Will Soon Lose the Eucharist
saints tell us that the Catholic Church is the soul of the world.
Above all what sustains the Church is
the Most Holy Eucharist (Vat.
II: LG 11; CCC 1324). Even
though the great majority of the baptized Catholics have lost their
faith in the Eucharist, Satan knows very well what the Eucharist is
and that it is the Eucharist above all which “restrains” Satan
(2Thess 2:3-4). Satan already deprived the Protestants of the
Eucharist 400 years ago, just as Satan did for many disciples of
Jesus (Jn 6:66) 2000 years ago. Thus we are finally quickly arriving
to the great prophecy to which Jesus referred to (Mt 24:15) in the
Book of Daniel: “And from the time that the continual burnt
offering is taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate is
set up, there shall be a thousand two
hundred and ninety days.” (Dan 12:11;
7:25; 9:27).
is important to know the four conditions for a valid Mass,
and not to be misled by groups on the left side or the right side
regarding the true doctrine of the Church about “The Validity of
the Holy Mass”
The Mass is not valid if the priests uses Coca Cola and cookies
instead of bread and wine. But there are three other precise
conditions for a valid Mass, in particular the validly ordained
priest must say (not silently)
during the consecration: “This is my Body … This is my Blood”!
People know that if you do not follow the rules of nature or the
orders of the boss at work, things can often have disastrous
consequences. How many things in this world have to be precise
otherwise they do not work? But we feel we can play, according to our
own whims and pride, with sacred things of God, which have much more
value and power. God instructed Moses how much humility and reverence
must be used before sacred things which were of much less value than
the infinite God personally present in the Most Holy Eucharist. The
people of the generation of ’68, who
are in power today, thought they would find happiness and freedom by
throwing out all rules and regulations, rejecting all authority and
God, but they unwittingly fell under the dominion of the “prince of
this world”, Satan (Jn 12:31; 14:30; Rev 12:9), who they believe
does not exist!
believe that the grand finale of this period of the “great
tribulation” (Mt 24:21) will occur in October
2024, when Nibiru, the planet that NASA
discovered for the first time in 1983, will pass too close to our
planet Earth.
from Luz de Maria, October 5, 2019:
generation teeming with sin is not being punished by God – no !,
the chastisement has not yet come. The earth, unstable as it is, will
be deviated by the breath of a star that will pass nearby without
your being able to announce it, and here will be man’s lament”
believe that this message is referring to the Dark Star, around which
Nibiru orbits, and will pass very close to the Earth about five years
after this message! Visit: “Signs of
God vs. Signs of Satan” (A Woman
Clothed With The Sun - A Great Red Dragon (Nibiru))
if we count backwards 1290 days from October 2024,
I believe that we will lose the Eucharist in all the public churches
in the world in the spring of 2021, with a new Roman Missal for the
whole world in which there will not be the words in the consecration
of the Mass: “This is my Body … This is my Blood”. But I
believe that there is a great
POSSIBILITY that the new Roman Missal in Italian in April 2020,
will already oblige an invalid Mass, without the essential words of
the consecration.
400 years ago Our Lady of Good Success warned us:
I make it known to you that from the end of the 19th century and
shortly after the middle of the 20th century…the passions will
erupt and there will be a total corruption of morals… As for the
Sacrament of Matrimony, which symbolizes the union of Christ with His
Church, it will be attacked and deeply profaned. FREEMASONRY,
which will then be in power, will enact
iniquitous laws with the aim of doing away with this Sacrament,
making it easy for everyone to live in sin and encouraging
procreation of illegitimate children born without the blessing of the
what Our Lady of Good Success said, “In
this supreme moment of need for the church, the one who should speak
will fall silent”, it is very
interesting that Our Lady said “the
ONE who should speak”; she
did not say, “the ONES
who should speak”, or “those
who should speak”, that is, not a group of bishops, but ONE
people are well prepared for this underhanded and very devastating
deception of silence after many years
of silence about sin and about the consequences of sin on the part of
almost all the fathers of the families, of the priests and of the
bishops, totally immersed in relativism. (“The
False Pope Will Fall Silent”;
few Freemasons know the true reason for which they are ordered to
work to destroy the family, the Catholic Church and the Eucharist;
they just obey the directives of the Grand Master of Masonry (“The
Masonic Plan For The Destruction Of The Catholic Church” ;
To become a 33 degree member of Masonry, one must take the oath “Ordo
ab Chao”, which is a Latin expression meaning Order out of Chaos!
“Ordo ab Chao” is the motive to promote “UNCONTROLED”
as well as undermining commerce and the whole of the structures of
societies in a covert and underhanded way using their very numerous
bribed Masonic politicians and corporate directors! Most
Masons do NOT know they are WORKING
FOR SATAN until they have been formed
and brainwashed in at least 24 degrees of Masonry
But immediately at the first degree of Masonry one must accept
religious syncretism, that all religions are equal, which means that
Jesus Christ is at the same level with Mohammad or Buddha or any
religious founder.
seer of Itapiranga, Brazil, Edson Glauber
(approved by his local bishop), two years ago indicated that after
Pope Benedict will be assassinated, everything will become much
worse, especially in Italy, and thus I believe that after Benedict is
killed, we will lose the Eucharist in all the public churches in
Italy. Freemasonry cannot risk that Benedict might cry out from the
roof tops about an invalid Mass officially promoted by the Vatican,
especially given Pope Benedict’s recent open opposition to what is
being now promoted, such as married priests. Certainly there are
already many idiot priests and bishops who already change the Mass to
the point of rendering the Mass invalid. Since the great majority of
Catholics have lost the faith in the real presence of Jesus Christ in
the Eucharist, very few people will
understand the CAUSE of the great worsening in Italy
(and later in the whole world), after a new Roman Missal in Italian
with a Mass without the words in the consecration: “This is my Body
… This is my Blood”. People will believe that the cause of the
great worsening stems from the corrupt politics or the economy, etc.
The assassination of Pope Benedict, probably by a terrorist group,
will also be useful to distract our attention from the great
fundamental blow of depriving Italy, and afterwards the world, of the
infinite God in the tabernacles of the public churches.
seer of Itapiranga, Brazil, Edson Glauber, with permission from his
bishop, in the presence of his confessor, said on February 16, 2018
at Vigolo, Italy, while he was in Italy for a few cycles of
Lady told me that the times are very difficult. As I said in
Amazonia, I say also to you: that which
still holds back to a certain extent the evil, as long as he is
alive, is Pope Benedict. When Pope Benedict dies … poor humanity! I
can say this with all sincerity. When Pope Benedict goes away …
poor Church and poor humanity! And we
must pray much. What is his name? Joseph. The
month of Saint Joseph arrives … one never knows if Saint Joseph
might come to take him in his month, or on his feast day …”
(The feast day of Saint Joseph is March 19! Glauber did not indicate
the year.) (“After many years, NEW MESSAGE from AKITA”;;
February 21, 2018, Our Lady of Itapiranga asked
the Italians in particular to pray intensely for Italy,
because there will happen in Italy very sad things. In fact Edson
during one of these messages broke out in tears, shaken; he then said
to the Italians: “I cannot tell you all what I know, out of
obedience to the Virgin, but I tell you pray very much”!
Lucy of Fatima wrote that in the third
apparition of Our Lady at the Cova da Iria-Fatima, on 13 July 1917,
Our Lady revealed that a pope in the future will be killed. Pope
St. Pius X (1903-14) had two visions
that were similar to the Fatima Vision of Sister Lucy, in which it
was revealed to him that the future pope
that will be killed will have his SAME NAME.
The name being referred to is not the papal name – Pius or Benedict
– but rather the baptismal name. The baptismal name of Pope St.
Pius X is Giuseppe (Joseph
in English) Melchiorre Sarto; the baptismal name of Pope Benedict XVI
is Joseph
Ratzinger. (“Saint Peter returns the keys to Jesus”;
Many terrorist groups are funded by Masonry, by the New World Order.
Lady Queen of Peace (Anguera) has warned us many times that the
Eucharist will be taken away:
Sons and Daughters, your life here on earth is, in truth, a continual
succession of encounters with My Son Jesus, but the encounter most
important with Jesus you have in the Eucharist. Value the Presence of
My Jesus. There will come the day in
which the Precious Food in many places will be taken away. Times will
thanks to the Faithful Ministers who will remain firm in the TRUTH.
The time announced by God through Daniel will come. Be attentive. …”
(Message 4442, given on 03/16/2017) (“Soon No More Eucharist
Visit: “The Eucharist in the Catacombs “
all what is “RESTRAINING” the “man of lawlessness”
(2Thess 2:3-8) is the presence of Jesus Christ as the Truth (Jn 14:6)
and His real presence in the Most Holy Eucharist of the Holy Mass;
“the continual burnt offering” (Dan 8:11; 12:11), will be taken
away, and the “sacrifice and offering” will cease (Dan 9:27).
“FREEMASONRY, which will then be in
power”, pulled off a “coup
d’etat” in the last conclave, in a hidden and sly way (“Pope
Benedict XVI Forced To Resign”;;
Thus we are quickly being deprived of the last remains of the Truth
of God which sets us truly free (Jn 8:32). Very soon we will be
deprived of the Most Holy Eucharist for 1290 days.
Francis of Assisi prophesied
that “very few Christians will want to
obey the true Sovereign Pontiff and the Roman Church”,
in particular regarding sexual morality (Humanae Vitae, 1968), and
thus “Our Lord Jesus Christ will send
them not a worthy Pastor, but a destroyer.”
The great majority of Catholics no longer believe that the Eucharist
is the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ and thus we
will soon lose the presence of Jesus Christ in the Most Holy
Eucharist of the Holy Mass, which will be the beginning of the “great
tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world
until now, no, and never will be” (Mt 24:21). When the survivors
see what happens to the world without the Eucharist in the churches
around the world, they will finally believe in the incredible
greatness of the Most Holy Eucharist! It
would have been better to believe before the “great tribulation”!!!
who understand what the Eucharist really is, the infinite God under
the appearance of bread and wine, will realize that this sacrilege is
(Mt 24:15; Mk 13:14; 2Thess 2:3-4; Dan 9:27; 11:31; 12:11)!!!
Lady gives us an idea of the strategy
to destroy faith in the Eucharist as well as how the Eucharist will
be restored for the coming of the glorious reign of Christ.
Sacrifice of the Mass renews that which was accomplished by Jesus on
Calvary. By accepting the Protestant
doctrine, people will hold that the Mass is not a sacrifice but only
a sacred meal, that is to say, a
remembrance of that which Jesus did at his Last Supper. And thus, the
celebration of Holy Mass will be suppressed. In this abolition of the
daily Sacrifice consists the horrible sacrilege
accomplished by the Antichrist, which
will last about three and a half years, namely, one thousand two
hundred and ninety days” (December 31, 1992; “To The Priests Our
Lady’s Beloved Sons”;
These messages to Don Stefano Gobbi from Our Lady are a great gift to
us for these very confusing times. Read them and put them into
practice so as to be prepared for this period of the “great
tribulation” (Mt 24:21; CCC 675-677)!
coming of the glorious reign of Christ will coincide with the
greatest splendor of the Eucharist.
Christ will restore his glorious reign in the universal triumph of
his Eucharistic reign, which will unfold in all its power and will
have the capacity to change hearts, souls, individuals, families,
society and the very structure of the world. When He will have
restored his Eucharistic reign, Jesus will lead you to take joy in
this habitual presence of his, which you will feel in a new and
extraordinary way and which will lead you to the experience of a
second, renewed and more beautiful earthly paradise.
before the tabernacle, yours should be not only a presence of prayer,
but also of a communion of life with
Jesus is really present in the
Eucharist because He wants to enter into a continual communion of
life with you. When you go before Him, He sees you; when you speak to
Him, He hears you; when you confide something to Him, He welcomes
into his Heart your every word; when you ask something of Him, He
always hears your prayer. Go before the tabernacle to establish with
Jesus a simple and daily rapport of life. With
the same naturalness with which you seek out a friend,
or entrust yourself to persons who are dear to you, or feel the need
of friends who assist you, in that same way go before the tabernacle
to seek out Jesus. Make of Jesus your dearest friend, the most
trusted person, the most desired and the most loved. Tell your love
to Jesus; repeat it often because this is the one thing that makes
Him immensely happy, that consoles Him for all the ingratitude, that
compensates Him for all the betrayals: 'Jesus, You are our love;
Jesus, You alone are our great friend; Jesus, we love You; Jesus,
we are in love with You'.” (August
21, 1987).
Joseph Dwight