Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Dear Daniel Neocatecumen

Dear Daniel Neocatecumen

I, Father Joseph Dwight, sent the following email to my friends at the beginning of March 2017:

Dear friends,
I hope you will find helpful an article that I recently published:
Soon No More Eucharist!

May Jesus and Mary be with you in this period of the purification of the Church and of the world.
Father Joseph Dwight
Bishop Athanasius Schneider - “The (Neocatecumenal) Way is a Trojan horse in the Church” (March 6, 2016; http://rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/2016/04/exclusive-interview-with-bishop.html).

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On March 5, 2017, I received the following email from Daniel, who is the responsible of a neocatecumen group that I offered my assistance for ten years (“The Neocatecumenal Mass”; http://spir-food.blogspot.it/2015/02/the-neocatecumenal-mass.html).

Dear Father John,

In receiving these emails, all to discredit the Neocatecumenal Way, of which for over 20 years I am part of, they do nothing else but to reinforce my conviction that all is the work of the Holy Spirit, regarding the persecution, that you are showing and confirming by your actions.

The persecution is the litmus paper to know if it is a work of God or of the Devil, who gets real angry, also by means of other prelates so that his work comes about and that is to eliminate all that leads man to meet and to love God.

That which is said, in a way totally in error and deformed to the reality, by the indicated cardinal, even if he says to knows well the Way, is a complete deformation, the same deformation, which unfortunately you have; as far as you being with us, but if I remember well, you did not do with us any passage or valuation and thus you did not live any significant and formative moment, which permitted you to have a concrete experience of God and which therefore fortified our faith.

As a catechist for 40 brothers, I have never obligated anyone to have children, I only presented the encyclical of Paul VI which gave value to the fact that openness to life is important, solid in holding that a child is a gift of God, which demonstrates the fact that myself and Joan, while remaining open to life, we had only one child.

We invite and we teach then, also the natural methods if for a couple it might be better to not have a child, contraception we do not tolerate, but God does not tolerate it, in as far as such methods are used to cause to prevail our will and not the will of God, and that clearly denotes a lack of Faith.

I ask you: children are or are not a gift from God? Or are they fruit only of human desire?

Unfortunately all the nations of northern Europe, which did not adhere to Paul VI, if not a Holy error declared by the Church, now they find themselves with the churches empty and a society without children and that which they hide is that many commit suicide. The French Catholicism is by now Muslim, as also in Belgium.

Our Eucharistic celebrations, described as desecrating according to me are totally the opposite, and also they have been approved, after many years of dejection by the congregation for worship.

They speak about the lobby within the Church which is in favor of the Way, I never heard about calling the Holy Spirit in such a way, you remember, but you as a priest know, that all is the work of God that works by means of the Spirit of his son Jesus Christ.

To hold the body of Christ in ones hand for a few minutes is for me an immense joy, to be able to adore him permits me to feel him as a brother who is at my side, and if I am seated I think that it is not an irreverent thing, but rather the contrary. The joy to be nourished by this bread which is the body of Christ and of his blood, food that does not perish, but which gives me eternal life, leads me, in communion with the brothers to dance with joy.

Beyond all of this, I must be very grateful to the Way in as far as it saved my life and it is helping me, as it is helping the brothers, to hear the scrutinies of each of us, reinforces our faith.

If then the Church, in the figure of the Pope, might tell me that all of this that I have done up to now was only a theatrical play, I would accept that, as far as what I have done, and you were present, the submission to the vicar of Christ, but no one will be able to take away the experience of the love of God for my life, an experience which came by way of the Way, which is not a creature of KIKO, as the cardinal would like to demonstrate but, I repeat and I am fully convinced about this, the work of the Holy Spirit, Kiko e Carmen, (and I hope she will be proclaimed blessed soon), they are the ones who adhered fully to a call of God, as the Virgin Mary, not by chance the icon of the Way is precisely the Virgin Mary.

In September, God willing, we will go to the Holy Land as the final pilgrimage, which it is not the final, but rather I would say the beginning, in as far as the night of Easter 2017 will begin for me and the other brothers of the Way a true life as Christians, in full combat with the devil, but we are ready to enter into the Circus Maxus and fight with the lions, helped by the Holy Spirit.

Perhaps the interviewed Cardinal and perhaps even you, do not know the story that God is doing, by way of the Way with the Jewish people, which for the first time Rabbis around the world and bishops around the world, at the Domus Galilei, sang the Shema together.

To hear said that we are schismatics leaves me truly perplexed and that it might be ridiculous to call the Jews our older brothers in the faith, denotes, according to me, a lack of knowledge of the work that God is doing.

You know well, about how the Scriptures speak how God sacrifices, in a certain sense his people Israel, covering the face, to the point of not recognizing the Messiah in order to permit all men to be saved, perhaps the moment is arriving that this veil is being lifted.

The second coming of Christ in glory, in a night of Easter, will happen, after the antichrist will take possession of the world and when Israel will recognize the Messiah.

Dear Father John, I hope that the Lord might be always near you and given the particular tie that binds us, beyond your momentary participation with our community, that the drifting away from the nearness that you had with my father, I say to you that I want well for you and I will pray for you, as I hope you will do for me, in the hope that the devil might not deceive our consciences, but that we might be able to work in the truth, which comes from God.

Peace Daniel

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The following is the reply of Father Joseph Dwight.

Dear Daniel,

Thank you for your email. At least you had the courage to communicate with one such as Father Joe! (I am not Father John: Jo is Giuseppe; John is Giovanni in English; I am Joseph, Giuseppe!).

I would like to say to you directly, transparently, without wasting words, as did also your Dad, Mark. I do not believe that you are able to understand what I want to say because you are formed in subjectivism, as are the protestants and almost all the Catholics today! Thus I cannot appeal to an authority higher than Kiko for you. Thus there is nothing that I can say. It is not a question of arguments and intelligence and sophistry; it is a question of which authority do you trust! And you trust Kiko instead of the true Magisterium of the Church of 2000 years which reveals the truth, Jesus, which does not change! Basically, we are not of the same religion, because we do not seek the explanation of the Truth from the same source!!!

David M. told me that Kiko explained that many Catholics, after the Council, drew near to non Catholics to attract them to the full Truth in the Catholic Church, but they ended up losing their Catholic faith. But Kiko did the same thing with the Liturgy of the Holy Mass which is much more important! As I wrote in my article, “The Neocatecumenal Mass” (http://spir-food.blogspot.it/2015/02/the-neocatecumenal-mass.html):
I was surprised when I discovered that Kiko Argüello, Carmen Hernandez and Father Mario Pezzi did not obey the letter in which were articulated the directives of the Pope. Their act of partial obedience is in a letter which they wrote to the Pope on January 17, 2006. They limit themselves in fact to thank the Pope for having conceded to them another two years of time. And they return to defend their way of doing the communion. They underline that to do the communion “in this way” is an essential instrument to CONVERT THE ONES FURTHER AWAY FROM THE FAITH: to abandon this would compromise their mission. On this crucial point of the communion they indicated that they want to follow their way. It is in fact the diffuse opinion among the neocatecumenals that the letter of Arinze was something provisionary, modifiable, a simple “instrumentum laboris”, and that in the end their practice will be substantially approved. This opinion persists even after the recall of Benedict XVI regarding the rite of the Mass, in his talk given to the neocatecumenals on January 12 2006.

Kiko, Carmen and Padre Mario trusted themselves, not the Magisterium of the Church, not Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict who simply said to “obey the liturgical books of the Catholic Church faithfully and exactly” as is required by all the Catholics in the world!

Thus dear Daniel, I am not surprised that you follow your founders who decided to obey the true (the truth does not change) Magisterium of the Church, only up to the point that they are in agreement!

This is the era of compromise, as the Blessed Virgin at Akita, Japan (1973) warned us: “The work of the devil will infiltrate even the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against other bishops. ... The Church will be full of those who accept compromise ...” (http://www.miraclerosarymission.org/akita.htm). A great number of bishops have slid into subjectivism and relativism. Pope John Paul II (among many other occasions) spoke firmly to the US bishops against this "pick and choose smorgasbord type Catholicism" (LA, 09-16-1987): "It is sometimes reported that a large number of Catholics today do not adhere to the teaching of the Church on a number of questions, notably sexual and conjugal morality, divorce and remarriage. Some are reported as not accepting the Church's clear position on abortion. It has also been noted that there is a tendency on the part of some Catholics to be selective in their adherence to the Church's moral teachings. It is sometimes claimed that dissent from the Magisterium is totally compatible with being a “good Catholic” and poses no obstacle to the reception of the sacraments. This is a grave error that challenges the teaching office of the bishops of the United States and elsewhere. I wish to encourage you in the love of Christ to address this situation courageously in your pastoral ministry, relying on the power of God's truth to attract assent and on the grace of the Holy Spirit which is given both to those who proclaim the message and to those to whom it is addressed." (http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/speeches/1987/september/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19870916_vescovi-stati-uniti_en.html).

It should be noted that Pope John Paul II did not say to obey me as pope or obey my magisterium as Bergoglio says, but to obey the true Magisterium of the Church, because after there is no longer John Paul II, the immutable truth continues forever in eternity!

You wrote: “To hold the body of Christ in ones hand for a few minutes is for me an immense joy, to be able to adore him permits me to feel him as a brother who is at my side, and if I am seated I think that it is not an irreverent thing, but rather the contrary. The joy to be nourished by this bread which is the body of Christ and of his blood, food that does not perish, but which gives me eternal life, leads me, in communion with the brothers to dance with joy.”

What you write is always “for me”, that is, “according to me”, like the protestants speak in their subjectivism. John Paul II and Benedict XVI and the Church for 2000 years tried to protect the great sacredness of the infinite God in the Eucharist. These two popes, these two supreme pastors of the Church, with the liturgical books of the Catholic Church, try to protect the sheep from the hidden dangers of the wolf! But you and many others believe to know more, to have a charisma of discernment higher that the Holy Spirit, the soul of the Church, to be able to not obey these two popes, as did Kiko, Carmen and Padre Mario!!! “According to you”, what is the difference between the protestants who for 400 years do not obey the true Magisterium of the Church and, Kiko, Carmen and Padre Mario who obey the pope only when the pope says what Kiko, Carmen and Padre Mario want??? Do Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II not have a special charisma from the Holy Spirit to protect the souls of the Church, which Kiko, Carmen and Padre Mario do not have??? In whom do the neocatecumens trust, Kiko, Carmen e Padre Mario??? They say “God”, but they did not obey Benedict XVI and John Paul II!!! Do you believe that if you obey God, by way of the true Magisterium of the Church, only when you are in agreement, or when you feel “an immense joy”, that God is happy and you will go to heaven?!? If you do in this way, the last judge of what is right or not right is yourself, not God, as did Adam and Eve (Gen 3:4-5)!

You wrote: “To hold the body of Christ in ones hand for a few minutes is for me an immense joy”. Nowhere in your email, you never indicated that you want to seek to discover together what Jesus wants in a certain situation or in a certain question!!! It is all in your subjectivism! Kiko does the same!!! God has given to each person his or her vocation with the corresponding graces: the father of the family, the mother of the family, the priest, the bishop, the Pope. The father of the family has the graces of his vocation but not the graces of the vocation of the Pope of the Church!!! The devil wants to destroy the respect for the vocations from God and change everything in order to destroy the family and the Church. Kiko, Carmen and Padre Mario did not respect the vocation of Pope John Paul II and of Pope Benedict XVI, and they believe that things will go well?!? You write “an immense joy”! Behold your criteria to decide, your subjectivism, your sentiments, as do the protestants, without seeking the will of God which He reveals to us in Divine Revelation and that He gave us a Church, with her Magisterium, in order to interpret Divine Revelation according to the will of God and not according to the subjectivism of each person or of each group in every period of the history of the world! I am surprised that your do not know these things; but I am not surprised because you have been formed for more than 20 years with the catechism of Kiko, Carmen and Padre Mario instead of the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults (CCC)!!! Two years ago I tried to explain these things to David P. (http://spir-food.blogspot.it/2015/02/the-neocatecumenal-mass.html):

According to you, what is the difference between the protestants who do not obey the true Magisterium of the Church for 400 years and you who follow Kiko instead of the true Magisterium of the Church???

400 years ago the protestants left the Church. But today the protestants remain in the Church and put to silence or send away those who remain faithful to the immutable Truth of God. How would you feel if your daughter would throw out of the house you and your wife Joan because she is not in agreement with her parents? This year the rebellion against the truth of God will become much stronger to the point of open persecution and martyrdom of the majority of the few priests and bishops who will remain faithful to the immutable Truth! Behold the meaning of Bishop Athanasius Schneider! Today there are many Trojan horses in the Church who could care less about the truth of God explained by the Holy Spirit in these last 2000 years in the Catholic Church. These Trojan horses now are seeking to send away those who do NOT accept subjectivism and relativism. Just as Jesus crucified 2000 years ago, we will arrive to the point in which the true Body of Christ, the true Church, will be crucified (CCC 677) and buried and it will seem that the Church is no more, and all those who are formed and have embraced subjectivism and relativism will seem to have conquered all; behold “the modern Church” freed from these old dogmas that are useless according to the people who do not trust in God but in themselves! Afterwards will come “the woman clothed with the sun” (Rev 12:1) to crush (Gen 3:15) the “great red dragon” (Rev 12:3) in order to prepare for the second coming of her Son, Jesus Christ!!!

Blessed Cardinal Newman said he felt fortunate to be living in the time when the enemies of the Church were on the outside looking in. The day would come when there would be enemies of the Church on the inside looking out. Today we talk about theological descent in the Church. Descent is a nice word for heresy, lies, all sorts of lies!

You wrote: “To hear said that we are schismatics leaves me truly perplexed and that it might be ridiculous to call the Jews our older brothers in the faith, denotes, according to me, a lack of knowledge of the work that God is doing.”

You are not schismatics according to the sect of Kiko, Carmen and Padre Mario, or “according to me” (you), but you are schismatics according to 2000 years of the true Magisterium of the Church! The truth does not change!

If we want to follow Jesus and arrive to heaven, all of us must arrive to this Christian maturity to be able to choose Jesus, the uncomfortable Truth on the cross, even if we are abandoned by everyone as happened to the saints. “He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me…” (Mt 10:37). “If any one come to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple” (Lk 14:26). Regarding these words of Jesus, what does Kiko teach, to follow Kiko or the CCC and the liturgical books of the Catholic Church?

Kiko does not want us to become saints. … At the retreat of the annual catechesis last year (2016) I remember well how the catechist belittled asserting “do you believe to become holy? Look, it is not a question of your personal sanctification. It is the community that becomes holy, it is not a question you of becoming holy.” That which proposes the Neocatecumenal Way is a moral lowering instead of a spiritual lifting up, … In the Way we are confronted with a constant trivialization and a total debasement in the sense of the “personal sanctification” (in Italian: February 23, 2017; https://neocatecumenali.blogspot.it/2017/02/kiko-non-vuole-che-diventiate-santi.html?m=1).

Even though the spirituality of Chiara Lubich was a communitarian spirituality, in contrast to an individual spirituality, she said often that the most important thing that she could offer to others and to the whole Focolare Movement is her personal sanctity. She would say: “God is everything, I am nothing”; “God must be first in our lives”. Unfortunately at least the majority of the leaders of the Focolare Movement have done what one reads in the book: “In the Name of Purpose - Sacrificing Truth on the Altar of Unity” (Jeremiah 6:16), by Tamara Hartzell (http://inthenameofpurpose.org/inthename.pdf). Chiara Lubich prayed more than an hour everyday early in the morning before the Blessed Sacrament, but I never heard any focolarini speak about this and promote this practice. How can I achieve sanctity as a Catholic without a deep relationship with Christ bodily present in the Eucharist? Without sanctity my “love” ends up being false because it is human love and not divine love!

We are more and more led to leave the cult of God, of the saints, and to embrace the cult of man, of Satan!

Dear brother, heaven is not automatic! “The whole of man’s history has been the story of DOUR COMBAT with the powers of evil” (CCC 409). Do you believe that it will be so easy to not slide into the great apostasy before the arrival of the antichrist?

Before the second coming of Jesus Christ “that day will not come, unless THE REBELLION (APOSTASY) COMES FIRST, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God” (2Thess 2:3-4).

You wrote: “who gets real angry, …” Dear Daniel, do you not realize the great danger to your immortal soul to trust in a movement instead of in the true Magisterium of the Church? What would be true love, to try to tell you what you like and so you are content in this short life like you want things to be, or that you might be content for all eternity with the immutable Truth, after having followed Jesus even to the crucifixion, losing everything except the Truth Who is Jesus (Jn 14:6)?

Are we spoiled arrogant children or are we children who trust their parents? If things do not go as the children want and the parents say things that the children are not in agreement, the spoiled arrogant children say to their parents that they “get real angry”? When God told the Israelis in the desert what the Israelis did not want to hear, then God was accused of “getting real angry”? Did God give us the Ten Commandments for our good or for our evil? And so, when Father Joe seeks to explain the gravity of not obeying Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI to “follow the liturgical books of the Catholic Church faithfully and exactly” then Father Joe is accused of getting “real angry”, and there is no other explanation or motive of Father Joe?!? Is it possible that Father Joe is looking out for your true good and wellbeing?!?

Is your criteria for true or false the persecution undergone or to obey the true Magisterium of the Church and the CCC??? How many groups in the 2000 year history of the Church, which were condemned by the Magisterium of the Church in order to protect the souls of good will, responded to the authority of the Church: “The persecution is the litmus paper to know if it is a work of God or of the Devil, who gets real angry, …”? What is your criteria to discover the truth, in particular in the case of the Neocatecumenal Way, the persecution undergone or obedience to the true Magisterium of the Church? How many rebellious children throw a tantrum or fall into the martyrdom complex when their parents do not do what they want? How many adults never matured and remained spoiled arrogant children all their lives? Spoiled arrogant children do not enter into paradise!

You wrote: “Perhaps the interviewed Cardinal and perhaps even you, do not know the story that God is doing, by way of the Way with the Jewish people, which for the first time Rabbis around the world and bishops around the world, at the Domus Galilei, sang the Shema together.”

“Hear, O Israel (“Shema Yisrael”) … And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart…” (Dt 6:4-9; 11:13-21; Num 15:37-41). Are these not EMPTY WORDS if Jews or Catholics do not obey God? As Pope John Paul II explained in 1987, if Catholics are “selective in their adherence” to the teachings of the Church, they are not Catholic! If Catholics live the Our Father, “THY will be done” only when they are in agreement, they are not followers of God the Father! “See, I have set before you this day life and good, death and evil. … Therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice, and cleaving to him…” (Dt 30:15-20)! What does Kiko, Carmen and Padre Mario choose when they obey the Magisterium of the Church only when they are in agreement? Life and good or death and evil?!?

If the “Rabbis around the world and bishops around the world, at the Domus Galilei, sang the Shema together” but obey God ONLY when they are in agreement with God, is this not false obedience and false ecumenism?!? The founder of Christendom College (USA), Dr. Warren Carroll, wrote that ecumenism is important but properly understood is “not an ecumenism in which you would abandon convictions in truth which would be superficial and meaningless agreements, but developing an ecumenism built solidly on real conviction and truth.” “The Antichrist will conquer many people by saying: “You can do all that you like... it is enough to love each other...”.” - Saint Hildegard of Bingen, doctor of the Church (1098-1179) (in Italian: http://profezie3m.altervista.org/ptm_profx_santaildegarda.htm). Behold the One World Religion in preparation for the antichrist! Both Archbishop Fulton Sheen and Cardinal Biffi warned us: “The false church will be worldly, ecumenical (false), and global. It will be a loose federation of churches, religions forming some type of global association, a world parliament of churches. It will be EMPTIED of all divine content and will be the mystical body of the antichrist.” Divine content, the Truth, is Jesus Christ (Jn 14:6)! In this period of the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21) the world will arrive to the height of rebellion and of contradiction while saying the Shema together; people will invoke the name of God and even of Jesus, while not obeying God’s holy laws, to the point of: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil” (Is 5:20).

"God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." (2Thess 2:11-12).
I heard, but I did not understand. Then I said, “O my lord, what shall be the issue of these things?” He said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut up and sealed until the time of the end. Many shall purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but those who are wise shall understand.” (Dan 12:8-10).

Is Pope Benedict totally stupid and is Kiko totally illuminated? “ROME, April 11, 2012 – Benedict XVI has been ALARMED for some time about the particular ways in which the communities of the Neocatechumenal Way celebrate their Masses, on Saturday evening, in separate locations.” (http://chiesa.espresso.repubblica.it/articolo/1350217?)

Are you seeking the uncomfortable truth, Who is Jesus crucified, ready to lose everything and to suffer with Jesus who left everything on the cross, or do you want a “pick and choose smorgasbord type Catholicism”, so that when you are not in agreement with the Magisterium of the Church you can do as did the three founders of the Neocatecumenal Way? The crucifix is only a nice image and we convince ourselves that we follow Jesus crucified but only up to the point that we are in agreement?

You write: “That which is said, in a way totally in error and deformed to the reality …” Again, “totally in error and deformed to the reality” according to who? According to the catechism of Kiko or according to the CCC and the true Magisterium of the Church???

One drop of poison in a nice glass of wine is enough to kill a person. “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2Cor 11:14). As a Catholic what is your base of discernment if a group leads us toward God or slowly away from God? The catechesis of Kiko or the CCC? Pope Benedict was totally stupid and Kiko was totally illuminated when he wrote in January 2006 to Pope Benedict XVI to not obey? Your criteria of truth, what is it – subjectivism like the protestants, who followed Luther, or King Henry VIII or Kiko or …?

You wrote: “Beyond all of this, I must be very grateful to the Way in as far as it saved my life and it is helping me, as it is helping the brothers, to hear the scrutinies of each of us, reinforces our faith.” But the Rosary, the Mass according the liturgical books, confession and adoration before you entered the Way, were not worth anything before you entered the Way!?!

You wrote: “I ask you: children are or are not a gift from God? Or are the fruit only of human desire?” Do you believe that having kids, as do also the Muslims, but without seeking to discover and to do the will of God according to the Magisterium of the Church, is pleasing to God? Do you believe that John Paul II was joking with the bishops of the world when he said: “to be selective in their adherence to the Church's moral teachings”? “This is a grave error ...”! Out of the Ten Commandments, if I live 8 of them of which I am in agreement, but not the other 2, do you believe that I am living the Our Father, “THY will be done”, and that I will go to heaven?

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.' Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them …” (Mt 7:21-24). “DOES THEM” does not mean according to your sentiments or feelings or according to “an immense joy”, but it means to obey the true Magisterium of the Church, which means to obey Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI to “follow the liturgical books of the Catholic Church faithfully and exactly” even if one does not feel the feelings that we want to feel!!! How many people say I have “an immense joy” to be with my girlfriend or with my boyfriend to justify living together and not obeying the words of Jesus explained well by the Catholic Church in the CCC? Do you believe that Jesus had good feelings on the cross?!? When the disciples “were amazed at His words”, and even “exceedingly astonished” (Mk 10:23-27), Christ did not offer false and empty and destructive compromises and He did not change “an iota, not a dot” of the law (Mt 5:17-18; 24,35) as do so many leaders in the Church today, but rather said: “With men it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God” (Mk 10:23-27).

Already 500 years ago Saint Teresa of Avila explained the basis of Protestantism and subjectivism: “SIN HAS ATTACKED THE “HIERARCHY OF VALUES”. Man wants to be God. Man’s body revolts against his soul, and the soul capitulates and rejects the primacy of the spirit. Thus bodily FEELINGS dominate the mind, and both dominate the spirit. Morality become topsy-turvy, confused and relativistic. The natural law of God is rejected. Unnatural relationships become fashionable and claim the same rights as natural relationships. Divine revelation and law are rejected; our civilization declines and falls!” (“Who Decides The Truth?”; http://spir-food.blogspot.it/2014/06/who-decides-truth.html).

You wrote: “Our Eucharistic celebrations, described as desecrating ACCORDING TO ME are totally the opposite …” When I spoke about this decree (December 2005) of Pope Benedict with a few members of the Neocatecumenal Way, they replied to me: “We have already overcome that”! This is like saying: “We have already overcome Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI! Do they trust in themselves or in God?!? How do they live the Our Father: “MY will be done”, or “THY will be done”??? Does religion or a movement exist to serve me or to help me to serve God, to help me to discover the will of God and to live the will of God??? Daniel, how would you feel if your daughter does not obey you as her parents and then tells her classmates at school: “I have already overcome my parents”? Who does she trust?

And so, by now dear Daniel, what can I say to a person who is part of the Lutherans, or of the Anglicans, or of any group not Catholic, or a group in the Church, a Trojan horse, that does not obey the true Magisterium of the Church? A priest, or a bishop or the pope cannot change the truth, because the truth comes from God not from the Church!

When one does not trust in the true Magisterium of the Church, there is no longer a solid point of reference, and thus there remains only the quick sand of subjectivism and relativism. On the long haul, the person or the group or a false religion drifts and goes off the rails of the immutable Truth even though they believe to be right and they feel good feelings or “an immense joy”, and one does not see the great damage until years later.

You wrote: “but if I remember well, you did not do with us any passage or scrutiny and thus you did not live any significant and formative moment, which permitted you to have a concrete experience of God and which therefore fortified our faith.” I am surprised that for you, the years in seminary, the permanent formation of the clergy of the diocese, the study of the documents of the Church and the CCC and the personal meditations and prayer and study of a priest, to remain faithful to Divine Revelation, is less important than the formation in an ecclesial movement with leaders who do not obey even Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI!!! Your words reveal well that for you the interpretation of the Truth, or even the Truth itself, comes from Kiko and not from the Divine Revelation explained by the Catholic Church! This is what all the non Catholic religions end up doing, from the Lutherans to the Jehovah’s Witnesses! They do not have the humility to obey God’s revelation and guidance, the Magisterium of the Church! Daniel, are you part of a cult or are you part of the Catholic Church?

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger said on May 27 1998: “… THERE IS MANIFESTED MANY DANGERS, as well as the ways of overcoming, in the (ecclesial) Movement. THERE IS THE THREAT OF UNILATERALITY which leads to exaggerating the specific mandate which has its origin in a given period or in strength of a particular charism … is a fact THAT CAN LEAD TO ABSOLUTIZING ones own movement, which ends up identifying itself with the Church herself, to understand itself as the way for all while in fact this one way can be made known in different ways.” (http://www.rns-italia.it/vademecum/Vademecum.htm).

THERE IS A STRONG TENDENCY FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE ECCLESIAL MOVEMENTS TO “ABSOLUTIZING ONES OWN MOVEMENT” especially today when we find ourselves more than ever in a social, cultural and spiritual crisis at all levels. (see also: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_jp-ii_exh_30121988_christifideles-laici_en.html).

Cardinal Ratzinger exhorted also the Bishops! The world Congress of ecclesial movements, in Rome 1998, was initiated with an important report of the then cardinal Ratzinger. In that report Ratzinger, AFTER HAVING EXHORTED THE MOVEMENTS to avoid unilaterality and absolutization, HE TURNED ALSO TO THE BISHOPS, reminding them “that it is not permitted to comply to pretensions of absolute uniformity in the organization and in the pastoral programming. THEY CANNOT BUILD THEIR ROCK HARD PASTORAL PROJECTS in which the Holy Spirit is allowed to work: before mere human planning it can happen that the Church renders herself impenetrable to the Spirit of God, to the strength of which the planning lives. It is not licit to pretend that all must insert themselves into a determined organization of unity: BETTER LESS ORGANIZATION AND MORE HOLY SPIRIT!”

These admonitions of the Pope, from our mother Church, are meant to help us to not let our vices, pride and the devil to diminish these gifts of the Holy Spirit!

I asked my protestant friends (about 50) of 1970-1974 at UCLA by email on December 23, 2016 (“Christmas Greetings 2016 BCF”; http://spir-food.blogspot.it/2016/12/christmas-greetings-2016-bcf.html):
Forgive me if I say this, but I do not understand how a sincere Christian cannot believe in the real substantial presence of Jesus in the Eucharist after reading chapter six of the Gospel of John! … There are thousands of independent protestant groups who believe in the same God, the same Jesus Christ, and more or less with the same Bible, but interpret a great number of Scripture passages in contradictory ways. Did Jesus not know this would happen? What was the solution that Jesus left us for this problem especially since if one does not follow the truth from God there is a great risk of not making it to heaven. Only the truth of God “will set us free” (Jn 8:32)! …”

Today there are many groups in the Church which do as the independent protestant groups! They believe to have a beautiful experience today, but they are detached from the vine, and afterwards the branches dry up and will be burned (Jn 15:1-17). Daniel, what will you say to Jesus at your death, that you followed Kiko or you followed the objective truth explained by the Church of Jesus?

This year the storm, “the wind” (Mt 14:30), will become stronger than the Church and the world have ever seen (Mt 24:21). Without the anchor of the true Magisterium of the Church, without keeping your eyes on the immutable Truth Who is the true Jesus (Jn 14:6) with true humility, one will sink as did Peter (Mt 14:30) and there will not even be afterwards the possibility to repent as did Saint Peter!

Father Joseph


Lewis Clark said...

That is really a lengthy blog, took me so much time to read it out but I guess it worth giving time. Thank you for sharing it with us and keep posting.

Jimy said...

That is really a lengthy blog, took me so much time to read it out but I guess it worth giving time. Thank you for sharing it with us and keep posting