Sunday, February 27, 2022

Russia is the Chosen Instrument of Heaven to Punish the World

Russia is the Chosen Instrument of Heaven to Punish the World

Just as Kennedy could not accept missiles in Cuba from the ex Soviet Union, so Putin cannot accept missiles (and NATO bases) in the Ukraine from the United States. It’s the same exact thing. So now judge for yourself who is provoking the war without letting yourself being influenced by the American propaganda” – Samuel Col0mbo

In the Old Testament, when Israel no longer obeyed God, God used as an instrument a pagan nation to punish and bring back Israel to obedience to God. At Fatima we were told that Russia will be God’s instrument to punish the world and to bring back many straying souls to obedience to God. Putin does not accept the NW0 which now, under Biden, includes the USA, Europe, China and many other countries, and even the Vatican since 2013. When there was president Trump, there was not this problem of war and Ukraine. The NW0, in their great blind pride, believe they can easily dominate Russia, as they use the engineered WW3 to bring Europe and the USA fully under their world dictatorship. Putin is certainly no saint, just as the pagans in the Old Testament were no saints.

Russia is the chosen instrument of heaven to punish the world (...) various nations will be annihilated" – Our Lady of Fatima, 1917

Perhaps the greatest weapon of the NW0, directed by the proud elite of the world, is the mainstream media, along with modern computer technology, which made it surprisingly easy to overturn a presidential election over a year ago, and to brainwash the masses of people toward their goals of the worst dictatorship in the history of the world (Mt 24:21). Everyone wants to point the finger, both in the civil world and in the Catholic Church. But Our Lady of Fatima reminded us that war is caused by our personal sins and stubbornness to not trust and obey our loving Father in heaven Who gave us the Ten Commandments for our true good, not for our harm!!! The great majority of people today have remained spoiled arrogant brats all their lives. There is no spoiled brat in heaven, because in heaven there is room for only one God, not two!!! Everyone in hell thinks they are God and thus there is war among these very numerous false proud rebellious gods for all eternity! In hell, without the grace of God and the Gospel of love, might makes right! But who is the strongest in hell?!? Satan! I prefer to be under a benevolent dictatorship in heaven than under a malevolent dictatorship in hell for all eternity! “The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God” (CCC 1035).

It's our fault!!!

The forces of evil have the mainstream media totally in hand. The people do not have the strength to resist because very few of the good pray and live their prayer: “THY will be done”, not “MY will be done”! Very few live the Ten Commandments, and thus they are not able to distinguish between the beautiful lies of the TV and the Truth that sets us truly free (Jn 8:32)! What is happening is our fault! It would be a great help if at least the Catholics would do what they learned for their First Holy Communion: Sunday Mass, regular confession and to pray the Holy Rosary with their heart everyday! The forces of evil have worked for years to destroy religion and diminish prayer so now they can manipulate us as they want, guided by the Gr*nd M*ster of Freemas0nry. Many people are finally beginning to open their eyes, and they try to protest, but few are willing to prayer and offer sacrifices and do penance as Our Heavenly Mother urges us to do in all of her apparitions; this is the real fundamental solution! - Read the articles that you can find in my index (, which can be very helpful in this period of great confusion full of traps from our very astute mortal enemy, Satan.


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