Thursday, September 3, 2015

Our Lady to Priests 1of3

Having all the revelations of Our Lady to Don Stefano Gobbi in Italian on my Hard Disk (which you can find on my Italian web site (, I did a search through the messages for the word “truth” (“verità”), and I came up with some very interesting and illuminating messages for our times at least up to 1984 for now, in particular for priests. Since these messages of Our Lady to Don Stefano Gobbi cannot be found on the Internet in English, I took the time to put some of these messages here regarding the attack against the “truth”.

As time permits, this blog will become the first part of three of all the messages of Our Lady to Don Stefano Gobbi.
From August 29, 1973 to December 31 1983

Dear friends,
Recently I have found more time to publish almost all of the messages of Our Lady to Don Stefano Gobbi.
To read the book, “To The Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons”, visit the new web site:

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January 17, 1974
Cenacles of Life with Me
a - ‘When two or three are gathered in my name, I am there in the midst of them,'(Mt 18:20) thus spoke my Son Jesus.
b - When two or more priests of my Movement are gathered together on my account, I also am in the midst of them. I manifest myself to them and through them, especially when these priests are joined in prayer.
c - It is therefore necessary that these priests of my Movement begin to meet each other and to gather together. It is not neces­sary that they come together in great numbers: even two or three are enough. These gatherings must constitute real and true cenacles.
d - Now that my Movement of priests is spreading everywhere, these cenacles must be multiplied.
e - There is no need of organization. Everything should be simple, spontaneous, quiet and fraternal. Where two or more priests of my Movement come together because of me, there is the cenacle.
f - In the Cenacle, there were the Apostles with Mary, the Mother of Jesus. In these cenacles, I want the priests of my Movement to be gathered with me, the Mother of Jesus, and Mother most special for them.
g- Why do I want them to come together in cenacles with me?
h - To remain with me, so that I myself can nourish and form them and cause them to grow in perfect consecration to me, so that they may truly be my priests alone, and in them and through them, I may once again manifest myself.
i - Above all to pray with me: when my priests pray, united with each other and with me, how efficacious is their prayer!
j - For it is then that I myself accomplish in them my maternal task of interceding before God for all my children.
k - To be united among themselves and with me in the celebra­tion of Holy Mass, in the recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours, and in praying the holy rosary: this is my prayer
l - The rosary is the weapon that I give to these children of mine to fight the great approaching battles which await them.
m - To love each other and to live in true brotherhood in the company of their Mother. It is necessary today that my priests know each other, that they help each other, that they truly love one another, that they be as brothers brought together by their Mother.
n - There is today too much loneliness, too much abandonment for my priests! ...
o - I do not want them to be alone: they must help each other, love each other, they must all feel as - and really be - brothers.
p - To await the decisive moments which are drawing ever closer. The time is near when some of my poor priest-sons, tricked and seduced by Satan, will come out in the open and set themselves against my Son, against me, against the Church and the Gospel.
q - Then the cohort of my priest, prepared and led by me, are to come forth into the open to proclaim with courage and before everyone the divinity of my Son, the reality of all my privileges, the necessity of the hierarchical Church united to, and under the leadership of, the Pope and all the truths contained in the Gospel!
r- Many priests, uncertain and, as it were, overwhelmed by the tempest, will follow you example and return along the road of salvation. For the present, prepare yourself with me during this time of waiting.
s - Let you gatherings be true cenacle of life with me, of prayer, of brotherhood, and of waiting…”

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October 30, 1975
I Am Calling Them All
a "Have you seen how I place in your path the priests called by me to consecrate themselves to my Immaculate Heart? Your task, my son, is to gather them together and to entrust them all to me.
b These sons of mine have now such great need to be consoled and encouraged. And this is why I am always present in these gatherings. The souls of these sons of mine will thereby rejoice, and they shall all be consoled.
c The time has come when I will make myself more manifest in the Church, through increasingly greater signs. d My tears are shed in many places to call everyone back to the sorrowful Heart of the Mother.
e The tears of a mother succeed in moving the most hardened hearts. But now my tears, even tears of blood, leave many of my children completely indifferent.
f My messages will become all the more frequent, the more the voice of the ministers refuses to proclaim the truth.
g Because so many priests have abandoned their trust, how many of my children are now suffering from a true spiritual famine of the word of God.
h The truths which are most important for your life today are no longer preached: heaven which awaits you, the Cross of my Son which saves you, sin which wounds the Heart of Jesus and mine, hell into which innumerable souls are falling every day, the urgent necessity of prayer and penance.
i The more sin spreads like a pestilence and causes the death of souls, the less it is talked about. Today some of my priests even deny its existence.
j It is my duty as Mother to give nourishment to the souls of my children; if the voice of the ministers is stilled, the Heart of the Mother will open up more and more.
k Following now upon my interventions, the time has come when I must make myself present in person and act in the Church whose Mother I am.
l want to act through you, O priests consecrated to my Immaculate Heart. This too is part of my plan.
m The Evil One, my Adversary from the beginning, is now in the process of seducing a great number of priests, and he is working among them and gathering them together against my Son, against me and against the Church.
n I am personally intervening and calling together into my cohort the priests who are determined to remain faithful. I call them all to consecrate themselves to my Immaculate Heart and to take refuge in me.
o The struggle will be especially between me and the ancient Serpent whose head I will, in the end, crush. And so I now ask of you only those things which, according to you human way of looking at things, seem small and insignificant.
p As day by day propaganda increases, as well as the clamor of the enemies of God who are succeeding in winning everything over to themselves, all I ask of you is to respond with your trust and total abandonment, with prayer, with suffering and with your silence.
q However, whatever you offer to my Heart will become in my hands a terrible weapon with which to fight and to win this battle.
r To the haughty cohort of the arrogant who rebel against God, I will reply with the cohort of my little, humble, despised and persecuted sons.
s And through you the victory will belong, in the end, to the humble ‘handmaid of the Lord.’ (Lk 1:38).

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November 9, 1975
Dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran
Live Your Consecration
a "...You were chosen by me to make everyone - and espe­cially your brother-priests understand the wealth and the wonders of my Heart.
b At Fatima, I pointed to my Immaculate Heart as a means for the salvation of all humanity. I pointed out the way of return to God. But I was not listened to.
c Now I want to offer you my Immaculate Heart as your only refuge in the very painful moments that await you.
d Day by day your sufferings will increase. The crisis, now un­der way within my Church, will grow deeper to the point of open rebellion especially on the part of many of my sons who share in the priesthood of my Son Jesus. The darkness, which is indeed already growing denser, will deepen into night through­out the world.
e Marxist atheism will contaminate everything; like a poisonous fog i twill penetrate everywhere and will bring many of my children to death of faith.
f It will subvert the truth contained in the Gospel. It will deny the divine nature of my Son and the divine origin of the Church. Above all, it will threaten its hierarchical structure and attempt to break down the Rock upon which the edifice of the Church is built.
g This is the time when I want to pour out the mercy of my Heart upon all my children, to save them through my motherly love which always understands, helps and pardons.
h I want to act through you, 0 priests especially chosen by me.
i In order that I may do this, you must be totally at my disposal. I will be able to act in you to the extent that you allow your­selves to be possessed by my gentle motherly action.
j You do this through your consecration to my Immaculate Heart: it is the only thing necessary for you to do in order to belong to my priestly Movement.
k Make it; renew it often, and especially, my sons, live this consecration of yours!
l How much comfort you give to my sorrowful Heart when, in your gatherings, coming together for concelebration, you renew all together the act of consecration to my Heart!
m If you live your consecration, your life will be truly transformed: I will accustom you to my way of seeing, of thinking, of praying, of loving.
n I will communicate my spirit to you and will make you ever littler, more simple and more humble.
o I will bring you to trust always and only in God. And the more that doubt and denial increase, the more you will find your certainty in Him, and you will bear witness to this.
p I will bring you to love the Church very much. Today the Church is going through times of great suffering because it is loved less and less by its own children.
q Many would like to renovate it and purify it solely by criti­cism and by violent attacks on its institution. Nothing is ever renewed or purified without love!
r I will bring you to love the Pope with a deep filial love; the Mother will lead you to carry his cross with him and to share his sufferings.
s Where are they now, those priests who are close to the first priest, to this first son whom the Mother loves with special tenderness?
r Let it be you, 0 priests consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, who are closest to the heart of the Pope.
u Pray for him; suffer with him; be always with him! Listen to him; put his instructions into practice; spread his unheeded teach­ings!
v In the darkest hours of night, this will be the only light left burning. You will be illumined by this light, and, led by me, you will spread it throughout the world, so full of darkness.
w It will also be with the weapon of yourfidelity that I will fight and win the battle.
x For this reason, my sons, I invite you to take refuge completely in my Immaculate Heart.

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December 31, 1975
Last Night of the Year
The Gift Which I Give to the Church
a "Spend the last hours of this year close to my Immaculate Heart in prayer.
b So closes a year which has been a year of grace and of mercy: the HolyYear, 1975.
c Many of my children have accepted the invitation of the Vicar of Christ and have come from all parts of the world to receive the great pardon.
d Other children of mine have passed this year in complete in­difference, immersed only in their earthly interests.
e A great many others have not heard this invitation; on the contrary, they have deliberately closed their souls to the great mercy of my Son Jesus.
f Among these, alas, there have also been some priests.
g This is the sign of the truth of what I have often caused you to perceive in your heart.
h Satan is maneuvering more and more openly in my Church. He has now associated many of my priest-sons with himself, deluding them with the false mirage that Marxism proposes to all: exclusive interest in the poor, a Christianity engaged solely in the building up of a more equitable human society, a Church which would be more evangelical and therefore disengaged from its hierarchical institutions.
i This real division within my Church, this real apostasy on the part of so many of my priest-sons, will become accentuated and thus develop into a violent and open rebellion.
j This is why, my dearly beloved sons, I have now completed my work in the course of this past year. As I foretold to you a year ago, my Movement has spread everywhere and has blos­somed into a wonderful spring for the whole Church. My work has expanded throughout the whole world; the cohort of my priests is now ready.
k I will still continue this motherly action of mine, which will become daily more apparent and strong, for the triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
l And so spend the last hours of this year in prayer. Unite your prayer to that of all my beloved sons. In every part of the world, they will hear during these hours my invitation to gather in prayer with me and to draw close - all of them - to my Immaculate Heart.
m What now awaits you, my most beloved sons, is nothing less than your complete sacrifice for the salvation of the world and the purification of the earth.
n The time which the Father still leaves at your disposal is too precious: do not waste it! You should live every moment with me, in my Heart.
o Do not look to the future; live only the present which your Mother prepares for you.
p May the evil which is increasing ever more and more and appearing to submerge everything neither disturb nor discour­age you. Very soon, I myself will gather up all the good that is to be found in the whole world, and I will lay it up in my Heart to offer to the justice of God.
q Begin the new year with me, my beloved sons. You are the warp and woof of my plan; the loving design of your mother; the gift that I give to the Church, to comfort her in the passion and apparent death that awaits her, before her wondrous renewal through the tri­umph of my Immaculate Heart in the world!"

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February 2, 1976
Feast of the Presentation of the Child Jesus
A Sign o f Contradiction
a "Do not be troubled, my sons, if you are not understood by some and if on the contrary you are openly criticized and perse­cuted. My Heart permits this to accustom you not to rely on any creature, but on me alone. Beloved sons, lean on my Im­maculate Heart alone.
b Let yourselves be carried just as the baby Jesus let Himself be carried in my arms to the house of the Father. He presented Himself in the temple to be offered to the Lord on this mother's Heart of mine.
c At the moment when I entrusted Him into the hands of the priest, the old prophet Simeon revealed that the Mother had been chosen by God for this offering:'He is destined to be a sign of contradiction and a sword, 0 Mother, will pierce your soul.' (cf. Lk 2:34-35)
d You also, my little children consecrated to my Immaculate
Heart, you will be called today to be this sign of contradiction.

e By your life, which will be, purely and simply, a living Gospel. Today the Gospel of my Son Jesus is believed in less and less, and even in the Church there are some who tend to interpret it in a human and symbolic manner.
f You will live out the Gospel to the letter: you will be poor, simple, pure, little and totally given over to the Father.
g By your word, which will repeat ever more loudly and clearly the truth which my Son Jesus has come to reveal to you.
h Do you see how many of your brother-priests betray this truth, in the attempt to adapt it to the mentality of the world, impelled by a false illusion of being better understood, listened to by more people and more easily followed? No illusion is more dangerous than this.
i Always announce the Gospel that you live with fidelity and clarity! Your speech must be: ‘Yes, Yes – No, No.’ (cf. Mt 5:37). Everything else comes from the Evil One. Therefore let yourselves be guided and led with docility by the Church
j See how the Pope is now announcing this truth with power and how his voice falls more and more on barren soil!
See how the Pope is now announcing this truth with power and how his voice falls more and more on barren soil!
k My motherly Heart is again pierced by a sword as I see how the Holy Father, this first of my beloved sons, is abandoned even by his brother-priests and left more and more alone.
l You, 0 priests consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, must be the voice which spreads throughout the whole world whatever the Vicar of my Son announces again today with firmness, for the salvation of my poor misguided children.
m By your witness, which must be a light and example for all the Church. It has been ordained by the Father that yours be a wit­ness which will become more and more painful. I repeat, my sons; the road upon which I am leading you is that of the Cross.
n Do not fear if you become increasingly the target of misun­derstandings, criticisms and persecutions. It is necessary that this happen to you because, as was my Son Jesus, so also are you being called today to be a sign of contradiction.
o The more you are followed, the more you will be rejected and persecuted.

p When they attack your person or my Movement, answer with prayer, with silence and with forgiveness.
q You will soon be called upon to struggle openly when my Son Jesus, myself, the Church and the Gospel are attacked.
r Then only, led by me by the hand, should you come out in the open to at last give your public witness. For now, continue to live with simplicity, by entrusting yourselves, each and all, to the care of my motherly Heart."

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April 13, 1976
Holy Tuesday
Look at My Crucified Son!
a "Beloved sons, look at my crucified Son.
b Look at his face stained with blood, his head crowned with thorns, his hands and his feet pierced by nails, his body which has been made an open wound by the scourges, his Heart pierced by a lance.
c My beloved ones, look at my crucified Son, and you will be faithful priests.
d How many of you have gone no further than to merely con­sider his word. They have wanted to penetrate and understand it only with their own human intelligence and have thus inadvert­ently fallen into most serious errors.
e It is not with human intelligence alone that the word of my Son is to be read. He thanked the Father for having hidden the mysteries of his kingdom from the wise and prudent of this world to reveal them to the little ones.
f It is above all with interior humility and full docility of the soul that his word is to be read and understood.
g For this reason, my Son has entrusted its authentic interpretation only to the Magisterium of the Church, and this, to accus­tom you to this difficult, and yet so necessary, attitude of humility and interior docility.
h If you remain united to the Magisterium of the Church, and if you remain humble and attentive to what the Church points out to you, you will always keep within the truth of the word of Jesus.
i Today error is being spread more and more within the Church, and it seems that there is no longer any barrier that can contain it. It is spread about especially by many theologians; it is propagated by my poor priest-sons.
j How can you now, in the Church, be sure of being preserved from error?
k Look at my crucified Son, and you will be faithful.
l My Son who, God through He was, became obedient even to the death of the Cross.
m Look at his thorns; look at his blood; look at his wounds: they are flowers blossoming from the pain of his obedience.
n My beloved sons, now that darkness covers all things, you are being called to bear witness to the light of complete obedience to the Church: to the Pope and to the bishops united with him.
o And the more you witness to this complete obedience to the Church, the more you will be criticized, ridiculed and persecuted.
p But it is necessary that yours be an increasingly painful and crucifying witness in order to help many of my poor children to remain, even today. in truth anti in fidelity.

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August 7, 1976
First Saturday
Only with the Pope
a "Today from every part of the world comes that homage which is so pleasing to my Immaculate Heart, the homage of those priests who are consecrated to me, of you, sons of my maternal predilection.
b Let yourselves be led by me, and you will not feel the weight of your daily difficulties.
c I want you in my arms, all of you given over to my Immacu­late Heart, that you may thus walk toward the goal which I have set for each one of you.
d I have already pointed out what this goal is: to make of you priests according to the Heart of Jesus.
e You must be truly Jesus today for the men of your time.
f Jesus who speaks: thus you will speak only the truth. The truth contained in the Gospel and guaranteed by the Magisterium of the Church.
g Today, as darkness descends upon everything and error spreads more and more in the Church, you should direct all people to that fount from which Jesus causes his words of truth to issue forth: the Gospel entrusted to the hierarchical Church, that is to say, the Pope and the bishops united to him – not to individual priests, not to individual bishops, but only to those priests and bishops who are united with the Pope.
Today, how deeply wounded and afflicted is my Heart of Mother of the Church by the scandal, even of bishops who do not obey the Vicar of my Son and who drag a great number of my children along the path of error.
And therefore, you should at this time proclaim to all by your words that Jesus has made Peter alone the foundation of his Church and the infallible guardian of truth.
Today whoever is not with the Pope will not succeed in remaining in the truth.
The deductions of the Evil One have become so insidious and dangerous that they are succeeding in deceiving almost anyone.
Here even the good can fall.
Here even the masters and the wise ones can fall.
Here even the priests and the bishops can fall.
Those will never fall who are always with the Pope.
This is why I want to make you a disciplined and attentive cohort, obedient and docile even to the desire of this first of my beloved sons. The Vicar of my Jesus.
Jesus who acts: you must above all relive Jesus in you life and be a living Gospel.
For this I will make you ever poorer, ever more humble, ever purer, ever smaller.
Do not be afraid of entrusting yourselves completely to me. I am his Mother and yours; and I know how to do only one thing for you, and that is to help you to be born and to grow up like other little Jesuses for the salvation of all my children.
When this cohort of priests is ready; then it will be the time for me to crush the head of my Adversary, and the renewed world will experience the joy of the triumph of my Heart.

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August 22, 1976
Feast of the Queenship of Mary
Your Queen and Your Leader
a "I am your Queen.
b The power of the Father, the wisdom of the Son and the love of the Holy Spirit, in the light of the Most Holy Trinity, have confirmed me forever in my function of maternal royalty.
c This is my crowning glory.
d It is my universal royalty: Mother of the Son, Queen with the Son.
c I am your Leader.
f I am calling you, my beloved sons, to gather you all into my cohort, of which I myself am the Queen and the Leader.
g Therefore there should be no leader among you: you are all brothers, united in love that must grow ever more and more.
h If anyone wishes to become the greatest, let him become truly the least.
i Only he who loves the most, who serves the most, who listens to me the most, who becomes ever smaller to the point of disap­pearing in my Immaculate Heart is the one whom I myself will make ever greater.
j I am your Leader.
k You therefore, my beloved ones, must listen to my voice, be docile to my teachings and above all be prompt and obedient to my orders.
i I want to make of you sons who want to obey, who always know how to obey.
m Obedience and docility: this is the livery in which I wish to attire you.
n I will give my orders through the voice of him whom my Son has appointed to govern his Church: the Pope with the hi­erarchy united to him.
o How my motherly Heart is wounded and saddened today to see that some priests and even some bishops no longer obey the orders of the Vicar of my Son Jesus!
p Every kingdom divided against itself is destined to defeat and nun.
q These poor sons of mine who do not obey and who rebel are already victims of the most subtle and insidious kind of pride and are walking towards their death.
r How Satan, my Adversary from the beginning, is succeeding today in deceiving and seducing you!
s He makes you believe that you are guardians of tradition and defenders of the faith, while he causes you to be the first to make shipwreck of you faith and leads you, all unaware, into error.
t He makes you believe that the Pope is denying the truth, and thus Satan demolishes the foundation on which the Church is built and through which the truth is kept intact throughout the ages.
u He goes so far as to make you think that I myself have nothing to do with the Holy Father’s way of acting. And so, in my name, sharp criticisms aimed at the person and the eork of the Holy Father are spread about.
v Priests, sons of my maternal predilection, be prudent, be attentive, be enlightened because the darkness is invading everything.
w How can the Mother publicly criticize the decisions of the Pope, when he alone has the special grace for the exercise of this sublime ministry?
x I was silent at my Son’s voice; I was silent at the voice of the Apostles. I am now lovingly silent at the voice of the Pope: that it might be disseminated more and more, that it might be heard by all, that it might be received into souls.
y This is why I am very close to the person of this first of my beloved sons, the Vicar of my Son Jesus.
z By my silence, I am helping him to speak.
A By my silence, I am lending strength to his own words.
B Return, return, my priest-sons, to love, obedience and communion with the Pope!
C Only in this way can you belong to my cohort, of which I am the Queen and Leader.
D Only in this way can you hear my orders, which I will give through the very voice of the Pope.
E Only in this way can you fight along with me for the assured victory; otherwise, you are already marching toward defeat.
F Beloved sons, if you consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart and entrust yourselves to me completely, I will cover you with my own brightness, and you will always be filled with light. I will clothe you with my interior docility, and you will be ever obedient; I will thus make you instruments fit for this battle of mine, and you will see in the end my royal victory.

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January 1, 1977
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
First Saturday
Walk in My Light
a Begin the new year with me, my beloved sons, on this day when the Church invites you to contemplate my divine mater­nity.
b As my Son Jesus entrusted Himself totally to me, to find in his Mother a safeguard and protection, so too should you let your­selves be led in security by your heavenly Mother.
c What will this year be like? What events await you?
d My beloved sons, you should not have to trouble yourselves over what awaits you, if you accustom yourselves to live each moment in my motherly Heart.
e Each day, humanity is drawing further and further away from God, and men in ever growing numbers persist in turning away from his Law
f Because of this, with the new year the darkness will become more dense, and the calamities and sufferings that await you will become greater.
g Even in my Church the crisis will become more acute be­cause my most urgent call to prayer, to conversion and to pen­ance will be listened to less and less.
h Unfortunately, there will be many priests among those who do not heed my voice.
i Consequently, the pastors will have less light, and the flock will be scattered along the roads of insecurity and division, of error and apostasy.
j Pastors of the Church, become once again that which my Son Jesus wishes you to be!
k Once again, be zealous and ardent only for the salvation of souls; once again, be strict guardians of the truth of the Gospel!
l Once agin, follow Jesus to Calvary, and do not let yourselves be misled or distracted by the world to which you often conform you life!
m My beloved sons, the more this darkness will descend upon the world and into the Church, the clearer will be the light which will shine forth from my Immaculate Heart to show you the way.
n Walk in this light. Thus you will always be filled with light.
o In you who are following me, my Immaculate Heart has already today achieved its triumph.
p The triumph of the Heart of the Mother il won in the souls and the lives of her faithful children.
q In them it is good which triumphs at the very moment when evil is spreading everywhere. While sin tries to pervade everything, the grace and the love of God triumph in them; if error succeeds more and more in corrupting minds, they bear witness to the truth.
r If division tears the Church, they love her and live for her unity; if the Vicar of my son is more and more left alone and abandoned, they draw close to him with greater love to become his constant comfort and defense.
s Yes, at this very moment when my adversary is now triumphing everywhere, my Immaculate Heaert also has its triumph in the lives of my beloved sons.
t So do not fear if you are beginning a year which will be even more difficult and painful: the more you see darkness enveloping everything, the more brilliant will be the light of my presence among you.
u Consequently, I ask you to begin this new year with me confidently and without fear. My Son Jesus will always be with you, and with Him, in your company, will be his Mother and yours.

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April 23, 1977
Do Not Let Yourselves Be Led Astray
My beloved sons, do not let yourselves be led astray by the world in which you live.
It misleads you by word.
Never before as today has the word become an instrument of truly diabolical seduction. Speech is used to ensnare. Speech is used to spread error. Speech is used to hide the truth.
Thus things which are real transgressions of the natural law and the Law of God are proposed as values and conquests of the human mind.
Errors are propagated as new ways of understanding the truth.
Even in the explanation of the word of God, the most serious errors are propagated. The Pope speaks and is no longer listened to. People continue along the same road and plunge deeper and deeper into the darkness which error spreads everywhere.
Today my Adversary is seducing you especially through the mind.
Answer with you humility, you docility and you obedience. Look only to my Son Jesus, who is the Truth.
It misleads you with images.
Never have immorality and obscenity been so widespread and so extolled as in your days.
In the name of this false way of understanding the value of freedom, every moral aberration is justified.
Indeed they begin with the little ones, betraying the innocence of so many souls. And thus many end by being infected almost without noticing it.
As for you, answer by looking to me alone. Thus you will see the evil which surrounds you without gazing upon it. And you will go forward keeping your eyes on my Son Jesus who alone your way.
It misleads you by works.
The works of the world have never been so evil as in these times. It has rejected God and walks in the darkness of this refusal. There is no longer the capacity to love, no longer the capacity to walk in the light.
Where are those who still manage to live as true children of God?
How it seduces you, above all today, this world in which you live!
Because of this, I ask you to follow only my Son Jesus, who is your life. He ascended into heaven to help you to live here below while nevertheless keeping your eyes on paradise. He ascended into heaven to help you to be in the world, while not being of the world.
You will not let yourselves be misled by this world if, led by me by the hand, you follow at every moment Jesus, your Truth, your Wav and your Life."

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April 29, 1977
The Feast of Saint Catherine of Siena
My Plan
This is my hour. No one will be able to obstruct my plan, which I have long since been preparing for the salvation of the Church
I is you, O priest, sons of my maternal predilection, who are the strategic elements of this plan.
My plan can be carried out only through you.
Nevertheless, it is not for you to know it in detail. It is enough that it is known by me, as I am you Leader. You must all obey my orders with docility and let yourselves be led by me. Do not ask me where I am leading you.
I shall place each one of you at his proper post. Each one must look only to doing his own part well. For the rest, do not concern yourself or be preoccupied about it.
I is for me to arrange everything according to the plan prepared long ago by my Immaculate Heart, in the light of the wisdom of God.
Some of you will be called to stand in the line of action.
They will be given the light and the strength to overcome the attacks of those who will endeavor to destroy all the truth contained in the Gospel of my Son Jesus. In you mouth will be found the two-edged sword with which to unmask error and defend the truth.
In one hand you will have the crown of the Rosary and in the other, the Cross of my Son to whom you will draw souls in increasingly large numbers in the measure that the battle becomes more intense and more decisive.
You will be clad in the fire of the most pure light of the Holy Spirit with which to burn away all the darkness of error; through you, the truth will in the end conquer.
Others will be called to stand in the line of support.
They will have to pray and suffer much. From many of these, I will have to ask a suffering so so great that it will culminate in the offering of their own lives.
I will grant them the comfort of my habitual and extraordinary presence. My Immaculate Heart will be the altar on which they will be immolated for the salvation of the world.
My priest-sons, I am now calling you from every part of the world. And each one of you has been assigned to his post, in this battle which has already begun. I am pressed for time. Let yourselves be assembled by me; let everyone answer with a yes. Thus I will be able to place each one at his proper post, that which you Mother has already prepared for you. Only then will I have completed my plan and will the cohort of my priests be ready.

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March 19, 1978
Palm Sunday
Solemnity of Saint Joseph
The Hour of Darkness!
My beloved sons, remain in my Immaculate Heart and live with me the moments of you painful passion, which has now begun. You too are to live it as did my Son Jesus.
You are entering into that time which the Father has prepared that his design might be realized.
Today, at the beginning of this Holy Week, you too should say you yes to the Will of the Father. Say it with Jesus, his Son and you Brother, who still offers Himself each day for you.
This is the hour of Satan and of his great power.
It is the hour of darkness!
The darkness has spread to every part of the world, and just when men are deluding themselves of having reached the peak of progress, they are walking in the deepest darkness. Thus all is darkened by the shadow of death which is slaying you, of sin which is imprisoning you, and of hatred which is destroying you.
The darkness has pervaded even the Church. It is spreading more and more, and each day it is reaping victims from among her very chosen sons.
Seduced by Satan, how many of them have lost the light which enable them to walk along the right path; that of truth, of fidelity, of the life of grace, of love, of prayer, of good example of holiness!
How many of these poor sons of mine are even now abandoning the Church, either criticizing and challenging her, or even going so far as to betray her and deliver her into the hands of her Adversary!
Is it with a kiss, Judas, that you betray the Son of Man?’ (Lk 22:48)
Even you, today, are betraying with a kiss the Church, the Daughter of your heavenly Mother!...
You still belong to her, and you live for her; you exercise her ministries, and you are often even her pastors.
Each day you renew the Eucharistic Sacrifice, administer the sacraments, and proclaim her message of salvation…
And yet some of you are selling her to her Adversary and striking her to the heart by corruption the truth with error, by justifying sin and living according to the spirit of the world, which thus through you enters into her interior, threatening her very life.
Yes, with a kiss, you, my very own poor sons, are again today betraying my Church and delivering her over into the hands of her enemies.
And so she too will soon be dragged by you before him who will do all he can to exterminate her. She will once again be condemned and persecuted. She will again have to shed her blood.
Priests consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, beloved sons whom I am gathering together from all parts of the world to form you into my cohort, if this is the hour of darkness, this must also be you hour:
The hour of your light, which ought to shine more and more brightly;
The hour of my great light, which I am giving to you in an extraordinary manner, that you may all walk together to meet my Son Jesus, the King of love and of peace who is now about to arrive.

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October 13, 1978
Anniversary of the Last Apparition at Fatima
The Hour of the Apostles of Light
I am your Immaculate Mother, who am at the side of each one of you, my beloved sons.
My plan is about to be fulfilled because the triumph of my Immaculate Heart has now come to pass.
You are being prepared by me to be the apostles of this time. You are therefore the apostles of light in this hour when darkness is enveloping all things.
Live in the light.
Walk in the light. Spread the light which comes from my Immaculate Heart.
As your heavenly Mother, I have been preparing you for years in silence and leading you by the hand.
Thus, while my Adversary was casting darkness over the Church and reaping victims from among many of her very pas­tors, I was preparing secretly, in my Heart, the new Church, all of light.
It is the same Church, but a renewed Church in which the glory of the Most Holy Trinity will shine forth resplendently, and in which Jesus will be adored, honored, listened to and fol­lowed by all.
Thus the Church will shine gloriously with a great light such as has never been known since the time of the Cenacle to this very day
Today you are commemorating my coming down to earth in the humble Cova da Iria, and the miracle of the sun which, prostrate at my feet, so to speak, testified to you that this is my hour, the hour of your Mother clothed in light.
Today I am announcing to you that this is also your hour. I The hour of your witness.
The hour of your public life.
The hour of the apostles of light.
With vigor and courage, spread everywhere the light of truth, the light of grace, the light of holiness.
It is the light of my Son Jesus, who has shown you the way to reach the Father through perfect docility to the action of his Spirit of Love.
Soon, nothing more will remain of the great darkness which has obscured the Church. After her great suffering, she will, at last, be ready for her rebirth: the new Church of light..."

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January 28, 1979
The First Sign: Confusion
"Beloved children, take refuge in my Immaculate Heart.
The glorious reign of Christ will be preceded by a great suffering which will serve to purify the Church and the world and to lead them to their complete renewal.
Jesus has already begun his merciful work of renewal with the Church, his Spouse.
Various signs indicate to you that the time of purification has come for the Church: the first of these is the confusion which reigns there. This in fact is the time of its greatest confusion.
Confusion is spreading within the Church, where everything in the field of dogma, liturgy and discipline is being subverted.
These include truths revealed by my Son and which the Church has defined once and for all, through her divine and infallible authority.
These truths are unchangeable, as the very truth of God is unchangeable. Many of these form part of real mysteries in the strict sense of the word, because they are not and never can be understood by human intelligence.
Man must accept them with humility, by an act of pure faith and firm trust in God who has revealed them and proposed them to men of all times, through the Magisterium of the Church.
But now there is spread abroad a most dangerous tendency of wanting to penetrate and understand everything even mys­teries to such a point that only that part of the truth is ac­cepted which can be understood by human intelligence. There is a desire to unveil the very mystery of God.
Any truth which is not understood by reason is rejected. There is an inclination to propose all revealed truth in a new and ratio­nalistic way, under the illusion of making it acceptable to all.
Thus truth is being corrupted with error. Error is being spread in a most dangerous way, namely, as a new and modern way of understanding the truth, and it ends by subverting the very truths which are the foundation of the Catholic faith.
They are not denied openly, but they are accepted in such an equivocal way that doctrine is most seriously compromised by error in an unprecedented manner.
As a result, talk and discussion go on and on; but there is no longer any belief, and the darkness of error spreads.
The confusion which tends to prevail within the Church and to subvert its truths is the first sign which indicates to you with certainty that the time of her purification has come.
The Church is in fact Christ who is living mystically in your midst.
Christ is the Truth. The Church must therefore always shine with the light of Christ who is the Truth. But at present, its Adversary has succeeded, through his subtle And today the Church is darkened by the smoke of Satan.
Satan has first of all bedimmed the understanding and the think­ing of many of my children, seducing them through vainglory and pride, and through them he has darkened the Church.
You, beloved sons of your heavenly Mother, you, the apostles of my Immaculate Heart, are being called today for this purpose: to fight by word and example that the truth may be more and more accepted by all. Thus the darkness of confusion will be defeated by the light.
For this reason, you must live the Gospel of my Son Jesus to the letter.
You must be, purely and simply, the living Gospel. Then you must proclaim to all, with strength and courage, the Gospel which you live. Your words will have the power of the Holy Spirit who will fill you and the light of the wisdom given you by your heav­enly Mother...

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Melbourne (Australia); October 27, 1980
The Way of Unity
"You see how my Adversary has succeeded in extending his dominion here, inducing so many of my children to get along without God, seducing them with the venom of atheism and of neo-paganism.
Never before as in these present times and in these places must the Church, which Jesus founded as a united body, present itself in all the power of its unity, that the light of the Gospel may reach out to all who are wandering.
I am the way of unity.
It is the Mother's role to lead back to mutual love, to concord and esteem, and to full communion all those who, by means of Baptism, have been incorporated into the very life of my Son Jesus.
Some have wanted to put your heavenly Mother aside, pre­cisely in the deceptive prospect of making the reunification of Christians easier. This on the contrary has brought about a new and more serious obstacle. In fact, disunity has entered into the very interior of the Catholic Church.
A true reunification of Christians is not possible unless it be in the perfection of truth. And truth has been kept intact only in the Catholic Church, which must preserve it, defend it and pro­claim it to all without fear.
It is the light of the truth which will draw many of my chil­dren to return to the bosom of the one and only Church founded by Jesus.
A true reunification of Christians is not possible except in the perfection of love.
And who, better than your heavenly Mother, can help you to love, understand and have compassion for each other, to know and esteem each other? For this reason a true reunion of Chris­tians is not possible without an effort towards interior conver­sion and purification, in order to attain solely the fulfillment of the divine Will.
This is the divine Will for you: that all may be one. And who better than I can help her children travel along this difficult road?
I am for you the way of unity. When I am accepted by the whole Church, then, as Mother, I will be able to reunite my children in the warmth of one single family.
For this reason, the reunion of all Christians in the Catholic Church will coincide with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world. This reunited Church, in the splendor of a new Pentecost, will have the power to renew all the people of the earth.
The world will believe in Him whom the Father has sent and will be completely renewed in his Spirit of Love…

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Blumenfeld (Germany; May 30, 1982
Solemnity of Pentecost
The Hour of the Holy Spirit
"In the cenacle of my Immaculate Heart, prepare yourselves to receive the fire of the love of the Holy Spirit, which will lead my Church to live the joyous moment of its Pentecost and which will renew the whole face of the earth.
This is its hour. It is the hour of the Holy Spirit who, from the Father and by means of the Son, is given to you ever more and more as a gift, as a sign of the merciful love of God who wants to save mankind.
By the fire of the Spirit of Love, the work of the great purification will be quickly accomplished. The Church groans as it awaits his merciful work of purification.
Through interior sufferings and by means of trials which will bring it to relive the bloody hours of the passion through which my Son Jesus lived, the Church will be led to its divine splen­dor.
It will be healed of the wounds of error, which have spread like a hidden cancer and which threaten the deposit of faith. It will be cured of the leprosy of sin, which obscures its sanctity. It will be purified of all those human elements, which separate from the spirit of the Gospel.
It will be deprived of its earthly goods and purified of man of its means of power, that once again it may become poor, humble, simple and chaste. In its pastors and its flock, it wi again be crucified, that it may give perfect witness to the Gospel of Jesus.
Through the power of fire and of blood, the whole world will also be renewed. Humanity will return once again to the glori­fication of the Father, through Jesus, who will at last have estab­lished his reign in your midst.
This is, then, the hour of the Holy Spirit. He will come to you in all his fullness, by means of the triumph of the Immacu­late Heart of Mary, his most beloved Spouse.

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Paris (France); September 15, 1982
Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
A Great Force o f Reparation
"Today, I bend with love over the sores and wounds of all my children. I am your sorrowful Mother. My duty as Mother binds me to you in a strong and personal way. As your joys increase my happiness, so too each of your sufferings brings new sorrow to my motherly Heart. Today I see you all under the weight of an unspeakable suffering. See if there is any sorrow as great as my motherly sorrow.
In a world where egoism and pride have taken the field, the most numerous victims are the innocent. Today they are killed by the millions while still in their mother's womb, through the crime of abortion which is now legalized everywhere.
Why such cruelty? Why is such inhuman impiety so widespread in the world today? The blood of these innocent ones cries out daily for vengeance in the sight of God and causes wounds of deep sorrow in my motherly Heart.
Little children who are just opening out to life are being pre­sented with absolute transgressions of God's Law as values to be sought after; young people are disoriented and deceived; families bewail the destruction of their home-life; the immense multi­tude of my poor children are hastening along the road of sin and perdition: see if there is any sorrow as great as mine!
Above all, I look today with sorrowful apprehension at the Church, especially entrusted by Jesus to my motherly action. I see how it is violated by sin, its unity shattered, profaned b) sacrileges, its truth obscured.
How many pastors there are today who no longer defend the flock which has been entrusted to them by Jesus! Some remain silent when they should speak courageously to defend the trutl, and to condemn error and sin. They tolerate to avoid risk; the) descend to compromise simply to maintain their privileges. Thu! error is spread under the form of ambiguous formulas, and repa­ration is no longer made for sin, in a progressive apostasy from Jesus and from his Gospel.
Today there is need for a great force of prayer. There is need for a great chain of suffering, raised up to God in reparation! I call upon you, my chosen ones, and upon all the children who are consecrated to my Immaculate Heart to unite yourselves to the sorrow of your heavenly Mother, that what is lacking in the passion of Jesus be completed in each one of you…

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Toronto (Ontario, Canada);August 26, 1983
Feast of Our Lady of Czestochowa
Mother o f the Purification
"Beloved children, look with my most merciful eyes at the evils afflicting humanity and the Church today, and you too will shed tears of sorrow and deep compassion.
With my Heart love all your brothers, and you will feel the immense sufferings of my poor children as if they were your own. I am the Queen of all nations, and my regency is one of love. I wish to convey the hearts of all to the greatest possible life of union with Jesus, in a way that will glorify the Father in the triumph of his Spirit of Love.
In your lives carry the sufferings of the peoples reduced to slavery by those who reject God and use every means to spread atheism.
Poland, of whom I have been officially proclaimed Queen, is a symbol of this unending and bloody persecution.
In these nations how many are prevented from professing their faith; how many are pushed aside by reason of their fidelity to Jesus and to the Church!
For so many years the Red Dragon has extended his diomin­ion over these peoples and persecuted my children by the most subtle and refined means.
Feel in your hearts the deep wounds caused me by the mil­lions of infants slaughtered in the wombs of their mothers; by sin which overabounds and seduces souls; by immorality which, like a terrible cancer, corrupts consciences; by the disorientation of the youthful victims of vice, drugs and violence; by the breakdown of so many housegolds.
Participate too in the sufferings of the Church as she lives through the hour of her greatest abandonment. How a i' is, this my most beloved Daughter!
In your hearts carry the sufferings of Jesus, and my sufferings as well, for the agonizing condition in which the Churl ,, I I finds herself in every part of the world. Error is being taught and propagated beneath the ambiguous formulas of a new cultural interpretation of truth; the spirit of the world finds welcome; it spreads its malignant influence and leads so many souls to accept sin, to justify it and to live in it; loss of faith is becoming a deluge, and in many places of worship the images of the saints have been removed, even those of your heavenly Mother.
The apostasy has now been spread into every part of a Church betrayed even by some of her bishops, abandoned by many of her priests, deserted by so very many of her children, and vio­lated by my Adversary.
You, my little child, are to go again into every part of the world and to announce with power my message to all.
These are the terrible and painful times of your purification. Never so much as now must you look to me, in order to be consoled, to be defended, and to be saved.
l am the Mother for these, your times. I am Mother for you in the present hour of purification.

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To see the whole book,
To The Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons”,

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