The following email was sent to the more than 150 priests of the diocese of Perugia, Italy, on October 7, 2022.
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Dear fellow priest,
How are you?
Pope John Paul II often encouraged dialogue, especially among priests! Pope John Paul II also gave a good example of this, ready also to dialogue with those not in agreement with himself, in order to help us to discover the guide and the Truth of God in the various situations of our life and of our apostolate!
Today is the memory of OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY! Saint Padre Pio said: “It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do so without the HOLY MASS." This saint also said: “The ROSARY is the weapon for these times”! A good CONFESSION (a Sacrament) is more powerful than an exorcism (a sacramental)! “One day through the Rosary and the (brown) SCAPULAR, I will save the world” – Our Lady to Saint Dominic (1214).
And so I would like to share with you an article that I recently wrote.
Many Priest in Hell - Human Respect
THE GREAT SIN OF PRIESTS TODAY is to preach what they believe people want to hear instead of what people need to hear to follow Jesus with the cross and arrive to heaven for all eternity. Priests who do not spend at least one hour in church before the tabernacle, with our Eucharistic Lord each day, very often suffer from loneliness and thus do not want to lose their friends or offend anyone. Thus there are very few priests who have the courage to do as the saints, such as Saint John the Baptist, the “greatest born of women” (Mt 11:11), who said to king Herod: “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife” (Mk 6:18; Mt 14:4; L, 3:19)? Priest are afraid to suffer or end up like Saint John the Baptist or like Jesus on the cross! How many priests and bishops today, for the true good of their flock, have the courage to say: “IT IS NOT LAWFUL FOR YOU TO HAVE SEX OUTSIDE OF MARRIAGE”? Our Lady of Fatima told us: “More souls go to hell for sins of the flesh than for any other reason”! Very few priests and lay people today trust God to the point of simply believing, like a trusting child, that God gave us the Ten Commandments for our good, not for our harm!
This is Father Steven Scheier and his judgment experience. Father Steven, priest of Kansas, had a car accident in 1985. He says, “I saw myself before the Judgment seat of Jesus. Our Lord went through my whole life. I could only answer, “Yes, Lord.” Jesus said, “What you merit for all eternity is the hell.” But then I heard a woman’s voice pleading to spare my soul. Jesus said, “Mother, he has been a priest for 12 years for himself and not for me. Let him reap the punishment he deserves.” Our Lady responded, “But Son, what if we give him special graces and strengths and then see if he bears fruit? If not, your will be done.” Jesus replied, “Mother, he’s yours.” Father Steven says:
"I was ordained in 1973. My priesthood was not serving the people of God, only in how people thought about me. I never went to another priest with some spiritual problem. I knew I was not the priest I was to be. I could have fixed sins and errors in the parish but I did not correct them to not displease people. I talked about what they wanted to hear and not what God wanted. I worried about money and how to get more money for the parish. After the accident, my own priority has to be saving my soul and helping others to save themselves. This is what a priest should be in every way. Before, I wanted happiness of this world. What mattered to me was what they thought of me and the prestige of the priesthood. The Eucharist was not important so much to me. Jesus never promised that we will be popular as his followers. He only promised crosses. But He is with us. His Blessed Mother is here to help us. I always went to the Sacrament of Confession. But I had a selfish regret. I knew that if I died in sin, my soul would be punished. We cannot repent only for this reason. This is not true repentance. We need a perfect Act of Contrition. On October 18, 1985, I was in a small parish in Kansas, called Sacred Heart. In the afternoon, on the road, my car had a clash with a truck. Thank God, I did not die. I was thrown off my vehicle. My brain was cut and many cells were removed. The ambulance came and they took me to the hospital. A Kansas nurse religious saw me and she prayed a Hail Mary. The doctors gave 15% of life expectancy. The Eucharistic minister spent the whole night in prayer for me. People in my parish prayed the Rosary. I recovered on December 2, 1985. I experienced the infinite mercy of the Lord and the intercession of his Blessed Mother."
“How I tremble to think that souls can be punished for all eternity on account of the negligence of their pastor, that innocent people can be led from the path of truth because the words of the Inspired Text were never preached to them, and that the spirit of the world, and of our time especially, should pour into ill-instructed minds for want of a firm hand to check its tide. I have a sacred duty to defend the truth openly, for God will ask me to render an account for all those souls who have strayed into the ways of perdition.”
Saint Michael the Archangel at Garabandal, sent by Our Lady, (Spain, 1965) said: “MANY CARDINALS, MANY BISHOPS AND MANY PRIESTS ARE ON THE ROAD TO PERDITION AND WITH THEM THEY ARE BRINGING MANY SOULS”! I believe that one of the main motives for what Saint Michael the Archangel said is due to the strange silence of so many bishops, priests and parents about what does most harm to the souls, sin, in particular, mortal sin.
Three years later when Pope Paul VI issued his prophetic encyclical, “HUMANAE VITAE” (1968), there was a very strong incredible negative reaction not only on the part of the laity who wanted to enjoy the pleasures of sexual relationships without any responsibility or openness to life by using artificial birth control, but even on the part of a great number of priests and bishops, even entire Episcopal conferences (e.g., the ‘Winnipeg Statement’ of the Canadian Bishops)! BEFORE 1930 ALL MAINLINE PROTESTANT DENOMINATIONS WERE IN ACCORD WITH THE CATHOLIC CHURCH that the use of artificial birth control was a grave evil and a serious sin. When the Anglican Church changed its stance in 1930 (Lambeth Conference) the other protestant churches quickly followed suit while Pope Pius XI reaffirmed the Church’s constant teaching on this grave evil in his encyclical Casti Cannubii (1930). Do we really believe that we can make it to heaven without denying ourselves and take up our cross daily and follow Jesus (Lk 9:23; Mt 16:24) to overcome our egoism and to learn to truly love by being generous to life (“be fruitful and multiply”; Gen 1:28; 9:1,7; 26:24; 38:8-10; Ps 8:6-9; 127:3-5; Sir 17:2-4; Ex 1:7; Wis 9:2; 10:2; etc.)??? WE ARE NOW UNDERGOING THE CHASTISEMENT (Mt 24) of Divine Mercy, as the last chance of conversion (Diary of Saint Faustina, no. 1588), for our rejection and great rebellion against God’s holy and saving laws with “a personage not canonically elected, raised to the Pontificate, (who) will endeavor to administer shrewdly to many the mortal poison of his error!” (The “Prophecy” of Saint Francis (Assisi);
(“The Hidden Broad Road to Perdition”;
Everybody want to go to heaven, but without the cross of Jesus!
Our Lady revealed to Don Stefano Gobbi (June 11, 1988): “THE EPISCOPATES ARE MAINTAINING A STRANGE SILENCE and are no longer reacting. When my Pope speaks with courage and reaffirms with force the truths of the Catholic faith, he is no longer listened to and is even publicly criticized and derided. There is a subtle and diabolical tactic, woven in secrecy by Masonry, which is used today against the Holy Father in order to bring ridicule upon his person and his work and to neutralize his Magisterium.” (
Speaking about the great responsibility of priests and bishops: Saints John Chrysostom, John Eudes and Athanasius said that the road (or the floor of hell) to Hell is paved with the bones of priests and religious, and the skulls of bishops are the lamp posts that light the path!
WHAT WOULD YOU THINK OF A DOCTOR WHO CARED NOTHING ABOUT DISEASE AND DOES NOT WANT TO TALK ABOUT DISEASE and sends patients with a grave disease home telling the patient not to worry because the doctor was afraid of UPSETTING THE PATIENT. He would be considered a quake, an incompetent, culpable of gross professional negligence. He could be sued for malpractice. But if priests do not speak about the only thing that can kill the soul, mortal sin, because the people (spiritual patients) do not want to hear these things, what would you think of such a priest? If the doctor operates in this way, the person could easily loose his life; but if the doctor of souls, the priest, does this, the person could lose his immortal soul which lasts for all eternity. “For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life?” (Mt 16:26; Mc 8:36).
POPE JOHN PAUL II (AMONG MANY OTHER OCCASIONS) SPOKE FIRMLY TO THE US BISHOPS AGAINST THIS "PICK AND CHOOSE SMORGASBORD TYPE CATHOLICISM" in LA in his September 1987 visit: "It is sometimes reported that a large number of Catholics today do not adhere to the teaching of the Church on a number of questions, notably sexual and conjugal morality, divorce and remarriage. Some are reported as not accepting the Church's clear position on abortion. It has also been noted that there is a tendency on the part of some Catholics to be selective in their adherence to the Church's moral teachings. It is sometimes claimed that dissent from the Magisterium is totally compatible with being a “good Catholic” and poses no obstacle to the reception of the sacraments. THIS IS A GRAVE ERROR that challenges the teaching office of the bishops of the United States and elsewhere. I wish to encourage you in the love of Christ to address this situation courageously in your pastoral ministry, relying on the power of God's truth to attract assent and on the grace of the Holy Spirit which is given both to those who proclaim the message and to those to whom it is addressed." (
It is interesting that Pope John Paul II did not say to the bishops that they must obey me as Pope, but “dissent from the Magisterium” of the Catholic Church! Lumen Gentium 25 teaches clearly that the documents of an ecumenical council ARE INFALLIBLE (CCC 891). The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 888-892) tell us that the doctrines of the Church are essential to arrive to sanctity. “When the Church through its supreme Magisterium proposes a doctrine “for belief as being divinely revealed,” and as the teaching of Christ, the definitions “must be adhered to with the obedience of faith.” This infallibility extends as far as the deposit of divine Revelation itself” (CCC 891). But to the ordinary teaching of the Church “the faithful are to adhere to it with religious assent” which, though distinct from the assent of faith, is nonetheless an extension of it” (CCC 892). Thus the documents in an ecumenical council express in human language the absolute truths which cannot be changed, EVEN BY A FUTURE POPE FOR APPARENTLY GOOD MOTIVES TO MAKE THE NON CATHOLICS FEEL MORE AT EASE or for non practicing Catholics; this would be false ecumenism, false mercy, false love, which offers a superficial and easy solution without the cross of Jesus, but afterwards there is slavery and destruction!
The Catholic Church has always taught: “CONSCIENCE MUST BE INFORMED AND MORAL JUDGMENT ENLIGHTENED. A well-formed conscience is upright and truthful. It formulates its judgments according to reason, in conformity with the true good willed by the wisdom of the Creator. The education of conscience is indispensable for human beings who are subjected to negative influences and tempted by sin to prefer their own judgment and to reject authoritative teachings” (CCC 1783). THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH DOES EXIST! “Conscience can remain in ignorance or make erroneous judgments. Such ignorance and errors are not always free of guilt” (CCC 1801, 1713, 1714). “No one is deemed to be ignorant of the principles of the moral law, which are written in the conscience of every man” (CCC 1860).
After the Vatican Council and the post council was well underway, Pope John Paul II wrote, contesting “certain currents of modern thought … The individual conscience is accorded the status of a supreme tribunal of moral judgment which hands down categorical and infallible decisions about good and evil. … so much so that some have come to adopt a radically subjectivistic conception of moral judgment” (Veritatis Splendor, no. 32;
What happens to the few priests and bishops today who do their fundamental work, to identify and cure, as spiritual doctors, the gravest sicknesses of the souls, mortal sins? THE PRIESTS TODAY WHO PREACH THE WHOLE GOSPEL (not just the easy parts, and not half truths which are worse than lies!) and all of the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church, are labeled ridged and old-fashioned, insensitive, lacking in compassion, divisive, judgmental, moralists. WHILE AT THE SAME TIME THE ONES WHO MAINTAIN A CULPABLE SILENCE, the ones who tell their people what they think they want to hear are seen as understanding, sympathetic, pastorally sensitive and merciful. “Woe to you, when all men speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets” (Lk 6:26). “For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God” (Jn 12:43). “How can you believe, who receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?” (Jn 5:44; Gal 1:10). But this way of doing is not true mercy! THIS IS FALSE LOVE, MISGUIDED COMPASSION, false mercy, false ecumenism, that does not lead to paradise for all eternity!?!
(“RIGID With Christ the Immutable Truth!”;
(“The False Pope Will Fall Silent”;
“So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven; but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven” (Mt 10:32-33)
A few times I said in various parishes in the past, after complaints about my homilies: “I did not write the Ten Commandments! Why do you want to kill me?”! THE GREAT MAJORITY OF PRIESTS TODAY DO NOT EXPLAIN THE GOSPEL AND THE TEN COMMANDMENTS ACCORDING TO GOD, explained well in the Catechism of Catholic Church for adults (CCC 409; ed. 1992, promulgated by Pope John Paul II), but according to what the people want to hear, according to the world, according to the TV, according to a Christianity without the cross!
Here is the reason why the bishop of Perugia took away my parish of Lisciano Niccone on October 13, 2015, without even speaking with me beforehand!!!
“A Letter to My Bishop” (
“The Hidden Broad Road to Perdition” (
“The Neocatecumenal Mass” (
In the modern church, in the worship of man (no the worship of God as it has been for 2000 years in the Church), that which counts is what people want, not what God wants!!! Today religion, the parish, the pastor exist to offer what the people want, not to help the people discover and do the will of God in order to get to heaven! People today do not want to hear: “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Lk 9:23; 14:27; Mt 10:38; 16:24; Mk 8:34). People today want to hear mercy and love, but they do not want to take the responsibility of their actions and hear: “GO AND SIN NO MORE” (Jn 8:11; 5:14)! People today to not want to make an act of humility before the infinite God in the Eucharist, and thus they refuse the guide of the true doctrine and teaching of the Catholic Church. Pope John Paul II reminded us in his encyclical, “Ecclesia de Eucharistia”: “There can be NO DANGER OF EXCESS in our care for this mystery, for “in this sacrament is recapitulated the whole mystery of our salvation” ( God commanded Moses to maintain great reverence before the Ark of the Covenant; how much more reverence should we have before the real and personal presence of our infinite Lord in the Holy Eucharist. I was very impressed in February 1989 at Mondo Migliore (Rocca di Papa, Rome) when I saw Mother Teresa of Calcutta and L’Arche founder, Jean Vanier, bowing down to the ground during the consecration at Holy Mass!
In contrast with the writings of the saints in the history of the Church, the modern liturgists in a great number of diocese draw away the attention of the people from the tabernacle, from the Eucharist, in many subtle ways. I said to a few people in the parishes: “One must treat God as God, and not as a piece of bread!”
!The History of Communion in the Hand” - Communion in the hand was not only started in disobedience, but was perpetuated by deception!
SISTER MARY GABRIEL (IN PURGATORY) COMMUNICATED TO SISTER MARY OF THE CROSS: “Alas, how many lives seem to be filled with good works and at death are found empty. This is because all those actions that appeared to be good, all those showy works, all that conduct that seemed irreproachable - all these were not done for Jesus alone. Some will have their eyes opened when they come here to this life (in Purgatory). On earth they wanted to be made much of, to shine, to be thought very exact in religious observances, to be esteemed as perfect religious. This is the mainspring of so many lives. If you only knew how few people work for God and act for Him alone. Alas, at death, when they are no longer blinded, what regrets they will have. If only sometimes they would think of eternity. What is life compared to that day which will have no evening for the elect, or to that night which will have no dawning for the damned? On earth, people attach themselves to everything and everyone except to Him, who alone ought to have our love and to whom we refuse it. Jesus in the Tabernacle waits for souls to love Him and He finds none. Hardly one soul in a thousand loves Him as it should. You love Him and make up to Him for this guilty indifference which exists all over this world. (December 8, 1879; “A Manuscript On Purgatory”;
Since very few priests, bishops and parents talk about the consequences of sin, now and for eternity, THE THREE LITTLE CHILDREN OF FATIMA WERE SHOWN A VISION OF HELL IN JULY 1917. The sweet Blessed Virgin Mary in her kindness prepared them for the sight of this by promising them ahead of time that she was going to take them to heaven, otherwise they couldn’t have endured it. Lucy declared after that vision that they would have died of fright if there had not been a particular grace from God. Visit: “Judgment Heaven Hell Eternity Fatima” (
Our Lady revealed to Don Stefano Gobbi (November 25, 1978): “EACH DAY MANY SOULS ARE BEING ETERNALLY LOST! How many souls are going to hell because people no longer pray, because sin increases and reparation for it is no longer made, because error is followed with such ease!”
IN A SECULARIZED WORLD THERE IS ALSO THE NEGATION OF HELL by many theologians, justifying everything by saying that God is Merciful, and thus it is impossible to speak of hell as an eternal condition of the damned. All of this has produced an effect, the loss of the sense of sin. Thus above all the youth no longer have points of reference, and thus one lives in sin, one dies in sin! Our Lady in the third apparition at Fatima asked with insistence: “Pray, pray very much and make sacrifices for sinners because many souls go to hell because there is no one to make sacrifices for them.”
“Today, I was led by an Angel to the chasms of hell. It is a place of great torture; how awesomely large and extensive it is! (…) But I noticed one thing: that most of THE SOULS THERE ARE THOSE WHO DISBELIEVED THAT THERE IS A HELL” (Diary of St. Faustina, no. 741).
“Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few” (Mt 7:13-14)!
"So you, son of man, I have made a watchman for the house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me. If I say to the wicked, O wicked man, you shall surely die, and you do not speak to warn the wicked to turn from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. But if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way; he shall die in his iniquity, but you will have saved your life” (Ezek 33:7-9).
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations." Then I said, "Ah, Lord GOD! Behold, I do not know how to speak, for I am only a youth." But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a youth'; for to all to whom I send you you shall go, and whatever I command you you shall speak. Be not afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, says the LORD." Then the LORD put forth his hand and touched my mouth; and the LORD said to me, "Behold, I have put my words in your mouth.” (Jer 1:5-9).
“NOW THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME TO JONAH THE SON OF AMITTAI, SAYING, "Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness has come up before me." But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD. He went down to Joppa and found a ship going to Tarshish; so he paid the fare, and went on board, to go with them to Tarshish, away from the presence of the LORD. But the LORD hurled a great wind upon the sea, and there was a mighty tempest on the sea, so that the ship threatened to break up. (…)” (Johah 1:1-4).
Several men where I live here in Italy have half jokingly said to me several time (as do many communists in this area): “We need to kill all the priests!” I replied to them: “There are a lot of priests in hell! WHY DO YOU WANT TO SPEND ETERNITY WITH THEM?”!
Our Lady tells priests: “By your word, which will repeat ever more loudly and clearly the truth which my Son Jesus has come to reveal to you. Do you see how many of your brother-priests BETRAY this truth, in the attempt to adapt it to the MENTALITY of the world, impelled by a false illusion of being better understood, listened to by more people and more easily followed? NO ILLUSION IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN THIS (…)” (February 2, 1976; “To The Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons”;
JOHN THE BAPTIST said that Jesus “must increase, but I must decrease” (Jn 3:30). A great number of priests today want to increase before people and thus preach what the people want to hear and are not transparent so as to lead people to Christ, the Truth (Jn 14:6), but rather to themselves! So many religious leaders and parents seek to please the people without distinguishing and determining if it is a sin or not, if it truly does good to the person or not, today and tomorrow and for eternity! This is false and destructive love; this is misguided compassion! Few religious leaders today have the COURAGE OF THE FIRST POPE, PETER, the day of the birth of the Church, Pentecost, to say: “You have crucified Jesus” (Acts 4:10), “the author of life” (Acts 3:15), with your grave, mortal sins!
MANY GERMAN BISHOPS TODAY (The Synodal Path) are demanding that the teaching of the Catholic Church regarding human sexuality be radically changed. These German bishops only talk about what certain people e certain groups want, what the world wants today, but there is NO INDICATION WHATSOEVER that these bishops want to discover what God wants which is revealed in DIVINE REVELATION throughout the history of mankind and infallibly explained in the documents of the Church for over 2000 years!
Our Lady speaks often about “The Spirit of Rebellion Against God” (December 1, 1973). “Since Satan has today deceived the greater part of humanity by pride and by the spirit of rebellion against God, it is ONLY THROUGH HUMILITY and littleness that one can now encounter and look upon the Lord.” (July 24, 1974).
St. Francis of Assisi prophesied ( that “very few Christians will want to obey the true Sovereign Pontiff and the Roman Church”, in particular regarding sexual morality (Humanae Vitae, 1968), and thus “Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a worthy Pastor, but a destroyer.” The great majority of Catholics no longer believe that the Eucharist is the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ and thus we will soon lose the presence of Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist of the Holy Mass, which will be the beginning of the “great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be” (Mt 24:21). When the survivors see what happens to the world without the Eucharist in the public churches around the world, they will finally believe in the incredible greatness of the Most Holy Eucharist! It would have been better to believe before the “great tribulation”!!! We are truly now in the period of the great apostasy (2Thess 2:3)!
Our Lady tells us: “What is it that is obscuring the beauty and the brightness of the Church? It is the smoke of the errors which Satan has caused to enter into it. These are becoming constantly more and more disseminated and are bringing very many souls to the loss of the faith. The cause of such a vast diffusion of errors and of this great apostasy rests with UNFAITHFUL PASTORS. They remain silent when they should speak with courage to condemn error and to defend the truth. They do not intervene when they should be unmasking the rapacious wolves who, hidden beneath the clothing of lambs, have insinuated themselves into the flock of Christ. They are MUTE DOGS (Is 56:10) who allow their flocks to be torn to pieces. (…) The splendor of the Church is also darkened by the profound division which has entered into its interior and which is growing greater every day. (…) What is it that makes your strength ineffectual and halts you with fear in the face of the great attack of my Adversary? It is the TOLERANCE OF SIN which draws you away from the life of my Son Jesus. It is the GREAT NEGLECT OF PRAYER, which gives you his very own strength” (September 8, 1985;
We read this same thought in the Office of Readings, Sunday, Ordinary Time, Week 27, Pope St. Gregory the Great:
“NEGLIGENT RELIGIOUS LEADERS are often afraid to speak freely and say what needs to be said – for fear of losing favor with people. As Truth himself says, they are certainly not guarding their flock with the care expected of a shepherd but are acting like hirelings, because hiding behind a wall of silence is like taking flight at the approach of the wolf. These are the people whom the Lord is reproaching through the prophet, when he says: ‘they are all DUMB DOGS, they cannot bark’ (Is 56:10) (…) If a religious leader is afraid to say what is right, what else can his silence mean but that he has taken flight? Whereas, if he stand firm in defense of his flock, he is building up a wall for the house of Israel against its enemies. And so again the sinful people are told: ‘Your prophets have seen false and foolish visions for you; they have not exposed your iniquity in order to provoke you to repentance.’ (Lam 2:14) …” ().
IN SEPTEMBER 2014 A PRIEST, IN MY DIOCESE OF PERUGIA, COMMITTED SUICIDE. Our Cardinal decided to put aside the topic of our monthly meeting to talk about this. Many younger priests lamented at that time the lack of support by the Cardinal. I then spoke before the more than 100 priests present with the Cardinal and told them that I took the advice of Archbishop Fulton Sheen 14 years ago to spend more than an hour every day in church before our Eucharistic Lord in the tabernacle. From that time on, even though I live alone, I never felt any loneliness whatsoever. I told them that when I suggested this practice to 20 priests in our diocese, all of them said that they did not have time. I responded to them that if I do not spend at least one hour with Jesus in the Eucharist every day, I end up offering to people a poor priest, Father Joe, instead of offering them Jesus Christ. I also said to the priests and cardinal of Perugia that we forget so easily what we say during the liturgy of Ash Wednesday, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return”, and we priests think we are the savior of the parish instead of Jesus Christ! The saints spent as much time as possible on their knees before our Eucharistic Lord but today one hears often in the Church and in the seminaries that priests should not waste time in adoration, since they are not monks! Today “the heresy of action” is frightfully spreading quickly in which there easily predominates the “devil of organization” (Pope Pius XII), while our union with Jesus and Mary diminishes and the true spiritual fruits diminish accordingly!
Our Lady to Don Stefano Gobbi tells us that the great apostasy before the manifestation of the Antichrist (2Thess 2:3) began with the priests. "These priest-sons of mine, who have BETRAYED THE GOSPEL in order to second the great satanic error of Marxism (...) It is especially because of them that the chastisement of Communism will soon come and will deprive everyone of all they possess. Times of great tribulation will unfold. Then it will be these poor sons of mine who will begin the great apostasy. Watch and pray, all of you, priests who are faithful to me!" (“To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons”; July 28, 1973).
BUT THE FEW PRIESTS WHO REMAIN FAITHFUL to the unchanging Truth of God will be the main instruments in the hands of Our Lady for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary before the Second Coming of her Son, Jesus Christ. “Behold: when everything will have come tumbling down, all that will remain will be the strength of their tears that will compel me to intervene in an amazing and terrible way. And my TRIUMPH will begin with these beloved sons, my priests.” (February 23, 1974).
MOST OF THE FEW FAITHFUL PRIESTS WILL RECEIVE THE GIFT OF MARTYRDOM, but Mary will be at the foot of their cross as She was for Jesus 2000 years ago. “Oh, and even they (priests consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary) in GREAT PART will be called to the ultimate testimony. But their blood will wash and purify this world, so that from it a new world may be born, renewed in love and consecrated anew to the triumph of God!" (December 26, 1974). “Above all, I ask you to offer me the fragrant and precious flower of your suffering. On the altar of my Immaculate Heart, I want to offer all my children, in a perennial act of immolation and reparation. Only through the suffering of my littlest children can I hasten the time of the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world.” (May 1, 1994).
You might find enlightening and helpful in this period of great confusion: “TO THE PRIESTS, OUR LADY'S BELOVED SONS” (
Almost twenty Cardinals and more than 150 Bishops, more than 50,000 priests and religious, have followed the Marian Movement of Priests (MMP), receiving by way of the book which contains the messages, precious teaching from the Mother of God, in this devastating attack of the ecclesiastical Masonry on the sound doctrine of the Church and the Sacraments, especially the Most Holy Eucharist.
Many bishops have given their Imprimatur to this book. You will find in these messages of Our Lady revealed through Don Stefano Gobbi a resemblance to the writings of Saint Louis de Montfort, Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and to the messages of Our Lady of Fatima, with the sweetness that only the Mother of God, and the Mother of each of us, could communicate to those open to the caresses of Our Lady!
I would highly recommend that you read slowly one meditation from this Blue Book each day so as to let Our Heavenly Mother form and prepare you for this period of the purification of the Church and of the World.
Jesus redeemed the world by His passion, death and resurrection. In this period of time the Church, the Body of Christ, which is the soul of the world, will be purified by the passion and crucifixion of the Body of Christ (CCC: Catechism of the Catholic Church, 675-677; The Eucharist, sustains the Church and is “the source and summit of the Christian life” (Vat. II: LG 11; CCC 1324). The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, “the continual burnt offering” (Dan 8:11; 12:11), will be taken away, and the “sacrifice and offering” will cease (Dan 9:27), for “a thousand two hundred and ninety days” (Dan 12:11), which Jesus foretold (Mt 24:15), so that the Antichrist can manifest himself to the world (2Thess 2:3).
OUR LADY CONTINUALLY SAYS to not judge the priests but pray for them, the first target of Satan. No priest goes to heaven alone, and no priest goes to hell alone!
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As I wrote at the beginning, it is very important to dialogue among ourselves seeking the Truth of God which make us truly free (Jn 8:32).
If I realize and believe that the truth comes from God not from me, and I have a little virtue, especially humility, I should be willing to listen to someone who says to me that what I wrote or said or did was not in harmony with what God has revealed to us throughout human history (called Divine Revelation), while quoting documents of the Church and the writings of the saints. This is true not only regarding doctrinal and moral truths, but also regarding true sanctity which must always be accompanied with true humility so as to lead also others to true humility by our example. Without humility, there is no virtue, and we greatly risk losing any possible good fruits even though we might be in the right regarding the truth. But if I believe or feel that the truth comes from me, I will not be willing to dialogue with anyone not in agreement with me, as have done all the dictators in the history of the world, and all those who do not have true humility and who have slid into subjectivism and relativism. By throwing out humility and the precious laws of God, we quickly go toward “might makes right” as it is in hell!
This humility to seek the Truth outside of ourselves, from God, applies to everyone, even for us priests, lay people, bishops and the pope himself.
St. Thomas Aquinas quoting from St. Augustine, in his commentary on the right of subjects to resist flaky superiors, recalled that in St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, St. Paul rebuked the first pope, St. Peter, “to his face because he clearly was wrong” (Gal 2:11-14). There being an imminent danger for the Faith, prelates must be questioned, even publicly, by their subjects. Thus, St. Paul, who was a subject of St. Peter, questioned him publicly on account of an imminent danger of scandal in a matter of Faith. And, as the Glossa of St. Augustine puts it (Ad Galatas 2.14), “St. Peter himself gave the example to those who govern so that if sometimes they stray from the right way, they will not reject a correction as unworthy even if it comes from their subjects.” (Summa Theologiae, IIa IIae, Q. 33, A. 4).
ALL OF THIS IS EASY TO UNDERSTAND FOR THOSE WHO RECEIVED A FORMATION BASED ON THE TRUTH OF GOD, the objective truth, the immutable divine truth. But many today have received a formation based on subjectivism and relativism in which every person interprets the reality and the truth according to his own head, according to his own subjectivity which is the source of almost all the heresies in the history of the Church which has deceived a great number of souls. It is very difficult for people that have been formed in subjectivism to understand the difference between these two formation totally opposite. The people formed in the light of the divine Truth are capable of understanding also the darkness of the lack of the divine truth, while those formed only in the darkness of subjectivism, of the lack of the objective Truth, do not understand the light of the divine Truth or even that the immutable Truth of God exists! In all the centuries of the history of the Church, up to a few decades ago, the seminarians and the priests studied the great danger of subjectivism. Today in a great number of seminaries and Catholic universities one learns even that those who believe that the objective Truth exists have a mental sickness which is called objectivism, a word that did not even exist 100 years ago! But the objective Truth is GOD (Jn 14:6)!!!
“Priests Systematically Brainwashed” (
TODAY THERE IS NO LACK OF COLLABORATORS OF THE DEVIL, in particular in the Church that Jesus Christ founded, the Catholic Church. The exorcist tell us that the greatest success of Satan today is that he has managed to convince almost everyone, also Catholics, that the devil does not exist, and thus hell does not exist, and thus sin does not exist, and thus we do not need a Savior who came above all to free us from our sins! The “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world” IS NO LONGER NEEDED! The Truth of God, with the cross of Jesus, sets us free (Jn 8:32) but the truth of the “prince of the world”, Satan (Jn 12:31; 14:30; Rev 12:9), offers us pleasure and pride today and afterwards there is slavery here on earth and for eternity. Satan is “the father of lies” (Jn 8:44)! “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2Cor 11:14).
Our Lady communicated to Don Stefano Gobbi on November 22, 1992 (“To The Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons” (
“My beloved ones and children consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, listen to the words of your heavenly Mother, who is gently preparing you and leading you to live through these events, because the times which were foretold to you by the PROPHET ZECHARIAH have now come. `An oracle of the Lord: I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be completely scattered; and then I will turn my hand against the little ones. `An oracle of the Lord: In all the land, two thirds of them will be cut off and perish; and one third shall be left. `I will pass this third through fire; I will refine it as silver is refined, test it as gold is tested. `It will call upon my Name, and I will hear it; I will say:"This is my people.” And it will say: “The Lord is my God.” ‘ (cf. Zech 13:7-9)”
Our Lady of Good Success; Quito, Ecuador (January 20, 1610), told us:
“Thus I make it known to you that from the end of the 19th century and shortly after the middle of the 20th century…the passions will erupt and there will be a total corruption of morals… As for the Sacrament of Matrimony, which symbolizes the union of Christ with His Church, it will be attacked and deeply profaned. FREEMASONRY, which will then be in power, will enact iniquitous laws with the aim of doing away with Sacrament, making it easy for everyone to live in sin and encouraging procreation of illegitimate children born without the blessing of the Church… IN THIS SUPREME MOMENT OF NEED FOR THE CHURCH, THE ONE WHO SHOULD SPEAK WILL FALL SILENT.”
Today in the world, but above all in the Catholic Church, MANY LEADERS ARE NOT ONLY SILENT before those who promote homosexuality, gender and all the things that destroy our youth and our families, but also promote these things in many ways. Those who seek to defend the family and the Truth of God which truly sets us free, are silenced in many hidden and clever ways!!!
Dear brother, what we are seeing today, not only in the Church but also in the World, was well programmed many years ago! When there is very little prayer, and even less those who live their prayer, “THY will be done”, not “MY will be done”, the bad go forward quickly toward their world dictatorship, guided by the Grand Master of Freemasonry.
MANY BELIEVE THE FREEMAS0NS ARE SIMPLY A CENTURIES OLD CHARITABLE FRATERNITY. However, the Catholic Church has consistently condemned Freemas0nry more than any other error in its history because it promotes indifferentism, naturalism, communism, and other dangerous philosophies.
Those who become 33 degree Mas0ns must swear the oath: “Ordo Ab Chao”, meaning Order out of Chaos. “Ordo ab Chao” is the motive to promote “UNCONTROLED” immigration, as well as undermining commerce and the whole of the structures of societies in a covert and underhanded way using their very numerous bribed Mas0nic politicians and corporate directors! “Mas0nry is a true and specific Satanic Sect. The esoteric studies, up to the 18th degree include spiritism and magic, from the 24th degree one becomes “Militia of Satan”, from the 28th degree to the 33rd degree “Mystical Body of Satan”, this is the reality of Mas0nry” – testimony of Cesare Ghinelli, ex Mas0n. “Satan is the only god of our planet” - H. P. Blavatsky (Mas0n). Most Mas0ns do NOT KNOW they are WORKING FOR SATAN until they are brainwashed during at least 24 degrees of Mas0nry. But immediately at the first degree of Mas0nry one must accept religious syncretism, that all religions are equal, which means that Jesus Christ is at the same level with Mohammad or Buddha or any religious founder.
OUR LADY EXPLAINED HOW MASONRY attracts many priests and bishops into the brainwashing deception of their satanic cult:
“Beloved children, I have urged you to consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart and to enter into this, my motherly refuge, above all in order to be preserved and defended again this terrible snare. In this way, through the act of consecration of my Movement, I have urged you to renounce every aspiration of building up a CAREER. Thus you will be able to remove yourselves from the strongest and most dangerous snare, made use of by Masonry in order to associate in its secret sects so many of my beloved children.” (June 13, 1989; “To The Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons”;
“Ecclesiastical Masonry receives orders and power from the various Masonic lodges and works to lead everyone secretly to become part of these secret sects. Thus it stimulates the ambitious with the prospect of EASY CAREERS; it heaps up with goods those who are starved for money; it assists its members to exceed others and to occupy the most important positions while it sets aside, in a subtle but decisive way, all those who refuse to take part in its designs.” (June 17, 1989).
We are living in the most deceptive period in the history of the world and of the Church.
“For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect” (Mt 24:24).
“Therefore God sends upon them a strong delusion, to make them believe what is false, so that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (2Thess 2:11-12).
“I heard, but I did not understand. Then I said, “O my lord, what shall be the issue of these things?” He said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut up and sealed until the time of the end. Many shall purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but those who are wise shall understand.” (Dan 12:8-10).
“Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them” (Rev 13:7).
Dear fellow priest, let us pray for each other because life is a “DOUR COMBAT against the powers of evil” (Catechism of Catholic Church for adults (CCC 409; ed. 1992, promulgated by Pope John Paul II;!
Father Joseph Dwight
Read the articles that you can find in my index, which can be very helpful in this period of great confusion full of traps from our very astute mortal enemy, Satan.