Saturday, February 22, 2020

Football Coach – Spiritual Coach

Football Coach – Spiritual Coach

The following is a recent note that I wrote to our former high school football coach, Art Davis, who is now 85 years old.

Dear Art,
Thanks for the greetings. I hope you were able to make contact with my brother Tom.

I got to thinking about the similarities of what we both do.
You were the football coach at Barstow High School. The BHS varsity Football team, under your direction, won for the first time, the California State Championship (CIF), division AA, 50 years ago in 1969.

You are a football coach. In a certain sense, I might call myself a spiritual coach, as a Catholic priest in the diocese of Perugia, Italy.
You, as a coach, know well what it takes to win football games. It takes lots of preparation, discipline, perseverance and knowing and following the rules of the game, etc.

I too try to help those entrusted to me to do lots of preparation, discipline, perseverance and following the rules of the game, the rules that guide us to win eternal happiness, not just the happiness of winning the California State Championship. You know well that if you do not practice what you tell your players to do, the players are not convinced of your instructions and thus do not give 100% of themselves in the proper preparation and during the game. So too if I tell those entrusted to me to live the Ten Commandments, and they see that I do not live the Ten Commandments, they are not convinced so as to have the strength to be able to live the Ten Commandments.

You know well what happens if your players are not well prepared physically and mentally. So too if the souls entrusted to me do not persevere in sincere pray with their Maker, it is impossible to live the Gospel. I think we know all too well how many Christians today say with their mouth the Our Father, “THY will be done”, but live, “MY will be done”! The preparation of spiritual muscles is very similar to the preparation of physical muscles, in that the more you exercise and live the virtues, such as faith, hope, charity, prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance, the more they become habitual and easier to live.

If some of your players have an attitude that they already know it all, you know well that they are no longer listening to you very well! From my experience, I can tell you, that the great majority of Christians today feel that they are self-sufficient and they believe to already know it all and are no longer seeking the truth and morals outside of the interpretation of their own heads! They are no longer seeking the truth from what God has revealed to us throughout human history which we call Divine Revelation! This is why I read the recorded documents of Divine Revelation, including the Sacred Scriptures, everyday and, as a Catholic, I read the proper interpretation of these documents, from the documents of the Catholic Church. With much patience, our mortal enemy, Satan, has led the great majority of Christians and Catholics into subjectivism and relativism, in which each person (and each independent Christian group) becomes his (their) own god, as happened to our first parents, Adam and Eve after the temptation of the serpent :“But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil" (Gen 3:4-5)”.

You know well that part of the mental preparation is also to not only know well the game plan and the various plays to perform together as a team, but also to help your players to know well the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent. The saints tell us that the greatest success of our spiritual opponent, Satan, is to have convinced most Christians that Satan does not exist, and that there are no consequences to our thoughts and actions.

Not only in the game of football as a team, but also in the eternal game of deciding where we will spend eternity, we all affect each other, whether we believe or not. Today there is less prayer than ever before, more sin than ever before, even worse, indifference as if sin no longer exists, and so we have given much greater power to “the father of lies”, Satan (Jn 8:44) to deceive us. “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2Cor 11:14).

We are living in a world more full of falsehoods than ever before - beautiful deadly lies from “the father of lies” (Jn 8:44), presented as if they were the truth, hidden destructive deceptions - such as the devil, hell and sin no longer exist!!! The great majority of the pastors (spiritual coaches) today “are all DUMB DOGS, they cannot bark” (Is 56:10), and thus do not warn the sheep of the very sly wolf, in sheep’s clothing, along with his very numerous collaborators! These poor pastors, who seek to please men instead of God (Jn 5:44; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18; Gal 1:10), offer misguided compassion and half truths (which are worse than lies!), especially to speak only about mercy without “GO AND SIN NO MORE” (Jn 8:11; 5:14)! They are not “good shepherds” but “hireling” who leave the sheep and flee when the wolf comes (Jn 10:11-13). How many times did you yell from the sidelines to your players about dangers posed by the opponent?

You and your players know well the consequences of the lack of preparation and following the rules of the game. It is amazing to me, and perhaps also to you, that we understand these things regarding the outcome of football games, and practical things of life such as getting a good job or having a good future and home, etc., but the great majority of Christians, especially today, totally put aside this common sense when it comes to spiritual things and their eternal destiny! People know that one has to prepare well to win football games or to get a good job and future and also the very important need to learn from the experts what it takes to achieve success in this life. But regarding eternal success, the great majority of the players in this game of life, we human beings, in which eternity is as stake, do not seek true spiritual experts who are faithful to what God has revealed (not man). Most people are willing to believe the opinions of those who say what they want to hear or what they see on TV which is the easiest way for them, including that we are only animals and thus we have no responsibility for our actions and there is no heaven nor hell nor life after death. Could you win a football game if your players operated like this??? If your players did not know in which end zone to score, they would end up running the football in the wrong end zone! How many Christians no longer know the goal of life and end up running their souls into the wrong end zone, into everlasting separation from their Creator?!?

What happens if each one of your players decided the rules and goal of the football game by themselves? This is what most Christians do today! Who establishes the reality after death, me, because I believe I am God, and if I believe that hell does not exist, then it does not exist?!? One of the most common and fundamental attitudes, or rather philosophies of life, that does not lead to God now and for all eternity, is “Ignorance is Bliss”. This easier philosophy of life does not help us to discover the Truth of God (but of the world) which truly sets us free (Jn 8:32), nor help us to win the football game, and does not facilitate the discovery of the pitfalls and traps laid by our mortal enemy who “disguises himself as an angel of light” (2Cor 11:14). Is this not also how your football opponent seeks to do as well as giving false signs and indications to deceive your team in making the wrong strategic decisions. I recently said to a Catholic priest in my diocese who never offers to his parishioners the Catechism of the Catholic Church: “What religion do you represent???”

Do you teach the rules of football to your players for their true good or to hurt them? Does God give to His beloved creatures the Ten Commandments for our true good or to hurt us?
You know well that if your players take the easiest way, you will never win a football game. How is it that so many believe the numerous easy lies all around us and that they can take the easier way offered by the mass media and by those around us and still believe all will go well after death for all eternity?!?

You and your players know the goal that you are seeking - the California State Championship, division AA! How is it that the great majority of so-called Christians do not diligently seek to understand the goal of life - where they come from, where are they going and the fundamental meaning of life, which many of us learned as children in our catechism: “to know, to love, to serve God, and to be happy with God in heaven for all eternity”?!? How is it that people today only listen to those in agreement with themselves and the comfortable way they have chosen in life, a Christianity without the cross? Like you might say in football, so too in the spiritual life: “No pain, no gain; no cross, no crown”!

Dear Art, it would be a great blessing to Christians today if the spiritual coaches, the pastors, would do as you have done, so as to help the many souls entrusted to them to learn well the rules of the eternal game, to prepare, to discipline themselves in seeking and doing God’s will in season and out of season, and to follow the rules of the game and to know well the tactics of the opponent. The advice of St. Peter is very needed today: “Be sober, be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experience of suffering is required of your brotherhood throughout the world” (1Pet 5:8-9). Eternal happiness lasts forever and is infinitely greater than the California State Championship! Our spiritual opponent, Satan, has convinced a great number of people that there are no consequences for our thoughts and actions and that heaven is automatic and hell does not exist, and everyone can make up his own rules as he goes, instead of seeking the rules of the One who created us and who loves each one of us immensely!

Coach Art Davis, I hope that the spiritual coaches around the world might learn from a successful football coach as yourself and that they do not believe the many beautiful lies and half truths which tell people that they do not have to do what all good football players must do to win: to prepare with much prayer and discipline, to follow the rules of the game in the Gospel and the Ten Commandments, and to open their eyes to the deceptions of the opponent, their mortal enemy, who convinces them that the spiritual opponent does not even exist, and that you can do as you please since God is love and merciful. If you tell your players during a football game that you love them and that the opponent loves them and helps them score and that the umpire always has mercy and overlooks every foul and mistake, what will happen in this football game? Why do the great majority of pastors and parents do this today???

You know well that you do not win a football game by chance. You know well that there are very concrete consequences due to neglecting the proper preparation and the rules. You might say that in football there is automatic ACCOUNTABILITY, you lose the game! Today there is very little true accountability applied to our leaders, both in politics and especially in the religious realm, until after death when it is too late to change the eternal consequences! If your players make a mistake in football, you correct them and you tell them to not repeat that mistake! Most spiritual coaches today tell us about mercy and love, such as Christ offered to the women caught in adultery, but very few today offer the last words of Christ to the women, “GO AND SIN NO MORE” (Jn 8:11; 5:14)!

All the best Head Coach Art Davis, in your football games here on earth, as well as your own personal game of deciding where you will spend all eternity! Let us pray for each other and for your players and my players (souls) so that we will make the right choice and fight the good fight so as to enjoy not just a fiftieth anniversary of one great victory, but that we might enjoy and celebrate a victory that will last for all eternity in unspeakable bliss and happiness with our Creator, where “no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him” (1Cor 2:9; Is 64:3; Jer 3:16)!

Rev. Joseph Dwight

Perhaps someone might find interesting an article that I recently posted which begins with this paragraph:
The saints tell us that the Catholic Church is the soul of the world. Above all what sustains the Church is the Most Holy Eucharist (Vat. II: LG 11; CCC 1324). Even though the great majority of the baptized Catholics have lost their faith in the Eucharist, Satan knows very well what the Eucharist is and that it is the Eucharist above all which “restrains” Satan (2Thess 2:3-4). Satan already deprived the Protestants of the Eucharist 400 years ago, just as Satan did for many disciples of Jesus (Jn 6:66) 2000 years ago. Thus we are finally quickly arriving to the great prophecy to which Jesus referred to (Mt 24:15) in the Book of Daniel: “And from the time that the continual burnt offering is taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.” (Dan 12:11; 7:25; 9:27).
Italy Will Soon Lose the Eucharist