Sunday, April 10, 2022

The Very Few Faithful Catholics Will Be Persecuted Terribly By Other Catholics!

The Very Few Faithful Catholics Will Be Persecuted Terribly By Other Catholics!

The greatest example and model for true Christians is the last three hours of Christ on the cross. Christ spent 30 years with Joseph and Mary in His hidden life, three years in His public life, and three hours on the cross in order to redeem the world. Perhaps the most difficult and repulsive things for our human nature is to be humiliated and to suffer. This is exactly what Christ chose for Himself and for His authentic followers. Before Christ, death by crucifixion on the cross and humiliation was abhorred. Without faith the cross is only an instrument of torture. But Christ sanctified all He did and the cross and humiliation for the faith became the straight path to God and to eternal life. “For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (…)” (1Cor 1:18-25).

Christ in His infinite wisdom does nothing by chance even though many Christians believe they are more intelligent than God! In the history of Christianity there has been a great number of Christians who have tried to put aside and reject humiliations and suffering for the faith in many simple and sophisticated ways while seeking to convince themselves that they are good Christians and saved. But the cross remains the royal highway to true peace and to eternal life. So many Catholics believe they are more wise and “prudent” than Christ’s divinely guided Catholic Church that Christ left us here on earth.

The early Christians of the first centuries of the Church believed that the true Christians were the martyrs for the faith who imitated Christ crucified fully. Many Christians lamented when there was no longer a dictator to offer them the possibility of the gift of martyrdom after the Emperor Constantine signed the Edict of Milan (313) and so many went into the desert to embrace a life of sacrifice and solitude with God. History shows that Christianity remains more vibrant under persecution than without persecution. “Poland, 67% of the population went to confession before Easter (2018) (

The more graces and responsibility God has given to us the more good or harm we can do depending on if we obey God or obey ourselves or others. Referring to the great responsibility of priests and bishops, the saints John Chrysostom, John Eudes and Athanasius said that the road (or the floor of hell) to Hell is paved with the bones of priests and monks, and the skulls of bishops are the lamp posts that light the path!

TAKE COURAGE FRIENDS. Jesus and Mary are nearer to us when we are in great suffering if we do not lose hope and we continue to pray and to live our prayer: “THY will be done”, not “MY will be done”! The next few years will be more difficult than in any time in human history, in this period of the great “APOSTASY” before the manifestation of the Antichrist (2Thess 2:3). We are quickly arriving to the great prophecy to which Jesus referred to (Mt 24:15) in the Book of Daniel: “And from the time that the continual burnt offering is taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.” (Dan 12:11; 7:25; 9:27).” There will be no valid Mass in all the public Catholic churches in the world for 1290 days! We are the “generation” (Mt 24:34) of which Jesus spoke about: “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be” (Mt 24:21)! “Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away till all these things take place” (Mt 24:34).

Very few Catholics realize the great gravity of “Pope Francis” refusing to dialogue with any cardinal, bishop, priest, professor or layman who is not in agreement with “Pope Francis”! A very good example of this is the “Dubia” (November 2016) written by four Cardinals regarding grave problems with “Amoris Laetitia”, not being in harmony with Divine Revelation explained by the Church for 2000 years. The Truth of God does not change with the whims of the passing world! In “Amoris Laetitia” there was no concern over the GREAT DAMAGE to the children of separated parents which was always a major point in the perennial teachings of the Church; “Amoris Laetitia” only sought to justify the desires of the adults who want to change partners. This is false love WITHOUT PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, without regard to the very negative effects (hidden or covered up) on others due to our egotistical choices! If we believe it or not, we will all be held responsible for our actions for all eternity in indescribable happiness (heaven) or in unspeakable pain (hell)!

St. Thomas Aquinas quoting of St. Augustine, in his commentary on the right of subjects to resist flaky superiors, recalled that in St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, he rebuked the first pope, St. Peter, “to his face because he clearly was wrong” (Gal 2:11-14). There being an imminent danger for the Faith, prelates must be questioned, even publicly, by their subjects. Thus, St. Paul, who was a subject of St. Peter, questioned him publicly on account of an imminent danger of scandal in a matter of Faith. And, as the Glossa of St. Augustine puts it (Ad Galatas 2.14), “St. Peter himself gave the EXAMPLE to those who govern so that if sometimes they stray from the right way, they will not reject a correction as unworthy even if it comes from their subjects.” (Summa Theologiae, IIa IIae, Q. 33, A. 4).

If I realize and believe that the Truth comes from God not from me, and I have a little virtue, especially humility, I should be willing to listen to someone who says to me that what I wrote or said was not in harmony with what God has revealed to us throughout human history (called Divine Revelation), while quoting documents of the Church. But if I believe or feel that the truth comes from me, I will not be willing to dialogue with anyone not in agreement with me, as have done all the dictators in the history of the world. By throwing out the precious laws of God, we quickly go toward “might makes right” as it is in hell!

The fundamental punishment from God is to give us religious leaders who tell us what we want to hear! The great majority of Christians today want a Christianity without the cross, even though Christ told us: “Then Jesus told his disciples, "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Lk 9:23 14:27; Mt 10:38; 16:24; Mk 8:34). We read about this great punishment in The “Prophecy” of Saint Francis (Assisi) ( What is more important, to be happy for all eternity or to be happy only for this very short life?

God gave us the Ten Commandments for our good, not for our harm. Since very few Christians today live the Ten Commandments and the Gospel of Christ, the families and society are quickly falling apart into the hands of the dictatorship of the New World Order. In this situation, the gospel for the great majority of people today is the TV, the highly controlled mainstream media.

The Servant of God, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, wrote in 1948:

[Satan] will set up a counter church which will be the ape of the [Catholic] Church … It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and EMPTIED OF ITS DIVINE CONTENT.”

We are living in the days of the Apocalypse, the last days of our era. The two great forces – the Mystical Body of Christ and the Mystical Body of the anti-Christ – are beginning to draw battle lines for the catastrophic contest.”

The False prophet will have A RELIGION WITHOUT A CROSS. A RELIGION WITHOUT A WORLD TO COME. A religion to destroy religions. There will be a counterfeit Church.”

Christ’s Church the Catholic Church will be one; and the false Prophet will create the other.”

THE FALSE CHURCH WILL BE WORLDLY, ECUMENICAL, AND GLOBAL. It will be a loose federation of churches and religions, forming some type of global association.”

A world parliament of Churches. It will be emptied of all Divine content, it will be the mystical body of the anti-christ. The Mystical Body on earth today will have its Judas Iscariot, and he will be the false prophet. Satan will recruit him from our Bishops.”


Father Leon said: “Our Lady loves you and she looks at you like you are the only child in the universe, and that she loves you so powerfully, so deeply. (…) I do not know how she does it, it is very overwhelming. I was in tears seeing her and listening to her. (…) Before She left she asked me: 'Are you willing to suffer?" (…) Then She showed me the future. She said a time is coming when almost every Catholic will be ashamed of the words of Jesus. She said VERY FEW CATHOLICS WILL REMAIN FAITHFUL, VERY FEW. AND THOSE WHO DO WILL BE PERSECUTED TERRIBLY BY OTHER CATHOLICS. Then she said. 'do not go looking for me, I will come to you when you are dying." Fr. Leon.

Fr. Leon is the Chaplain for English Speaking pilgrims in Medjugorje

Watch Full testimony here:

At the end of each Hail Mary we say: “Pray for us now and at the hour of our death. Amen.” At the hour of our death the devil does all he can to push us into the mortal sins of despair or into presumption.

Pope John Paul II said to a group of pilgrims in Fulda, West Germany, in November 1980, speaking about the secrets of Fatima, that: “We have to be prepared to suffer, before long, great trials which will require of us the disposition to sacrifice even our life for Christ. Through your prayers and mine, it is still possible to diminish this trial (predicted at Fatima), but it is no longer possible to avert it, because only in this manner can the Church be effectively renewed. How many times has the renewal of the Church been brought about in blood! It will not be different this time.”

Dear friends, our first priority must be to get to heaven for all eternity. By doing this, we will also help others and the whole world.

A VERY GOOD HELP IN THIS PERIOD of the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21) when the Body of Christ, the Church, will be crucified (CCC 675-677), and of the great APOSTASY before the manifestation of the Antichrist (2Thess 2:3), is: “To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons”, commonly referred to as the “Blue Book” (

Almost twenty Cardinals and more than 150 Bishops, more than 50,000 priests and religious, have followed the Marian Movement of Priests (MMP), receiving by way of the book which contains the messages, precious teaching from the Mother of God, in this devastating attack of the ecclesiastical Masonry on the sound doctrine of the Church and the Sacraments, especially the Most Holy Eucharist.

Many bishops have given their Imprimatur to this book. You will find in these messages of Our Lady revealed through Don Stefano Gobbi a resemblance to the writings of Saint Louis de Montfort, Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and to the messages of Our Lady of Fatima, with the sweetness that only the Mother of God, and the Mother of each of us, could communicate to those open to the caresses of Our Lady!

Many of my web sites are blocked by those who control the world today! Thus you might try Google to find each year of this Blue Book (as well as OTHER ARTICLES OBSCURED by NW0 hackers), with key words such as: Gobbi, beloved, priests, 1973, etc.

If you have difficulty in finding the 27 web sites comprising the whole Blue Book of 25 years of messages of Our Lady, you might try:


I would highly recommend that you read slowly one meditation from this Blue Book each day so as to let Our Heavenly Mother form and prepare you for this period of the purification of the Church and of the World.

SAINT PADRE PIO said: "It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do so without the HOLY MASS." This saint also said: “The ROSARY is the weapon for these times”! A good CONFESSION (a Sacrament) is more powerful than an exorcism (a sacramental)! “One day through the Rosary and the (brown) SCAPULAR, I will save the world” – Our Lady to Saint Dominic (1214).

May God bless you and Our Lady protect you!

Father Joseph Dwight

Read the articles that you can find in my index which can be very helpful in this period of great confusion full of traps from our very astute mortal enemy, Satan:

Exorcist Priest Testifies – MDM Cult Opens Door To Demonic Possession


Exorcist Priest Testifies – MDM Cult Opens Door To Demonic Possession

Fr. John Abberton is a Catholic Exorcist priest in Heckmondwike, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. He has offered spiritual counsel and treatment to 4 people who had fallen into the trap of the false and indeed DEMONIC private revelations of Mary McGovern Carberry and her Maria Divine Mercy Cult.

The following is Fr. John Abberton’s testimony Regarding the messages of “Maria Divine Mercy”:

1 April 2015

I am a priest exorcist of 15 years experience. I have permission to share these things.

The so-called “messages” of Maria Divine Mercy are false. Lately I have been trying to help a lady who used to read these false messages. This lady has been possessed by many demons. I cannot say how many. I have had many sessions with her, in the presence of another priest and a lay woman who are witnesses to what I have to say.

This person came to me shortly after she had stopped reading those false messages. The reason she stopped was that she felt “spiritually dead” in spite of saying the prayers recommended by the messages, including the Rosary, and she realized that she was not growing in faith etc. She felt unhappy about this and was strangely ill at ease. As soon as she stopped she was attacked by a demon. She felt its presence and then she realized that she needed help.

When she came to me, it seemed that there were other problems – problems that had been there before she began reading those messages. We have still not got to the bottom of those.

At one session I prayed specifically against any spirits that had come into her through Maria Divine Mercy. At this she began to jerk furiously in her chair and was thrown onto the floor where she rolled around and started to cry out. As I knelt down beside her I prayed against the Jezebel spirit – a spirit associated with false prophecy. When I did this, the women’s eyes flashed at me and stared straight at me with a definite look of anger. We needed more sessions. At a certain point she vomited something quite “big”. When she returned home, she telephoned me and said: “I feel reconciled with God and I have found Peace!” That woman was completely cured.

I Understand that whilst she was reading these “messages”, she painted a picture which she believed she had been inspired to paint. She hung it up in her little boy’s bedroom. After this the boy was disturbed every night. The disturbances stopped after she tore up the picture and burnt it. After that the child slept soundly.

These and other things are conclusive proof for me that the “messages” of Maria Divine Mercy are demonically inspired.

Fr. John Abberton

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This lady is one of four people who have contacted me because they had spiritual problems through reading these so-called messages. One other person told me he needed my help because he “felt bad”, another told me he had been “attacked” when he decided to stop reading the messages.

There are other indications regarding these so-called “messages” which should be noted. First of all, where demons are involved in promoting false mysticism, visions and locutions, it is possible that there could be more than one demon involved. Demons working together take on different tasks. One may encourage addiction or dependency. The presence or activity of such a demon could be one reason why so many seem unable to break free from such things. There may also be a spirit of anger present which might explain why some adherents are unable to deal with negative questions and simply become angry.

In judging such things as this, it is important to be rigorous. Many people, when challenged say things like, “But we are told to say the Rosary. Surely that can’t be wrong”. If it was as simple as that many other false apparitions and locutions would have been accepted. Many people do not realize that after St. Bernadette saw Our Lady there was a sizeable number of other reported apparitions at the grotto by other girls. None of the others were ever accepted as genuine. The false messages and apparitions of “Our Lady of Mt. Carmel of The Holy Face” which originated in Spain, along with other false so-called mystical events may well have been accompanied by apparent requests to pray the Rosary, but where demonic falsehood is at the root of such things, such Rosaries are lacking, since they have been requested by demons. God looks at the heart and will always be merciful to those who are caught in falsehood through no fault of their own, but it is important to know that prayer needs to be offered in accordance with God’s Will otherwise it will hardly be true prayer. It must come from the heart, and the mind needs to be informed by the teachings of the Church. Where there is an honest search for truth and a desire to pray, God will act according to His Mercy, but we have to be clear that simply focusing on the Rosary or even Eucharistic Adoration as some kind of authentication for supposed mystical events is not enough.

Traditionally we look at the fruits, and according to Holy Scripture these will be seen especially in daily life and in the way we treat one another. Many people apparently spend many hours in prayer, but are mentally disturbed and may be classed as suffering from “religious mania”. We do not know how God judges such prayer. Much prayer is called for, but it must be prayer in union with the Will of God which is normally discerned in the life of the Church, that is, in union with the Pope and the Magisterium and according to the teachings of Scripture and Tradition. When we depart from these we are open to deception and confusion.

In the spiritual life there must always be balance. We cannot focus too much on mystical events or experiences, and we should never listen to “prophets of doom”. Messages that come from God bring a sense of peace even if the messages are very serious. Continued agitation is not a good sign. Also, some people who think they know better than others (know more about the supposed future for example) can quickly become arrogant and overbearing. We must always remember that the most important thing about the spiritual life is to seek God’s Will in our daily lives. It is wrong to be continually thinking about what “might” happen when there are problems and needs under our noses. There is a danger that focusing on so-called messages can be an escape from responsibilities and problems that we are unwilling to face.

One of the aspects of this kind of situation where people become too readily accepting of so-called “messages” from God is a lack of knowledge of Holy Scripture. To take one example, the mention of a thousand year reign of Christ in the Book of Revelation. The number 1,000 in Jewish theology is symbolic of “Divinity” and so should not be taken literally. In fact the Magisterium has declared Millenarianism a heresy.

Some people who claim to see visions or “hear” locutions are mentally ill. Others are quite sane but have a strong imagination which may have become active in this way due to stress, illness or confusion or deception, especially if someone else has been involved who is making similar claims. In my view the worst case is that of someone deliberately creating a false vision or message either for the sake of money or to gain some twisted form of fame. Where such a person is deliberately creating false messages we have someone who is in very great spiritual danger.

There are undoubtedly genuine mystics and prophets in the world. Usually they have good spiritual directors who submit to Church authority. Discerning these matters is never easy, and sometimes mistakes are made, but when we see serious theological problems, prophecies which do not come true and a spirit of anger or obstinacy we can be sure that something is seriously wrong. In cases like that it is wiser to back away than to continue reading or supporting the supposed mystic.”


In italiano:

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Visite also:

FALSE SECURITY - Maria Divine Mercy - MDM

Discernment – True and False Seers, Apparitions (MDM – BOT)

Read the articles that you can find in my index