Saturday, December 12, 2015

Great Trial

The following is a meditation of the priest, Padre Gabrielli Quartilio, to over 200 priests and to over 10 bishops during the International Spiritual Exercises of the Marian Movement of Priests, at Collevalenza – Sanctuary of Merciful Love (Madre Speranza), June 21-27, 2015.

The End of the Times - The Great Trial

Dear Bishops and Priests:

I would like to begin this first meditation first of all; a big thanks to the Most Holy Trinity Infinite Mercy; if we are here it is because of Their gift, not because of our own choice; and because of the gift of Mary to us, and because of the gift of the M.M.P. (Marian Movement of Priests).

A thanks to Our Lady Mediatrix and Queen: Our Lady of the end times, represented in the beautiful picture that Madre Speranza wanted and had painted, here on the right of the altar (in the Sanctuary of Merciful Love).

In this framework the M.M.P. finds the explanation of what Our Lady asks us so insistently and forcefully: "The cenacles of prayer", in order to obtain the gift of the Holy Spirit Who will sweep away all the darkness that the serpent has spread all over the world and everywhere in the Church . The Cenacles which we do are nothing more than a ceaseless invocation of this "LIGHT" to defeat the "DARKNESS": this is why our Mamma calls them "like a vaccine" to overcome the evils of the times in which we are living in now.

After these premises let us dispose ourselves to spend this day with Mary in prayer, in reflection, in fraternity, welcoming what Mary wants of us today. We all see and experience the terrible confusion of today, the great apostasy which by now has invaded everything and everyone; but we must remember and keep in mind what Our Lady tells us members of the Movement to be "the Apostles of the last times", to be ready to battle with the unleashing of the forces of evil.

For this I chose excerpts from the messages, where we find described the trail, I would say in detail, with the description of the apostasy and of the deception that have obscured the truth taught to us by Jesus and transmitted by the Church faithfully for centuries. In this first meditation let us take a look at the messages which describe:

1. The end of the times.
2. The great trial.

The end of the times. The apocalyptic message.

The first thing to see to be convinced of the times we live in, (let me say with pain, because even for the Don Stefano it was with pain: not everyone: even in the Movement there are those who do not believe in certain messages) these are the times that She describes to us, for the "Apostles of the last times"; and that's why she wanted this HER "Work" to fight the definitive battle between Her, the "woman clothed with the sun, and her Opponent from the beginning.

This is the whole message of Fatima, which we knew through the messages of the book, and many of us also, by living next to Don Stefano. I say this because now the Movement HAS AN IMPORTANT ROLE TO CARRY OUT in the world and in the Church, which it can not ignore:
Is this not a strong sign that today you give me? You want me to understand that your cohort is ready; that your little children have responded to you, that you have triumphed in the life of these your sons because, by way of these, you will accomplish the triumph of your Immaculate Heart in the world.
Here at Fatima there was given the announcement of a mystery that was not completely revealed. Here at Fatima there is a message which reflects a beam of light on all the events of this century and on what will happen in the next century” (Homily of Don Stefano at Fatima, November 20, 1999).

From these words of Don Stefano you understand why now is the time of the battle: Our Lady, our Leader, and we, her cohort, to fight the final battle.

In his message of December 31, 1992, Our Lady indicated to us FIVE SIGNS OF THE END TIMES.

Now I recall them briefly. Note well that the Mamma in this message says that these signs "are clearly indicated in the Gospels, in the Letters of St. Paul and of St. Peter; in Holy Scripture.

1 - THE FIRST SIGN: THE DIFFUSION OF ERRORS: "They will false renowned theologians who will teach pernicious heresies, false teachers, who will spread errors and many will listen to them and will follow them," because of them, errors will be spread, the Christian life will be despised, because of this apostasy will spread everywhere." (Mt 24:5-9; 2Thes 2:3; 2Pt 2:1-3).

2 - THE SECOND SIGN: THE OUTBREAK OF WARS AND FRATRICIDAL CONFLICTS: "There will be famines and earthquakes, the dominance of violence, of hatred, there will be natural disasters. With epidemic famines, flooding." (Mt 24:6-12) (Ebola) Aids, cancer, rare diseases.

3 - THE THIRD SIGN: THE BLOODY PERSECUTION: ''You will be arrested, persecuted and killed. You will be hated by all because of me. Many will abandon the faith, they will hate and they will betray you” (Mt 24.9-10).
Never before in recent years have there been attacks on churches, true and real persecutions only because they were Christians: Nigeria, Sudan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan; but there are also many other forms of persecution, even in Italy, Europe, even within the Church herself today: Franciscans of the Immaculate.

4 – THE FORTH SIGN: THE HORRIBLE SACRILEGE: "From one who opposes Christ, that is the anti-Christ. He will enter into the temple, he will sit on the throne, making himself to be adored as if her were God, with the power of false miracles and prodigies, he will use every kind of evil deception to do evil” (2 Thess 2:4-9). What is the horrible sacrilege: the Protestant doctrine will be welcomed, and it will be said that the Mass is not a sacrifice but only a sacred meal. This agreement has already been made with the Lutherans, in which Catholics can participate in their rituals, and our Lutheran in ours.

5 - THE FIFTH SIGN: EXTRAORDINARY PHENOMENA: that take place in the firmament of the heavens. Wars will multiply, natural disasters, persecutions ... Our Lady invites us to remain strong in the faith:
Allow yourselves to be led by me, and gather together, each and all, in the sure refuge of my Immaculate Heart, which I have prepared for you especially during these last times… I am always with you, to tell you that the coming about of these signs indicates to you with certainty that the end of the times, with the return of Jesus in glory, is close at hand”. (December 31, 1992)

But before the liberation we have to know that there is waiting for us the times that Our Lady describes to us.

After the message of the 5 signs of the last times, I would like to bring to your attention another message of May 13, 1994, which describes the end times, the final times.
It is within your time that the fulfillment of the message is taking place, the message which I have given you at Fatima and against which my Adversary has thrown himself in fury, but which will now appear in all its extraordinary importance for the Church and for all humanity. It is an apocalyptic message. It has regard to the end of the times. It announces and prepares for the return of my Son Jesus in glory.” (May 13, 1994).

Here, Our Lady tells us that this "Apocalyptic" message concerns the Church and humanity. First of all Our Lady speaks about humanity:
Upon this humanity which has again become pagan, enveloped in the coldness of the denial of God and of rebellion against his Law of love, corrupted by sin and evil, and over whom Satan reigns as a sure victor, I am causing the rays of love and of light from my Immaculate Heart to come down…
Because only in my Immaculate Heart will you find refuge in the moment of the chastisement, comfort in the hour of suffering, relief in the midst of unspeakable afflictions, light in the days of densest darkness, refreshment amidst the flames of the fire which consumes, confidence and hope in a now general despair”. (May 13, 1994).

These words concern humanity; now let's see what she says about the Church. Now pay good attention to what she says about the Church:
Upon this Church, darkened and wounded, stricken and betrayed, I am causing the rays of love and of light from my Immaculate Heart to come down. When there will have entered into her the man of iniquity, who will bring to fulfillment the abomination of desolation which will reach its climax in the horrible sacrilege, as the great apostasy will have spread everywhere, then my Immaculate Heart will gather together the little faithful remnant which, in suffering, in prayer and in hope, will await the return of my Son Jesus in glory.
For this reason I urge you today to look to the great light which has spread out from Fatima over the events of this, your century, and which is becoming particularly strong in these last times. Mine is an apocalyptic message, because you are in the heart of that which has been announced to you in the last and so very important book of Sacred Scripture.
I entrust to the angels of light of my Immaculate Heart the task of bringing you to an understanding of these events, now that I have opened the sealed Book for you." (May 13, 1994).

I would like to note the last words that she entrusts to the small faithful remnant:
You are in the heart of that which has been announced to you in the last and so very important book of Sacred Scripture”; and that Our Lady entrusts “to the angels of light of my Immaculate Heart the task of bringing you to an understanding of these events” (May 13, 1994).

In this regard I quote the words spoken by Benedict XVI on the third secret of Fatima in 2010, during his trip to Fatima. The Pope responded to a reporter who asked if in the visions of Fatima there were included the sufferings of the Church for these times (it was the moment of the scandals of pedophilia). The Pope replied:

"The greatest persecution of the Church does not come from outside, from enemies without, but arises from sin within the Church in her internal ... There are indicated realities about the future of the Church we will slowly know as they develop and they show that there is a vision of the passion of the Church which of course is reflected in the person of the Pope, the terrible crisis of faith, accompanied by a profound moral crisis ... the solutions are external, regarding a creative secularism of barriers against the faith more concerned with publicity and efficiency than with the Truth".

At this point there are lots of messages to be analyzed, and it is impossible to see them all; for this reason I would like to focus mainly on the year 1975: Be Joyous.

Be Joyous
Live each moment in me, without thinking of tomorrow, without ever worrying about what you must do… Soon everything will be plunged in darkness. Then I myself will be your light and will guide you… For this, accustom yourselves not to look at things but to me alone… Do not consider what many are doing today against my Son and against me and what they are preparing to do against you. The hour of darkness is approaching, the hour when you must drink the chalice which my Son has prepared for each one of you. But do not even think of this hour, that you may not be caught up in fear and anxiety. Look only to my Immaculate Heart: take refuge and warm yourselves here, strengthen yourselves here. Feel yourselves in safety here”. (March 15, 1975)

Here Our Lady warns us: we are called to live these days with serenity, looking only at Her, to her Mother’s Heart; but she wants us also aware of “the hour of darkness” and that we are called to drink the "bitter cup".
This is now the time for me to begin disclosing part of my plan. First of all, it is necessary that my Enemy have the impression of having conquered everything, of having everything now in his hands. This is why he will be permitted to penetrate even into the interior of my Church, and he will succeed in plunging the sanctuary of God into darkness”. (October 18, 1975)
Satan is maneuvering more and more openly in my Church. He has now associated many of my priest-sons with himself, deluding them with the false mirage that Marxism proposes to all: exclusive interest in the poor, a Christianity engaged solely in the building up of a more equitable human society, a Church which would be more evangelical and therefore disengaged from its hierarchical institutions. This real division within my Church, this real apostasy on the part of so many of my priest-sons, will become accentuated and thus develop into a violent and open rebellion”. (December 31, 1975)
My beloved sons. You are the warp and woof of my plan; the loving design of your mother; the gift that I give to the Church, to comfort her in the passion and apparent death that awaits her, before her wondrous renewal through the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world”. (January 31, 1975)

We are the design of her Mother’s Love. UNDERSTOOD!?!

The great trial

Prepare to live moments in which the history of the Church has never known before and in which everything will seem subverted. But in the greatest obscurity I will be you light and your guide.
Therefore do not fear, my beloved sons. Begin this new year with the greatest trust in my Immaculate Heart… you are called to see the greatest triumph of the mercy of God in the world”. (January 1, 1978)

In these times, the Church is being called to live the hours of agony and of Gethsemane, the hours of the redemptive passion, the hours of her bloody immolation on Calvary… How heavy a cross they must carry today, these most beloved children of mine: the cross of apostasy and of the lack of faith; the cross of sins and of innumerable sacrileges; the cross of abandonment and of rejection; the cross of condemnation and of crucifixion!
For my Church, the moment of the shedding of blood and of her bloody immolation is close at hand. Especially in these times, I am ever close to this suffering and agonizing Daughter of mine, as I was beneath the Cross, upon which Jesus was immolated for our redemption…
Pray, beloved children, and do penance, because you have now entered into the time of the great chastisement which the Lord will send for the purification of the earth… Your suffering will increase with the increase of the trial which has already begun”. (January 1, 1991)

The great trial has come for all of you, my poor children, so threatened by Satan and stricken by the evil spirits…
Never as in your days has peace been so threatened, because the struggle of my Adversary against God is becoming stronger and stronger, more insidious, continual and universal”. (January 1, 1993)

This is a mystery of love and of sorrow, of light and of darkness, of joy and of suffering, of death and of life… It is a trial so great and painful, that you cannot even imagine it, but it is necessary for the Church and for all humanity, in order that the new era, the new world, and the reconciliation of humanity with their Lord may come upon you”. (February 2, 1991)

You have thus entered into the great trial.

The danger you are in is that of losing grace and the communion of life with God, which my Son Jesus obtained for you at the moment of redemption, when He delivered you from slavery to the Evil One and set you free from sin. Now sin is no longer considered an evil; indeed, it is often exalted as a thing of value and as something good. Recognize sin as the greatest of evils, as the source of all individual and social evils.
The great trial has come for the Church, so violated by the evil spirits, so divided in its unity, so darkened in its holiness. See how error has flooded throughout it, error which leads to the loss of the true faith. Apostasy is spreading everywhere. A special gift of my Immaculate Heart for these times of yours is the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which my Pope has wished to promulgate, to be as it were his shining last testament.
The hour of its great trial has above all come for the Church, because it will be shaken by the lack of faith, obscured by apostasy, wounded by betrayal, abandoned by its children, divided by schisms, possessed and dominated by Freemasonry, turned into fertile soil from which will spring up the wicked tree of the man of iniquity, the Antichrist, who will bring his kingdom into its interior.
The further you enter into the time of the great trial, the more will you experience, in an extraordinary way, my motherly presence close to you, to help, defend, protect and console you, and to prepare for you new days of serenity and peace”. (January 1, 1993)

Now allow me let out a little vent. You know that Our Lady disposed things so that I might spend the last years next to Don Stefano, and I can tell you that there were many trials and sufferings that he faced for the Movement; but I remember, for him it was a for great suffering when some of the leaders questioned the messages and so doubted about their veracity. In 2000, many leaders no longer participated in the annual retreat, some continued but then left. I remember in this regard; Gerard, Father Fabio of Salvador, a Bishop of Peru who for several years gave the beautiful meditations on the messages with the relative biblical quotations; and many others....

Even to this day I think that for the Movement the moment has arrived to be ready to carry out the mission that She, the Leader, asks us; we must face painful trials, because these are the times of the great battle.

What does Our Lady ask us to do, in these times of battle.
Prepare to live moments in which the history of the Church has never known before and in which everything will seem subverted. But in the greatest obscurity I will be you light and your guide.
Therefore do not fear, … have the greatest trust in my Immaculate Heart… you are called to see the greatest triumph of the mercy of God in the world”. (January 1, 1978)

Here, Our Lady tells us to prepare for these moments of great darkness in the Church and we now live them in these days, in which many want to subvert the truth of the Gospel, many want to transform the Faith, into only pietism, ecumenism…
As Mother, I am always close to you, to the Church and to humanity, in order to lead you along the way of the fulfillment of the Father's Will… in such a way that the Most Holy and Divine Trinity may be more and more glorified. The fountain of your joy and your peace is to be found in the perfect glorification of the Most Holy Trinity” (January 1, 1993)

The great trial has begun because we are threatened by Satan who makes us lose the true sense of sin, the real cause of all evil is not only spiritual but also physical. The great trial has begun especially for the Church, and Our Lady invites us to look at her:
See how error has flooded throughout her, error which leads to the loss of the true faith. Apostasy is spreading everywhere. A special gift of my Immaculate Heart for these times of yours is the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which my Pope has wished to promulgate, to be as it were his shining last testament”. (January 1, 1993)

Here, beloved, there is nothing left for us to do except look to Mary as Mother of God but also as our true Mother and Mother of the Church. We are called not to be overwhelmed by lack of trust, by fear, much less by discouragement, even though we see that:
Atheism has organized itself as a force spread out for the conquest of the whole world and the complete destruction of my Church… You, my poor sons, are the ones most knocked about in a struggle which is, above all, between ME and my Adversary, … before telling you of the battle, I have, as Mother, invited you to seek a safe refuge… My Immaculate Heart: now you understand, my sons, why it is the greatest gift which the Heavenly Father offers you. My Immaculate Heart: it is your safest refuge and the means of salvation which, at this time, God gives to the Church and to humanity. The special intervention of this Heart of mine is the work which I am carrying out in my Church to call all priests, my beloved ones, to take refuge in me…
This victory of mine has already begun, and soon it will shine forth upon the entire Church and upon the whole of renewed humanity”. (December 8, 1975)

Mindful that atheism has caused shipwreck in the faith to a great number of the faithful, that desecration has entered into the holy temple of God, not sparing even many of our brother-priests, and that evil and sin are spreading more and more throughout the world, we make so bold as to lift our eyes trustingly to You…” (Act of Consecration)

So get rid of lack of trust, away with fear on the part of us in the Movement: the only concern should be that of entering and helping others to enter into the safe haven of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, living the consecration to her Immaculate Heart " with the simplicity of children, in a spirit of humility, of poverty, of trust and of filial abandonment" (31 December 1997).

And this, even though if already the time has arrived in which ...
Those who oppose you, who calumniate you, who despise you, who push you aside and who persecute you will believe that they are doing something pleasing to the Heavenly Father and even to ME, your Immaculate Mother.
This forms part of the tenebrous time in which you are living. Because you are now entering into the most painful and dark phase of the purification, and soon the Church will be shaken by a terrible persecution, a new persecution, such as has hitherto been unknown”. (November 12, 1988)

Today, dear friends, if one does not think like so many others, the least accusation is: you are a conservative or a Lefrevrian; or even worse: you are against the Pope, so you're not of the Movement ... Listen to what SHE tells us, the Mother of the Church:
I am especially close to the Church in these last times, when she must live through the bloody hour of her purification and of the great tribulation.
For her also, the plan of the Heavenly Father must be carried out, and thus she is being called to climb the Calvary of her immolation.
This most beloved Daughter of mine will be stricken and wounded, betrayed and despoiled, abandoned and led to the gibbet, where she will be crucified.
The man of iniquity will enter into her interior, and he will bring to its culmination the abomination of desolation, foretold in the Holy Scriptures…”. (January 1, 1994)

For a little while yet you will walk in light, but soon everything will be plunged in darkness. Then I myself will be your light and will guide you in carrying out that which my Immaculate Heart desires.
To do this, beloved sons, I must ask of you that which your human nature finds most costly: I ask you to live without thinking of tomorrow, without being preoccupied about the future… Live, with perfect love and perfect abandonment, the present which I - moment by moment - arrange for you, my little babes.
For this, accustom yourselves not to look at things but to me alone. Do not consider what is awaiting you, the deeply distressing events of these times of yours…
The hour of darkness is approaching, the hour when you must drink the chalice which my Son has prepared for each one of you. But do not even think of this hour, that you may not be caught up in fear and anxiety.
Look only to my Immaculate Heart: take refuge and warm yourselves here, strengthen yourselves here. Feel yourselves in safety here! Abandon yourselves completely and without reserve in this Heart; then only will you correspond to the great plan of salvation which my Heart has in each one of you, my little children”. (March 15, 1975)
In fact at the very moment when Satan will be enthroned as lord of the world and will think himself now the sure victor, I myself will snatch the prey from his hands. In a trice he will find himself empty-handed, and in the end the victory will be exclusively my Son's and mine. This will be the triumph of my Immacu­late Heart in the world”. (December 19, 1973)

There are many signs now clear that, in these times, Satan is seated sure to win, rather to win big; let us not be fooled: he will not prevail: let us welcome the invitation of the Mother:

This is the cross which Jesus now asks you to carry: to live side by side with brother-priests who no longer believe, who spiritually are no longer alive, who betray the Gospel, who are unfaithful servants and yet remain in the Church to be ministers of this infidelity.
This is for you the heaviest of crosses, but it enters into a greater plan of mine.
The decisive events have already begun, and the one you are living through is the beginning of these. This scandal will become even greater and more serious. You will be called upon to suffer more and more, because this veritable apostasy from the Gospel will one day become general in the Church, before the great liberating purification.” (July 9, 1975)

Just today a dear brother recommended to me to not mention for now these messages, because, he said, it is too early, they are not understood and could alarm the people for no reason. But I say: it’s been 40 years that She, the Mamma, told us these things: what must we wait for!

It is now the time for you to know this, that you may be consciously prepared for the battle. This is now the time for me to begin disclosing part of my plan.
First of all, it is necessary that my Enemy have the impression of having conquered everything, of having everything now in his hands.
This is why he will be permitted to penetrate even into the interior of my Church, and he will succeed in plunging the sanctuary of God into darkness. He will reap the greatest number of victims from among the ministers of the sanctuary”. (October 18, 1975)

The adversary must have the impression that he has everything in hand; introducing himself in the Church, gathering so many victims among the ministers, and this, my dear brothers, we see it every day: and as the Marian Movement of Priests we must still act as if everything is normal!?!

L'Avversario deve avere l'impressione che ha tutto in mano, con l'introdursi all'interno della Chiesa, mietendo così tante vittime tra i ministri, e questo, carissimi, noi lo vediamo ogni giorno: e come Movimento Sacerdotale Mariano dobbiamo ancora fare finta che tutto è normale!?!

Padre Gabrielli Quartilio

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The messages of Our Lady to Don Stefano Gobbi have been approved by several bishops; you can find all of the messages, as well as the various “Imprimatur”s, at:
To The Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons”,

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Vatican’s ‘climate change’ light show skipped the most endangered species of all – the unborn child”

As the Year of Mercy launches with this show, it makes me wonder if we’re testing God’s mercy rather than celebrating it.”

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Protestantization Mass

The Progressive Protestantization of the Catholic Mass

During the International Spiritual Exercises, at Collevalenza – Sanctuary of Merciful Love (Madre Speranza), 21-27, 2015, Père Laurent Larroque offered to over 200 priests and to over 10 bishops of the Marian Movement of Priests these words in a meditation.


This morning ( I spoke of the four attacks identified by Don Stefano against Jesus in the Eucharist: against the faith in His Real Presence, and therefore against adoration and against the attention toward the tabernacle; then the many communions without the state of grace, which are sacrileges, and finally the attack on the sacrificial dimension of the Mass, which will bring the '"abomination of desolation" in the holy temple of God, as foretold by the Holy Scriptures, when dealing with the end times. All this must happen before the return of Jesus in glory to establish His Kingdom, which will also be a Eucharistic reign over all the earth, "the new heavens and the new earth".

Before talking about adoration and this our invincible hope in the ultimate triumph of Jesus and Mary, I return to the last point: the attack on the sacrificial character of the Mass. Our book says that this develops as a progressive protestantization of the Mass. And to understand well what is behind this concept of "protestantization", we must review this fact in the more general philosophical context.

Maria, in her Book (cfr. The message of 17 June 1989 regarding "666") says that the philosophers, with scientism and rationalism (that is, giving exclusive value or at least exaggeration of science and of human reason) have provoked a whole historical process of thinking which has led to our modern mentality. And Mary sees that Protestantism, with its principles, that of "Scripture alone" (ie, denying the value of the Magisterium and Tradition as fundamental to the faith) and that of the "free will" (ie: that is - as Mary says - "everyone is free to read and to understand Sacred Scripture according to his own personal interpretation"), has become an instrument of this rationalism, which led - as I said in my first meditation - subjectivism and relativism: that is, to claim that there is no objective truth, there is no absolute truth on this earth; and therefore, there is no objective revelation of God, and above all, there is no possibility to know Jesus through the subjectivity of the early Church (and even more: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, are considered to be of unknown authors this early Church, as sick people of our subjectivism, that is incapable of recounting the truth that they had seen and heard about Jesus).

"This situation, having penetrated deeply into the collective consciousness of Christianity [it has penetrated especially in many seminary professors, and therefore in many seminarians] is dramatic for the faith," said Benedict XVI in his Introduction (Preamble) to his "Jesus of Nazareth" .

In regards to this, I love to remember the phrase of Jesus at the end of his public ministry in the Gospel of John (12:48): "He who rejects me and does not receive my sayings has a judge; the word that I have spoken will be his judge on the last day". Are we not to judge the Word of Jesus: it is the Word of Jesus that judges us and which will judge us on the last day, that we believed or that we doubted in our lives.

Then, of course, if you do not know anything for sure about Jesus and about his Words and actions - as many big professors say today and as are written many official introductions to the Gospels in our Bibles - then it is obvious that the Eucharist can no longer be a mystery to be believed with the joyous absolute certainty of faith. And yet, "nil hoc verbo veritatis verius ..."

Now, taking a step further in my reasoning, I make use of the encyclicals of John Paul II, Centesimus Annus (1991) and Evangelium Vitae (1995). Mary tells us, just after Evangelium Vitae: " His encyclical letters (of St. John Paul II) are true beacons of light, which shine down from heaven upon the intense darkness which envelops all the world." (13 May 1995)

This subjectivism and this relativism, which denies the possibility of truth for man have a practical consequence. This denial of truth is also one of the bases of liberalism (if everything is opinion, then anything goes, I can do what I want). But liberalism leads into its opposite, totalitarianism: that is, they wanted freedom, and instead there comes dictatorship. Why does totalitarianism come from liberalism? John Paul II says that where there is no longer among men the reference to absolute and universal truth that proceeds from God through His Revelation, then the field is free for all totalitarian regimes, as is seen in the twentieth century:

Totalitarianism arises out of a denial of truth in the objective sense. If there is no transcendent truth, in obedience to which man achieves his full identity, then there is no sure principle for guaranteeing just relations between people. (…) If one does not acknowledge transcendent truth, then the force of power takes over, and each person tends to make full use of the means at his disposal in order to impose his own interests or his own opinion, with no regard for the rights of others. People are then respected only to the extent that they can be exploited for selfish ends. Thus, the root of modern totalitarianism is to be found in the denial of the transcendent dignity of the human person who, as the visible image of the invisible God…” (Centesimus Annus 44: Cfr. Veritatis Splendor 99, and CCC 2244).

This is the fundamental foundation of equality of all men: the last down and out poor person in our big cities ha the same dignity as me and as the President of the Republic. But if he is no longer considered a son of God like me, then I no longer have the foundation to be able to respect him. Without God, human life quickly becomes an waiting room of Hell. Pope John Paul II wrote:
Humanity today offers us a truly alarming spectacle, if we consider not only how extensively attacks on life are spreading but also their unheard-of numerical proportion, and the fact that they receive widespread and powerful support from a broad consensus on the part of society, from widespread legal approval and the involvement of certain sectors of health-care personnel.
As I emphatically stated at Denver, on the occasion of the Eighth World Youth Day, "with time the threats against life have not grown weaker. They are taking on vast proportions. They are not only threats coming from the outside, from the forces of nature or the ‘Cains' who kill the ‘Abels'; no, they are scientifically and systematically programmed threats. The twentieth century will have been an era of massive attacks on life, an endless series of wars and a continual taking of innocent human life. False prophets and false teachers have had the greatest success. … We are in fact faced by an objective "conspiracy against life".” (Evangelium Vitae 17).

The twentieth century will be the century of the great success of the false prophets ... Now, can we say that we are healed of this liberalism that leads to unbridled selfishness? Can we say that humanity has really opened its eyes to realize the falsity of this rationalist, relativistic system, which finally produces totalitarianism? No, we can rather say that we are heading towards a liberalism-totalitarianism as the globalization of the world steadily progresses. It is the great Babylon of the whole earth that has unified itself in order to conspire against God and His Christ, as the Psalm says 2,1-3:
Why do the nations conspire, and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and his anointed (that is, Jesus), saying, "Let us burst their bonds asunder, and cast their cords from us."

Mary tells us about this worldwide consultation prophesied by Psalm 2. It is very important to emphasize that the thought of this worldwide conspiracy is not a "theory" or an outlandish ''thesis" that you have immediately ridicule: it is a prophecy of the Word God, mentioned repeatedly in the Book of Revelation. It is the Babylon of the whole world, so that all might be according to the plans of Satan:
To the Archangel Michael is entrusted the task of leading the cohorts of the angels and of my faithful children into the battle against the trained and well equipped armies of Satan, of evil, of the satanic and Masonic forces, now organized on a worldwide scale into a single great force, in order to set themselves against God and against his Christ” (September 29, 1994)

Our Lady talks about the attempt to form a kind of universal brotherhood, of a world religion, at a time when Pope John Paul II brought together different religions at Assisi, to pray for peace, what was later called "the spirit of Assisi."
The attempt to bring together all religions, even those which adore false and lying gods, with the prospect of forming a worldwide religious union for the defense of human values, is vain, dangerous and not in conformity with the desire of my Immaculate Heart. It can on the contrary lead to an increase of confusion, to religious indifference and even make the attainment of true peace more difficult”. (October 27, 1986)

Maria says: pray for Peace, yes! But also go to preach the Gospel, because "there is no other name given to men" to be saved but only the Name of Jesus Christ. This assertion of St. Peter (Acts 4:12), we must say with the courage of the martyrs before the modern Sanhedrin of the dictatorship of relativism, which tells us, "We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and you intend to bring this man's blood upon us!" (Acts 5:28).

In the great fraternal universal assembly, there are the Buddhists, Muslims, Protestants, the Catholic mass no longer Catholic, and there is the small remnant of "resistant" Catholics targeted by the modern Sanhedrin, because this small remnant does not believe in this universal fraternity which is created at the price of the Truth of Jesus (cf. CCC 675), the only Name given to men to be saved. It will be a small remnant, the "little flock" which must not fear, says Jesus, because the Father has been pleased to give to them the Kingdom ... (Luke 12:32).

There will remain faithful only that little remnant which, in these years, by accepting my motherly invitation, has let itself be enfolded in the secure refuge of my Immaculate Heart. And it will be this little faithful remnant, prepared and formed by me, that will have the task of receiving Christ, who will return to you in glory, bringing about in this way the beginning of the new era which awaits you”. (May 13, 1991)

That is, we have a great responsibility before Jesus, in the Name of Mary, we, of the M.M.P.: we are the ones told to respond to the doubt of Jesus: "When the Son of man comes, will he find faith on earth?" (Lk 18:8): with Mary, through Mary, thanks to Mary and to HER Movement, there will this small faithful remnant, all guarded in her Immaculate Heart, by way of its lived Consecration, that will be able to respond: "yes, Jesus, we are here that we have been waiting for You!" It will be a moment of indescribable joy after so many trials.

Often the dictatorship of this pharisaic Sanhedrin, having entered even in the Church, stones the priests who clearly speak out about the truth of the Catholic faith and about the morals of the Ten Commandments, accusing them of being too conservative, too rigid, too closed to progress, to ecumenism, to be hardliners, at least fundamentalists and traditionalists. With the Holy Spirit, our Divine Counselor and defender against the Accuser, we still want to repeat before the whole world, opposing the reigning relativism: "This Jesus is the stone rejected by you the builders [i.e. the Freemasons of a new world order placing Jesus, the Cornerstone, to the side], He has become the cornerstone. In no one else is there salvation; there is no other name given among men under heaven by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:11-12).

And we will probably also be condemned by this Sanhedrin as enemies of the great universal brotherhood, esteemed to be "of ecumenical spirit", which will be formed behind the antichrist.

In this type of globalized humanity, those who will want to hook up with the faith in Jesus, especially because of His real Presence in the consecrated Hosts, will risk one day to go before the world, formatted according to a single way of thinking, thanks to all the social means of communication, as the enemies of God and of men. Cfr. Jn 15:25-16:4:
It is to fulfill the word that is written in their law, 'They hated me without a cause.' But when the Counselor (= the Advocate) comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness to me; and you also are witnesses, because you have been with me from the beginning. "I have said all this to you to keep you from falling away. They will put you out of the synagogues; indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. And they will do this because they have not known the Father, nor me. But I have said these things to you, that when their hour comes you may remember that I told you of them.”

On the day of the martyr St. Josaphat, Mary, alluding to this Gospel passage, she says that it will happen even within the Church, where there will be a new kind of persecution, never seen before in the history of the Church ...
You will be persecuted. It will even be that those who oppose you, who calumniate you, who despise you, who push you aside and who persecute you will believe that they are doing something pleasing to the Heavenly Father and even to me, your Immaculate Mother. This forms part of the tenebrous time in which you are living”. (November 12 1988)

This, unfortunately, she says, "is part of the tenebrous time in which you are living." Let us reflect! If we are in the midst of darkness, we should not say too quickly: "I see," to accuse, to condemn: You might see badly, even in good faith, and you could condemn innocent people. For this reason, that no one might say too soon " I see and I condemn!" At the end of Chapter 9 of John's Gospel, which tells of the healing of the man born blind, with the voluntary closure in bad faith of the Pharisees, Jesus says he has come for this judgment: because those who do not see may finally see, like the man born blind, and because those who say they see, like the Pharisees, eventually become blind! Because they themselves wanted to become blind! So, even among priests, and also among priests of the Marian Movement of Priests, that each of us pay attention to the way in which we see and judge others! Let each of us be attacked with great caution to love of the truth, and not to love of his own views, of his own way of thinking and seeing, which could also become "part of the tenebrous time in which you are living." Saint Paul had already warned the Roman Christians to cease to judge one another:
Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God; for it is written, "As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God."
So each of us shall give account of himself to God. Then let us no more pass judgment on one another, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother.
We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves; let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to edify him. For Christ did not please himself; but, as it is written, "The reproaches of those who reproached thee fell on me” (Rom 14:10-13; 15:1-3).

I think it will be better to endure in silence the insults of those who "expel us from the synagogues" and will drag our name through the mire thinking they are offering service to God (cfr. Jn 16:2-3), while we will not deserve anything of all these things. Let us remember what Our Lady had specifically asked Don Stefano: "pray, suffer, offer, be silent".

Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you (Mt 5:44); “do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you” (Lk 6:27-28), “Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so men persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Mt 5:11-12). Mary says:
With the littlest ones, I am attaining each day my victory over Satan and his powerful army of evil, over the satanic and Masonic forces organized against God, because I am leading my children along the road of heroic faith, of sure hope and of perfect love”. (September 8, 1994)

Live the three theological virtues. Life the faith in Jesus and the commandments of God (cfr. Rev 12:17). Nothing could be simpler. But nothing more difficult in our time. For this reason, those who do not consecrate themselves and live their consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, will not resist in front of the strong current of apostasy and general rebellion against God and His Christ.

So, I began again from the message of June 17, 1989, to go to the roots of our modern ills, which will bloom into the mystery of the Antichrist: Rationalism, Protestantism, subjectivism, relativism, liberalism and false ecumenism, and all this will blossom into the greatest global and absolute totalitarianism of history, under the guidance of the false prophet par excellence, the Antichrist himself. I repeat that I do not know who he is, and I do not want to name names. And a mystery before of which it is better to say "I do not see, and I humbly ask the light, more light," instead of saying "I see and I condemn." That said, I sincerely think that everything is ready now for the appearance in our world of this figure of the false prophet par excellence, as Rev 13:11 calls him, or better, seeing the antichrist as a figure like a lamb.

The Book of Revelation calls the antichrist “the false prophet”, it does not call him the “antichrist”, to give rather one of his principle characteristics: he will be a false prophet, he will seem sweet and inoffensive like a lamb… What did Jesus say on this point about the false prophets? Did He say: you will know the tree by its leaves, that is, by his words? No! Words can appear very good! You will know him by his fruits, that is the facts. Bad fruits, bad tree (Mt 7:15-20). For example, Marxism has produced millions and millions of deaths; perhaps this should be enough now to stop believing in this false Messianism, after so many nice false words and doctrines for the salvation of the poor! But yet many people still promote this false messiah of death… And so it will be like this for the “messiah” who will propose now the organized world as one united force against God and against the true and only Messiah of God, Jesus the Messiah, Jesus Christ. He will be a lamb who under the disguise of the so-called universal fraternity will lead many millions to death…

And I want to speak here especially about focal point of all this deceit, which will be the APOSTASY OF THE TRUTH: Jesus in the Eucharist. Thus I return to my starting point (the message of December 31, 1992, "the fourth sign of the end times. The abomination of desolation"): what does it means, in this secular sphere , "epochal" as Father Ivan said, the "protestantization the Mass"?

The protestantization progressive of the Mass is a way to reduce the mass to the remembrance of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday, as do the Protestants, without any dimension of Good Friday.

Now the Mass is the great mystery that includes the whole Passover of the Lord, not only the memory of the institution of the Eucharist. "O sacrum convivium, the Church sings with this anthem composed by St. Thomas Aquinas, o sacrum convivium in quo Christus sumitur; recolitur memoriae passionis ejus; mens impletur gratiae; futurae gloriae nobis pignus datur" O sacred banquet, in which assimilates the Christ, it makes memory of his passion (past); our spirit is filled with grace (present); and there is the pledge, the first fruits of future glory (future).

Or still, as we say after the Consecration, adoring and acclaiming Jesus here really present: "It is great, the mystery of faith! We proclaim your death (the past), o Jesus, we celebrate your resurrection (present), waiting until for your second coming in glory (future): this distinction between past, present, and future is only for our human understanding, because in fact, in the mystery of the Eucharist, there is the whole mystery of Easter, the whole past of the Sacrifice, all the grace of the Resurrection, and all the glory to come one day, everything is present in the mystery that is here before us: in reality, there is no past or future, the whole Christ is here before us. All the Mystery of God is present in the mystery of Christ; and the whole mystery of Christ is present in his Eucharist, his entire life in all his mysteries (this is why we celebrate mass for Christmas as for Easter as for all the moments of the liturgical year), his whole death on the cross is present, his whole resurrection, and all of his future glory, although still hidden from our eyes.

The progressive Protestantism of the mass, with its philosophical antecedents of rationalism, of subjectivism, of relativism – sicknesses of the spirit which have poisoned all of us, even if we do not realize it – flattens the whole mystery. And he draws near to us not as a great apocalyptic beast, but, and the Book of Revelations says (13:11) under the guise of an inoffensive lamb. Jesus already told us (Mt 7:15), and Saint Paul repeats to us in his testament (Acts 20:29-30): the false prophet draws near under the cloak and face of a lamb. But it is only a mask. Behind there is a wolf: he, and others, as Mary tells us “will do everything to destroy the Church”…

This is the hour of Satan and of his great power. It is the hour of darkness! (…) How many of these poor sons of mine are even now abandoning the Church, either criticizing and challenging her, or even going so far as to betray her and deliver her into the hands of her Adversary!
Is it with a kiss, Judas, that you betray the Son of Man?’ (Lk 22:48). Even you, today, are betraying with a kiss the Church, the Daughter of your heavenly Mother! You still belong to her, and you live for her; you exercise her ministries, and you are often even her pastors. Each day you renew the Eucharistic Sacrifice, administer the sacraments, and proclaim her message of salvation.
And yet some of you are selling her to her Adversary and striking her to the heart by corruption the truth with error, by justifying sin and living according to the spirit of the world, which thus through you enters into her interior, threatening her very life.
Yes, with a kiss, you, my very own poor sons, are again today betraying my Church and delivering her over into the hands of her enemies.
And so she too WILL SOON BE DRAGGED BY YOU BEFORE HIM WHO WILL DO ALL HE CAN TO EXTERMINATE HER. She will once again be condemned and persecuted. She will again have to shed her blood.
Priests consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, beloved sons whom I am gathering together from all parts of the world to form you into my cohort, if this is the hour of darkness, this must also be you hour: The hour of your light, which ought to shine more and more brightly”. (March 19, 1987)

What light? The light of truth of the Gospels. In the midst of a schism that has become universal, in the general swing away from the truth of the faith, it is enough to remain Catholics.

"The schism will be accomplished in the general move away from the Gospel and from the true faith. In her (the Church) there will enter the lawless one, who is opposed to Christ, and who will bring inside her the abomination of desolation, thus fulfilling the horrible sacrilege, of which the prophet Daniel spoke." (Mt 24,15)

With the "patience of the saints," as Rev 14:12 – taking up again Rev 12:17, namely the conclusion of Revelation 12, which describes the great struggle between the Woman clothed with the sun and the Red Dragon – IT IS ENOUGTH TO KEEP THE TEN COMMANDMENTS AND FAITH IN JESUS.

In the Book of Revelation (Rev 12:17) this is called "to bear testimony to Jesus", because it is to possess within us the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus calls the "Spirit of Truth", because he testifies the Truth of Jesus, Jesus-Truth within us. It is not a human opinion, and that's why nobody can intimidate us with insults of "intolerant person" or "fundamentalist" if we continue to say that Jesus in the Eucharist is an absolute truth before which all men and all angels must bend their knee.

"The constancy of the saints", demanded in the Book of Revelation, is the title of the message of August 15, 1989, "Bear within yourselves the witness of Jesus" is the title of the message of 28 June 1989. And October 2, 1992 there is a whole repeat of Rev 14: after the announcement of the three angels of the end of the times, there is said almost the same thing said in Rev 14:
At this final time of the great tribulation, announced as that of the end of the iniquity, of the defeat of Satan, and of the chastisement of the godless, the constancy of those who belong to the Lord, who put into practice the commandments of God and who remain faithful to Jesus, is put to a hard test (…)
In these stormy times, when Satan is ruling with all his dark power, the task of the angels of light of my Immaculate Heart is that of leading you all along the road of constancy and of fidelity to Jesus, in the observance of the commandments of God and in the practice of all the virtues.” (October 2, 1992)

In these troubled times, in which Satan rules with all of his dark power of an apparent lamb, which is only a mask behind, behind which the greatest wolf in all of history will do everything in order to destroy the Church.

Redemptionis Sacramentum (8) cites the whole passage of the Encyclical of John Paul II, Ecclesia de Eucharistia, 10: “It is therefore to be noted with great sadness that “ecumenical initiatives which are well-intentioned, nevertheless indulge at times in Eucharistic practices contrary to the discipline by which the Church expresses her faith”. Yet the Eucharist “is too great a gift to tolerate ambiguity or depreciation”. It is therefore necessary that some things be corrected or more clearly delineated so that in this respect as well “the Eucharist will continue to shine forth in all its radiant mystery”.”

On the pretext of entering into a greater fellowship with our separated Protestants brothers, under the nice pretext of ecumenism, one can arrive to the horrible sacrilege, to deny the Real Presence of Jesus in his own Church, to throw out the Cornerstone that God has placed and that no one can allow himself to discard (1Cor 3:11), and above all, to mix the Catholic Mass with the Protestant supper, in such a way that the true Sacrifice of Jesus will disappear. The Sacrifice of Jesus, renewed on the altar, is what still holds back a little the great power of Satan on this earth. Mary often repeats to us that the holy Mass has a great power to apply the mystery of the Redemption, to purify again an infinite mass of sins, and to give again always many outpourings of grace from the Most Holy Trinity.

Oh, what weight Holy Mass has to compensate for, and to destroy, the evil which is daily brought about by so many sin! and by such a widespread rejection of God.” (November 28, 1979)
I unite myself with each Holy Mass which is celebrated, to offer to the Heavenly Father the precious blood of his Son Jesus, who is still immolating and sacrificing Himself for you on every altar of the earth. It is only his divine blood, shed for you, that can wash away all the evil, the sin, the hatred, the impurity, the iniquity that covers the world.” (December 31,1998)

But from the moment of the more or less total abolition of the Sacrifice of the Catholic Mass, then there will no longer be, for a time, anything that prevents Satan to act on this world to reduce it in his dark power.

“… For a short while, the Lord will permit that the Church will be as though abandoned by Him.” (Cf: February 10, 1978; December 19, 1973; February 23, 1974; October 18, 1975; December 8, 1980) but we are not afraid, because this is part of the mysterious plan of God, like the Cross.

Let us only look out for that the fulfillment of the mystery of the Antichrist will not be as something coarse, or very obvious. It is done gradually, with subtle changes in the way to respect less and less the mystery of the Eucharist, in a subtle way, but that Mary helped us over the years to grasp. It is a progressive desecration that has entered the Holy Temple of God, as we say in our Act of Consecration, which has touched so many of our brother priests, and that we too have, here and there, been often disrupted, but before which we remain, thanks this our Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, faithful and strong and joyful resistance fighters in the true faith and in true liturgy, without attaching ourselves to secondary things of liturgical sensibility, in order to focus on what is essential: Jesus truly present in His Sacrifice on our altars, acting in us, his priests, in His Person, to be able to say, through our voice: "This is My Body given, this is My Blood shed". Even if we have to adapt our lives totally to the mystery we celebrate, as we promised on the day of our ordination ... And again, July 13, 1978:
You are being called more and more to become the apostles and new martyrs of Jesus, present in the Eucharist.” (July 13, 1978)

Then, we are afraid, because this terrible moment will not last long. Three and a half years, say the Scriptures, which Mary tells us to take literally in this message of December 31, 1992. Then, let us not fear, because Mary tells us that the more times will become decisive, strong, tough, dark, the more She will be present, even in an extraordinary way, to show us the way.
My light will become stronger and stronger, the more you enter into the decisive moments of the battle. In the end, the victory will be that of your immaculate Mother who, with her virginal foot [formed from the heel which is us: “you form my heel, that is, the weakest and most fragile part of me”, June 28 1989], will crush the head of the serpent and, with her hands, will bind the great Dragon, that he may thus be rendered powerless and no longer be able to do harm in the world”. (December 8, 1993)


And since this is the hour of your purification, it is above all the hour of your suffering.
Could it perhaps be this that you fear? But what if the Father has called you now, one by one, from all eternity for this hour? And what if your heavenly Mother has long since chosen you and prepared you for this hour? Live then in serenity of spirit and without fear, even in the midst of the anxieties and threats of your time. And so I say again: do not be always peering into the future to see what is going to happen. Live only the present moment with trust and complete abandonment, in this Heart of mine”. (December 4, 1976)

Trust, prayer, suffering, offering, silence, waiting adoring the Eucharistic glorification of Jesus in His presence Real, which will leave us all full of heavenly awe and amazement of this permanent and visible miracle visible to everyone, to the point of renewing the structures of the world , forming a new heaven and a new earth.

Father Laurent Larroque

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To read the first meditation of Father Laurent Larroque on the same theme, visit:
The Subtle and Powerful Attack on the Eucharist