Hidden Broad Road to Perdition
As I wrote last month
I wanted to offer a personal experience but I did not find the time
to finish it last month. A few of the reasons that I would like to
offer this experience is to help us
realize the situation we are in today so as to open our eyes
more regarding the very subtle traps and the underhanded snares of
our enemy.
I think most of you can recall THE
33 years to the day prior to the great Miracle of the Sun in Fatima,
that is, on October 13, 1884, Pope Leo XIII had A REMARKABLE VISION.
When the aged Pontiff had finished celebrating Mass in his private
Vatican Chapel, attended by a few Cardinals and members of the
Vatican staff, he suddenly stopped at the foot of the altar. He
stood there for about 10 minutes, as if in a trance, his face ashen
white. Then, going immediately from the Chapel to his office, he
composed the prayer to St. Michael, with instructions that it be said
after all Low Masses everywhere. When asked what had happened, he
explained that, as he was about to leave the foot of the altar, he
suddenly heard voices - two voices, one kind and gentle, the other
guttural and harsh. They seemed to come from near the tabernacle.
As he listened, he heard the following conversation:
guttural voice, the voice of Satan in his pride, boasted to Our Lord:
"I can destroy Your Church."
gentle voice of Our Lord: "You can? Then go ahead and do so."
"To do so, I need more time and more power."
Lord: "How much time? How much power?”
"75 to 100 years, and a greater power over those who will give
themselves over to my service."
Lord: "You have the time, you will have the power. Do with them
what you will."
prayer composed by Pope Leo XIII is the following:
MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL, defend us in battle. Be our protection against
the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly
pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host - by the Divine
Power of God - cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, who
roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Sunday April 24th 1994, Pope John Paul II recommended this prayer to
be used by all Catholics as a prayer for the Church when he said:
'"May prayer
strengthen us for the spiritual battle we are told about in the
Letter to the Ephesians: 'Draw strength from the Lord and from His
mighty power' (Ephesians 6:10). The Book of Revelation refers to this
same battle, recalling before our eyes the image of St. Michael the
Archangel (Revelation 12:7). Pope Leo XIII certainly had a very vivid
recollection of this scene when, at the end of the last century, he
introduced a special prayer to St. Michael throughout the Church.
Although this prayer is no longer recited at the end of Mass, I
though, with the liturgical reform after the council, this gift of
Christ by way of his Vicar, was put into the drawer. The prayer was
no longer recited and the great majority of the faithful born in the
70’s and after do not know about it nor even know of its existence.
I personally believe that these 100 years conceded
to Satan began on October 13, 1917, so as to initiate, in a more
intense way, the great battle between the woman and the dragon of the
first book of the Bible, Genesis (3:15) and the last book of the
Bible, Revelations, chapter 12. I do not think it was by chance what
was said in the last part of the homily of
Pope Benedict XVI; Esplanade of the Shrine
of Our Lady of Fatima; before 500,000 people: 13 May 2010:
time when the human family was ready to sacrifice all that was most
sacred on the altar of the petty and selfish interests of nations,
races, ideologies, groups and individuals, our Blessed Mother came
from heaven, offering to implant in the hearts of all those who trust
in her the Love of God burning in her own heart. At that time it was
only to three children, yet the example of their lives spread and
multiplied, especially as a result of the travels of the Pilgrim
Virgin, in countless groups throughout the world dedicated to the
cause of fraternal solidarity. MAY THE SEVEN YEARS WHICH SEPARATE US
The centenary of the anniversary of the great
miracle of the sun, October 13, 1917 at Fatima, Portugal, will be
October 13, 2017! I believe that the Body of Christ, the Church, as a
great purification, will go through the stage of the crucifixion as
did her Head, Christ, three hours on the cross, and even cry out with
her Head: “My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me?” (Mt 27:46;
Mk 15:34; Rev 13:7; Ps 22:1).
This period will be the GREATEST TRIBULATION in the history of the
world and of the Church (Mt 24:21-22; Jer 30:7; Dan 12:1).
During a vision in 1820, it
was revealed to Blessed Anna Caterina Emmerick that
Satan would be freed from his chains about 80 years before the year
2000; thus toward the end of the 1910’s of the twentieth century.
This period of freedom for the fallen seraph would last one century.
Pope Leo XIII saw that unusual “dialogue” on October 13.
What comes to mind? Satan was liberated October
13, 1917, the day of the last apparition of Our Lady at Fatima, when
there was the “miracle of the sun”, and Our Lady promised that
“my Immaculate Heart will triumph”! This will correspond to the
fulfillment of the “Proto-Gospel” (Gen 3:15) when the woman will
crush the head of the serpent in a definitive final way, as St. Louis
de Montfort explains in his classical book: “True Devotion to
believe that in a certain sense the Body of Christ will pass the
stages of the life of Jesus. It is interesting that Pope Leo XIII
(who by the way was the bishop of my diocese, Perugia, for 32 years!)
saw that “dialogue” exactly 33 years before the “miracle of the
sun” at Fatima; Jesus lived 33 years and finished His life on the
cross, when Satan, in His pride, believed to have defeated Christ! I
believe that we (the Church) are already in the passion of Jesus if
not already on the cross.
this period of great crisis, Our Lady revealed to Father Stefano
CELEBRATING A COMPLETE VICTORY: over the world, over the Church, over
souls. It will be only then that I will intervene – terrible and
victorious – that his defeat may be all the greater when he is
certain in his conviction that he has conquered once for all. What is
in preparation is so extraordinary that its like has never happened
since the creation of the world. That is why everything has already
been predicted in the Bible. The terrible struggle between me, the
Woman Clothed with the Sun, and the Red Dragon (Rev 12), Satan, who
has now succeeded in seducing many souls…” (October 18, 1975).
“This Masonic infiltration, in the interior
of the Church, was already foretold to
you by me at Fatima, when I announced to you that Satan would enter
in even to the summit of the Church” (June 13, 1989).
the other hand, the few priests and bishops who remain faithful to
the Truth, Who is God, Our Lady revealed to Father Stefano Gobbi:
“It will be a cause of amazement even to the
angels of God, a joy to the saints in
heaven, a consolation and great comfort for all the just on earth,
mercy and salvation for a great number of my straying children, a
severe and definitive condemnation of Satan and his many followers.
In fact at the very moment when satan will be enthroned as lord of
the world and will think himself now the sure victor, I myself will
snatch the prey from his hands. In a trice he will find himself
empty-handed, and in the end the victory will be exclusively my Son’s
and mine. This will be the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the
world” (December 19, 1973).
Is it possible at the end of the 100 years of
the freedom of Satan, when “my
adversary will one day think that he is celebrating a complete
victory: over the world, over the church, over souls”, that is,
October 13, 2017, that it will seem that the Body of Christ, the
Church, is dead, and then immediately after will be the fulfillment
of the promise of Our Lady that in the end “my Immaculate Heart
will triumph”?!?
“First of all, it is necessary that my Enemy has
the impression of having conquered everything, of having everything
now in his hands. This is why he will be permitted to penetrate even
into the interior of my Church, and he will succeed in plunging the
sanctuary of God into darkness. He will reap the greatest number of
victims from among the ministers of the sanctuary. THIS WILL IN FACT
(October 18, 1975).
when everything will gave come tumbling down, all that will remain
will be the strength of their tears that will compel me to intervene
in an amazing and terrible way. AND MY TRIUMPH WILL BEGIN WITH THESE
BELOVED SONS, MY PRIESTS “ (February 23, 1974).
In the four Gospels one finds many accounts of
demon possession. Today one hears
little about possessions. 100 years ago it seemed to be easier to
detect the good from the bad. I remember once my Dad commented, while
we were watching a black and white cowboy movie, that the good guys
usually had white hats and the bad guys had black hats. It seems that
this is reversed today. 100 years ago the delinquents rebelled and
you could see the rebellion. It seems that this extra power conceded
to Satan has also been used to channel the energies of those
who have given themselves over to the service of Satan, not just to
rebel, but to patiently destroy the culture
in many ways so as to draw in even more people, especially the youth,
into this rebellion against God and against all legitimate authority.
This is where my personal experience might shed
some light on some of your experiences in that very often today, the
ones who seems OK with smiles and a type of humanistic love, in the
end stab you in the back if things do not go the way the want, in
particular if you go toward adoration of God and His Truth instead of
toward the adoration of the cult of man behind which Satan places
himself to be adored. More than ever, in particular in the Church,
those who have no concern for the teachings of the Magisterium of the
Church and have become blind spiritually after having totally
embraced the easier and prideful way of relativism seem
more than ever as “angels of light”
(2Cor 11:14), at least at first sight!
I think my experience will offer an example of what Our Lady revealed
to Father Stefano Gobbi:
“Even among my priests how many there are who no
longer believe; and yet, they still remain in my Church, true
wolves in sheep’s clothing, and they
are bringing to ruin a countless number of souls.” (December 1,
“What is it that is obscuring the beauty and the
brightness of the Church? It is the smoke of the errors which Satan
has caused to enter into it. These are becoming constantly more and
more disseminated and are bringing very many souls to the loss of the
faith. The cause of such a vast diffusion of errors and of this great
apostasy rests with unfaithful pastors. They remain silent when they
should speak with courage to condemn error and to defend the truth.
They do not intervene when they should
be unmasking the rapacious wolves who, hidden beneath the clothing of
lambs, have insinuated themselves into
the flock of Christ. They are mute dogs who allow their flocks to be
torn to pieces. You, on the other hand, must speak out with force and
with courage to condemn error and to spread only the Truth.
(September 8, 1985).
God, why have You Abandoned Me?”
this divine Heart, so crushed and oppressed that He even feels
abandonment by the Father, there weighs also all the lack of response
and all the ingratitude of his Church, born, like a pure bride, from
the womb of his great suffering.
today, in his Church, Jesus continues to be abandoned, denied, and
is denied by those who put Him in second place after their own
comfort, their own self-seeking and their relish for being accepted
and applauded. Pride leads many to deny Him in their words and in
their life: ‘I do not know this man!’ (Mt 26:74).
is also betrayed on the part of those pastors who do not look after
the flock entrusted to them, who remain silent out of fear of for the
sake of convenience and do not defend the truth from the snares of
errors, nor do they protect the sheep from the terrible scourge of
rapacious wolves, who present themselves dressed as lambs.
is abandoned by many priests and religious who leave the stat of
their lofty vocation or who do not live in faithfulness to their
commitments and who allow themselves to be led completely by the
spirit of the world in which they live.
is rejected and spurned by many of the faithful who follow ideologies
which are in style today but which propose values opposed to those of
the Gospel, and they descend to compromises simply in order to always
have everyone’s approval.
Friday I truly being repeated today in a form immensely greater and
more universal than that which took place at the time of the passion
and death on the Cross. For one thin that was done at that time, a
thousand such are being carried out at present. For this reason, in
his Mystical body which is the Church, Jesus continues to repeat his
painful cry: ‘My God, why have You abandoned Me?’.”
Friday, March 28, 1986).
“There has also entered into the Church
disunity, division, strife and antagonism.
forces of atheism and Masonry, having infiltrated within it, are on
the point of breaking up its interior unity and of darkening the
splendor of its sanctity. These are the times, foretold by me, when
cardinals will be set against cardinals, bishops against bishops and
priests against priests, and the flock of Christ will be torn to
pieces by rapacious wolves, who have found their way in under the
clothing of defenseless and meek lambs. Among them there are even
some who occupy posts of great responsibility, and by means of them,
Satan has succeeded in entering and in operating at the very summit
of the Church. Bishops and priests of the holy Church of God, how
great today is your responsibility! The Lord is about to demand of
you an account of how you have administered his vineyard. Repent;
seek pardon; make amends; and, above all, be once again faithful to
the task which has been entrusted to you. Sin is being committed more
and more; it is no longer acknowledged as an evil; it is sought out;
it is consciously willed; and it is no longer confessed. Impurity and
lewdness cover the homes built by your rebellion.
is the reason why my Heart is bleeding: because of the obstinate
disbelief and the hardness of your hearts. My Heart is bleeding to
see you so closed and insensitive to my sorrowful, motherly
admonition. My Heart is bleeding, because I see you roads even now
smeared with blood, while you live in an obstinate unconsciousness of
that which awaits you.”
6, 1986).
“The great trial has arrived for you Church.
Those errors which have brought people to the loss of the true faith
have continued to spread. Many pastors have been neither attentive
nor vigilant and have allowed many rapacious wolves, clothed as
lambs, to insinuate themselves into the flock in order to bring
disorder and destruction. How great is you responsibility, o pastors
of the holy Church of God! You continue along the path of division
from the Pope and of the rejection of his Magisterium; indeed, in a
hidden way, there is in preparation a true schism which could soon
become open and proclaimed. And then, there will remain only a small
faithful remnant, over which I will keep watch in the garden of my
Immaculate Heart.
15, 1990)
Saint Michael the Archangel at Garabandal (Spain,
1965) said: “Many Cardinal, many
Bishops and many Priests are on the road to perdition and with them
they are bring many souls”!
- -
case you do not have time to read my whole experience, at least go to
the end to read some words of consolation and some good advise for
these very difficult times!
- -
celebrated the daily Holy Mass, Monday to Saturday, at 8 o’clock,
every week, for more than ten years, in a parish near where I live,
where I was not the pastor, nor the vice pastor. In the last 4 to 5
years, the pastor went into the confessional and when I said
something that he did not like, he treated me rather harshly after
the Mass at the bar. At a certain point, he threatened me to not be
allowed to celebrate the Mass in his parish if I preached in that
way. After this I went away, but a few days later the pastor
telephoned the bishop. I did not expect the pastor to ask the bishop
to set me straight after I left this parish. I wanted only a little
peace. The new auxiliary bishop came instead of the cardinal of the
diocese to speak with me about this situation, together with the
pastor of this parish. Knowing that in these situations the person is
already prejudged with little opportunity to defend himself, I
offered my answer written, since I knew 4 days earlier of this
meeting. Here is my letter to the bishop:
Parish; October 8 2014
I offer a few of my thoughts regarding the fact that I no longer
celebrate the daily Holy Mass at this Parish.
in an artificial way with prejudice. If there is the possibility that
the people who have categorized or labeled this person to be able to
consider the situation with an open mind, ready to listen equally to
the person judged as to the others who want to judge this person,
then I offer my motives and convictions, with the hope that perhaps
some might be of good will and willing to come out of there
preconceived ideas and prejudices.
SATURDAY, SINCE 2002. In the last 5 to 6 years, often the pastor,
after having listened to my homilies from the confessional,
reprimanded me after the Mass at the bar. But when I tried to explain
myself with the documents of the Catholic Church, or from the
Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults (CCC), the pastor did non
want to hear what is found in these documents. When I offered a few
of my writings that I posted on the Internet to explain myself
better, with many references to the documents of the Church, the
pastor did not want to see these things. Sometimes I had the idea to
respond to him as Jesus responded before the Sanhedrin (Jn 18:20; Lk
22:53): “I have spoken openly to the world (that is on the
Internet)… Why do you ask me? Ask those who have heard me, what I
said to them (that is, on the Internet to the whole world!)…” On
his part, the Pastor NEVER said to me:
“Father Joe, I believe that this phrase that you said (or wrote)
during your homily today is in contrast with a document of the
Church”, and then to offer me the reference to a document of the
Church or from the CCC. And thus, already for years, the Pastor does
not allow me to explain myself or to defend myself with these
precious documents of the Church.
September 23, after the Holy Mass at the bar, the
Pastor finally had the courage to at least threaten me
to do as he said otherwise I must no longer celebrate the Holy Mass
at the his parish. Already for a good while I did not want to be in
this painful situation, but I did not believe that it was prudent or
the will of God for me to decide to go away by myself and thus I
waited for the indications from the Pastor. Thus when he threatened
me, I was already ready and happy to ask him immediately if this was
an empty threat or not. He answered no. I said, ok, I will not
return, and I said have a nice day to all present! And I left. I was
ordained a priest first of all for the universal Church, not just for
a parish, and thus in the Holy Mass and in the Sacrament of
Reconciliation, I must behave as if before the Lord, who in the end
will be my Judge. But a pastor certainly has the right to decide who
can celebrate the sacraments in his parish; if the Pastor believes
that Father Jo offers obstacle for the souls to arrive to the Truth,
who is Jesus, in order to arrive to heaven, it is necessary to ask
Father Joe to not offer anymore the sacraments in his parish!
From my experience after many years in the parish,
which I will explain more in this article, fundamentally the only
criteria for this Pastor is his own head of relativism. Cardinal
Ratzinger synthesized this situation of rationalism and subjectivism
in the Church in his homily at the Mass
preceding the conclave that quickly elected him Pope Benedict XVI:
“Today, having a clear faith based on
the Creed of the Church is often labeled as FUNDAMENTALISM.
Whereas relativism, that is, letting oneself be "tossed here and
there, carried about by every wind of doctrine", seems the only
attitude that can cope with modern times. WE
that does not recognize anything as definitive and whose ultimate
goal consists solely of one's own ego and desires.” If we put aside
the law of God explained in its fullness in the documents of the
Church, who wins the argument or establishes the law of the land? The
strongest one! Behold the “dictatorship of relativism”!
THERE IS NO MORE SIN; we have lost the sense of sin. One of the most
fundamental tasks for Jesus was that of Redeemer, to free us from our
sins for those of good will who confess their sins (Mk 2:17; Lk
5:31-32, etc.). Thus one of the tasks most fundamental for the
priests is to be the doctor of the souls, to help the souls to
identify and to cure the sicknesses of the soul, especially those
most grave which are called “mortal sins”, that is, the sins
which render the soul dead, but the body walks with a dead soul until
death if there is no priest who helps the person to recognize the
gravity of their situation and to make a good confession! If the
priests do not help the people to identify the sickness of the soul,
the people do not have anything to confess, and thus they have no
need of Jesus the Redeemer, who came for sinners, not for the just
who believe to have no sins. In this way the Redemption is nullified
for these people because they do not believe to have need of a
saints tell us that the gravest sins are those of omission. Even
though the servant, who did not multiply his talent, did not steal or
kill anyone, he was called by Jesus “wicked and slothful servant”
(Mt 25:26), words rarely used by Jesus in the Gospels! MANY PRIESTS
explanations, and cure the sicknesses of the souls. Because after
many years of this negligence to help souls to identify their sins
according to the CCC and to get out of mortal sin, often the reaction
among many people, who even frequent the parish, is very negative
when finally a new pastor explains the Catholic religion according to
the teachings of the Catholic Church, summarized in the CCC for
adults! If one confronts the life of the people, who even frequent
the parishes, with the CCC, on the objective level (not subjective
which only God can judge), at least the majority are in mortal sin
today; and notwithstanding this, there are very few who go to
confession and there are many who communicate with the infinite God
in the Eucharist!
Today a great many Catholics want, with the
blessing (at least tacitly) of the priests and of the bishops, A
few Catholics today go to confession and many go to psychiatrists
which costs much more than to confess ones sins to a priest, who
often, unfortunately, is not found in the confessional in many
But many who still go to confession, do not
understand anymore what is a sin according to the CCC, because very
few priests today take the risk of their primary job to help the
souls identify and cure the mortal sicknesses of the soul, mortal
sins! The
secretary of the Congregation for Clergy, Archbishop Mauro Piacenza,
has lamented that many faithful no longer confess their sins.
Archbishop Piacenza told Vatican Radio (June 5, 2009) the sacrament
of penance has been experiencing a "deep crisis" for
decades. Piacenza, an official for the Vatican office on clergy, says
not go to confession. The archbishop said in an interview that if
faithful do not have a sense of sin, they might "CONFUSE"
and sends patients with a grave disease
home telling the patient not to worry because the doctor was afraid
He would be considered a quake,
an incompetent, culpable of gross professional negligence. He could
be sued for malpractice. But if priests do not
speak about the only thing that can kill
the soul, mortal sin, because the people (spiritual patients) do not
want to hear these things, what would you think of such a priest? If
the doctor operates in this way, the person could easily loose his
life; but if the doctor of souls, the priest, does this, the person
could loose his immortal soul which lasts for all eternity. “For
what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits
his life?” (Mt 16:26; Mc 8:36).
September 1987 visit: "It is sometimes reported that a large
number of Catholics today do not adhere to the teaching of the Church
on a number of questions, notably sexual and conjugal morality,
divorce and remarriage. Some are reported as not accepting the
Church's clear position on abortion. It has also been noted that
there is a tendency on the part of some Catholics to be selective in
their adherence to the Church's moral teachings. It is sometimes
claimed that dissent from the Magisterium is totally compatible with
being a “good Catholic” and poses no obstacle to the reception of
the sacraments. THIS IS A GRAVE ERROR
that challenges the teaching office of the bishops of the United
States and elsewhere. I wish to encourage you in the love of Christ
to address this situation courageously in your pastoral ministry,
relying on the power of God's truth to attract assent and on the
grace of the Holy Spirit which is given both to those who proclaim
the message and to those to whom it is addressed."
It is interesting that Pope John Paul II did not
say to the bishops that they must obey me as Pope, but “dissent
from the Magisterium” of the Catholic Church! Lumen Gentium 25
teaches clearly that the documents of an ecumenical council ARE
INFALLIBLE (CCC 891). The Catechism of
the Catholic Church (CCC 888-892) tell us that the doctrines of the
Church are essential to arrive to sanctity. “When
the Church through its supreme Magisterium proposes a doctrine “for
belief as being divinely revealed,” and as the teaching of Christ,
the definitions “must be adhered to with the obedience of faith.”
This infallibility extends as fare as the deposit of divine
Revelation itself” (CCC 891). But to the ordinary teaching of the
Church “the faithful are to adhere to it with religious assent”
which, though distinct from the assent of faith, is nonetheless an
extension of it” (CCC 892). Thus the
documents in an ecumenical council express in human language the
absolute truths which cannot be changed, EVEN BY A FUTURE POPE FOR
or for non practicing Catholics; this would be false ecumenism, false
mercy, false love, which offers a superficial and easy solution
without the cross of Jesus, but afterwards there is slavery and
The Catholic Church has always taught: “CONSCIENCE
ENLIGHTENED. A well-formed conscience is upright and truthful. It
formulates its judgments according to reason, in conformity with the
true good willed by the wisdom of the Creator. The education of
conscience is indispensable for human beings who are subjected to
negative influences and tempted by sin to prefer their own judgment
and to reject authoritative teachings” (CCC 1783). THE ABSOLUTE
TRUTH DOES EXIST! “Conscience can remain in ignorance or make
erroneous judgments. Such ignorance and errors are not always free of
guilt” (CCC 1801, 1713, 1714). “No one is deemed to be ignorant
of the principles of the moral law, which are written in the
conscience of every man” (CCC 1860).
After the Vatican Council and the post council was
well underway, Pope John Paul II wrote, contesting “certain
currents of modern thought … The individual conscience is accorded
the status of a supreme tribunal of moral judgment which hands down
categorical and infallible decisions about good and evil. … so much
so that some have come to adopt a
radically subjectivistic conception of moral judgment”
(Veritatis Splendor, no. 32;
When I explained these things in my homilies,
based on the Gospel of each day, often the reaction of the Pastor was
very negative. Many priests today slowly, and deliberately, have
changed the definition of “love” to mean first of all to make the
of the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church are labeled
ridged and old-fashioned, insensitive, lacking in compassion,
divisive, judgmental, MORALISTS. While at the same time the ones who
maintain a culpable silence, the ones who tell their people what they
think they want to hear are seen as understanding, sympathetic,
pastorally sensitive and merciful. “Woe
to you, when all men speak well of you” (Lk 6:26). “How can you
believe, who receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory
that comes from the only God?” (Jn 5:44; Gal 1:10). But this way of
doing things is not true mercy! THIS IS
mercy, false ecumenism, that does not lead to heaven for eternity!?!
THE PEOPLE. I responded saying that I will no longer agitate the
people in his parish because I will no longer return. Then he said to
me that I will agitate people in other places. I wanted to say to the
Pastor that it is much better to be in agitation here on earth due to
mortal sins in order to encourage people to make a good confession
and then to persevere with much prayer so as to sin no more, than to
be in agitation for all eternity, as I indicated above regarding the
It is really incredible how we have overturned the values and the
eternal truths!?! Today, in a world which criticizes people who seek
to live chastity according to their state in life and then praise all
types of sex outside of marriage, one can apply more than ever the
words of the prophet Isaiah: “Woe to
those who call evil good and good evil” (Is 5:20). In the same
telephone call, the Pastor asked me: “And so what did these five
cardinals write?” I answered: “Simply put, they wrote that you
cannot change the Truth; you cannot change the Doctrine of the
Church; you cannot change the Catechism of the Catholic Church!”
The Truth is Jesus Who is God (Jn14:6) and thus immutable and
A few years ago I conducted a meeting with the
catechists and others in this Parish. In this meeting I made
reference several times to the CCC. After the meeting, the catechists
of this Parish asked me, WHAT IS THIS
When I talked about this to Father Luke D who came from the diocese
to form the catechists in various parishes, also in this Parish, he
responded: “It is not my fault, but the fault of the Pastor.” But
this means that Father Luke D never made reference to this precious
gift of the CCC for adults! At one of our monthly retreats with the
clergy of the diocese after having told this to Father Luke B, I
asked him if these priests, who form the catechists of the diocese,
represent themselves or represent the Catholic Church! Father Luke B
did not answer me.
Three or four years ago when I spoke about, in a
FOR THE EUCHARIST (“Inaestimabile
Donum”, no. 11; see also “Memoriale
see also in Italian: “Il Dio Infinito Fra
the Pastor was angry with me. When I asked him if he was saying that
I should not make reference to the documents of the Church in my
homilies in his parish, the Pastor, who seems meek and humble with
everyone, shouted at me at the bar: “In this case, NO!” Modern
people today do not want to make an act or gesture of humility even
before the infinite God in the Eucharist. But you cannot detach or
separate the body from the heart; you end up with less reverence
before God also in the heart. And our Holy Mother Church knows this
very well! Behold the first priority of many priests today, MAKE
THE PEOPLE HAPPY! We have changed the
priorities of the two fundamental commandments of the Gospel; we have
put first love of neighbor, and then, in reality and in fact, we have
put love of God in the second place, even though we say “it is not
But if you put the first commandment of love of
God after the second to love ones neighbor, in the end everything
falls apart, you loose everything. This is precisely the subtle and
underhanded strategy of Satan. It is very interesting how many times
one finds this FALSE “LOVE”
used in the powerful strategy of the 33 directives of the Grand
Master of the Freemasons to the Catholic Masonic bishops of the
destruction of the Catholic Church! The word “love”
APPEARS 11 TIMES in these 33 directives! “Satan
disguises himself as an angel of light” (2Cor 11:14). Visit: “The
Masonic Plan For The Destruction Of The Catholic Church”
visit also my article in Italian: “A
Servizio di Tutti”
SPEAK freely and say what needs to be said – for fear of losing
favor with people. As Truth himself says, they are certainly not
guarding their flock with the care expected of a shepherd but are
acting like hirelings, because hiding behind a wall of silence is
like taking flight at the approach of the wolf. These are the people
whom the Lord is reproaching through the prophet, when he says: ‘THEY
(Is 56:10) … If a religious leader is afraid to say what is right,
what else can his silence mean but that he has taken flight? Whereas,
if he stand firm in defense of his flock, he is building up a wall
for the house of Israel against its enemies. And so again the sinful
people are told: ‘Your prophets have seen false and foolish visions
for you; they have not exposed your iniquity in order to provoke you
to repentance.’ …” (Pope St. Gregory the Great; Office of
Readings; Sunday, Week 27 of OT).
do not prepare them for imminent temptations, but even promise the
happiness of this world, which God did not promise to the world
itself?...” (Sermon of St. Augustine on
the Shepherds; Office of Readings; Sunday, Week 24 of OT, Friday).
The Pastor at the bar after my Mass asked me
questions not to understand better my thought or even less to learn
something from this priest (?!?) but to draw out of me a phrase out
of context in order to criticize me and to put me straight according
to his intelligence and wisdom (with the help of an Indian priest
student), similar to how the Pharisees did to Jesus with their traps.
The first priority is to resolve the problem in a hurry, in this
case, Father Joe, not to listen well or to put oneself in the shoes
of the accused, nor to understand his thought, and even less to learn
something from this person! This happens very often in the Church
today; I have been in the Church all my life. How many times the
superiors do not listen, but instead the person is accused and
already put into the category of a “problem”. But is this love
according to the Gospel? If I cannot not make reference to the
documents of the Church, summarized in the CCC, how can I defend
myself if I am not in agreement with a priest totally immersed in
relativism? If two or more persons do not accept in common a few
Truths from God which are immutable, how can one construct a dialogue
in order to arrive at a conclusion? It is not necessary to have a BA
degree in mathematics, as I have, in order to understand this grave
problem. It is like constructing on quick sand a dialogue, or a
program, but not on the Rock! (Visit: “The
Great Responsibility of Religious Leaders”;
If one admits to change one doctrine of the Church, in principle, one
opens the door to change all the infallible doctrines of the Church.
THE NAME OF (FALSE) CHARITY, misguided compassion,
false mercy, false ecumenism!?! (Visit my article: “Who Decides The
Spoiled children, when things do not go as they
wish, say that everything is wrong without explanation with some
documents or information outside of their own heads because it is
easier to embrace the philosophy of life: “Ignorance is bliss”;
they do not want to see any documents and so “I
AM IN COMMAND”! Mature adults offer
fraternal correction saying that a certain phrase spoken or written
is not in harmony with the teachings of the Church and offer some
documents in order to explain and to help the other person. This is
true love; this is putting oneself in the shoes of the other while
listening and reading well what the person said or wrote before
offering suggestions or council. Chiara Lubich often spoke about the
necessity of “making oneself one”, putting oneself in the shoes
of the other, otherwise there is not the foundation to have true
Last year, August 14, 2013, you, Your Eminence
Bassetti, called me into your office due to the article that I wrote:
“The FALSE POPE – Saint Hildegard”
After you offered me some advice and also a talk on the danger of
Sedevacantism. After I listened to you well I finally explained that
I lost a sister, brother-in-law, their 7 children and my mother in
one of these groups. And thus I wrote more than 150 pages on the
Internet, hoping that they might return to the Catholic Church. The
title of the article is “A Common Sense
Rebuttal to Schismatic Traditionalists and Sedevacantists”
When you asked me if these prophecies of several saints, and even a
doctor of the Church, refer to Pope Francis, I answered very clearly:
“I DO NOT KNOW, BUT MY EYES ARE OPEN”! It takes time to recognize
the tree by its fruits (Lk 6:44; Mt 7:16-18). I said this several
times to the Pastor, that “I do not know, but my eyes are open”,
but often he wants to put into my mouth words that I did not say to
accuse me. A few days ago, by telephone, when I asked him why does he
continually put words into my mouth that I did not say, he responded:
“The problem is your thoughts”! At least in that moment the
Pastor admitted, recognized, that I did not say specifically that the
prophecies referred to Pope Francis. But every person has the right
to his thoughts. God respects our free will totally because GOD
KNOWS HOW TO LOVE; even Pope John Paul
II explained that not even God uses a person as a means for His ends
without the permission and consent of the person” (The Personalism
of Pope John Paul II; visit my article: “The
Great Responsibility of Religious Leaders”;
Before the second coming of Jesus Christ “that
day will not come, unless THE REBELLION
(APOSTASY) COMES FIRST, and the man of
lawlessness is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts
himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he
takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God”
(2Thess 2:3-4).
In the Catechism of the
Catholic Church, number 675 we find: “Before
Christ's second coming the Church must
pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many
believers (Cf. Lk 18:8; Mt 24:12).. The
persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth (Cf. Lk 21:12;
Jn 15:19-20) will unveil the “mystery of iniquity” in the form of
a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their
problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme
religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by
which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come
in the flesh.” (Cf. 2Thess 2:4-12; 1Thess 5:2-3; 2Jn 7; 1Jn
today in the Church. Very few bishops are worried about the
fundamental problem today that we have “lost the sense of sin”
because the priests do not speak about the grave sickness of the soul
that were once called “mortal sin”! But if a priest opens his
eyes to the signs of the times, in order not to be a hypocrite (Lk
12:56; Mt 16:3; 24:51), this is the only mortal sin today! In this
fierce but underhanded battle, it is very important to be “wise
as serpents”, not just “innocent as
doves” (Mt 10:16) which is the easier part.
Often among many priests and bishops THEIR
(or environment), and they forget that Jesus died on the Cross and
rose again to obtain for us the great gift of redemption and to save
souls; sins are at the base, at the roots, also of social problems!
But it gives us more delight to believe to resolve the social
problems; we feel more important before the people, instead of living
the priestly vocation of identifying and treating the sicknesses of
the souls! And thus the teaching of the theology of liberation, which
is a true betrayal of Christ and of his Gospel, is becoming more and
more widespread. By now a great number of people in the parishes do
not want to hear about mortal sin explained well in the CCC; and then
they do not want to pay the price to get out of the habit of many
years of mortal sin with the strongest and most fundamental solution:
the sacraments and ardent prayer, to kneel before the tabernacle with
the Rosary. Do we not say in the Act of Contrition: “I firmly
resolve with the help of Thy grace to sin no more and to avoid the
near occasion of sin”? Certainly, to promise these things when the
people have not been helped to “avoid the occasion of sin” for
many years, is not easy without a lot of prayer and the Sacraments,
with adoration! Today the false “solution”, offered by many
priests, bishops and cardinals in the Church, is to ignore the
absolute Truth expressed by the Magisterium of the Church, and to
approve and even bless, in the name of “compassion” without the
obligation to carry the cross of Christ. But this in reality is A
treated so badly because I did not preach according to the relativism
of the pastor. I feel like I am criticized by a protestant pastor
because I did not preach like a protestant. But to be criticized by a
relativist is worse than being badly treated by a protestant pastor
(if he is not a relativist) because at least with the protestant
pastor we are in agreement with the Bible; but with a relativist,
there is not even the Bible in common as the base of departure
because all is relative according to the mind of each person; quick
sand, not the Rock of the absolute Truth! Sometimes I feel like
saying the words of POPE BENEDICT
in his first homily as pope: “Pray for me, that I may not flee for
fear of the wolves (April 24 2005;
Today, truly in the Catholic Church, among many
priests and bishops, it is worse than
the Tower of Babel before Christ,
because at least with the Tower of Babel before Christ one could
slowly communicate with a dictionary. But today the ideas and even
the fundamental base is confused and set aside, the absolute Truth
from the Creator of the universe and also the nature of man.
on of these occasions at the bar, the Pastor, together with his paid
pet who would bark at me (Father Sajen (George), an Indian student
priest), sought to set me straight according to his head without any
reference to the richness of the Church in these 2000 years. At a
certain point I said: “I must save my soul”! The Pastor
responded: “Me too”. Then I said: “I WILL NOT FOLLOW YOU; I
Eminence. If You order me under obedience to return to the Parish to
celebrate the daily Holy Masses, I will obey. But if You ask me in
freedom if I want to return to the Parish to celebrate the daily Holy
Masses, my answer is absolutely NO, for the reasons indicated above.
will pray for You and all of our Mother Church in the time of great
purification (“great tribulation” – Mt 24)!
TRIUMPH!” Our Lady of Fatima,
Portugal, 1917. There will be fulfilled the Proto Gospel (Gen 3:15) –
Saint Louis de Montfort!
Father Joseph Dwight
can find the references to my articles in this article and other
articles at:
- - - - - - -
day after, the Auxiliary Bishop gave me this hand written answer to
my letter:
October 9, 2014
Father Joseph Dwight
Vicar of Lisciano Niccone
of the City (not the same zone as Lisciano Niccone)
Father Joe,
am sorry for the roughness that I used with you yesterday, but in
your writing there is truly a harsh judgment against Father Pastor,
Father George (Sajen) and many other priests and bishops, that you
accuse of relativism and of bad conscience in guiding the people of
God, according to a numerous repetition of “to make the people
reassert the things that I said to you yesterday, so that they will
be remembered:
The teaching regarding sin is very important, but it cannot be ALL of
the preaching: the Gospel (and the CCC) speak also of joy, of mercy,
of charity, of fraternity … to insist always about sin means to
preach in an UNFAITHFUL way to revelation and to the magisterium:
when a part becomes all, one is speaking – etymologically – of
You are right to be fearful of relativism, but you must be cautious
about FUNDAMENTALISM: there are central and immutable things, but
there are doctrines less important and mutable, such as the teaching
(“moria”) of the church teaches us. To speak always about certain
things can hide the danger of fundamentalism.
You cite the bible and the CCC, but you also cite prophecies and
private revelations. These things do not regard the faith and cannot
be imposed on anyone! Do not cause confusion, neither in the
preaching, nor in your head.
You are attentive to announce the truth, but in the gospel there does
not exist truth without love: a truth without love is perhaps more
dangerous than love without truth. If your convictions lead you to
judgment toward: the faithful, toward the brothers, the bishops, the
pope… ask yourself if you are not by chance one who preaches
without love the truth.
Father Joe, no one obliges you to celebrate the Mass at this Parish,
but I must instead ask you to “correct the aim” of your
preaching, but after everything else to reconcile yourself with the
concrete Church in which you live and exercise the ministry,
accepting to put also yourself into discussion and to always seek
communion. I am willing to listen to you still, to understand better
– if your believe – your thought and to hear how you intend to
Bishop Auxiliary
- - - - - - -
offer a few comments regarding the reply of the Auxiliary Bishop:
Auxiliary Bishop wrote:
The teaching regarding sin is very important, but it cannot be ALL of
the preaching: the Gospel (and the CCC) speak also of joy, of mercy,
of charity, of fraternity … to insist always about sin means to
preach in an UNFAITHFUL way to revelation and to the magisterium:
when a part becomes all, one is speaking – etymologically – of
One sees in the paragraph of the Auxiliary Bishop
the same attitude of so many bishops and
priests in the Catholic Church today.
The Auxiliary Bishop did not enter into the specifics of what I wrote
but only accused me in a general way! As I wrote in the letter to His
Eminence: the Pastor never said to me: “Father Joe, I believe that
this phrase that you said (or wrote) during your homily today is in
contrast with a document of the Church”, and then to offer me the
reference to a document of the Church or from the CCC. And thus,
already for years, the Pastor does not allow me to explain myself or
to defend myself with these precious documents of the Church.” The
Auxiliary Bishop did the same!
In past centuries, in a certain sense, it was
easier to identify “etymologically – of heresy”,
that which inhibited the souls to arrive to union with Jesus with
Mary in order to arrive to heaven. Because today, Satan, with much
patience, has lead us to gently slide into mediocrity, into a
couldn't-care-less attitude, into indifference, into nonchalance,
into carelessness, into negligence, into sloppiness! And with this
sliding comes slowly blindness of the lack of a personal relationship
with Jesus which is the only thing that remains after death. We no
longer seek the point of view or the criteria of God from Divine
Revelation in order to discover our true situation in the light of
eternity. Many people today think in this way: “According to me and
the people around me, I’m ok!” They do not realize this lack of
the point of view of God, and thus, and even worse, they do not care
to seek another point of view. There is no motive to seek God, and
thus there is no motive to seek to take away or to eliminate the
things that prohibit the walk toward to union with the Creator, that
is, sins. And thus, today a great number of people are on the broad
road, “covered with sand and flowers, full of joy, music and all
sorts of pleasures. People walked along it, dancing and enjoying
themselves. They reached the end without realizing it. And at the end
of the road there was a horrible precipice; that is, the abyss of
hell. The souls fell blindly into it; as they walked, so they fell.
And their number was so great that it was impossible to count them.
And I saw the other road, or rather, a path, for it was narrow and
strewn with thorns and rocks; and the people who walked along it had
tears in their eyes, and all kinds of suffering befell them. Some
fell down upon the rocks, but stood up immediately and went on. At
the end of the road there was a magnificent garden filled with all
sorts of happiness, and all these souls entered there. At the very
first instant they forgot all their sufferings” (Diary of Saint
Faustina, no. 153). “Today, I was led by
an Angel to the chasms of hell… But I noticed one thing: that most
(Diary, 741) (
How many bishops today do not believe that hell exists (Father
Gabriele Amorth;;,-Father-Gabriele.html)?!?
can one say to the people who believe to be Catholic – lay
people, priests and bishops – who are in reality, according to the
Biblical tradition, explained in the documents of the Magisterium of
the Church, are almost totally spiritually asleep from the point of
view of God, but not from the point of view of the world, from the
point of view of the cult of man which one believes is the religion
today?!? What could Lot say to the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah
(Gen 19) in order to explain the danger and the great chastisement
that was about to happen, after many years of slowly sliding into the
gravest sins?!? But one must try to communicate the Truth in freedom,
as Jesus did and all of the saints, even though the reaction of the
great majority of people is hostility, so many times, strong
hostility, that is, the crucifixion and the killing of so many
martyrs during the centuries. It seems to me that “charity”
according to the Auxiliary Bishop, and so many priests and bishops
today, is to say what the people want to hear and to not say what the
people do not want to hear! Thus, according to this mentality today,
one must not speak about what kills the soul, that is, mortal sin,
and one must not speak about the existence of hell! What great
“charity” is this!?! Are such priests and bishops living for God
or for other hidden motives?
When Pope Paul VI issued his prophetic encyclical,
“HUMANAE VITAE” (1968), there was an incredible negative reaction
not only on the part of the laity who wanted to enjoy the pleasures
of sex without any responsibility or openness to life by using
artificial birth control, but even on the part of a great number of
priests and bishops, even entire Episcopal conferences (e.g., the
‘Winnipeg Statement’
of the Canadian Bishops)!
WITH THE CATHOLIC CHURCH that the use of artificial birth control was
a grave evil and a serious sin. When the Anglican Church changed its
stance in 1930 (Lambeth Conference) the other protestants churches
quickly followed suit while Pope Pius XI reaffirmed the Church’s
constant teaching on this grave evil in his encyclical Casti Cannubii
a secularized world there is also the negation of hell on the part of
many theologians, justifying everything by saying that God is
Merciful, and thus it is impossible to speak of hell as an eternal
condition of damnation. All of this produces an effect, the lose of
conscience of sin, and thus above all the youth no longer have points
of reference; thus they live in sin, they die in sin! Our Lady in the
third apparition of Fatima, asked with insistence: “Pray, pray very
much and make sacrifices for sinners, because many souls go to hell,
because there is no one to make sacrifices for them”. Our Lady
showed hell to the three seers. Lucy declared after that vision that
they would have died of fright if there had not been a particular
grace of God.
WISE? Our heavenly Mother cries because she is the Mother of everyone
and she knows that one second in hell is worse than the most terrible
catastrophe on the earth.
In the situation today, in which RELATIVISM,
according to Pope Benedict XVI, "is
the most profound difficulty of our time",
does that which I wrote regarding sin deserve the phrase of the
Auxiliary Bishop, “when a part becomes
all, one is speaking – etymologically – of heresy”? Today
less priests and bishops than ever before speak of the only sickness
of the soul, sin, in particular mortal
sin, according to the CCC! It seems to me that this phrase of the
Auxiliary Bishop would be like saying to a person who is gravely sick
in bed to go and play football, be happy and joyful, or to say to not
do surgery in order to cure cancer because the operation is too
painful. It would be to say to a person who is in a burning house to
be “full of joy, music and all sorts of pleasures … dancing and
enjoying themselves” (Diary of Saint Faustina; no. 153). It is
necessary to first heal the person before wishing joy and to play
football! It would be to speak to the sheep “of joy, of mercy, of
charity, of fraternity”, while the wolf is giving the sheep drops
of poison slowly, the poison of nice lies and empty promises, and the
pastor is not interested in knowing about this poison, not even to
warn the sheep of this poison. It would be to say that a true pastor
who maintains the right priorities, first heaven and very secondarily
“brother ass” (as Saint Francis called his body), that this
authentic pastor is entering “etymologically into heresy”!!! To
me it seems that this phrase puts earthly life at a greater
importance than eternal life, to confuse the priorities. The saints
always put eternal life first, and thus, their first priority was the
health of the soul. Certainly one should try to do as Saint John
Bosco did, to first attract the youth in many ways, but if the
principle goal to attract the souls is not to help them to draw
closer to the Divine Healer, as Bosco did, Jesus in the sacrament of
Confession and in the Eucharist, what
are we doing, what is our true motive,
as priests and catechists? Is this phrase of the Auxiliary Bishop in
harmony with the last several popes who told us that the gravest sin
today is that there is no more sin; we have lost the sense of sin?!?
"So you, son of man, I have made a watchman
for the house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you
shall give them warning from me. If I say to the wicked, O wicked
man, you shall surely die, and you do not speak to warn the wicked to
turn from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his
blood I will require at your hand. But if you warn the wicked to turn
from his way, and he does not turn from his way; he shall die in his
iniquity, but you will have saved your
life” (Ezek 33:7-9)
Similar to what happens often in the Church today,
the Neocatecumenal Way, in an almost
imperceptible way, offers a sense of false security
and self-complacency or self-satisfaction in the community, a sense
of importance in the community, to feel fulfilled before the
community. But this type of cult of man leads rather to spiritually
relaxing and to become nonchalant in the essential things, instead of
doing as all of the saints in realizing more and more our
unworthiness before God, our misery, the greater consciousness of our
need of the mercy of God in order to respond ever more to the love of
Jesus on the cross in gratitude. It is like the ecclesial movement or
the community is something that serves me, but not for serving Him
Who gave us everything, God!
in Italian:
An indication of this type of false religion
is the lack of willingness or desire to want to listen or dialogue
with people who indicate that it is not good in this way. They
already have what they want from religion or from an ecclesial
movement, and they do not want to hear anything else: “Ignorance
is bliss”! This spiritual sleepiness
in the Church or in an ecclesial movement is more dangerous than
outside of the Church because it gives more of a sense of security to
be OK spiritually, by the people all around in the community as
happens in the cults, when in reality it is rather an exploitation of
a religion or of a charism or of an ecclesial movement to serve self
instead of serving God. In the world without religion, at least there
is not this false security from religion; there is the false security
of atheism or of relativism, but not the exploitation of a religion
of God to feel OK in laziness or in disguised vain glory. It is very
interesting that my experience is that the people who had done less
years of formation in the Neocatecumenal Way were more open and more
willing to dialogue in order to understand why the popes said to
follow faithfully and exactly the liturgical books, and to recognize
the lack of trust, on the part of the founders of the Way in the
Magisterium, in the Church. That is, after 15 years in the Way, they
are less open to listen to the Vicar of Christ! In what direction is
the Neocatecumenal Way leading the people?!? Toward the cult of man
or toward the cult of God, toward trust in themselves or in the
ecclesial movement, or in God, in the authentic representatives of
the one Church that Jesus left us here on earth? How many priests in
their walk of priesthood did the same back-pedaling?!? For many
Catholics today, at all levels, the things of religion exist to serve
themselves instead to help them to serve God!
The Servant of God, Archbishop Fulton Sheen,
said that the only thing that helped him to get rid of the “noonday
devils”, that is, indolence or
sluggishness, was a holy hour in church everyday before Our
Eucharistic Lord. But a holy hour for those who have slid into the
cult of man, is not satisfying to them, they get bored, because the
interior motive of their heart is not for Jesus as the first Person
in their life. “But now our strength is dried up, and there is
nothing at all but this manna to look at.” (Num 11:4-6)
If a Christian does not chase away or overcome
these “noonday devils”, he slides
into mediocrity, and then he accepts and welcomes compromises, one
after the other. Behold the strategy of Satan, with false ecumenism
which is reductionism to the lowest common denominator, forfeiting
our most precious means of sanctification and the fullness of truth,
as Catholics, in the name of “love” and “mercy”!?! By now
today, the society has arrived so low that a great number of people
believe that the only solution is to offer and welcome more and more
compromises, and to put aside those things in which we are not all in
agreement, such as the Eucharist, Mary, the documents of the
Magisterium of the Church, summarized in the CCC for adults. Instead
of climbing up Mount Tabor, Subiaco, Laverna in order to establish
contact and union with God as did Moses, Saint Benedict and Saint
Francis, one goes down into compromises of false ecumenism, with
false mercy, with misguided compassion, with false love. In order to
be coherent with the lowering of the bar, we will have to take away
the words of the Act of Contrition: “I promise with the help of Thy
grace to sin no more and to avoid the
near occasion of sin”!?! We will have
to change the words of the Our Father: “MY
will be done”! When two young people marry each other and pronounce
their promises in public, they do not want to hear and it is not
acceptable to say or offer these promises with compromises: “I take
you as my spouse, as long as things work out for me…”.
And so why is it so acceptable today to believe
to have a relationship, union with God, with such relativistic
compromises and exceptions, when Jesus
offers us the graces necessary to be and remain faithful to Him if we
persevere in sincere and humble prayer? For many Christians today,
the exceptions have become the rule; but what type of love, what type
of commitment is this?!? Even in the Old Testament one knew it was
necessary to love God “with ones whole heart…” and no other god
(Dt 6:5)!
One does not say in the Act of Contrition: “I
will try with the help of Thy grace to sin no more, when it is
possible, and to try to avoid, if it is ok with me, the near
occasions of sin”! This is the Act of Contrition composed by Satan,
his hidden strategy, to slowly lead us not towards total trust in God
but towards his nice easy lies and his empty promises, and in the end
to his dwelling place for all eternity! Certainly it is more
difficult to live the Act of Contrition when the great majority of
Catholics have embrace the Act of
Contrition of Satan, but God gives more
grace in this period more difficult in the history of the world to
those who truly pray with true humility.
The Auxiliary Bishop did
not indicate any concern of the danger for souls today in the world
totally immersed in relativism. When I
talked about a house which takes in young men who fell into drugs
(which I visited regularly), that for the first time they began to
put in that house girls which the police arrested on the streets, the
Pastor was only concerned about what the people might think, human
respect, but not about the danger to the souls in that house. In that
house there are young men who do not succeed in saying no to alcohol
nor to drugs, and now they put prostitutes from the street in that
house!?! The ones in charge of that house decided to do this and thus
I no longer collaborate with a house of destruction; before it was a
house of rehabilitation!
The Auxiliary Bishop did not write anything
regarding the great concern of Pope John Paul II when he spoke to the
bishops of the USA (LA, California, 09-16-1987) of the “GRAVE
ERROR” of a type of pick and choose
smorgasbord type Catholicism. If there is no sin nor hell, of course
one who preaches the whole Gospel is bad, not a nice person, as I
wrote!!! It is like parents who must throw out all the rule of the
house, otherwise they are accused by the spoiled children of not
having “charity”!!!
Another indication of this slowly sliding away
from the criteria of salvation according to God is that the recent
popes, in the world today, warn us to be on our guard not
so much about the lack of applying the “LAW OF GRADUALITY” but
rather the danger of the “GRADUALITY
OF THE LAW”, which must be refuted in
as much as it reduces the value of the law to a mere ideal.
Pope John Paul II wrote:
Moral Progress of Married People
Married people too are called upon to progress
unceasingly in their moral life, with the support of a sincere and
active desire to gain ever better knowledge of the values enshrined
in and fostered by the law of God. They must also be supported by an
upright and generous willingness to embody these values in their
concrete decisions. They cannot however look on the law as merely an
ideal to be achieved in the future: they must consider it as a
command of Christ the Lord to overcome difficulties with constancy.
INDIVIDUALS AND SITUATIONS. In God's plan, all husbands and wives are
called in marriage to holiness, and this lofty vocation is fulfilled
to the extent that the human person is able to respond to God's
command with serene confidence in God's grace and in his or her own
will."(95) On the same lines, it is part of the Church's
as indicating the norm for the exercise of their sexuality, and that
they should endeavor to establish the conditions necessary for
observing that norm. …” (Familiaris
Consortio; no. 34 (see also 9);
Visit also: “An
Open Letter To A Fellow Priest”
THE ENEMY? It was recounted to Pope John
Paul II that the Vatican's chief exorcist, Father Gabriele Amorth,
“knows too many bishops who do not
believe in the Devil”. The Pope replied bluntly: “ANYONE WHO DOES
asked “What do you see as Satan’s greatest success?”, Amorth
replied: “The fact that he has managed to convince people that he
does not exist. He has almost managed it, even within the Church. We
have a clergy and an Episcopate who no longer believe in the Devil ,
in exorcism, in the exceptional evil the Devil can instill, or even
in the power that Jesus bestowed to cast out demons. For
three centuries the Latin Church – in contrast to the Orthodox
Church and the various Protestant professions – has almost totally
abandoned the ministry of exorcism. So because they no longer perform
exorcisms, or study them, and never having seen them, the clergy no
longer believe in them. And they no longer
believe in the Devil. We have entire Episcopates trying to counter
exorcism. We have countries completely devoid of exorcists, such as
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal. This is a shameful
shortfall.”; (;,-Father-Gabriele.html).
One senses in what the Auxiliary Bishop wrote an attitude that
almost everyone goes to heaven, except maybe, people like Hitler.
Professor Ralph Martin,
in the Seminary of the Sacred Heart (Detroit, MI, USA), clarified a
very important teaching of the Second Vatican Council in his book
“Will Many Be Saved?”,
with the subtitle “What Vatican II
actually teaches and Its Implications for the New Evangelization”.
Ralph Martin explains that personal salvation for
those who have not heard the Gospel, in particular from Lumen
Gentium 16
“Those also can attain to salvation who through
no fault of their own do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church,
yet sincerely seek God and moved by grace strive by their deeds to do
His will as it is known to them through the dictates of conscience.”
A great number of Catholics today have only an
idea of this phrase but do not want to know, or have not been taught
by the priests and bishops, the rest of
section 16 of Lumen Gentium, which
explains that it is not any kind of believing in God.
“But often men, deceived by the Evil One,
have become vain in their reasonings and have exchanged the truth of
God for a lie, serving the creature rather than the Creator (cf. Rom
1:21,25). Or some there are who, living and dying in this world
without God, are exposed to final despair. Wherefore to promote the
glory of God and procure the salvation of all of these, and mindful
of the command of the Lord, "Preach the Gospel to every
creature" (Mk 16:15) the Church fosters the missions with care
and attention” (Lumen Gentium 16).
This means you need to have a supernatural
faith and a supernatural charity. This
means that there has to be a personal response to the light that God
is giving that involves a surrender to His Person and a surrender to
His authority and a recognition of His Lordship in a way without even
knowing His name. And that has to resolve itself in some kind of a
change of behavior where you are saying yes and lives supernatural
charity being born in his life, with the graces of God. So it is not
just any kind of metaphysical belief in God or any kind of
declaration of yourself as a good person. There is actually some
genuine personal response to God’s light that involves a surrender
to Him.
People hear that it is possible to be saved
without hearing the Gospel. Then a funny thing happens. They say, I
am glad to hear that, I do not have to worry about people anymore. So
they jump from the possibility to the presumed probability of
almost universal certainty. There is always the example, probably
people like Hitler do not make it, that type of thing. Even
the most famous theologians who write on this subject do this.
They just pay attention to those sentences that we just read and they
jump from possibility to probability, and they completely ignore the
last three sentences. These last three sentences speak about all
those people who theoretically have the possibility of saying yes to
the grace of God without hearing the Gospel but do not. And very
often, the council is telling us, that this responding to the grace
of God does not happen based on what Scripture reveals to us about
the human condition. The verse of the Gospel of Mark, “He who
believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe
will be condemned” (Mk 16:16), is talking about the outcome of our
response to the Lord having consequences! The teaching of the Council
is teaching in harmony with Sacred Scripture and the Church, and even
though it is possible for someone to be saved without hearing the
Gospel, very often that does not happen. We really need to help
people to encounter Jesus Christ, and to discover the fullness of the
means of sanctification and of the truth in the Catholic Church!
Among many theologians today,
as one sees in the words of the Auxiliary Bishop, there
is not the desire to discover the criteria of salvation according to
God but according to man, and man
always wants a criteria of salvation as easy as possible. If a person
seeks to explain that the Ten Commandments do not change, that the
explanation of the Holy Spirit by way of the Magisterium of the
Church during the centuries does not change, that you cannot lower
the bar of salvation according to each period of the world, this
person is accused of entering “etymologically into heresy”! In
the cult of man one trusts man; in the cult of God one trusts God
even if the criteria of salvation is high and even seems sometimes
impossible for us mere humans. Athletes do not lower the bar; why is
it that so many Christians today do not want to be true and authentic
spiritual athletes?!?
When the disciples were “amazed”
and even “exceedingly astonished”, Christ did not offer false and
empty and destructive compromises as do many religious leaders in the
Church today in order to “to make the
people happy”, to make the incredulous “Christians” happy, but
rather He said: “With men it is
impossible, but not with God; for all
things are possible with God” (Mk 10:23-27). If a person trusts in
God in true humility, God operates in that person and all is
possible. Instead if a person trusts in himself, it then becomes
necessary to lower the bar of the criteria of salvation, it becomes
necessary to lower the bare of the criteria of the definition of
every type of sin, to the level of man, because God does not act in
the proud who trust in themselves, in their intelligence and in their
strength! To enter the kingdom of God,
one must do the impossible from the point of view of man, otherwise
we remain always attached to ourselves, not to God!!! How many times
God led the Israelites to a point that the Israelites complained
against Moses and against God because things did not go as they
wanted; God did this in order to offer many opportunities to the
Israelites to progress toward more trust in and less trust in
themselves?!? Even Moses at Meribah lacked total trust in God When
Moses “struck the rock with his rod twice”
(Nm 20:11)! “And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you
did not believe in me, to sanctify me in the eyes of the people of
Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land
which I have given them” (Nm 20:12)! God did not lower the bar when
the Israelites continuously grumbled, but to help them to go toward
more trust in God, not less, toward eternal salvation, “the Lord
sent fiery serpents among the people…” (Nm 21:6). God offers us
also “fiery serpents” on a pole (Nm 21:8) for our true healing,
for the possibility of salvation for those of good will. “And
I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself”
(Jn 12:32). “Hence if anyone wants to know how this unhappy
situation can be overcome, Christians will tell him that all human
activity, constantly imperiled by man's pride and deranged self-love,
must be purified and perfected by the
power of Christ's cross and resurrection”
(Gaudium es Spes, no. 37).
The Vatican's chief exorcist, Father Gabriele
Amorth, when asked “What do you see as
Amorth replied: “The fact that he has managed to convince people
that he does not exist. He has almost managed it, even within the
Church. We have a clergy and an Episcopate who no longer believe in
the Devil , in exorcism, in the exceptional evil the Devil can
instill, or even in the power that Jesus bestowed to cast out
demons…” (;,-Father-Gabriele.html).
But more importantly, even though it is possible
to be saved without hearing about Jesus Christ, if one is truly in
love with Jesus, and realizes the
incredible gift of the Eucharist, one will not hesitate to evangelize
non Catholics. This is precisely what
Bruce Fingerhut, a Jewish Convert, said on
Ewtn, Journey Home (2008). He said that
Jews do not like to evangelize; but Christians should evangelize Jews
because they want to offer them the greatest treasure, Jesus Christ;
because they want to offer the fullness of what God has to offer us
in Jesus Christ and in His body, the Church, that He left us here on
This is why the prince of the world, Satan,
offers us false “love”, FALSE
“mercy”, false “ecumenism”, in order to not lead us to trust
in God but in ourselves! It is not by chance that precisely in this
period of the world God has offered us in a very particular way the
Divine Mercy by way of Saint Faustina! But
God offers TRUE MERCY, though, not
false mercy without reference to the definition of sin according to
God, faithfully and infallibly explained by the Magisterium of the
Church, summarized in the Catechism of the Catholic Church for
Athletes are in love with their sport and thus
want to raise more and more the bar, not lower the bar in the
competitions. The saints are in love
with Jesus, not in themselves, and thus
want to more and more share in the sufferings of Jesus and to console
the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
“Suffering is the greatest treasure on earth;
it purifies the soul. In suffering we learn who is our true friend.
True love is measured by the thermometer of suffering…” (Diary,
342). St. Therese of the Child Jesus on her
death bed with great sufferings, and even the dark night of the
spirit, said: “I have reached the point of not being able to suffer
anymore because all suffering is sweet
to me.”
Saint Francis of Assisi and Padre Pio and Saint
Veronica Giuliani were happy and very
grateful to God for the gift of the stigmata, which is very painful!
The cult of man leads us to perpetuate to be
more and more in love with ourselves,
while the cult of God leads us to become more and more in love with
God. “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless
a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but
if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life loses it, and
he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life”
(Jn 12:24-25).
and make it understood to people who have let themselves slide into
mediocrity, to lower the bar of the criteria of salvation and of sin,
their true situation according to the
Truth, that is, according to God, not
according to the atmosphere of relativism which totally surrounds us
today! Relativism is like acid rain, which destroys everything, and
we do not realize how far we have slid into relativism without a lot
of sincere prayer, in true humility, with the help of Our Eucharistic
Lord and Mary. Relativism is like the air that we breath. Truly it is
worse today precisely in the Church than in the times of the Tower of
Babel in the Old Testament! Often I meet
people with an attitude of superiority,
with a smile of haughtiness, as if I am one of those poor ones who
remained behind in the old doctrine, antiquated, and not with those
who believe they are full of intelligence and wisdom of the modern
If a priest in a zone explains the reality from
the point of view of the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults
and the other 20 priests in the zone offer only the part of the
Gospel that is easy, remaining in silence about the rest of the
Gospel, the people, who will they follow? They will follow the easier
way, and even criticize and treat badly the priest who remained
faithful to the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church! People
say to me: “I do not believe that it is a grave sin do have sex
outside of marriage.” I reply to them: “According to who:
according to you or according to God”? People today are so immersed
in the poison of relativism that they do
not realize the difference between deciding things according to their
own heads or according to God; in
effect, there is no difference for almost everyone today. The
danger is very great, but by now, for
people who pray the Our Father with the attitude, “My will be
done”, the danger for them is totally ridiculous, like something
banal, and they criticize more and more those who admonish them with
their example of life and of prayer, who are always “prepared to
make a defense to any one who calls you to account for the hope that
is in you” (1Pt 3:15). The problem is that in the real heaven,
there is room for only one God, not two; all those in hell believed
“the father of lies” (Jn 8:44), to believe to be gods and to
decide the “truth” according to their own heads (Gen 3:4-5).
Saint Michael says to us also today that which he said to Lucifer,
who became Satan, with his own name: “Who is like unto God?”!
Blind idiots in pride!
Auxiliary Bishop wrote:
“… when a part becomes all, one is speaking –
etymologically – of heresy.”
It is interesting how the Auxiliary Bishop makes
this distinction in accusing me of making a part all, and
yet he does not make the very important distinction of maintaining
the proper hierarchy of values, as the
Church as always done. The Auxiliary Bishop makes distinctions when
it serves what he wants, “to make happy the people” in this short
life, but does not mention, and ignores totally, other important
distinctions which detracts or nullify what he wants.
not the first priority to get rid of sin, and then we can have true
joy? Is the “joy” that the Auxiliary Bishop is referring to
an earthly joy that does not last, or is he referring to supernatural
joy? Mary had true joy at the foot of the cross because she knew she
was doing the will of God. Is the “mercy” that the Auxiliary
Bishop is referring to a mercy that is linked to true contrition and
firm amendment of life? Is the “charity” that the Auxiliary
Bishop is referring to a charity that is rooted first of all in the
One Who gives us life and holds us continually in existence? Is the
“fraternity” that the Auxiliary Bishop is referring to a
humanistic fraternity or a fraternity in which Jesus is at the very
center of this fraternity not just as our elder Brother but above all
is our God before Whom the angels adore prostrate?
one can experience true joy only if we take away our sins according
to the criteria of God of what is a sin, non according to our
sentiments, or according to the TV, or the world or the “pop
culture”. That is, according to the teachings of the Catholic
Church, summarized in the Catechism of the Catholic Church for
I wrote to his Eminence:
“If the priests do not help the people to
identify the sickness of the soul, the people do not have anything to
confess, and thus they have no need of Jesus the Redeemer, who came
for sinners, not for the just who believe to have no sins. In this
way the Redemption is nullified for these people because they do not
believe to have need of a Savior.”
if very few pastors in the Catholic Church explain what a sin is and
the most common mortal sins today, very few go to confession!
As we learned in our
theological studies, ONE MUST MAINTAIN
To maintain order in a community or in a
society, the strong essential elements must
be kept in proper balance and proper priority and influence for each
element, otherwise one element becomes too strong and dominants and
suppresses or even destroys the other elements which are vital to the
community or to the society. This indispensable need of proper
balance is even more needed in regards to the powerful and essential
elements of truth which make up the whole of divine revelation for
the proper functioning of the spiritual realm of each person and of
each community. It is impossible to separate the spiritual realm from
the material realm just as it is impossible to separate the body from
the soul or from the psychic or from the feelings of the person. The
person is made up of body and soul which cannot be separated here on
earth. So too, to ignore the proper balance
and equilibrium of truths, each with its
own proper priority and importance in relationship to the other
truths, is to cause great negative consequences not only in the
spiritual realm but also in the material realm as well. Here
is where Satan plays his hidden cards!
The Church has always maintained the proper hierarchy of values. Not
all truths or priorities have the same importance or weight; this
hierarchy of values, of truths, must be respected so as to maintain
the well-functioning of each person and of each community, just as in
a factory or in the motor of a car or even in the natural environment
in nature.
EVIL": it is not licit to do evil
that good may come of it (cf. Rom
3:8). One must therefore reject the
thesis, characteristic of teleological
and proportionalist theories,…” (Veritatis
Splendor, no. 79). “As is evident, in the
question of the morality of human acts, and in particular THE
ourselves faced with the question of man
himself, of his truth
and of the moral consequences flowing
from that truth. By acknowledging and teaching THE EXISTENCE OF
INTRINSIC EVIL in given human acts, the Church remains faithful to
the integral truth about man; she thus respects and promotes man in
his dignity and vocation. Consequently, she must reject the theories
set forth above, which contradict this truth” (Veritatis
Splendor, no. 83;
“Explicit treatment of the problem was given in
this Congregation's "Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning
Sexual Ethics" of December 29, 1975. That document stressed the
duty of trying to understand the homosexual condition and noted that
culpability for homosexual acts should only be judged with prudence.
At the same time the Congregation took note of the distinction
commonly drawn between the homosexual condition or tendency and
individual homosexual actions. These were described as deprived of
their essential and indispensable finality, as being "intrinsically
disordered", and able in no case
to be approved of (cf. n. 8, parag. 4).” (No.
3; Congregation For The Doctrine Of The Faith; Letter
To the Bishops of the Catholic Church: On the Pastoral Care of
Homosexual Persons; 1 October 1986; Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger,
Pope Benedict explained to us the
great IMPORTANCE OF DISTINGUISHING between the issues that are
negotiable and the issues that are not negotiable,
in particular referring to considering which political candidate is
more likely to promote the culture of life or the culture of death.
conception God creates and unites an immortal soul to the embryo! But
critics, including an important priest in my diocese, accuse those
who hold to what Pope Benedict and many other popes have exhorted, in
maintaining the proper hierarchy of values, guilty of causing an
ecclesial discipline to become an ecclesial bureaucracy, to be bigots
by remaining faithful to the guidance of the Church when the
protestant brothers and others are not happy, even though these
ecclesiastical exhortations are for the good of Catholics and as well
as for the good of non-Catholics. Is this not gently sliding or
pushing and manipulating, in a clever disguised way, into compromise
as Our Lady of Akita, Japan warned us would happen: “the Church
will be full of those who accept compromise …”
If one emphasises mercy without talking about in
the same talk and in the same context, “go and sin no more”, as
Jesus did in the Gospels (Jn 5:14; 8:11), there is a great tendency
to take the easy way of not seeking to change ones life with the help
of God, and to believe and say: “I’m
OK!”; I answer very numerous people
in relativism: “You are Ok, according
to Who?!?”
“As far as the Catholic Church is concerned, the
principal focus of her interventions in the public arena is the
protection and promotion of the dignity of the person, and she is
thereby consciously drawing particular attention to PRINCIPLES
the following emerge clearly today:…” (Address
of His Holiness Benedict XVI to the Members of the European People's
Party (March 30, 2006;
“Democracy must be based on the true and SOLID
PRINCIPLES, which are the underpinning
of life in society” (Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith, Doctrinal Note on
some questions regarding the Participation of Catholics in Political
Life, November 24, 2002;
What is conveyed to the public when a very
important Catholic religious leader says: “I
never understood the term non-negotiable values”,
without any other explanation to put this statement into the proper
context according to the teaching of the Magisterium of the Church?!?
What great damage is done by Pastors who do not live their beautiful
vocation from God because they do not help the sheep, entrusted to
them, to understand and to be on their guard for the very devastating
hidden deceptions of the wolf???
It is interesting in the reply of the Auxiliary
Bishop, he wrote: “Rev. Father Joseph Dwight - Parish Vicar of
Lisciano Niccone; P.C.; Father Pastor; Pastor of the City”; in
order to underline that Father Joe is a parish vicar (not the same
zone as Lisciano Niccone) and Father Pastor is Pastor of a city. This
indicates, at least indirectly, THAT THE
AUTHORITY!!! I always thought that God
has more authority and that the authentic voice of God on the earth
is the Magisterium of the Church. Perhaps I must return to the
seminary in order to learn the new theology, which indicates that the
ones in charge in the Church are the authors of truth, not the
handmaid of the Truth as we learned in the “old documents” of the
Church, which many believe today are antiquated and outdated!
“For the word of the cross is folly to those who
are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
For it is written, "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and
the cleverness of the clever I will thwart" (Is
29,14; Sal 33,10). Where is the wise man?
Where is the scribe (Is 33,18; 19,12)?
Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom
of the world? For since, in the wisdom
of God, the world did not know God through wisdom,
it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who
believe. For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach
Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles,
but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power
of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser
than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men” (1Cor
Auxiliary Bishop wrote:
“I am sorry for the roughness that I used with
you yesterday, but in your writing there is truly a harsh judgment
against Father Pastor…”
many times was Jesus “harsh”?!? “Woe to you doctors of the
law…” (Lk 11:42-54). Jesus even said to the first pope of the
“Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to
me; for you are not on the side of God, but of men” (Mt 16:23),
that is “to make happy the people”!
Auxiliary Bishop wrote:
“… according to a numerous repetition of “to
make the people happy”…”
holy woman, Dorothy Day, said: “Christ came to comfort the
afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.”
“I should hope that you would not be counted
among their number. Their homes are peaceful and complacent. They
live in security and never feel the touch of the Lord’s rod. They
pass their days in plenty and in the end go straight to hell.”
(Saint Raymund of Penyafort, breviary, January 7).
PROPHETS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT said to the people that if they
continue in their ways to not obey the laws of God, they destroy
themselves! The Jews killed almost all the prophets, and in the end
they killed the greatest Prophet, the Son of God, Jesus Christ!
Perhaps the prophets and Jesus Christ did not know how to attract the
people in the right way!?!?! ETERNITY IS LONG!
Pastor of this city yells at me if I agitate the people; the saints
cried out against sin for the good of the people!
Auxiliary Bishop wrote:
2) You are right to be fearful of relativism, but
you must be cautious about FUNDAMENTALISM: there are central and
immutable things, but there are doctrines less important and mutable,
such as the teaching (“moria”) of the church teaches us. To speak
always about certain things can hide the danger of fundamentalism.
I supposed to trust the Auxiliary Bishop or Pope Benedict who I cited
already in the letter to His Eminence:
Cardinal Ratzinger synthesized this situation of
rationalism and subjectivism in the Church in
his homily at the Mass preceding the conclave that quickly elected
him Pope Benedict XVI: “Today, having
a clear faith based on the creed of the church is often labeled as
FUNDAMENTALISM. Whereas relativism,
that is, letting oneself be "tossed here and there, carried
about by every wind of doctrine", seems the only attitude that
can cope with modern times. We are
building a dictatorship of relativism
that does not recognize anything as definitive and whose ultimate
goal consists solely of one's own ego and desires.”
What does it mean to be “labelled as
fundamentalism” according to the Auxiliary Bishop and according to
Pope Benedict?!? Here the difference is
It seems to me that the Auxiliary Bishop creates
a new hidden Sanhedrin, a Sanhedrin of
hidden and dictatorial authority (cf. Acts 5:28). The apostles of the
end times will be forbidden in an underhanded but firm way, to speak
about some truths of the Faith since they are not in conformity with
the modern-day mentality. As the future Pope Benedict XVI said: “We
are building a dictatorship of relativism…”.
I believe one can apply certain verses of Sacred Scripture today more
than ever:
“Woe to those
who call evil good and good evil” (Is 5:20).
shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had
pleasure in unrighteousness." (2Thess 2:11-12).
“I heard, but I did not understand. Then I said,
“O my lord, what shall be the issue of these things?” He said,
“Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut up and sealed until
the time of the end. Many shall purify themselves, and make
themselves white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly;
and none of the wicked shall understand;
but those who are wise shall understand.”
(Dan 12:8-10).
Auxiliary Bishop wrote:
“…but there are doctrines less important and
DEVASTATING HERESY! Church discipline
is mutable, but not the doctrine! The Auxiliary Bishop does not know
this, as so many other bishops and cardinals in the Church today!?!
is who establishes the truth, God or the world, God or Satan, God or
each person? This battle will increase even more in the next few
years before the second coming or Jesus Christ. Lucifer said, I am
God, I decide the Truth, and Saint Michael the Archangel replied with
his name: “Who is like unto God?”
Original Sin was the same deception: “But the serpent said to the
woman, "You will not die. For God knows that when you eat of it
your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and
evil".” Many modern philosophers led us into the “COPERNICAN
REVOLUTION” of not seeking anymore reality and the truth outside of
ourselves by way of our five senses but inside of ourselves, as if
each one of us “will be like God”. “Abandoning the
investigation of being, modern philosophical research has
concentrated instead upon human knowing. …” (No. 5; Encyclical
Letter: Fides et Ratio; John Paul II; 09-14-1998). In this fierce and
underhanded battle, it is very important to be “wise
as serpents” and not just “innocent as
doves” (Mt 10:16)!
Few Catholics today distinguish the difference between changing
Church discipline and changing Church doctrines which come from God
Who is the immutable and absolute Truth, and thus can never be
changed. And still more, a great number of so-called Catholics today
do not
distinguish between deepening and
expressing better in human language the Absolute Truth which cannot
changed, with changing the Absolute Truth
(Modernism, etc.)! The Church is like the waiter but God is the Cook;
the waiter must not change the meal prepared by the divine Cook but
must deliver the Truth, as God has revealed it, to the clients, to
the faithful.
Burke said:
“Pastoral practice properly understood, serves
to protect the teaching of the Church and seeks to communicate it. It
is not the function of pastoral practice to determine what truth is.
Pastoral practice is at the service of
the magisterial doctrine of the Church.
Pastoral practice ought to be simply the application and effective
communication of the sacred doctrine of the Church.”
“There can’t be in the church a discipline
which is not at the service of doctrine,” Cardinal Raymond Burke, a
former archbishop of St. Louis who now heads the Vatican’s court
system, told reporters on the eve of the synod. Burke, a canon lawyer
and a leader of the camp opposing changes, said the reformers were
saying: “Oh, we’re not questioning the indissolubility of
marriage at all. We’re just going to make it easy for people to
receive a declaration of nullity of marriage so that they can receive
the sacraments.” But that, Burke said, “is
a very deceptive line of argument which
I’ve been hearing more now in this whole debate.”
The book, “Remaining in the Truth of Christ”,
in defense of marriage, by five cardinals, was not allowed into last
October’s Synod of Bishops! “SYNODGATE – Five Cardinals Book
stolen from participants’ mailboxes at last year’s Synod on
Auxiliary Bishop wrote:
“3) You cite the bible and the CCC, but you also
cite prophecies and private revelations. These things do not regard
the faith and cannot be imposed on anyone! Do not cause confusion,
neither in the preaching, nor in your head.”
Regarding private revelations, Saint Thomas
tells us “at
all times there have not been lacking persons having the spirit of
prophecy, not indeed for the declaration of any new doctrine of
faith, but for the direction of human acts” (Summas
Theologica II –II q174 a6 reply 3; see
also Amos 3:7).
Our Lady revealed to Father Stefano Gobbi
(02-09-1985): “Darkness, with A THICK,
COLD FOG, has entered the Church,
obscuring it in the splendor of its truth. For this reason, every
day, my word is forming you to the spirit of wisdom, that you may
always see, in the light, the truth which my Son has taught you and
proclaim it with courage to all in its integrity.”
It seems to me that this “FOG”
obscures above all the light of the Truth. The saints tell us to pass
as much time as possible kneeling before the incarnate Truth, the
divine Prisoner, in the tabernacle, with the help of the “Seat of
Wisdom”, Mary. Otherwise the words and the programs of a pastor in
a parish will be empty, even though for a few months or a few years,
it might seem that there are fruits, like fire works or straw that
burns, but after, these fruits will not last if the pastor does not
make the “First Announcement”
of the Gospel to himself. Behold the activism which leads us to pray
always less and to trust more and more ourselves! Visit in Italian “A
Servizio di Tutti”
“A Damned Priest Warns About Hell”
Behold why Jesus calls those hypocrites who do
not look at the signs of the times (Lk
12:56; Mt 16:3; 24:51), who do not seek to discover these things, the
real situation in the world and in the Church from the point of view
of God, but go instead with the current of the secular world, and say
“I’m OK”. The inhabitants of Sodom
and Gomorrah had no idea that that they were about to be annihilated
(Gen 19). Like today, many governments promote the principle sin of
Sodom, homosexuality. Today the blindness of egoism is more
developed, to see everything only from our point of view, which is
called “relativism”, the cult of man, not the cult of God.
These private revelations are so important
that Satan seeks in every way to diminish their divulgation,
influence and effect. In 1882, Christ
revealed to the stigmatist, Marie Julie Jahenny of La Fraudais,
France that: "In
the last days, a seemingly unlimited amount of FALSE REVELATIONS will
arise from hell like a swarm of flies; a last attempt of Satan to
choke and to destroy the efficacy of the TRUE REVELATIONS by false
ones." These revelations to Marie Julie indicate that these
revelations are important enough for Satan to try to diminish their
effectiveness seeking to keep us far away from true private
revelations by offering false ones. But this also indicates that
there are many false revelations and thus one must be wise and
prudent especially in regards to recent revelations in which the
proper Church authorities have not made any pronouncement yet.
St. John also tells us: “Beloved, do not believe
every spirit, but test the spirits to
see whether they are of God: for many
false prophets have gone out into the world” (1Jn 4:1). Saint Paul
tells us: “Do not quench the Spirit, do
not despise prophesying, but test
everything; hold fast what is good” (1Thess 5:19-21).
Here is a directive
of the Grand Master of the Freemason
which was taught to many Catholic university students and to many
“26. Use
committees of lay people and priests weak in faith who might condemn
and reprehend without difficulty every apparition of Mary and
apparent miracle especially of the Archangel St. Michael. Make sure
that nothing of this, in no measure, will receive approval according
to Vatican II. Call it disobedience to
authority if anyone obeys the
Revelations or even if someone reflects on them. Indicate
the Seers as disobedient against Ecclesiastical Authority. Bring down
their good name in the mud, so that no
one will hold in consideration their Message.” (“The
Masonic Plan For The Destruction Of The Catholic Church”;
There are many Catholics and Catholic groups and
blog moderators on the internet who put themselves in the place of
judging and interpreting the licitness of reading, promoting or going
to apparitions sites not yet approved. THEY
HIMSELF. Many like to pontificate,
instead of having the humility to say: I do not know; we must wait
with patience to see if the fruits are good or bad! They often
interpret in their own rigorous way the
decree of the “Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine and the Faith”,
published in the "Official Acts of the Holy See" (A.A.S.)
58/16, dated December 29, 1966. Other critical Catholics want to
accuse those who read and promote these messages from these
apparitions of Our Lady (or also, for example the testimony of Gloria
Polo) as being motivated only by curiosity and pride (who is really
prideful here?) in seeking to know that which is not for us to know.
But if one goes even to this extreme one-sided interpretation and
judgment, then why are the number of apparitions of Our Lady
increasing in our day as Cardinal Ratzinger pointed out in "The
Ratzinger Report" (1985)? Why did Jesus say: “Be wise as
serpents” and not just “innocent as doves” (Mt 10:16)? Do these
critical “serpents” presume to know more than the Mother of God
about what is needed today? According to these “intelligent”
people (Mt 11:25; Lk 10:21), can there not be another possible motive
to read and to promote the messages of Our Lady in our very
particular times in which people need a particular help from heaven
just as God gave by way of the prophets and judges in the Old
Testament? The Church encourages us to read the whole Bible, also the
more difficult books such as the Book of Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel,
Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13, etc.? It is
amazing how many people choose to close their eyes and ears to the
signs of our times! Jesus calls these people “HYPOCRITES”! (Lk
12:56; Mt 16:3). It is interesting how many people choose to close
their eyes and ears to the signs of our times! Jesus called these
people “hypocrites” (Lk 12:56; Mt 16:3;
from a bishop or a priest or a Catholic group or a blog moderator on
the Internet to appear or to give private revelations. I think that
very few of the seventy thousand people who went to Fatima on October
13, 1917 asked permission from their respective bishops or priests
before going to Fatima that day, and yet they were rewarded with the
great miracle of the sun. I also believe that as we approach this
period of “great tribulation” (Mt 24), God in His love for us,
like a loving mother, will give even more help, encouragement and
words to help all to prepare so as to take advantage of this period
of great trial and suffering, and in particular to give us a guide in
this “thick, cold fog”
if confusion even in the Catholic Church, above all in the Catholic
Church! In this way God will offer one last
help to those who might be willing to convert and put God in the
first place and priority in their lives rather than themselves or so
many other things or persons.
John Paul II went to Fatima three times! Pope Benedict one time.
But if one believes like these critics, then why are the Marian
apparitions multiplying as a sign of our times as Cardinal Ratzinger
indicated in the book “Report on the Faith” (1985)?
Why did Pope Benedict
XVI in his homily, at Esplanade of the
Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima; before 500,000 people (13 May 2010),
I think my Auxiliary Bishop should tell Pope Benedict and Pope John
Paul II the same thing he wrote to me!
You cite the bible and the CCC, but you also cite prophecies and
private revelations. These things do not regard the faith and cannot
be imposed on anyone! Do not cause confusion, neither in the
preaching, nor in your head.”
Auxiliary Bishop wrote:
You are attentive to announce the truth, but in the gospel there does
not exist truth without love: a truth without love is perhaps more
dangerous than love without truth. If your convictions lead you to
judgment toward: the faithful, toward the brothers, the bishops, the
pope… ask yourself if you are not by chance one who preaches
without love the truth.
Is not the first
priority of the Second Person of the Blessed to come here to earth to
free us from the slavery of sin? Are
not the first words of the Savior: “Repent” (Mk 1:15)? Two
thousand years ago the Jews wanted a Messiah Who would liberate the
people from the Romans. Today a great many in the Catholic Church
want a Messiah, a religion, which will liberate us from guilt
complexes, and from the possibility of a punishment after death. And
how many priests and bishops seek to “to make the people happy”!?!
Speaking of “to
make the people happy”, when I
protested that a bar owner put a poster (about 100x70 cm) of a
completely naked woman outside the bar entrance of his bar in public
view, I was sad because the Pastor of this city, who was present,
just smiled and laughed at the
inappropriate jokes so as to be in agreement with everyone
as his way of treating others in a nice way and not being in
disagreement with anyone!
is more important here, “to make the people happy” or to make
Jesus happy? But is not what makes Jesus happy that which is best for
each of us? Did God give us the 10 Commandments and all of Divine
Revelation to torture us or for our true good and wellbeing?!?
I wrote in my letter to His Eminence:
“But if you put the first commandment of love of
God after the second to love ones neighbor, in the end everything
falls apart, you loose everything. This is precisely the subtle and
underhanded strategy of Satan. It is very interesting how many times
one finds the FALSE “LOVE”
used in the powerful strategy of the 33 directives of the Grand
Master of the Freemasons to the Catholic Masonic bishops of the
destruction of the Catholic Church! The word “love” APPEARS 11
TIMES in these 33 directives! “Satan
disguises himself as an angel of light” (2Cor 11:14). Visit: “The
Masonic Plan For The Destruction Of The Catholic Church”
visit also my article in Italian: “A
Servizio di Tutti”
I am amazed how people succeed today in
overturning the hierarchy of values
in order to justify false love which is then justified with nice
words by after there is great harm!
“Only what is true
can ultimately be pastoral. The neglect
of the Church's position prevents homosexual men and women from
receiving the care they need and deserve.” (No. 15; Congregation
For The Doctrine Of The Faith; Letter To
the Bishops of the Catholic Church: On the Pastoral Care of
Homosexual Persons; 1 October 1986; Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger,
“Assuredly, the word of truth can be painful and
uncomfortable. But it is the way to holiness, to peace, and to inner
freedom,” said Pope Benedict in 1998. “A PASTORAL APPROACH WHICH
because “in the end, only the truth can be pastoral,” he wrote,
quoting the Gospel promise of Christ that “you will know the truth,
and the truth will set you free.”
Throughout his 1998 work, Pope Benedict—who was
Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith at the
time—explained that the recent documents of the Church on such
matters “bring together the demands of truth with those of love in
a very balanced way.” So while at times in the past “love shone
forth too little in the explanation of the truth,” so today, there
is a great danger that “in the name of love, truth is either to be
silenced or compromised.”
The Auxiliary Bishop accused my of the lack of
offering the truth without charity! IT
IS TOTALLY REVERSED! To not take care
of the souls is the greatest lack of charity! Pastoral care detached
from the truth is not love. See: “Who Decides The Truth?”
For a great number of people today, this short
life is the only thing important; eternity does not count at all!
Is not one of the most fundamental tasks of each
bishop to maintain apostolicity, the truth transmitted from the
apostles? Instead today how many bishops do as so many judges in
courts of law who use “positivism”?
“Positivism” sounds like something nice and
reasonable, to adapt the laws for our
new times and needs. But the incredible deception is that the
elected government officials and the appointed judges apply
positivism individually like little dictators without letting the
citizens vote on changing the laws for our new times and needs. Our
founding fathers, having suffered under tyrannical governments and
having seen the folly of the French Revolution, knew very well that
the best constitution in the world will crumble if the citizens loose
their faith and morals.
Today, we live in obscure times, because in all
kinds of ways an attempt is being made to reach a compromise between
God and Satan, between good and evil,
between the spirit of Jesus and the spirit of the world. Many are
running the danger of becoming victims of this general confusion, and
even in the Church a false spirit, which is not that of Jesus the Son
of God, is seeking to spread itself about. Like a cloud of invisible
poison gas, a spirit which jumbles the things of God with those of
the world is expanding and succeeding in depriving the word of God of
its vigor and in depoi8ling the announcement of the Gospel of its
negates and destroys itself, and becomes a factor leading to the
destruction of others, when it no longer recognizes and respects its
When freedom, out of a desire to emancipate itself from all forms of
tradition and authority, shuts out even the most obvious evidence of
an objective and universal truth, which is the foundation of personal
and social life, then the person ends up by no longer taking as the
sole and indisputable point of reference for his own choices the
truth about good and evil, but only his subjective and changeable
opinion or, indeed, his selfish interest and whims.” (No. 19;
the Bishops, Priests and Deacons, Men and Women religious, lay
Faithful, and all People of Good Will, on the Value and Inviolability
of Human Life;
I wrote in my letter to His Eminence:
“Woe to you, when all men speak well of you”
(Lk 6:26). “How can you believe, who receive glory from one another
and do not seek the glory that comes
from the only God?” (Jn 5:44; Gal
Auxiliary Bishop wrote:
your convictions lead you to judgment toward: the faithful, toward
the brothers, the bishops, the pope… ask yourself if you are not by
chance one who preaches without love the truth.”
I wonder if the Auxiliary Bishop realizes, or at
least remembers, that the Church, and thus the leaders of the Church,
is the handmaid of the Truth and not the Author of the Truth?!? Today
more than ever, there is lacking the Truth which makes us free (Jn
8:32), which offers us true love. That is, what
is lacking today is true “love” united to the Truth,
as the last several popes have explained in their encyclicals! A
great number of religious leaders have sacrifices eternity on the
altar of human respect!
We read often in the liturgy after Easter the
sermon of Saint Peter on the day of Pentecost. To those who crucified
Jesus, who could have crucified the apostles, Peter courageously
said: “You have killed the author of life…” (Acts 3:14; 4:10).
Behold the true pastor, like Jesus, ready to give his life for
others. Why are there so few priests and bishops, who live their
vocation, and are able to say: “WE
It is more difficult than ever today to say this truth, because we
have slid further away from the law of God than ever before in the
history of the world. And thus the true prophets, to which we are all
called by our baptism, will be persecuted more than ever as bad
read in the prophecy of Saint Francis:
6. Those who in spiritual fervor will embrace
piety with charity and zeal for the truth, will
suffer persecutions and insults as if they were schismatics and
disobedient. Because their persecutors,
urged on by the evil spirits, will say that in this way they render a
great honor to God in killing and removing from the face of the earth
such pestilent men. But the Lord will be the refuge of the afflicted
and He will save them, because they hoped in Him. And then in order
to respect their Head, they will act according to the Faith and they
will chose to obey God rather than men, gaining for themselves
eternal life; they will fear nothing, and they will prefer to die
rather than consent to error and perfidy.”
According to my Auxiliary Bishop, Saint Francis of Assisi is bad!
“Some preachers will keep silent about the truth
and, denying the truth, they will trample upon the truth. The
sanctity of life will be held in derision by those who only profess
it outwardly, and for this reason Our
Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a worthy Pastor, but a
destroyer… At the decisive moment of
this crisis, a personage
not canonically elected, raised to the Pontificate,
will endeavor to administer shrewdly to many the
MORTAL POISON of his error.”
But for the Auxiliary Bishop, “
prophecies and private revelations. These things do not regard the
faith and cannot be imposed on anyone! Do not cause confusion,
neither in the preaching, nor in your head”, and
thus God made a mistake to offer prophets in the Old Testament and in
the New Testament! Now the bishops are
the source of all divine revelation and of prophecy!
base here for so many priests who for years have let themselves slid
into relativism, like spoiled children without contrition, by now
believe that there is no hell, in order not to have any
responsibility for their actions; and thus there is no more sin. This
is the base, in total blindness, and thus Father Joe is bad a priori,
without even listening to Father Joe. As I wrote in my letter to His
“Today, truly in the Catholic Church, among many
priests and bishops, it is WORSE THAN
THE TOWER OF BABEL before Christ,
because at least with the Tower of Babel before Christ one could
slowly communicate with a dictionary. But today the ideas and even
the fundamental base is confused and set aside, the absolute Truth
from the Creator of the universe and also the nature of man.”!
Auxiliary Bishop wrote:
“but I must instead ask you to “correct the
aim” of your preaching, but after everything else to reconcile
yourself with the concrete Church in which you live and exercise the
ministry, accepting to put also yourself into discussion and to
always seek communion. I am willing to listen to you still, to
understand better – if your believe – your thought and to hear
how you intend to change.”
It seems to me that according to the Auxiliary
Bishop, also Jesus must “correct the aim” of His preaching!
“Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy” (Lk
12:1-7). “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees…” (Mt
“To hear how you intend to change”! Where
is there an indication to have a dialogue
in order to seek the Truth together according to the documents of the
Magisterium of the Church, not according to the relativism of my head
nor the relativism of the head of the Auxiliary Bishop? Is the bishop
is the servant of the Truth or the author of the Truth? One of the
titles of the pope is “The servant of the servants”.
“… to reconcile yourself with the concrete
Church in which you live and exercise the ministry, accepting to put
also yourself into discussion and to always seek communion”. But
does this means that the Truth is
established by the majority of the priests in the zone
or by the Magisterium of the Church guided by the Holy Spirit in all
of these centuries? Is this “communion” first of all with God,
Who is the Truth, or first of all with the thought of the majority of
priests who no longer speak about the sicknesses of the souls and the
consequences of not living the law of God? Do I have to put aside all
the documents of the Magisterium of the Church which many priests and
bishops do no want or should I no longer talk; is this what it means
“accepting to put also yourself into discussion and to always
seek communion”? Jesus said: “I am
the way, and the truth, and the life” (Jn 14:6). “He who loves
father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves
son or daughter more than me is not
worthy of me…” (Mt 10:37).
are the priorities of the Auxiliary Bishop, first communion with
the priests in the zone or first communion with God Who is the Truth?
my Auxiliary Bishop can offer me eternal life, I will obey him
blindly as it seems that he wants, and I will prostrate myself before
him and I will adore him!
Auxiliary Bishop wrote:
“I am sorry for the roughness that I used with
you yesterday, but in your writing there is truly a harsh judgment
against Father Pastor, Father George
and many other priests and bishops, that you accuse of relativism and
of bad conscience in guiding the people of God, according to a
repetition of “to make the people happy”.
George is an Indian priest student who helps at this parish. It is
interesting how the Auxiliary Bishop interpreted my words regarding
Father George. It is the Pastor who is using this young priest; this
is what I wanted to say regarding Father George, a young priest, who
is not even capable of understanding the situation in this problem!
Auxiliary Bishop wrote:
“… ask yourself if you are not by chance one
who preaches without love the truth.”
is the fundamental definition of love for the Auxiliary Bishop? He
might say with his mouth, love of God and love of neighbor. But in
this short exhortation to me the bishop only gave indications about
charity or love toward others, but he gave no indication whatsoever
about what pleases or displeases Jesus, what gives joy to Jesus or
what causes Jesus to suffer. His entire thrust of what he wrote is
about relationships among human beings and the cult of man, with no
indication about the concern that the saints have, the first priority
of love of God and pleasing God and consoling Jesus on the cross as
all the saints did! There is no indication or concern about how much
Jesus suffers on the cross for our sins, but only to talk about
charity so that the people are happy or consoled regardless if what
the people are doing has negative consequences to themselves or to
others or if their actions cause Jesus to suffer due to personal
sins. The saints spoke and wrote frequently about the desire to
console the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Where is an indication of this desire of the saints in what the
bishop wrote?
is interesting to read the writings of Sister Lucy of Fatima:
“At times we found little Francisco, who was
hiding in order “to pray of to think”, as he would say, to the
Lord, sad due to so many sins. If we asked him: - Francisco, why do
you not tell me and Jacinta to pray with you? He would respond: - I
like more to pray alone, to think and to console the Lord who is very
sad. One day I asked him: - Francisco what pleases you more: to
console the Lord or the convert sinners, so that souls do not go to
hell? – I like more to console the
Lord. Did you not notice how Our Lady,
also last month, became so sad, when she said to not offend anymore
the Lord God, who is already very offended? I would like to console
the Lord and then convert the sinners so that they might not offend
Him any more”.
For so many Catholics today, the first priority is
man or the community, not God. Everything is upside down, for motives
that seem good! Behold how “Satan
disguises himself as an angel of light”
(2Cor 11:14)!
MANY PEOPLE ARE IN LOVE WITH JESUS like Blessed Francisco of
Fatima, who want to console the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the
Immaculate Heart of Mary? Saint Padre Pio said that Jesus will suffer
until the end of the world for our sins, because for God, there is
neither the past nor the future, but the eternal present. At the Holy
Mass we are truly present at Calvary, the sacrifice of Jesus
substantially; but how many Catholics want to discover or know this
reality in order to put God at the center of the liturgy, at the
center of the Holy Mass, instead of people or the community?
Francisco of Fatima, after having received Holy Communion from
the Angel at Fatima, began to pass at least three hours everyday
before the Tabernacle.
John Paul II said in his homily at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the
Rosary of Fatima; Saturday, May 13, 2000:
“Later Francisco, one of the three privileged
children, exclaimed: "We were burning in that light which is God
and we were not consumed. What is God like? It is impossible to say.
In fact we will never be able to tell people". God: a light that
burns without consuming. Moses had the same experience when he saw
God in the burning bush; he heard God say that he was concerned about
the slavery of his people and had decided to deliver them through
him: "I will be with you" (cf. Ex 3: 2-12). Those who
welcome this presence become the dwelling-place and, consequently, a
"BURNING BUSH" of the Most High.”
“The sons of this world are
wiser in their own generation than the sons of light”
(Lk 16:8). Satan and his followers know well the tactic to help
people slowly slide in the direction according to his agenda.
If Christ is not first in our lives, and we do not
think to console the Sacred Heart of Jesus, automatically go toward
charity for only those we see with our physical eyes, as does the
culture of death, which lacks the eyes of faith. Those with the eyes
of faith see Jesus behind every person; they see Jesus who suffers
more than the baby aborted or the woman abandoned. THOSE
such as the baby in the womb, or the effects of selling pornography
or the effects on children whose parents have separated, or the price
that Jesus pays on the cross for these sins until the end of time. It
is very interesting, as well as revealing, that is these talks today
about the divorced and the rights of those who live the homosexual
life style, one does not hear about the rights or needs of the
children; it is a public discourse with a totally egoistical logic.
The children are not taken into consideration, but only the
egotistical and irresponsible desires of the adults.
After Paul and Barnabas healed a crippled man from
birth, the people of Lystra said: “The gods have come down to us in
the likeness of men!” (Acts 14:5-18). Paul
and Barnabas had to struggle to help the people give glory to the
invisible God who created the entire universe.
Does the bishop do as Paul so as to continually lead people toward
the invisible God or does he put the first priority to “make happy
the people” with their modern-day pagan gods in the cult of man,
which is more pleasing to the people? If one does not continually
struggle to go toward faith in the invisible realities of the one
true God, automatically one goes toward only faith in the visible.
This applies to everything in our faith, especially to struggle
continually to see with our eyes of faith the infinite God in the
Eucharist; otherwise we automatically slide toward less faith. But
this struggle to see the invisible realities also applies to our
whole existence which comes from God Who continually maintains us in
existence. Behold the fundamental importance of faith and then
gratitude for all that the eyes of faith perceive. Without gratitude,
we no longer struggle to maintain the eyes of faith but we see only
the visible world; we see other human beings but without the
connection of faith that Jesus hides behind every person, especially
“the least of my brethren” (Mt 25:31-46).
This formation of faith is a great and fundamental
responsibility for those who are entrusted with the care of other
souls, such as parents, priests and bishops. One sees this in the
lives of the saints, when people wanted to attribute the visible
fruits of the saints to the saints instead of to God. The saints had
to repeat often to the people, as did Mother Teresa of Calcutta, as
Paul and Barnabas, that they were only
instruments in the hands of the Almighty God.
How many priests and bishops do this today?
There is a young priest in a zone near me. A woman
recounted how he gave a homily on the 10 Commandments. The young
priest said that we can summarize the 10 Commandments in love of God
and love of neighbor. But to be even more brief, he said we
can summarize all of the commandments in just love of neighbor.
What did this young priest learn in the seminary?
my “Spiritual Food 1411”, you will find this paragraph:
“[It is an
attack on the truth of God.]
It grew gradually. It is
enough to think of a subtle change that
happened around the time of the Second Vatican Council. With the
arrival of the “experts”
there developed
the fashion of theologians, regardless of whether or not they
deserved the name; the fact that they had
published a book, in general that was
enough. This
continues and, with this, the center that
guides the Church in the minds of many, has shifted
from where God had placed it,
in the hierarchy, the Pope and the bishops in union with him, and
became the various opinions of all sorts of writers. [The students
collected the
books.] So, this has had an impact not only
on the priests, but also on seminarians
in many
universities. This is the first part of the attack: the attack on the
truth of God, the foundation of the Church.”
This reversal of love of God and love of neighbor
is explained well by a damned priest (“A
Damned Priest Warns About Hell”;
One of the most important revelations of this
exorcism is perhaps the most fundamental and most powerful deception
promoted by the FREEMASONRY
in the name of “love” and “mercy” while allowing the most
important commandment of love of God slide into the second priority
or even less. We see this very destructive reversal of priorities all
around us in the Church today.
“E: Speak the
truth, Verdi Garandieu in the name ... for the glory of God, in the
name of Jesus Christ, of the Most Holy Trinity, of the Father, of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, nothing but the truth and only the truth!
V : ... it is a
sham, completely successful, of the FREEMASONRY
to always say: love of neighbor, to live in love, make peace one with
the other, forgive and support each other. And where do they arrive?
Where do you end up with this support and this reconciliation? Look
at the quotation of the suicides! If these men might see where the
principle commandment really is! ... Of course, it is said in the
first and greatest commandment: "And thy neighbor as thyself,"
but that comes later: "You shall love the Lord your God."
You can not truly call that love what these priests live for years,
these priests who have never yet lived as bad as they do now. One
must only start here. One must practice again the principle
commandment and the first few sentences totally, without limitation.
And then this "your neighbor as yourself" will be included
by itself. All the commandments in general are included in this main
commandment. If it were observed, one would not have to talk always
about charity, of love of neighbor, of attempts at reconciliation and
whatever else. All this would be included in the single vision of an
herb or a green branch, but nothing like this happens. They only
discuss and they always talk about ecclesiastical assemblies and
conferences of bishops.”
we see in the overall tone of the response of the Auxiliary Bishop,
the source or base of what is right or wrong is who has the more
important title, not the teachings of the Church. Thus, the Auxiliary
Bishop did not write anything about the merit of what I wrote nor the
serious lackings of the Pastor. A priori, the Pastor and the Bishop
are right and all those with a lesser title must express “how you
intend to change”, instead of having a dialogue with the documents
of the Magisterium of the Church on the table, not the relativism in
my head nor the relativism in the head of the Pastor or of the
Bishop! I thought that the Church is the handmaid of the Truth, not
the Author of the Truth, and thus the ones with more authority in the
Church must be the greater servants of the Truth, not the inventors
of the Truth! Perhaps in the mind of the Bishop, Father Joe must
return to the seminary to learn the new theology!?!
friends, do not give up the fight. It is more difficult today
than ever. Our Lady revealed to Father Stefano Gobbi:
are living “in the midst of the greatest storm in history.”
(August 28, 1973). “You will be buffeted by the wind of a tempest
and a hurricane” (March 5, 1982). “Many of you will be scattered
by the violent wind of this frightful hurricane.” (December 31,
But remember my dear friends, even though a
hurricane is a frightening thing, a very violent tropical storm, at
the center of the hurricane is the “eye of the hurricane” where
there is calm and even a serene sky above. That
eye of the spiritual hurricane of today is the Immaculate Heart of
“My Heart is a refuge which protects you from
all these events which are following one upon another. You will
remain serene; you will not let yourself be troubled; you will have
no fear. You will see all these things as from afar, without allowing
yourself to be in the least affected by them.” (January 5, 1974).
motherly Heart will be for you the place of your peace, while outside
the most violent storm is raging.” (October 18, 1975).
would highly recommend, if you have not already, to read St.
Louis de Montfort’s classic book: “True Devotion to Mary”, and
then make the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary! After
reading this book in 1976, I made my personal consecration to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary on August 15, 1976. What an adventure my
heavenly Mother has led me on after that point!!!
(“True Devotion To Mary”;;
Joseph Dwight
- -
the International Spiritual Exercises of the Marian Movement of
Priests, at Collevalenza – Sanctuary of Merciful Love (Madre
Speranza), June 23-29, 2013, one of the meditations offered by Father
Ivan Pojavnik, to over 200 priests and to over 10 bishops of the
movement, was “The Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, part2”. I
would like to offer a few paragraphs of this meditation which can
help us to understand and to distinguish between true love and false
love which greatly harms us. A great number of Christians do not
realize the difference and thus not even the great danger of the very
destructive poison of false love.
“My motherly plan is to give comfort to you in
your sorrow, to pour balm on each of your wounds, and to give
confidence and great hope to you in your discouragement. How
difficult are the days in which you are living! This is the
conclusive period of the purification and the great tribulation. In
fact, all humanity is possessed by the spirits of evil, and my Church
is shaken by the impetuous wind of errors, of divisions, of unbelief
and of apostasy … The time is close when justice will espouse
itself to divine mercy, for the purification of the earth. Prepare
yourselves, all of you, to bear the pain of the great purifying trial
(Our Lady to Don Stefano Gobbi – June 27, 1996).”
“Neglecting the prayer of the Rosary, after the
Council a theological current formed a new god-man, whose cult has
become very wide spread in the last decades. Accentuating in a
unilateral way the Love of God, this current has practically obscured
the Justice of God. They say: “God is Love and does not send anyone
to hell and thus it is empty”. It is true that God does not send
anyone to hell, but it is the definitive love of self to the point of
despising God that drives the souls to the infernal abyss.”
“Each day many souls are being eternally lost!
How many souls are going to hell because people no longer pray,
because sin increase and reparation for it is no longer made, because
error is followed with such ease!” (Our Lady to Don Stefano Gobbi –
November 25, 1978).”
“It is a revealed truth: heaven and hell do have
their inhabitants and will never end (cf. Mt 25,31-46).”
“God is Truth and Love. Without the truth there
is no true love, but false love, that is love turned upside down:
egoism. The cult of God revealed in Christ, Who is Love, without the
Truth and Justice (cf. Sir 5:1-7), introduces adoration of a god-man
who resembles a Santa Clause. This type of god-man has tolerated the
diffusion of heresies in the Church, indiscipline at all levels, the
pedophilia of a certain number of priests and religious, the
violations of the vow of celibacy, has watered down penance and the
announcement of the “Four Last Things”… The cult of god-man has
lead to the gradual disappearance of sacramental confession and
innumerable sacrilegious communions which have wounded the heart of
the Church, so that She is in agony in every part of the world; and
will lead to the horror of the desolation (cf. Our Lady to Don
Stefano Gobbi – December 31, 1992). From this one can see that this
god-man, behind the façade of love, hide an immense wickedness with
which he attempts to destroy the Church and to seduce a great number
of souls to eternal damnation.”
“In these last times, the struggle between good
and evil, between grace and sin, between God and Satan, is reaching
the summit of its power. It seems that, in your days, Satan has
attained his victory, as during the Sabbath when Jesus lay lifeless
in the sepulcher.” (Our Lady to Don Stefano Gobbi – April 16,
“Spreading the modern forms of the cult of the
god-man, Satan has seduced almost all of humanity, which by now lies
interiorly in the sepulcher, that is in the underground hemisphere of
the globe. Succumbing to the most subtle forms of such a cult, there
has been spread among the Christians the great apostasy of faith in
the God-Man. During Holy Saturday Our Lady was the only one who
remained steadfast in faith, hope and charity. In this new Holy
Saturday the lived consecration to her Immaculate Heart is a medicine
which preserves us from the epidemic of atheism (cf. Our Lady to Don
Stefano Gobbi – May 13, 1976).”