The following is what I gave, printed, to the parishioners of Antria, where I have lived since 2004, and where I offered a monthly Mass. From January to July the church of Antria was repainted and thus there were no Masses celebrated in this church during this period. My last parish was taken away from me over four years ago: “A Letter to My Bishop” ( The official administrator of Antria is Don Idilio Pasquoni.
I Follow GOD Not the Secular State
Antria, July 2020
Dear friends,
I was asked if I, Father Joseph Dwight, was willing to celebrate the Holy Mass at Antria with the new rules of the government due to COVID-19.
The people who know me better, know that for me, as for every good Christian, God is first! Thus, I am willing to celebrate the Holy Mass but I am not willing to distributed the Most Holy Sacrament in the sacrilegious way according to the rules of the secular State.
Thus if you desire that I celebrate the Holy Mass at Antria, I am willing, but without distributing the Most Holy Sacrament to anyone. Also the Church has always taught that it is a sacrilege to receive the Most Holy Sacrament if one does not confess, in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, at least once a year. We must remember that to receive the Most Holy Sacrament is a gift from God, not our right!
The people at Antria might remember when I explained why, in conscience before God, I could not distribute the Most Holy Sacrament in the Hand, with my printed article, December 2016: “The History of Communion in the Hand - Communion in the hand was not only started in disobedience, but was perpetuated by deception!” (
I did not create myself! I did not create all the beautiful things around me! A person of good will would want to discover who gave him everything to be able to say: Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Without gratitude to God, there is no salvation!
I believe in God! I want to be with God for all eternity! And thus, to be with God for all eternity, I must live the Our Father! One says in the Our Father: “THY will be done”, not “MY will be done”!
Even though many in the Catholic Church no longer believe in God, because for years they have neglected prayer, THERE IS GOD ALL THE SAME! After many years of not praying, many believe that there is nothing after death, and thus they believe that they have no responsibility for their actions after death, and they do not have to obey any rule from a God that by now they believe does not exist. But, what they believe does not change the Truth, what they believe does not change reality, because they are not God, even if they might think and act as if they are! Many of them will have a very big surprise after death! After death one cannot change anything for all eternity. One also cannot commit suicide in hell! “The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God” (Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults, CCC 1035). A great number of Catholics by now have lost the faith in the Eucharist, but Satan believes and knows that the Eucharist is Jesus, the Son of God. This is why before the manifestation of the Antichrist, the Eucharist will be removed in all the public churches of the world (2Thess 2:3; Mt 24:15; “the continual burnt offering” (Dan 8:11; 12:11), will be taken away, and the “sacrifice and offering” will cease (Dan 9:27)).
In the Old Testament God killed a man who did not maintain reverence and humility before the Arc of the Covenant (Sam 6:1-23). In the Eucharist, there is the infinite God who created the whole universe, who is much more than the Arc of the Covenant. All the saints had a great reverence and humility before the Eucharist.
Pope John Paul II reminded us in his encyclical, “Ecclesia de Eucharistia”: “There can be NO DANGER OF EXCESS in our care for this mystery, for “in this sacrament is recapitulated the whole mystery of our salvation”.” ( God commanded Moses to maintain great reverence before the Ark of the Covenant; how much more reverence should we have before the real and personal presence of our infinite Lord in the Holy Eucharist! I was very impressed in February 1989 at Mondo Migliore (Rocca di Papa, Rome) when I saw Mother Teresa of Calcutta and L’Arche founder, Jean Vanier, bowing down to the ground during the consecration at Holy Mass!
Today many lay people, priests and bishops no longer believe in the greatness of God in the Eucharist! And thus many bishops and priests obey the secular State instead of God, when there is a conflict, because it is easier and less risky to lose their titles, prestige and income! If these priests and bishops would have been the religious leaders 2000 years ago who did not recognize Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, I truly believe they would have urged Pontius Pilate to crucify Jesus Christ since THEY DO NOT RECOGNIZE JESUS AS THE CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD IN THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT! The first target of those who control the governments of the world today is to destroy the Church that Jesus founded, the Catholic Church, which is the only Church that has the Most Blessed Sacrament! That which sustains the Church is the Eucharist. The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life”.” (Vat. II: LG 11; CCC 1324). And thus, in a sly and hidden way, the elite of the world must destroy the faith in the Eucharist, and in the end to eliminate the Eucharist (for 1290 days: visit: “Italy Will Soon Lose the Eucharist”;
Holy Sacrifice of the Mask!
How many priests and bishops know the four necessary conditions for a valid Mass? The fourth condition is that a validly ordained priest must say (not silently) during the consecration: “This is my Body … This is my Blood”!
“So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven; but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven” (Mt 10:32-33)
I recently wrote in Facebook:
We must have great reverence for the infinite God in the Eucharist. Yes, with prudence, because the sin in this situation of Covid-19 lies with the bishops and priests who obey the secular State instead of God. If the faithful have no other way of receiving the Eucharist, I believe, as does Fr. Quartilio, a good friend of mine here in Italy, the faithful can receive the Eucharist in this way. It is interesting that the Council of Trent taught not only that a Mass celebrated by a priest in mortal sin is valid, but also that a priest in mortal sin Sunday morning, with no other possibilities, must celebrate the Mass for the faithful who need the Eucharist.
In the Old Testament, one sees how many times this happened with the people of Israel, that the priests of the people lost the faith and drug with them the great majority of the people of Israel to lose the faith in God. It is not different today.
Some good bishops say that there are unreasonable restrictions on religious services but not on stores, sports, etc., etc. The first target of Masonry is the Eucharist and the Catholic Church (“The Masonic Plan For The Destruction Of The Catholic Church”; Who could imagine that the State would enter into the churches, and command like a dictatorship, how the Holy Mass must be celebrated where there is present the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist?!?
Thus my dear friends, I OBEY GOD, even to death, because God can offer me eternal life, and Jesus Christ died for me!!!
Father Joseph Dwight
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A FEW PERTINENT ARTICLES that you can find on the WEB:
Lo Stato in sagrestia e la Cei esulta - avremo le Messe, ma non la libertà (8 maggio 2020)
Il Coronavirus e la persecuzione verso i fedeli cattolici (29 marzo 2020)
Sarah - c’è un attacco diabolico all’Eucaristia, che si riceve sulla lingua inginocchiati (23 febbraio 2018)
‘Sacrilegious’ to distribute Eucharist with gloves - Vatican theologian (May 27, 2020)
Card Sarah - 'Il Signore è una persona, nessuno accoglierebbe la persona che ama in un sacchetto' (2 maggio 2020)
New Zealand allows crowds to return to malls, restaurants, but not churches (May 13, 2020)
Manila bishop slams 'unreasonable' gov't restriction on religious services (May 17, 2020)
Medici austriaci ai vescovi - 'La Comunione sulla bocca più sicura di quella sulla mano' (26 maggio 2020)
21 doctors tell bishops Communion on tongue ‘safer’ than in hand (June 26, 2020)
Messa proibita a chi chiede la Comunione in bocca (2 luglio 2020)
When receiving Communion in the hand can be sinful (July 2, 2020)
La denuncia del cardinal Burke - 'senso del sacro a rischio con le distorsioni dei sacramenti durante la pandemia' (29 maggio 2020)
Qual è il giusto modo di distribuire (e ricevere) la Santa Comunione (3 febbraio 2019)
'No all'ostia con i guanti monouso, è sacrilegio', parroco si dimette nel Palermitano (22 maggio 2020)
Sulla comunione eucaristica in tempi di Coronavirus (20 maggio 2020)
S Comunione in mano e con la mascherina - scelta ideologica e pericolosa (19 maggio 2020)
L’allarme di un comitato - 'ci troviamo costretti a non poter ricevere la Santa Comunione' (22 maggio 2020)
Greek infectious disease specialist - Eucharist does not transmit infection (May 15, 2020)
Don Leonardo Ricotta - 'dare la comunione così è un sacrilegio - meglio astenersi' (16 maggio 2020)
Cdl Müller - It’s no ‘conspiracy theory’ – pandemic is being used to implement ‘questionable measures' (May 14, 2020)
Cardinal Sarah - Many Pandemic Communion Proposals are ‘Madness' (May 5, 2020)
Eucarestia, Guanti Monouso - Assurdo (IGIENICO) E Profanazione - Marco Tosatti (16 maggio 2020)
Why Cdl Sarah is right to denounce ‘take-out’ Communion in plastic bag as ‘insane’ (May 4, 2020)
Il Carabiniere In Chiesa, Avanguardia Dell’orda - Maurizio Blondet (22 aprile 2020)
Messa Negata, Ora Di Cambiare - Brescia, Piacenza, Prato, Cerveteri (16 aprile 2020, da Marco Tosatti)
Il Presidente Mirabelli (C Cost) - 'lo Stato non può limitare la libertà religiosa e di culto' (22 aprile 2020)
Messa interrotta, tra reato e abuso di potere - ma il vescovo scarica don Lino (21 aprile 2020)
Carabinieri In Chiesa-Intervista A Don Lino Viola (20 aprile 2020)
Coronavirus - Messe sospese in tutta Italia (da Aldo Maria Valli, 8 marzo 2020)
Bill Gates - the Catholic Religion may have to be suspended for ever (April 5, 2020)
Intervista al vescovo Athanasius Schneider - la pandemia da coronavirus e la Chiesa (29 marzo 2020)
A REMNANT INTERVIEW: Bishop Athanasius Schneider on Church’s handling of Coronavirus (March 29, 2020)
No Obedience to the Antichrist