Validity of the Holy Mass
article is only a few pages of the second part of the article, “Only
a Remnant of the MMP Will Remain”
with the title: “The Danger of Don Alessandro Minutella”
article was a reply to a couple of
emails from a woman “very torn”
here in Italy who is part of the Marian Movement for Priests (MMP).
The Subject of her email is: “The silence of the Marian Movement of
Priests”. Since the MMP is so important to Our Lady, I spent some
time in gathering information which regards the problems and the
division in the MMP after the death of Don Stefano Gobbi. This woman,
Assunta, who had the courage to open her eyes in this period of great
confusion, was tempted to follow Don Minutella.
Alessandro Maria Minutella (Palermo, Italy, 1973) was a priest of the
diocese of Palermo and pastor of the Parish of Pope Saint Gregory at
Boccadifalco (Pa). He received his doctorate in dogmatic theology at
the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Sicily with a theses on the
relationship between the theology of purgatory and the mystical dark
night in the writings of Saint Catherine of Genova. At the Pontifical
Gregorian University he continued to complete a doctorate in the
history of Christian dogma, with a theses on the
Christological-Trinitarian eschatology of Hans Urs von Balthasar. Don
Minutella became the head of a traditionalist Catholic group of
Palermo, “The Little Nazareth”, which does not recognize the
election of Pope Francis. He was notified with a decree of
excommunication for “the heresy and crime of schism” on November
13, 2018.
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following is only a part of the original article which speaks about
the validity of the Holy Mass:
is pushing many people off the Barque of Peter, the Church,
on the “port side” (left side), who do not follow the laws of God
infallibly interpreted by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church,
including not obeying the Liturgical Books of how to celebrate the
Holy Mass licitly and validly. But also on the “starboard side”
(the right side) of the Barque of Church, Satan pushes many out of
the Church, with the hidden attitude of pride to put oneself or ones
group above the authentic Magisterium of the Church. These groups
have arisen throughout the history of the Church, beginning with the
Donatists, but more than ever after the Second Vatican Council, with
groups who proclaim that the Novus Ordo Mass is invalid. More
recently there are groups who acknowledge and adhere to the Second
Vatican Council but have come to realize that the last conclave was
not valid (“Pope Benedict XVI Forced To Resign”;,
and thus believe and proclaim to others that if a priest says during
the Canon of the Mass the words “Pope Francis”, the Mass is
is the moment to remain with Jesus on the cross in this period of in
the history of the Church and in this mysterious design of God of the
purification of the Body of Christ, the Church (cf. CCC 675-677). It
is the moment when true Christians have true humility with Mary at
the foot of the cross and do not abandon the crucified Body of Christ
by joining a “holy” or “perfect” group better than all the
following is a brief sketch of the theology of the Church regarding
the validity of the Mass.
Mass of the Roman Rite is invalid: 1) WHEN
the celebrant of the Mass is not a validly ordained priest, 2) WHEN
the priest does not have the proper intention (that is, the priest
has the intention to do what the Church would do), 3) WHEN wheat
bread or grape wine is not used, 4) or WHEN the words “This is my
Body” or “This is … my Blood” are not SAID
(not silently)
by the Priest during the consecration of the Mass. (“Soon No More
recently is that if “Pope Francis” does not believe in the
divinity of Jesus Christ, as did many Arian bishops more than 1600
years ago, all the Masses celebrated by
priests who say the phrase in the
“Eucharistic Prayer”: “Remember,
Lord, your Church, spread throughout the world, and bring her to the
fullness of charity, together with Francis our Pope (“una cum” –
in union with “Pope
Francis”) and N. our Bishop and all the clergy” is
not valid! It is true that if a priest
(or a bishop) “manifests”
his intentions openly to not believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ,
then his mass is not valid because “the
priest does not have the proper intention”. Regarding “2) WHEN
the priest does not have the proper intention (that is, the priest
has the intention to do what the Church would do), IF
though the priest in mortal sin commits another mortal sin
(sacrilege!) because he celebrated in the state of mortal sin. The
Mass depends on God, expressed in the phrase in Latin, “Ex opera
operato”, otherwise, the Church (and the Mass) would have ended
centuries ago, because Jesus founded his Church on twelve sinful
apostles, not twelve perfect angels from heaven. The fact that the
Church is still here on the earth after more than 2000 years, is a
great proof that the Church, the Body of Christ, is not only human
but also divine, as Jesus has two natures: human and divine!
until a about year ago, Don Minutella
limited himself to explaining clearly how “Pope Francis” has
promoted many heretical and destructive things. But now he is saying
to people that all the Masses are invalid when the priest who during
the Mass names in the Canon the name “Pope Francis”!
OPERE OPERATO” is a Latin expression of the Catholic doctrine about
the sacraments.
literally means “by the fact itself of having done it”. It refers
to the fact that in the sacraments the sin of the minister cannot
invalidate the result of the sacramental action. For example,
sacramental absolution given by a priest in mortal sin maintains all
of its validity, since the minister has the intention to do what the
Church would do.
use of the expression was developed in the Catholic Church on the
occasion of the opposition with the protestant doctrine: Martin
Luther held the idea in fact that a priest in mortal sin could not
administer the sacraments.
is contrasted with “ex opera operantis”, which to the contrary
affirms the necessity of the holiness of the minister for the
sacrament to be valid.
a similar way, the same Council of Trent, defined the infallibility
of the pope, which does not depend on the personal holiness of the
pope, but on the promise of Christ.
Council of Trent defined on March 3 1547 against Luther that the
sacraments confer grace “ex opera operato” (can. 8), and thus
depend on God (can. 7):
anyone shall say, that by the said sacraments of the New Law grace is
not conferred through the act performed (ex opera operato) but that
faith alone in the divine promise suffices for obtaining grace; let
him be anathema.” (Sess. VII, ca. 8; Denz 1611).
phrase “ex opere operato”, as one can deduce from the discussions
of the fathers of Trent, does not mean “automatically”, almost as
if the sacraments might be magic rites, that act on a person
independent of the person’s will, but rather means “independently
from the intentions NOT MANIFESTED
by the minister”, to which is asked
to put exactly the sign “at least with the intention to do what the
Church does” (can. 11), that is at least with the intention to
carry out the sacred rite.
purpose of this clarification, wanted
by the council, was to take away from the faithful any doubt of
conscience on the validity of a sacrament in the case of a minister
who “fakes it” in administering the sacrament, but with the
intention, non manifested, to not administer it. The Council says: if
the minister has carried out correctly the rite (ex opera operato),
God has worked and thus “ex parte Dei (= “for that which depends
on God”) the sacrament is complete.
the efficaciousness of the sacrament there can be lacking on the part
that depends on the Christian, but regarding the possible bad
dispositions that could render the sacrament non efficacious, he
cannot not be conscious of, because the bad dispositions must be
by the minister of the sacrament.
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC; ed. 1992, promulgated by Pope
John Paul II;
explains “ex opere operato”: CCC 1127-1128.
above all does not mean that every priest who during the Mass names
in the Canon the name “Pope Francis” believes
as “Pope Francis” believes, that is, this does not mean that all
the priests who had an Arian bishop more than 1600 years ago believed
to put in a difficult situation the simple faithful, TO
DEPRIVE TODAY, in a very perverse world, the faithful of the
traditional Mass because it is
celebrated naming in the Canon the name of “Pope Francis” IS
exposes the conscientious faithful to the proximate risk of not being
able to live in the state of habitual grace, depriving them of all
the Sacraments administered “una cum”. Holy Mother Church, in the
Council of Trent, did the exact opposite, that is, to dispel from the
faithful every doubt of conscience on the validity of a sacrament in
the case of a minister who “fakes it” in administering the
sacrament, but with the intention, non manifested, to not administer
it. If there was not this “SILENCE OF
there would be much less temptation for the members of the MMP to be
deceived by Don Minutella or by other groups or by schismatic
traditionalist groups, as Professor Don Ivan Pojavnik wrote: “In
addition, by virtue of its ambiguity, the circular letter has led a
number of members away from the Movement of Our Lady to another
movement. … Don Stefano said, "We must be intelligent
children, that is, children with open
eyes, and not stupid children, that is,
with eyes closed”." The devil wants those few people who have
not followed the easy way of “ignorance is bliss” and have
struggled to keep their eyes open to the hidden and dangerous
pitfalls of the devil, and thus Satan offers subtle temptations that
can deprive these people in the state of grace the sacraments or to
at least to lead them outside of the true Church which is undergoing
the crucifixion with Jesus in the period!
written above, let us repeat for clarity in this case.
key phrases which confect the
Eucharist are "THIS IS MY BODY"
and "THIS IS ... MY BLOOD,"
which when SAID
(not silently)
by a priest with the proper intention and matter, truly show the
priest acts in the Person of Christ. The other parts of the
Eucharistic prayer are, according to St. Ambrose (also quoted in
Summa Theologica), ESSENTIALLY
all the other words spoken, praise is rendered to God, prayer is put
up for the people, for kings, for others, but when the time comes for
perfecting the Sacrament, the priest no longer uses his own words but
the words of Christ." St. Thomas
Aquinas explains this requirement in great detail in the Summa
Theologica (Third Part, Question 78, Articles 1 through 6). Changing
the words of the preparatory parts of the Eucharistic prayer is
illicit and gravely sinful for the priest, but would not invalidate
the Eucharist as long as "This is My Body" and "This
is ... My Blood" are SAID
(not silently).
means that if the priest says (not silently) during the Mass, "This
is My Body" and "This is ... My Blood," with the
proper matter (bread and wine) and intention (what the Church intends
to do), the Mass is valid. Thus as St. Ambrose and St. Augustine and
St. Thomas tell us, all the other words outside of the words of the
consecration, "This is My Body" and "This is ... My
Blood," are “ESSENTIALLY
and thus do not change the validity of the Mass, even if a priest
says the words, as he has said since the time of his ordination to
the priesthood, in the “Eucharistic Prayer”: “Remember,
Lord, your Church, spread throughout the world, and bring her to the
fullness of charity, together with N. (name of present pope) our Pope
and N. our Bishop and all the clergy”! This
phrase does not at all alter the validity of the Mass
as the Church has always taught since the time of St. Augustine!
totally contrary to what Don
Alessandro Minutella says to his followers and to his YouTube
viewers, ALL the MASSES
celebrated by priests who say the phrase
in the “Eucharistic Prayer”: “Remember,
Lord, your Church, spread throughout the world, and bring her to the
fullness of charity, together with N. (name of present pope,
“Francis”) our Pope and N. our Bishop and all the clergy” are
repeat this concept a little more clearly and simply, Jesus
is the primary minister of the sacraments,
and thus the individual who is administering the sacrament does not
have to be in the state of grace to confect the sacrament validly. As
an example, a non baptized person and not in the state of grace can
baptize validly. But this also holds with regard even to the
priesthood and going to Mass. So if you go to Mass and the priest is
in the state of mortal sin, the Mass is valid. The Donatists in the
time of St. Augustine held that the priest had to be in the state of
sanctifying grace in order for the sacrament to be valid. Saint
Augustine said no to the Donatists, because it is Jesus Himself who
is the primary minister of the Mass, not the priest. And thus even if
the priest is in the state of mortal sin, the Mass would still be
valid provided that he had the right intention, the right words and
the right matter of bread and wine.
gifts are given for the sake of someone else.
These gifts have nothing to do with the holiness of the individual
who has the gift, even though in our humanness we tend to get caught
up in that if someone is speaking in tongues or if someone has the
gift of healing or whatever, and we think that they must really be
holy. This is not necessarily true at all! It is just the person to
whom God chose to give that gift. The priesthood is a charismatic
gift and thus this gift is given not because of the holiness of the
individual, but rather it is given for the sake of other people. Thus
if God can use any of the charismatic gifts, even if the person is in
the state of mortal sin, and the priesthood is a charismatic gift,
that too can be exercised even if the priest is in the state of
mortal sin.
the Donatists said is that both orthodoxy as well as being in the
state of grace are necessary for the validity of the sacraments.
It was St. Augustine who was the opponent of the Donatists in this
case, and he said that since Christ is the primary minister of the
sacraments, their objective efficacy and validity do not depend on
the subjective state of the minister. What is necessary is that the
individual who is performing the sacramental rite confers the
sacramental sign through the proper matter and form while having the
proper intention. Having said that, the person who is actually
performing the sacrament is bound by conscious to administer the
sacrament in the state of grace. So the sacrament is still valid even
if the minister is in the state of mortal sin, but he is bound by
conscience to be in the state of grace when he is saying Mass or
hearing confessions or whatever the case may be. To do otherwise
would be a sacrilege. So if a priest is in the state of mortal sin
when he says Mass, he commits a sacrilege. At the same time however,
we need to be clear, that the Church actually says that if the
priest, let’s say that a priest goes out on Saturday night and does
something really idiotic and now is in the state of mortal sin, what
is he supposed to do on Sunday morning? The Church says you say Mass
for the people. The priest could come out and say that I’m in the
state of mortal sin and so I cannot say Mass. That will not fly too
well. The people are there; they have a right to have Mass and the
Church says at that point, for the good of the people, the greater
good is the good of the people, even though it is a sacrilege on the
part of the priest. For the sake of the people of God it is a
necessity to have their confessions heard or as the case may be.
reason for removing the sacraments from the subjective state of the
minister is to provide certainty and peace of mind for the faithful.
Think about this for a second. What would happen if every Sunday you
came to church and you had to wonder if the priest was in the state
of grace or not. Another words, if as the Donatists said that the
sacraments are valid only if the priest is in the state of grace, and
if he is not, then it is an invalid sacrament, and you did not
receive Communion, you did not receive Jesus, according to the
Donatists. So what the Church says, you should not have to wonder
about whether or not the priest is in the state of grace or in the
state of mortal sin, when you come to Mass. The Church tells us that
it is the Lord who is going to do this; yes He is going to work
through the human person, it is the Lord who is doing it. And
therefore we do not have to worry about the subjective state of the
priest. The priest has to worry about his own subjective state just
as each one of us need to worry about our own subjective state. But
it is not our concern whether the priest is in the state of mortal
sin or not when it comes to the validity of the sacraments.
I do believe we will soon lose the Eucharist in all the public
churches of the world with a new Roman Missal for the whole world in
which the consecration of the Mass will be deleted or there will no
longer be the words, "THIS IS MY
(not silently).
This will happen “before the manifestation of the Antichrist, “the
continual burnt offering” (Dan 8:11; 12:11), will be taken away,
and the “sacrifice and offering” will cease (Dan 9:27), which
Jesus foretold (Mt 24:15). This sacrilege
(Mt 24:15; Mk 13:14; 2Thess 2:3-4; Dan 9:27; 11:31; 12:11)!” (“The
Abomination of Desolation”;
I personally believe that this will happen around Easter 2021 and
will last for three and a half years until the end of the period of
the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21) (“Signs of God vs. Signs of
“And from the time that the continual burnt offering is taken away,
and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be a
thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he who waits and
comes to the thousand three hundred and thirty-five days” (Dan
12:11-12; 7:25; 9:27). PERHAPS
“comes to the thousand three hundred and thirty-five days”, which
is 45 days after the end of the “abomination that makes desolate is
set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days”,
will correspond to the feast day of Christ the King, November 24,
2024, which PERHAPS
will be the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of the
Joseph Dwight