Saturday, December 18, 2021

This New Fabricated Variant of the C0r0navirus


This New Fabricated Variant of the C0r0navirus

(Note: I left the misspelled words as I had published this article in Facebook so as not to go to Facebook jail or get caught by the Facebook Fact checkers!)

I believe that the motive of this new fabricated variant of the c0r0navirus is to move quickly to pass legislation that will lead up to force all those who refuse to take the v*ccine, into quarantine 'camps', as well as to offer the false explanation that within 18 months millions of people will begin to die, but not because of this fictitious variant, but due to the v*ccine. Again, with the great power of the TV, the very numerous people who do not live the Ten Commandments and are very afraid to die because they no longer believe in an afterlife, will be very much in favor and willing to eliminate the guilty ones according to the dictates of the TV, that is, all those who use their rights according to the Constitution of the United States to not take the deadly v*ccine. What a powerful strategy of Satan carried out by his very numerous followers!!! The gospel of those who do not live their prayer, “THY will be done”, not “MY will be done”, is the TV!!! The Freemas0ns do not want to kill their own Freemas0ns with a fabricated c0r0navirus. Thus the undesired people are eliminated with the controlled v*ccine, for each checked person with the computer; the Freemas0ns and their collaborators receive a v*ccine of water. The CONSTITUTION is the highest law in the United States which exists not so much to restrain the citizens but to restrain the government that always wants more power and money, enticed, stimulated and manipulated by Mas0nry!!! But the dictatorial Mas0ns in the government, who blindly obey their Grand Master, do not respect the Constitution nor the people, and they find many sly and hidden ways to overcome and go around the supreme law of the land, the Constitution of the United States of America (such as forcing the v*ccine), at least until this dictatorship is totally in control which will then be the most horrible dictatorship the world has ever known!

The elite of the world have planned for years to diminish the population of the world to less than one billion, which means that in the next several years they plan to eliminate over seven billion people!!! It is also interesting that over a year ago, in preparation for this vac*ine and with the excuse of a major crisis, Europe changed its laws to allow the use of a C0VID vac*ine without the normal tests before using on human beings!!! One finds on the Web a unified message: “Vac*ine rumours debunked”!

This great exaggeration of C0VID--19, which is not worse than the normal flu, with the help of the TV, the mainstream media, with the coward doctors, with the corrupt politicians, with the traitorous priests and bishops, works perfectly for the program of the elite of the world. This great deception helps to divide the population, to use the law enforcement to collaborate with this diabolical program; we bury ourselves (they are already using our corpses for fertilizer!) without the use of an army to massacre us as so many dictators of the past did. In the same way, the UNCONTROLLED immigration, well organized, will be another phase of eliminating the Christians in the USA, as they are doing in Europe. Eighty percent of the immigrants into Europe in the last eight years are not families with children as the TV shows us, but young strong males, military men of Africa! After the illegal immigrants have done their work, they will be eliminated. In the end also the highest Mass0ns will be eliminated, that is, separated from their Creator for all eternity with the one that they served and adored, Satan, “the father of lies” (Jn 8:44)! Satan’s program is to even to destroy all of creation, perhaps with the help of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC; CERN), in order to be himself God! “And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would be saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened” (Mt 24:22).

Sometimes I speak too bluntly to people. I lost a couple of friends recently, who both took the jab, when I said to them: "In less than two years you will be dead"! After the jab, due to the “spike proteins”, your capillaries will slowly begin to block up. Cells in the brain, heart, lungs and spinal cord do not reproduce, and thus normal people will slowly begin to be short of breath, and there will be extra strain on the heart pumping blood to the lungs as well due to the heart cells dying. This progressive blocking of the capillaries will cause those with health problems to die much sooner than two years. The highly controlled mainstream media not only hides and misleads regarding the real reason for the quickly increasing death rate, but also we do not hear on the mainstream media about the many athletes who recently are forced to leave athletics due to heart problems which has never happened before! Athletes use their hearts up to 100% during games. In a few months, normal people will begin to have similar problems before dying.

Most Mas0ns do not know they are WORKING FOR SATAN until they are brainwashed during at least 24 degrees of Mas0nry. But immediately at the first degree of Mas0nry one must accept religious syncretism, that all religions are equal, which means that Jesus Christ is at the same level with Mohammad or Buddha or any religious founder. To become a 33 degree member of Mas0nry, one must take the oath “Ordo ab Chao”, which is a Latin expression meaning Order out of Chaos! “Ordo ab Chao” is the motive to promote “UNCONTROLED” immigration, as well as undermining commerce and the whole of the structures of societies in a covert and underhanded way using their very numerous bribed Mas0nic politicians and corporate directors!

Everything has be well planned for years. Things are happening quickly now. It is we who have given this power to these power hungry people, since few pray and even fewer live their prayer. Do we trust God or do we trust ourselves or the world or Satan?!?

Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen said: “We live in a sensate age. We are no longer governed by faith, we are no longer governed by reason. We are governed by feelings”.

We are the “generation” (Mt 24:34) of the period of the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21) and of the great “apostasy” (2Thess 2:3). If we are sincere with Jesus and Mary and trust Jesus and Mary, we will be able to say with St. Faustina: “But I trust in the power of His name and I fear nothing”! (No. 823; Diary of St. Faustina).

SAINT PADRE PIO said: "It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do so without the HOLY MASS." This saint also said: “The ROSARY is the weapon for these times”! A good CONFESSION (a Sacrament) is more powerful than an exorcism (a sacramental)! “One day through the Rosary and the (brown) SCAPULAR, I will save the world” – Our Lady to Saint Dominic (1214).

God has chosen “the HANDMAID of the Lord” (Lk 1:38), Mary, His Immaculate Mother, to crush the PROUD head of the ancient serpent and his followers (Gen 3:15), and to be the General with “twelve stars” in this cosmic battle against the “great red dragon” (Rev 12:1-3)! Our Lady continually tells us to consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and LIVE this consecration of obedience and total trust in our heavenly Mother. “This is the moment for all to take refuge in me, because I am the Ark of the New Covenant. At the time of Noah, immediately before the flood, those whom the Lord had destined to survive his terrible chastisement entered into the ark. In these your times, I am inviting all my beloved children to enter into the Ark of the New Covenant which I have built in MY IMMACULATE HEART for you, that they may be assisted by me to carry the bloody burden of the great trial, which precedes the coming of the day of the Lord.” (“To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons”;; July 30, 1986; March 15, 1993).

If you might like to use the Consecration formula to the Immaculate Heart of Mary used in the Marian Movement of Priests (MMP), visit:

Read the articles that you can find in my index (, which can be very helpful in this period of great confusion full of traps from our very astute mortal enemy, Satan.

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Here are a few titles of articles (in English and Italian) that I copied from the Web (the 6 digit number at the end is the date – year, month, day):

(Note: To see other related Websites, go to the end to the article, “There Is About To Arrive the Coup de Grace” (;

(Some of these articles are already taken off by those who control the WEB)

Message To the American People Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò 211218

Team of 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 Medical Experts Start Nuremberg 2 Trial against World Leaders for Crimes Against Humanity 211101

Over 100,000 reports of psychiatric disorders after COVID vaccination 211129

European countries will succumb to dictatorship, no better than the days of Hitler

Immunization expert -‘Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others’ 210817


Alberta nurse speaks out on alleged misinformation and vaccine injuries in Alberta hospitals 211008

Archbishop Vigano - ‘Vaccine Victims are Sacrificed at the Altar of Moloch’ (VIDEO) 211017

Brace for Impact – Mark Mallett 211021

BREAKING EU Parliament Opposes Vaccine Mandate Agenda 211022

Dr Bryan Ardis Exposes Covid-19 Hospital Protocols that are Murdering Americans 211007

NIH Bat Coronavirus Grant Report Was Submitted More Than Two Years Late 211001

World Renowned Physician & COVID Expert Says Vaccines are Bioterrorism 210727.docx

UN Setting Up Massive Internment Camp System For The Unvaccinated 210728

Dr Anthony Fauci - Risks From Vaccines Are 'Almost Nonmeasurable' 200323.docx

Dr Anthony Fauci Plotted 'Global Vaccine Action Plan' with Bill Gates Before Pushing COVID Panic 200406.docx

German Microbiologist - 'They are Killing People with COVID Vaccines' to Reduce World's Population 210421.docx

Global Bombshell - Australian Government Confirms HIV Virus In Covid-19 Vaccine - FULL SHOW 12-11-20.docx

Henry Kissinger & Bill Gates Call For Mass Vaccination & Global Governance (Mark of the Beast) 200405.docx

Next in Coronavirus Tyranny - Forced Vaccinations and 'Digital Certificates' 200502.docx

Now 20 US states liquefy vaccine-murdered people and spread their flesh goo on food crops as 'fertilizer' 210517.docx

Number of Deaths Reported After COVID Vaccines Jumps by More Than 2,000 in 1 Week, According to VAERS 210709.docx

The 1918 'Spanish Flu' - Only The Vaccinated Died 200529.docx

Truth Over Fear - Covid-19, the Vaccine, and the Great Reset 210325.docx

Vatican City State issues decree suggesting those who refuse COVID vaccine may lose their jobs 210217.docx

What Doctors From Around World Are saying re covid vaccine 201230 Email.docx

Zuckerberg warned Facebook staff to exercise 'caution' in taking COVID vaccine in leaked video 210217.docx

BOMBSHELL - HHS documents admit the CDC has never isolated any ‘covid-19 virus’ 210808

Fully vaccinated people who get a Covid-19 breakthrough infection can transmit the virus, CDC chief says 210806

Warning that vaccine spike protein will unleash widespread neurological damage and overwhelm hospitals - Myja 210820

British funeral director exposes covid lies and vax deaths 210919 Email Myja

The Tolls ‘Scientists can lie — but the data doesn’t’ 210917

RED ALERT - Aerosolized skin-penetrating nanoparticle spike protein attack vector CONFIRMED 210923

Finally, The Truth About The Vaccinated Spreading The Disease 210916

Grave Warnings – Part III – Mark Mallett 211005

Smoking Gun

COVID-19 Hoax Is Greatest Theatrical Event In History Banned Video

They Will Flip The Switch And All Vaccinated Will Change’ 210731

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Other articles in Italian:

Messaggio dell’Arcivescovo Carlo Maria Viganò al Popolo Americano

Viganò a Canale Italia - Siamo di Fronte a un Golpe Planetario 211217

La Religione Del Covid Con I Suoi Dogmi E I Suoi Sacerdoti 211215

Sulla Pronuncia Del Tribunale Di Padova – Vaccino 211211

Iniziata la causa globale per crimini contro l'umanità presentata ed accettata dalla Corte Superiore di Giustizia del Canada 211203

Cardinale Müller - misure anti Covid al servizio del ‘Grande Reset’ 211203 Blondet

No vax, choc a Verona - ‘Draghi e Brunetta, l'inferno vi aspetta’ - Sapete chi è questo prete 211129

Realtà Scientifiche del Siero Genico a mRNA - Parla un Neurologo 211103

Microchip, Draghi spinge per l’impianto Intel - Ecco i piani 211022

Attenzione, L'ingrediente Primario Del Vaccino Attualmente In Creazione È La Ricina, Uno Dei Veleni Più Pericolosi Della Terra 211019

Come un ladro nella notte - Così io, medico, sono stato allontanato dal mio ospedale 211023 Aldo Maria Valli

Il green pass è la piattaforma dell’euro digitale - Cioè della vostra schiavitù 211023

l’ISS Dichiara 3783 Morti di Covid su 130 mila - Così Hanno Distrutto il Paese 211022

Obbligo vaccinale, Tiboni (MIC) - ‘dichiarazione esplosiva del British Medical Journal’ 210406

Come evitare la vaccinazione 'obbligatoria' 200424.docx

Fermiamo chi ci vuole stanare e vaccinare 210610.docx

Francia - Centro di valutazione dei farmaci chiede la rimozione dei quattro vaccini contro il Covid 210427 Aldo Maria Valli.docx


Il Vaccino anti-Covid non é un vaccino - Frode globale e nazionale 210415.docx

Prof Bellavite - ®Sette motivi per cui non mi vaccino contro la Covid¯ 210507.docx

Vaccino - Sì o No - Fatti e Riflessioni come Aiuto per una Libera Scelta 210212.docx

La FDA rivela accidentalmente l’elenco degli effetti collaterali del vaccino Covid, tra cui miocardite, malattie autoimmuni e morte 210806

Magistrati - «Il Green Pass è contro le norme italiane e UE» 210807

Free Pass Autodichiarazione Copied 210814 FREE PASS – Comicost

Legislatura 18 Atto di Sindacato Ispettivo n° 1-00388 210810

Sicilia, infermiera rifiuta di vaccinarsi e vince la causa - «Non può essere sospesa dal lavoro» 201214

L’Italia alla guida delle campagne vaccinali nel mondo - Era tutto già scritto dal 2014 210909

Movimento Libertario -18 Buone Ragioni per Rifiutare l’Inoculazione del Siero 210910 Tosatti

‘Adesso Si Fa Sul Serio’ - Pronto Referendum Abrogativo Del Green Pass 210902

Ippocrate-org Primo Convegno Mondiale sulle Terapie Precoci anti-Covid 210914 Tosatti

Istanza Contro L’imposizione Del Green Pass Al Card Gualtiero Bassetti, Presidente Della Cei 210908

Il Green Pass demolito da uno studio dello Spallanzani di Roma 210929

Lettera aperta di una guardia svizzera che ha resistito alla vaccinazione obbligatoria in Vaticano 211008

Eucarestia e ‘Pandemia’ - Norme e Abusi di Vescovi e Preti 211008 Tosatti

Il green pass preparato prima del COVID - Per la tirannia digitale UE 211015

Il Vaccino Ha Funzionato Per Avere Una Scuola Sicura - No, E' Solo Un Trucco Del Governo 211013

Ma Perche’ Qualcuno Ha Piu’ Paura Del Vaccino Che Del Covid - Una Riflessione Statistica 211014 Socci

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Portiamo il Governo Draghi davanti la Corte Costituzionale 211027

«La tempesta è su di noi» - l'incredibile discorso di Jim Caviezel (25 ottobre 2021) 211025

Messaggio dell’Arcivescovo Viganò al popolo di Trieste 211018

Omaggio a Trieste Democratica (e Cristiana) che Resiste alla Neo-Dittatura 211024

Testimonianza - ‘Ecco perché io, frate francescano, lascio il mio ordine - Per professare la vera Fede’ 211015 Aldo Maria Valli


Le autopsie dei medici tedeschi - ‘erano tutti gravemente malati, nessuno è morto per il Covid’ 210512

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