Friday, December 23, 2022




Dear friends,

When the people of Israel in the Old Testament strayed away from God, God sent his prophets to bring back the people of good will to God. In these latter times, when people have strayed even further away from God, God sends the greatest prophet, his Mother. Few people listened to the prophets before Christ, and so today even fewer listen to Our Lady as our last chance to repent before the world crashes and before our judgment for all of eternity!

The next few years will be so horrendous that without God it will be impossible. God will help those who sincerely seek to discover and do the holy will of God, living the Ten Commandments with the help of God in prayer and the Sacraments, especially the Most Holy Eucharist. But those who do not do this, God will respect their free choice now and for all eternity!

In these last times, the struggle between good and evil, between grace and sin, between God and Satan, is reaching the summit of its power.” (April 16, 1995; “To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons”)

In this period of the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21), “the Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, when she will follow her Lord in his death and Resurrection” (CCC 677; Catechism of the Catholic Church, But “IN THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH!” - Our Lady of Fatima, Portugal, 1917. There will be fulfilled the Protoevangelium (Gen 3:15) – Saint Louis de Montfort!

I would like to offer you the words of Our Lady for Christmas given to us by way of Don Stefano Gobbi on December 24, 1992 (“To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons”;

The Holy Night

The Morning Star

a "Beloved children, enter with me into the deep mystery of this holy night. Live it close to your heavenly Mother and to my most chaste spouse, Joseph. Live it in silence, in prayer, in humility, in purity and in love.

b I am opening for you the door of my Immaculate Heart, to have you enter and feel its beating, in these last instants which precede the birth of my heavenly Child.

c Each beat of my motherly Heart, in this holy night, becomes a sigh of expectation, a moan of desire, a spark of love, a prayer of quiet, a word with the Father, a transport of the Spirit, who comforts me in a profound ecstasy of life with paradise, which I see all enclosed in this poor cave.

d As night surrounds everything and deep darkness has come down upon the world, your heavenly Mother is penetrated with a most powerful light: my mind becomes absorbed in the splendor of eternal Wisdom; my Heart opens itself to the most ardent brightness of Love; my soul is penetrated by the ray of the fullness of grace and of holiness; my virginally inviolate body opens to the gift of my divine Son.

e With my motherly arms, I place in the squalid manger my heavenly Child, born in this night of deep darkness.

f But the stars shine brightly in the heavens, as the angels proclaim the song of celestial harmonies and the shepherds come to the cave to bring the homage of the simple, the poor, the pure of heart.

g Thus is the Infant Jesus comforted by the love which He receives from the little ones, even amidst the vast rejection of the great.

h And so, in the deep night which enfolds the world, the Morning Star opens to give you his light.

i My divine Child is the Morning Star, who shines with the very light of the Father, who brings his life into the desert of the world and of history, who gives a beginning to the new day for a redeemed and rescued humanity.

j `The true Light that enlightens every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, yet the world did not know Him. He came into the world which is his own, but his own people did not accept Him. A few however have believed in Him, and to these God has given the gift of becoming children of God. The Word became man and made his dwelling among us. We have contemplated his divine splendor. It is the splendor of the only-begotten Son of God the Father, full of grace and truth.'(cf. Jn 1:9-14)

k Beloved children, on this holy night, allow yourselves to be penetrated by his divine splendor, and become, you yourselves, witnesses and apostles of his light. Because the darkness is now becoming deeper, as the moment of the return of Jesus in glory draws closer.

l It is the darkness of the lack of faith and of apostasy, which has spread everywhere.

m It is the darkness of evil and sin, which has now obscured hearts and souls.

n It is the darkness of faithlessness and impiety, of egoism and pride, of hardness of heart and impurity.

o In this great night, the second birth of Jesus in glory is about to take place, a glory which, as morning star, willbrighten up the dawn of the new heavens and the new earth.

p For this reason, I urge you today to fight and, together with me, to gain the victory in the great battle of these last times, to assure that you may ever remain faithful to Jesus.

q `Do not seal up the prophetic words of this book, for the appointed time is near. Let the wicked still act wickedly and the filthy still be filthy. The righteous must still do right, and he who belongs to the Lord must consecrate himself more and more to Him. I am coming soon, and I will bring with me the recompense which I will give to each, according to his deeds.' (cf. Rev 22:10-12)

r `To the victors, who carry out my Will until the end, I will give authority over the nations, as I myself have received it from my Father, and I will give them also the morning star.'(cf. Rev 2:26-28)

s `I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this message for the Churches. I am the root and offspring of David, the bright morning star.

t `The Spirit and the Bride of the Lamb say: "Come!" And whoever harkens to these things says: "Come!"'" (cf. Rev 22:16-17)

SAINT PADRE PIO said: "It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do so without the HOLY MASS." This saint also said: “The ROSARY is the weapon for these times”! A good CONFESSION (a Sacrament) is more powerful than an exorcism (a sacramental)! “One day through the Rosary and the (brown) SCAPULAR, I will save the world” – Our Lady to Saint Dominic (1214).

Jesus was born in extreme poverty and ended his life on the cross. We call ourselves Christians which means to be followers of Christ. Behold our way, behold our supreme example to follow!!! In this way we will not be scandalized by what is happening today in the world and in the Church, the Body of Christ.

It is not by chance that Jesus came into the world in extreme poverty and died on the cross. Jesus wants to know if we love only Jesus Risen, or if we truly love Jesus in poverty and in suffering!!!

Best wishes for a Holy Christmas with Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Give great joy to Baby Jesus for His birthday (not ours!) by spending time with your family before Him in the Tabernacle with the Holy Rosary! Baby Jesus died for me; I pray to be ready to do the same!


Father Joseph Dwight

You might find helpful some of my articles in this period of great confusion, full of traps from our very astute mortal enemy, Satan (

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(This painting can be found in the Chapel of the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Roma, Italy – the Angelicum, where I studied philosophy and theology from 1983 to 1989.)

Friday, December 9, 2022

Birds of a Feather Flock Together


Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Pope Francis” promotes and WILLINGLY MEETS with cardinals, bishops, priests and lay people who promote the culture of death, BUT DOES NOT DIALOGUE with cardinals, bishops, priests and lay people who promote the culture of life and who demand that we remain faithful to the Truth of God in Divine Revelation, which does not change with the world, explained infallibly by the Catholic Church for 2000 years. What are the fruits of such behavior for the Church. What are the effects of this confusion for individual immortal souls?!?

Pope Francis received Father James Martin in private audience for the second time

November 11, 2022

Pope Francis meets with Father James Martin in their second private audience.

Pope Francis received James Martin, S.J., for the second time in private audience in the papal library of the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace this morning, Nov. 11.

Father Martin, an editor at large at America, is known as one of the leading figures in the U.S. Catholic Church for his pastoral ministry and outreach to L.G.B.T.Q. Catholics. He has been criticized and attacked for this pastoral work by some in the U.S. church, including clergy and a few bishops.

This morning’s audience was amazing. It lasted 45 minutes and was punctuated with a lot of laughter. It was very warm, very inspiring, and very encouraging,” Father Martin said. Francis spoke in Spanish and conducted the audience with the aid of an interpreter. Early on in their conversation, however, Father Martin read in Spanish a brief summary paper “of the lights and shadows of L.G.B.T.Q. Catholics” that he had prepared in advance. He would not disclose the contents of that paper or indeed any other aspect of their conversation, except to say, “we had a very friendly and warm conversation. He laughed a lot.”

He was incredibly supportive of me,” Father Martin said.

ONE OF THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL JOBS OF A PASTOR IS TO PROTECT THE FLOCK, the souls entrusted to him. This is what the saints and holy pastors have always done in imitation of Christ, ready to give their lives for the souls entrusted to them. Why does “Pope Francis” not protect the flock, the souls in the whole Church, from the numerous priests and bishops today who promote the culture of death?!? Up until 2013, it was unheard of for a pope not to publicly condemn a priest or bishop who refused to stop promoting the culture of death which is so devastating to souls and to the whole Church!

Our Lady of Good Success; Quito, Ecuador (January 20, 1610), told us:

Thus I make it known to you that from the end of the 19th century and shortly after the middle of the 20th century…the passions will erupt and there will be a total corruption of morals… As for the Sacrament of Matrimony, which symbolizes the union of Christ with His Church, it will be attacked and deeply profaned. FREEMASONRY, which will then be in power, will enact iniquitous laws with the aim of doing away with this Sacrament, making it easy for everyone to live in sin and encouraging procreation of illegitimate children born without the blessing of the Church… IN THIS SUPREME MOMENT OF NEED FOR THE CHURCH, THE ONE WHO SHOULD SPEAK WILL FALL SILENT.”

By now, there are many Freemasons in the Vatican!

It is very interesting that Our Lady of Good Success said “the ONE who should speak”; she did not say, “the ONES who should speak”, or “those who should speak”, that is, not a group of bishops, but ONE PERSON. Today people are well prepared for this underhanded and very devastating deception of silence after many years of silence about sin and about the consequences of sin on the part of almost all the fathers of the families, of the priests and of the bishops. Visit: “The False Pope Will Fall Silent” (

RIGID With Christ the Immutable Truth!

(The great damage due to the CAMOUFLAGED HYPOCRISY of “Pope Francis”)

In a prepared speech to the bishops of Mozambique on September 7, 2019, Francis warned them against "young, RIGID priests."

"I would like to emphasize an attitude that I do not like, because it does not come from God: rigidity," he said. "Today it is fashionable ... to find rigid people."

He added, "Young, rigid priests, who want to save with rigidity ... I don't know, but they take this attitude of rigidity and sometimes — excuse me — from the museum."

In this speech, it is very clear that “Pope Francis” is referring to “young, rigid priests” who are not willing to change or compromise the Truth that comes from God, the Truth that God has given to mankind throughout the centuries, which we call Divine Revelation, and which is infallibly explained by the Church that Jesus Christ founded, the Catholic Church. The Truth of God does not change with the world and thus the documents of the Catholic Church for over 2000 years, which explain the Truth of God, cannot change even though the majority of the people today want to change the Truth of God according to their pleasure and rationalistic interpretation of Divine Revelation.”

Read the rest of the article at:

THE TRUTH COMES FROM GOD, NOT FROM THE CHURCH. The Church is the servant of the Truth, not the Author of the Truth (Jn 14:6). The Church must protect and defend the precious gift of the Truth, not change the truth in a hidden sly way to please the world. “The TRUTH (from God, not from the world) will make you free!” (Jn 8:32; Jer 6:16).

St. Thomas Aquinas quoting from St. Augustine, in his commentary on the right of subjects to resist flaky superiors, recalled that in St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, St. Paul rebuked the first pope, St. Peter, “to his face because he clearly was wrong” (Gal 2:11-14). There being an imminent danger for the Faith, prelates must be questioned, even publicly, by their subjects. Thus, St. Paul, who was a subject of St. Peter, questioned him publicly on account of an imminent danger of scandal in a matter of Faith. And, as the Glossa of St. Augustine puts it (Ad Galatas 2.14), “St. Peter himself gave the example to those who govern so that if sometimes they stray from the right way, they will not reject a correction as unworthy even if it comes from their subjects.” (Summa Theologiae, IIa IIae, Q. 33, A. 4).

If I realize and believe that the truth comes from God not from me, and I have a little virtue, especially humility, I should be willing to listen to someone who says to me that what I wrote or said or did was not in harmony with what God has revealed to us throughout human history (called Divine Revelation), while quoting documents of the Church and the writings of the saints. This is true not only regarding doctrinal and moral truths, but also regarding true sanctity which must always be accompanied with true humility so as to lead also others to true humility by our example. Without humility, there is no virtue, and we greatly risk losing any possible good fruits even though we might be in the right regarding the truth. But if I believe or feel that the truth comes from me, I will not be willing to dialogue with anyone not in agreement with me, as have done all the dictators in the history of the world, and all those who do not have true humility and who have slid into subjectivism and relativism. By throwing out humility and the precious laws of God, we quickly go toward “might makes right” as it is in hell!

The Truth comes from God, and not from the Church, and thus no priest, bishop or pope can change the Truth of Divine Revelation which is well summarized in the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults (CCC; ed. 1992, promulgated by Pope John Paul II; Simply put, this is precisely what several cardinals wrote in the “Dubia” (November 2016) and in their book “Remaining in the Truth of Christ: Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church” (October 2014), and many other cardinals and bishops and orthodox Catholic professors in the last nine years. These cardinals and bishops and professors were not offering their opinions among all the other human opinions, but rather they were doing what all the saints did and what Saint Paul did 2000 years ago! Why is there no longer dialogue, in the last nine years, with any cardinal or bishop or priest or professor who proclaims that we must remain faithful to the saving authentic Truth of Christ which does not change with the world?!? Instead these courageous men are silenced in various clever and hidden ways. Jesus said “the Truth (of God (the Rock) not of the world (sand)) will set you free” (Jn 8:32). Jesus did not say “a pope or a bishop will set you free”!?! Did God give us the Ten Commandments for our own true good, or for our harm? Do we trust ourselves or God? Do we want to spend eternity with God in peace or with all those who want to command and make war with each other for all eternity?

What will we say to Jesus, who is the Truth (Jn 14:6), when we die? - That we followed the unchanging truth of Jesus, well explained by His Church, or that we followed the easier worldly (false) “truth” of the majority of people or of many important people in the Church who did not remain faithful to the truth of Divine Revelation? For 2000 years Christians have understood from the words of Christ, well explained by the Catholic Church, that it is a grave mortal sin to have sex outside of marriage. Now after ‘Amoris Laetitia’, there are many divisions in the Church and a great number of Catholics believe that “cohabitation” (outside of Christian marriage) is OK since God loves me and God is merciful. With this new concept of (false) mercy, detached from Divine Truth and from conversion to the will of God, many believe they no longer have to heed the first words of Jesus: “Repent, and believe in the Gospel” (Mk 1:15; Mt 4:17), or even the Ten Commandments, and they can delete from the traditional “Act of Contrition”: “I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more, and to avoid the near occasion of sin”!?! “YOU WILL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS” (Mt 7:15-20)! Jesus did not say “you will know them by their leaves”, which would be their nice words, disguised “as an angel of light” (2Cor 11:14)!

Very often Satan, who “disguises himself as an angel of light” (2Cor 11:14), uses DISTRACTIONS of offering good things and 95% truth, such as the canonization of true saints, so as to insinuate that all is orthodox, while inserting and promoting very grave errors in doctrine which will cause great damage, as does a few drops of poison in a nice glass of wine. We are living in a world more full of falsehoods than ever before - beautiful deadly lies from “the father of lies” (Jn 8:44), presented as if they were the truth, hidden destructive deceptions - such as the devil, hell and sin no longer exist!!! The great majority of the pastors today “are all DUMB DOGS, they cannot bark” (Is 56:10), and thus do not warn the sheep of the very sly wolf, Satan, and his very numerous collaborators! These poor pastors, who seek to please men instead of God (Jn 5:44; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18; Gal 1:10), offer misguided compassion and half truths (which are worse than lies!), especially to speak only about mercy without “GO AND SIN NO MORE” (Jn 8:11; 5:14)! Our Lady continually asks us to PRAY FOR PRIESTS AND BISHOPS! In ‘Amoris Laetitia’ and in the two preceding synods, there was no mention or concern of the great harm done to children of separated parents (personal responsibility), but only the desires of the adults.

Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons …” (1Tim 4:1), or of Witch Doctors from the Amazon, or of recently endorsed priests and bishops who promote in a shrewd sly way homosexual unions and that the Eucharist is only a symbol as the protestants believe!

POPE JOHN PAUL II (AMONG MANY OTHER OCCASIONS) SPOKE FIRMLY TO THE US BISHOPS AGAINST THIS "PICK AND CHOOSE SMORGASBORD TYPE CATHOLICISM" in LA in his September 1987 visit: "It is sometimes reported that a large number of Catholics today do not adhere to the teaching of the Church on a number of questions, notably sexual and conjugal morality, divorce and remarriage. Some are reported as not accepting the Church's clear position on abortion. It has also been noted that there is a tendency on the part of some Catholics to be selective in their adherence to the Church's moral teachings. It is sometimes claimed that dissent from the Magisterium is totally compatible with being a “good Catholic” and poses no obstacle to the reception of the sacraments. THIS IS A GRAVE ERROR that challenges the teaching office of the bishops of the United States and elsewhere. I wish to encourage you in the love of Christ to address this situation courageously in your pastoral ministry, relying on the power of God's truth to attract assent and on the grace of the Holy Spirit which is given both to those who proclaim the message and to those to whom it is addressed." (

After the Second Vatican Council had already concluded and the post council were well underway, Pope John Paul II wrote, contesting “certain currents of modern thought … The individual conscience is accorded the status of a supreme tribunal of moral judgment which hands down categorical and infallible decisions about good and evil. … so much so that some have come to adopt a radically subjectivistic conception of moral judgment” (Veritatis Splendor, no. 32;

THE GREAT SIN OF PRIESTS TODAY is to preach what they believe people want to hear instead of what people need to hear to follow Jesus with the cross and arrive to heaven for all eternity. Priests who do not spend at least one hour in church before the tabernacle, with our Eucharistic Lord each day, very often suffer from loneliness and thus do not want to lose their friends or offend anyone. Thus there are very few priests who have the courage to do as the saints, such as Saint John the Baptist, the “greatest born of women” (Mt 11:11), who said to king Herod: “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife” (Mk 6:18; Mt 14:4; L, 3:19)! Priest are afraid to suffer or end up like Saint John the Baptist or like Jesus on the cross! How many priests and bishops today, for the true good of their flock, have the courage to say: “IT IS NOT LAWFUL FOR YOU TO HAVE SEX OUTSIDE OF MARRIAGE”? Our Lady of Fatima told us: “More souls go to hell for sins of the flesh than for any other reason”! Very few priests and lay people today trust God to the point of simply believing, like a trusting child, that God gave us the Ten Commandments for our good, not for our harm!


Read the rest of the article, “Many Priest in Hell - Human Respect” (

We are truly in the period of the GREAT APOSTASY before the manifestation of the Antichrist written about by Saint Paul (2Thess 2:3-8). The Church, the Body of Christ, will be crucified (CCC 675-677; Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults; ed. 1992, promulgated by Pope John Paul II; in this period of the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21), but in the end “my Immaculate Heart will triumph” (Fatima, 1917) to prepare for the second coming of her divine Son, Jesus Christ!

SAINT PADRE PIO said: "It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do so without the HOLY MASS." This saint also said: “The ROSARY is the weapon for these times”!

The Servant of God, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, wrote in 1948 that Satan will recruit the false prophet from our Catholic bishops!

(“Satan Will Recruit The False Prophet From Our Catholic Bishops”;

Read the articles that you can find in my index (, which can be very helpful in this period of great confusion full of traps from our very astute mortal enemy, Satan.

Father Joseph Dwight


Pope Francis meets with Father James Martin at Vatican

Fr. James Martin, SJ. Credit: Kerry Weber via Wikipedia cc 4.0 | Pope Francis. Credit: Daniel Ibáñez/CNA. Fr. James Martin, SJ. Credit: Kerry Weber via Wikipedia cc 4.0 | Pope Francis. Credit: Daniel Ibáñez/CNA.

CNA Newsroom, Nov 11, 2022 / 05:24 am

Pope Francis received Father James Martin, SJ, in a private audience in the apostolic palace inside the Vatican on Friday.

Il Papa ribadisce l'appoggio a padre Martin

12 novembre 2022

Nuova udienza di papa Francesco a padre James Martin, gesuita e "attivista" pro LGBT, ricevuto ieri al Palazzo Apostolico. Ne ha dato notizia il bollettino della Santa Sede, limitandosi come da prassi al semplice elenco delle udienze, ma padre Martin sul suo profilo Twitter ha detto qualcosa in più.

«Sono profondamente grato di aver incontrato Papa Francesco – scrive padre Martin – nel Palazzo Apostolico questa mattina per 45 minuti, nel corso dei quali abbiamo parlato delle gioie e delle speranze, dei dolori e delle ansie dei cattolici LGBTQ. È stato un incontro caloroso, stimolante e incoraggiante che non dimenticherò mai».

What message does Pope Francis’ meeting with Father James Martin send?

October 02, 2019

«Il Papa è gay-friendly», parola di padre Martin


Parole e gesti di papa Francesco sono chiarissimi, c'è una nuova apertura nella Chiesa al mondo LGBT e lo si vede anche dalla nomina di vescovi gay-friendly. A dichiararlo è il gesuita padre James Martin, grande sostenitore dell'accettazione dell'omosessualità nella Chiesa.

Francis Backed Jesuit Artist Who Abused Nuns...

December 7, 2022

Bp. Barron hit with massive backlash after praising pro-LGBT Fr. James Martin

October 21, 2020

Fr. Martin is a winsome guide to all those who want to deepen their friendship with the Lord,’ Barron wrote.

Los Angeles auxiliary bishop Robert Barron chaired the revision of the U.S. Bishops’ teaching on the death penalty in Baltimore, Md., June 2019.Lisa Bourne / LifeSiteNews

Fr James Martin: Pope Meeting Me Was ‘Public Sign of Support’ for My Pro-LGBT Work

November 2, 2019

«Il Papa è gay-friendly», parola di padre Martin

9 novembre 2018

Parole e gesti di papa Francesco sono chiarissimi, c'è una nuova apertura nella Chiesa al mondo LGBT e lo si vede anche dalla nomina di vescovi gay-friendly. A dichiararlo è il gesuita padre James Martin, grande sostenitore dell'accettazione dell'omosessualità nella Chiesa.

Padre James Martin

È vero che c’è una forte spinta pro-omosessualità nella Chiesa cattolica, a dispetto di quello che dice il Catechismo, di un Magistero univoco sul tema, e – ci sembra giusto aggiungere – a dispetto dei gravi problemi legati a un’omosessualità pervasiva e aggressiva nella Chiesa, di cui i misfatti del cardinale McCarrick sono un esempio? E questa presenza si è rafforzata nei cinque anni e oltre del regno di papa Bergoglio?

Fr. James Martin Blasphemes the Holy Rosary

December 16, 2018

Fr. Martin defends Pete Buttigieg: Gay is ‘the way God made some people’

Apr 26, 2019 Fri

Il gesuita James Martin: “abbiamo bisogno di costruire un ponte tra comunità LGBT e la Chiesa cattolica”

21 aprile 2017

I’m ex-gay. Fr. James Martin’s LGBT affirmation perverts the Gospel, enslaves souls in sin

'Fr. Martin draws countless Catholics away from God’s light and truth and into the demonic shadowlands of confusion and error.'

Feb 20, 2020

Narcissistic prayer composed by LGBT activist Fr. James Martin sent to Catholics in mass mailing

October 31, 2018 ( – America magazine has sent out a mass mailing containing a prayer composed by its “editor-at large,” LGBT activist Fr. James Martin, which captures so well the narcissistic pseudo-spirituality that sadly is plaguing so many among Catholic clergy today.

Papa Francesco chiarisce l’incontro con il gesuita padre James Martin

22 febbraio 2020


4 settembre 2018

Marco Tosatti

Pro-LGBT priest James Martin puts young people at risk of ‘damnation’ - Pro-life leader

Pro-LGBT priest James Martin puts young people at risk of ‘damnation’: Pro-life leader

May 4, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Young men and women being misled by pro-LGBT Jesuit priest Father James Martin are at risk of “stepping into a life that will only lead to heartache, sometimes disease, sometimes death, [and] even damnation,” according to international pro-life leader Austin Ruse.

A Dublino un microfono per padre James Martin

12 giugno 2018

scritto da Aldo Maria Valli

Anche padre James Martin, il gesuita noto per le sue posizioni pro LGBT, sarà fra i relatori al prossimo Incontro mondiale delle famiglie, in programma il 25 e 26 agosto a Dublino con la partecipazione di papa Francesco.

Nel programma ufficiale della visita l’intervento del padre gesuita è segnalato tra i momenti salienti del meeting. Tema della sua conferenza sarà vedere “in che modo le parrocchie possono sostenere le famiglie con membri che si identificano come LGBTI” (la sigla, lo ricordiamo, sta per Lesbiche, Gay, Bisessuali, Transessuali, Intersessuati o Intersessuali).

The Perfidious James Martin SJ Austin Ruse

September 15, 2017

The Perfidious James Martin SJ

Austin Ruse

James Martin SJ gallivants around the country telling young men and women that their sexual lifestyles are acceptable to the Church, which is not true; that the Church welcomes them no matter what they may be doing, which is certainly true.

German bishop criticizes use of Pachamama statues at Amazon Synod

The bishop asked if it is right to 'carry into the realm of the Church pagan statues.'

PETITION: Call on Vatican to keep out all “pagan” symbols from St. Peter's and Vatican Property! Sign the petition here.

November 1, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer of Regensburg, Germany delivered a homily yesterday in which he criticized the use of the Pachamama statues during the recently concluded Amazon Synod in Rome along with the proposal at the Synod of allowing married priests for the Amazon region.

German bishop denounces Synodal Way for exalting ‘autonomous freedom’ over truth

Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer made these remarks while defending the importance of apologetics in evangelizing secular society.

Sep 9, 2022

REGENSBURG, Germany (LifeSiteNews) – A German bishop has criticized the Synodal Way and theologians who oppose the Tradition of the Church.

In a recent interview with CNA Deutsch, Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer said that such theologians care only about autonomous freedom, not truth, and reject binding dogma.

German Synodal Way approves text calling homosexual acts ‘not sinful’ and ‘not intrinsically evil’

The eight orthodox bishops who voted against the document were Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki and Bishops Gregor Maria Hanke, Matthias Heinrich, Stefan Oster, Dominikus Schwaderlapp, Rolf Steinhäuser, Rudolf Vorderholzer, and Florian Wörner.

Sep 12, 2022

FRANKFURT AM MAIN (LifeSiteNews) – At the fourth Assembly of the German Synodal Way, a large majority of the bishops and laity present voted to approve a text that demands the Church change her teaching on homosexuality.

Entitled “Magisterial reassessment of Homosexuality,” the document includes the following statement: “Same-sex sexuality – also realized in sexual acts – is thus not a sin that separates from God, and it is not to be judged as intrinsically evil.”

No room for ‘inclusion’: Homosexuality and transgenderism are sins against nature itself

Catholic theology recognizes homosexual and transgender lifestyles as the most radical kind of departure from the good.

Nov 1, 2022


ROME (LifeSiteNews) – What do the Church and Catholic theology teach on LGBT issues? In this article, the first in a series about approach LGBT ideology from a Catholic perspective, we’ll cover the following:

The LGBT ideology sweeping across the Church

The different kinds of order in human action

Deviations from the order of virtue

Deviations from the order of nature

How the extremes of vice beget further extremes

Pope Francis just said he won’t comment on unborn children as ‘persons’

Nov 28, 2022

(LifeSiteNews) — In a new interview with America Magazine, Pope Francis upheld the humanity of our unborn brothers and sisters but refused to say that they were, well, people.

Therefore, there is a living human being,” he said of the month-old fetus. “I do not say a person, because this is debated, but a living human being.”

But in the United States of America, the personhood of the unborn child is a big deal.

A whole movement called Personhood rose up to demand for the right to life of unborn children being protected in law.


So one of their key points of the marketing plan of homosexuality was to undermine the Church and in fact to redefine Christian beliefs just as they now want to redefine marriage. The gay militants went to the leadership of the APA (AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION) and sold the notion to them, and then the leadership of the APA went and tried to sell it to their membership. But the membership was never completely complicit in this, they never really agreed with what was being pushed and shoved down their throats.

The movement started with Dr. Robert Spitzer with the APA, who writes about this currently. There was no new scientific research that removed homosexuality as a socio-pathic personality disorder. SPITZER REDEFINED HOMOSEXUALITY on behalf of Gay activists so that this disorder could be removed from public awareness. It was the same disorder that it always was. Now they are redefining Christianity. After 2000 years of every Christian scholar of every denomination agreeing that homosexuality is sinful, we hear things in the emergence church: “Well it really doesn’t say that”. Regarding marriage: “No, no, we are not redefining it”. But if it is not a man and a woman, if it is not two halves of humanity, then what is it? If it is not a man and a woman, it can be anything that man says it is.

These public manipulators have been trying to prove an organic source of homosexuality for many years but have been unable to do that. For decades, the APA has not considered homosexuality a psychological disorder, while other professionals in the field consider it to be a "gender-identity" problem. TO TRY TO MAINTAIN A LITTLE CREDIBILITY, the APA even had to revise their statement on homosexuality. Specifically, in a brochure that first came out in 1998, the APA stated: "There is considerable recent evidence to suggest that biology, including genetic or inborn hormonal factors, play a significant role in a person's sexuality.” Contrast this with the new statement (May 2009): "There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay or lesbian orientation.”

Peter LaBarbera, who heads “Americans for Truth About Homosexuality”, believes the more recent statement is an important admission because it undermines a popular theory. "People need to understand that the 'GAY GENE' THEORY HAS BEEN ONE OF THE BIGGEST PROPAGANDA BOONS OF THE HOMOSEXUAL MOVEMENT over the last 10 or 15 years," he points out. "Studies show that if people think that people are born homosexual they're much less likely to resist the gay agenda."


Catholic Prophecy Today