Wednesday, November 6, 2019

FALSE SECURITY - Maria Divine Mercy - MDM

FALSE SECURITY - Maria Divine Mercy - MDM

Although I have written much on the topic of discernment of private revelation due to the journey of life that God has led me through, recently several people have expressed their disappointment that I do not approve of Maria of Divine Mercy (MDM), with the “Book of Truth” (BOT). Many people who approve of the BOT also approve of “To The Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons” (, which is approved by hundreds of bishops and cardinals and thousands of priests since 1973.

In this article I would like only to offer briefly why I do not approve of Maria of Divine Mercy along with various references regarding the problems with Maria of Divine Mercy.

With the encouragement of my parents, I spent three years in a group associated with a false Marian apparition in the United States at Necedah, Wisconsin. At the end of this experience I wrote a book on private revelations which included several chapters on discernment of private revelation (“The Catholic Church and Private Revelation”;; ; Wikipedia: “My Personal Reasons Why I Left The Shrine At Necedah, Wisconsin”; This book was instrumental in helping several hundred people leave this cult in Necedah, Wisconsin in 1983.

One can also visit an article that I wrote in April 2015 about a false seer who I met here in Italy:
In Italian: “Discernimento – Veggenti Falsi” (

Prophetic private revelations are so important that Satan seeks in every way to diminish their divulgation, influence and effect. In 1882, Christ revealed to the stigmatist, Marie Julie Jahenny of La Fraudais, France that: "In the last days, a seemingly unlimited amount of FALSE REVELATIONS will arise from hell like a swarm of flies; a last attempt of Satan to choke and to destroy the efficacy of the TRUE REVELATIONS by false ones."
This indicates that these revelations are important enough for Satan to try to diminish their effectiveness in helping to alert souls of the very great dangers in this period of time when even “the elect will be deceived if possible” (Mt 24:24). But this also indicates that there are many false revelations and thus one must be wise and prudent especially in regards to recent revelations in which the proper Church authorities have not made any pronouncement yet.
St. John also tells us: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God: for many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1Jn 4:1).

In my written works on private revelation (see: and I quoted St. Thomas Aquinas, the "angelic doctor” of the Church, who tells us, in regards to private revelation that, "The prophets who foretold the coming of Christ could not continue further than John, who with his finger pointed to Christ actually present. Nevertheless as Jerome says on this passage, 'This does not mean that there were no more prophets after John. For we read in the Acts of the apostles that Agabus and the four maidens, daughters of Philip, prophesied. John, too, wrote a prophetic book about the end of the Church; and at all times there have not been lacking persons having the spirit of prophecy, not indeed for the declaration of any new doctrine of faith, but FOR THE DIRECTION OF HUMAN ACTS." (Sum. Theol.II-II, 174, 6).

Our Lady told us: “Darkness, with a thick, cold fog, has entered the Church, obscuring it in the splendor of its truth. For this reason, every day, my word is forming you to the spirit of wisdom, that you may always see, in the light, the truth which my Son has taught you and proclaim it with courage to all in its integrity. The time has now come when only the little children, consecrated to my Immaculate Heart and entrusted completely to their heavenly Mother, will have the gift of keeping themselves intact in the faith and of bringing to the true faith the souls entrusted to them” (February 9, 1985;

This is why Satan offers “a seemingly unlimited amount of FALSE REVELATIONS will arise from hell like a swarm of flies”. Also in this period, there will be a just punishment for our great disobedience and rebellion against God and against His holy Laws, in particular in the last 50-60 years, to the teachings of the Church, especially those regarding sexual morality.

In this period of “Darkness, with a thick, cold fog, which has entered the Church, obscuring it in the splendor of its truth”, we need the guidance of our Heavenly Mother.

But there are many false seers today! In the Blue Book, “To The Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons”, Our Lady tells us:
Today, many are the FALSE PROPHETS who are spreading lying messages in order to cast many of my children into anguish and fear” (December 1, 1985).
Satan has sought in many ways to destroy it (Marian Movement of Priests, MMP), by stirring up opposition and criticisms against it, persecutions and obstacles, subtle snares on the part of FALSE VISIONARIES and false messages, which have succeeded in misleading a great number of my poor children” (June 19, 1993).
Do not let yourselves become distracted or enticed along other roads, because today many are those who are spreading FALSE MESSAGES and untrue visions” (March 22, 1995).
Travel this road with me. I am leading you along it that, at the moment of greatest darkness, you may find there my light. Do not let yourselves be drawn aside by vain curiosity; do not look for other confirmations” (September 8, 1977).

The “Prophecy of Saint Francis” (Assisi) tells us (
2. The power of the demons will be greater than usual, the immaculate purity of our religious community and of others, will withered to the point that very few Christians will want to obey the true Sovereign Pontiff and the Roman Church with a sincere heart and perfect charity. At the decisive moment of this crisis, a personage not canonically elected, raised to the Pontificate, will endeavor to administer shrewdly to many the mortal poison of his error.
7. Some preachers will keep silent about the truth and, denying the truth, they will trample upon the truth. The sanctity of life will be held in derision by those who only profess it outwardly, and for this reason Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a worthy Pastor, but a destroyer.”

Even though we have been deprived of the guidance of the Vicar of Christ, the Pope, in this period, if we follow only our human opinions and judgments regarding private revelations, WE COULD EASILY BE DECEIVED, including myself! Thus not only prayer is very needed, but also in depth study of the discernment regarding private revelations. One of the fundamental criteria in this discernment, which can be found in the article “Private Revelation” (, is humility and obedience. We find in the classic book for our times, “True Devotion to Mary”, by St. Louis de Montfort, that Mary in this period of the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21), is forming her army of the truly humble, while Satan takes the rest, those who are not seeking the truth outside of their own heads or of their group, and are not willing to dialogue with those of good will who are not in agreement with themselves.

It is not enough that a private revelation offers some prophecies that have come true, because also Satan knows well his own plans in this period when Satan has tremendous power to deceive, especially in the last three and a half years of this period when there will no longer be the Eucharist in all the public churches in the world (;;;

The “angel of light”, Satan (Jn 8:44), offers seemingly good things and prophecies and 95% truth, so as to insinuate that all is orthodox and OK, while inserting and promoting in a camouflaged way very grave errors in doctrine which will cause great damage, as does a few drops of poison in a nice glass of wine. We are living in a world more full of falsehoods than ever before - beautiful deadly lies from “the father of lies” (Jn 8:44), presented as if they were the truth, hidden destructive deceptions - such as the devil, hell and sin no longer exist!!! The great majority of the pastors today “are all DUMB DOGS, they cannot bark” (Is 56:10), and thus do not warn the sheep of the very sly wolf, Satan, and his very numerous collaborators! These poor pastors, who seek to please men instead of God (Jn 5:44; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18; Gal 1:10), offer misguided compassion and half truths (which are worse than lies!), especially to speak only about mercy without “GO AND SIN NO MORE” (Jn 8:11; 5:14)! Our Lady continually asks us to PRAY FOR PRIESTS AND BISHOPS! In ‘Amoris Laetitia’ and in the two preceding synods, there was no mention or concern of the great harm done to children of separated parents (personal responsibility), but only the desires of the adults.

We are constantly brainwashed by just about all the means of social communication which are very often instruments for the moral corruption of consciences, for the diffusion of vice and obscenity, for rebellion against all authority, and for sin which is now proposed as a good and as something of value. The youth are pushed to have more noise outside and inside of themselves in many ways. There are also many strong methods of convincing the youth (and also adults, manipulated to be “politically correct”, also in the Church!) that they are worth something only if they are recognized on stage in “X Factor”, “Italy’s God Talent”, and similar movies, which makes it very difficult to seek and to hear the subtle voice of the Holy Spirit within themselves so as to discover their great worth and value and guidance in the love and union with God.

The fundamental criteria is true humility as Saint Louis de Montfort tells us and which is explained in much greater detail in the private revelations of Our Lady through Don Stefano Gobbi: “To The Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons” ( Our Lady continually tells us that we must become little children in her arms “with complete abandonment and with the greatest confidence in your immaculate Mother” (February 2, 1981, etc.). Without true humility, there is always spiritual blindness and obstinacy in not listening to anyone not in agreement with ourselves. This is the moment to be with Jesus on the cross and Mary at the foot of the cross in this period of the purification, of the crucifixion of the Body of Christ, the Church (cf. CCC 675-677)! What did Mary do during the scandal of the crucifixion? What must we do during the crucifixion of the Body of Christ, the Church, so as to imitate our Sorrowful Mother? Jesus was a priest on the cross and very often in the Blue Book one finds the words of the heavenly Mother who prepares her “beloved Sons”, the priests, for the same great vocation of our Lord Jesus, of our “immolation” with Jesus!

Mary is the great general with more than five stars in this great battle between “the woman clothed with the sun” and the “great red dragon” (Rev 12), not a particular priest such as Father Joe or Don Minutella or Don Laurent L. or the Bishop Fellay (the superior of the SSPX)!!! With the “Arch of the Covenant” of the Old Testament the walls of Jericho came tumbling down (Joshua 5:13 – 6:27). The “Arch of the Covenant” of the New Testament is Mary, who carried in her womb God for nine months. How many times in the Blue Book Our Lady tells us that we priests must become little children in the arms of Mary, repeated often by Don Stefano Gobbi, “two month old babies in the arms of our Heavenly Mother”! It is Our Lady who God has chosen to crush the head of the serpent (Satan) in the period of time (Gen 3:15)!

Also in this period of great crisis socially, politically, economically and spiritually, there is more than ever before a great human DESIRE TO FIND STABILITY AND SECURITY, which can be only found in true humble abandonment to God through His Mother Mary in each present moment, NOT in the false security which Satan offers us in many ways. Part of our just punishment in this period, as indicated above by the prophecy of Saint Francis of Assisi, is to lose the guidance of the Pope, that is to lose the gift of security in the guidance of an apparent living Pope. In the history of mankind, there are numerous examples of people and groups clinging on to false securities which were not based on true trust in God but in themselves and in their own groups; these groups range from the early Donatists in the time of Saint Augustine to Protestants sects (“Once saved always saved!”) to numerous recent schismatic groups.

Recently there are many new groups (even supposedly Catholic, with the Rosary?!?) and movements all over the Web and Facebook which offer wellbeing and all the solutions to our problems (without Christ the Truth!) and are leading us quickly, with beautiful words, slogans and pictures, toward a One World Religion, based on a false ecumenism in which there is a reductionism to the lowest common denominator so that the Catholics, with the fullness of the Truth and means of Sanctification (VCII, LG 8), will have to forfeit our most precious means of sanctification, especially the Eucharist, and the fullness of Truth, in order to be all united in the name of “love” and “mercy” and “universal brotherhood”, but without the Truth, Who is Jesus Christ (Jn 14:6)!?! As one of many examples, we find on a Slogan Picture of “True Life in God” ( “Unity in Diversity All worshipping GOD around ONE altar”. We are being quickly manipulated and brainwashed to arrived to the point of “The Abomination of Desolation” when the Liturgy of the Mass worldwide will be radically changed and rendered INVALID with the excuse of “Unity in Diversity All worshipping GOD around ONE altar”. Very few will realize this catastrophic loss of the Eucharist but they will see immediately the devastating effects even though they will not know the cause of the great overwhelming change!!! At this point there will be no Eucharist in all the public churches of the world for the last three and a half years of this period of the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21), when “the continual burnt offering” (Dan 8:11; 12:11), will be taken away, and the “sacrifice and offering” will cease (Dan 9:27), which Jesus foretold (Mt 24:15) (, and we will see fulfilled chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation in which all will be led to worship the Antichrist!

By now today, the society has arrived so spiritually and morally low that a great number of people believe that the only solution is to offer and welcome more and more compromises, and to put aside those things in which we are not all in agreement, especially the Eucharist, Mary, the documents of the Magisterium of the Church, summarized in the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults (CCC), in particular regarding sexual morality. It is precisely now that the world needs, more than ever before, these “means of sanctification”, especially the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, found only in the Church founded by Jesus Christ, the Catholic Church. It is precisely now, when Satan has succeeded in spreading more than ever before his beautiful lies, as if they were the truth, and half truths (which are worse than lies!), that we need the infallible guidance of the true and authentic Magisterium of the Church! “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into ALL THE TRUTH” (Jn 16:13), not half truths, such as mercy without conversion, as if we are animals without responsibility and without an immortal soul!!!

OUR ONLY TRUE SECURITY is true humble total trust in Jesus through “the Ark of the New Covenant”, the Immaculate Heart of Mary. “At the time of Noah, immediately before the flood, those whom the Lord had destined to survive his terrible chastisement entered into the ark. In these your times, I am inviting all my beloved children to enter into the Ark of the New Covenant which I have built in my Immaculate Heart for you, that they may be assisted by me to carry the bloody burden of the great trial, which precedes the coming of the day of the Lord” (“To The Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons”: July 30, 1986; March 15, 1993; December 8, 1996; December 31, 1996). “The IMMACULATE HEART, (…) ark of the new Covenant, (…) is found ONLY here in the TABERNACLE where Jesus is truly kept” (August 21, 1987). This is our true security, but we must live, moment by moment, our consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which means extreme abandonment in our Heavenly Mother (February 2, 1978; July 30, 1974; July 29, 1979), not in ourselves, ready to suffer everything for love of Jesus. As long as Peter kept his eyes on Jesus, he could walk on water; as soon as he took his eyes off of Jesus, Peter sank into the water (Mt 14:27-31)! Mary helps us keep our eyes and hearts TOTALLY on Jesus!

In this period there will be a great and eternal separation among all living human beings. The first beast, the Antichrist, along with the second beast, the False Prophet, will deceive those who will willing receive the mark of the beast and who will worship the image of the beast (Rev 19:20; 13:16). The truly humble, who truly trust in God, not in themselves, will receive “the seal of God”. It is the angels who are to seal “the servants of God on their foreheads” (Rev 7:3) with “the seal of God” (Rev 9:4), NOT the “Seal of the Living God” by way of a supposed seer, Maria Divine Mercy, MDM! This “seal of God” will be given to those who truly live faith, hope, charity and humility, so as to have true union with the crucified Body of Christ (CCC 675-677), with Christ crucified and Mary at the foot of the cross so that Jesus and Mary will be with each of us in our immolation in this period of the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21)! This is our true and only security, NOT A SEAL ON A PIECE OF PAPER distributed by a supposed seer, Maria Divine Mercy, MDM!!! “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (Jn 14:15, 23; 15:10; 1Jn 5:3; 2Jn 6). THIS IS OUR REAL AND TRUE SECURITY!!!

If any, after having consecrated themselves to me, have come to a halt, it is because they have no longer listened to, meditated upon, or lived my messages” (November 9, 1984). Our Lady did NOT say: “it is because they did not have the Seal of the Living God on a piece of paper” from a supposed seer!?!

Thus I would encourage everyone to read more than once the whole Blue Book, “To The Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons”, as well as to study the proper criteria of discernment of private revelations. Below, in the Appendix, you can find various web sites that offer information about the serious problems with the supposed seer, Maria Divine Mercy, MDM.

Father Joseph Dwight


Exposing the woman behind the ‘secret’ visionary ‘Maria Divine Mercy’
Who are Michael Lindemann and Christo Gifts, sellers of MDM merchandise

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Maria Divine Mercy, Schism! A Deception of Satan (With link to an audioinverview of the seer)

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Watch Your Step, Sister!’

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MDM Condemned as HERETICAL by Slovakian Conference of Bishops

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Maria Divine Mercy - True or False?

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Lesson 1: An Instruction Set on How to be a false Prophet (Thanks to Maria Divine Mercy)

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Maria Divine Mercy Closes Shop; Walks Away From 'Vision' Business

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Voice analysis confirms: Mary Carberry is Maria Divine Mercy

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Archdiocese of Dublin has issued a statement on Maria Divine Mercy

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Several priests around the around world have voiced their Catholic opinion about this anonymous false prophet Maria Divine Mercy

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9 things you need to know about "Maria Divine Mercy"
Jimmy Akin

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