peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars…”

Journalist and novelist G.K. Chesterton observed, "When people stop believing in God, they do not believe in nothing. They believe in anything." Something will fill the belief void. Even atheism is a belief system. To put it another way, a starving man will eat whatever is at hand—even if it is slow poison. Thus, we have seen rapid growth in secular humanism, Eastern religions, Islam, and Wicca and New Age religions. Apparently, an increasing number of people are even claiming "Jedi" as their belief system! (Read more:;

Cardinal Ivan Dias at Lourdes cited Pope John Paul II: “We are standing before today the greatest fight that humanity has ever seen. I do not believe that the Christian community has totally understood this. We are today before the FINAL CONFRONTATION between the Church and the anti-Church, between the Gospel and the anti-Gospel”. But it is the woman “of genesis and of the apocalypse”, concludes the Cardinal, “that will combat at the head of the army of her sons and daughters against the enemy forces of Satan and will crush the head of the serpent.” (Gen 3,15)” (December 13, 2007).

In this period I am using as my daily meditation a few meditations given at the International Spiritual Exercises (annual), at Collevalenza – Sanctuary of Merciful Love (Madre Speranza), with the Marian Movement of Priests. I would like to share with you one of these meditations, with the title of the meditation, “The Church, The Movement and the current times”, given in 2008 which I put at the end of my monthly “Spiritual Food 1411”.

Perhaps you will also find illuminating my “Spiritual Food 1410” (that of October 2014) in which I included another more recent meditation given at Collevalenza in June 2014: “The Church Mystery of Christ” ( In this meditation Father Quartilio Gabrielli explains the “Current Crisis In The Church”.

SAINT PADRE PIO said: "It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do so without the HOLY MASS." This saint also said: “The ROSARY is the weapon for these times”!

Forgive me for the length of this email, but with all of our commitments, we speak among ourselves seldom. I would be very content for you comments or greeting, even by email. If you want to receive my monthly “Spiritual Food”, let me know.

If you might like to read other articles (and video clips) in English which I put on the Internet, visit my website:

Dear brothers in the priesthood, I remember you everyday in my Holy Mass AND ALSO BEFORE OUR EUCHARISTIC LORD IN THE TABERNACLE.

See you soon!

Father Joseph Dwight