Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Judgment Heaven Hell Eternity Fatima

Judgment Heaven Hell Eternity Fatima

The three little children of Fatima were shown a vision of hell in July 1917. And the sweet Blessed Virgin Mary in her kindness prepared them for the sight of this by promising them ahead of time that she was going to take them to heaven, otherwise they couldn’t have endured it. Lucy declared after that vision that they would have died of fright if there had not been a particular grace from God.

After seeing that great sea of fire filled with the demons and lost souls in pain and despair, the little children of Fatima looked up to the Blessed Virgin Mary who said to them so kindly and so sadly: “You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart.” She said: “If what I say to you is done many souls will be saved and there will be peace.” My good people we can do this! Every single one of us has it in our power to help the sweet Blessed Virgin Mary to save souls and to bring peace to this world. It’s the truth! We have the power to help sweet Mother Mary; she’s begging us for this.

That vision of hell filled little Jacinta with such concern for souls and such ardent charity that every penance and every mortification was as nothing in her eyes if it could just prevent souls from going there. People used to ask, how is it possible that such a little girl as that could take on such serious sacrifices and penance like that. And Lucia herself explained that it is because God gave her a special grace through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and also because she had looked upon hell and had actually seen the ruin of poor souls.

LITTLE JACINTA FELT SO SORRY FOR SOULS WHO GO TO HELL and for those who are burning alive like wood in the fire, as she put it. Shuddering she would kneel down, hold her hands and recite the prayer that the Blessed Virgin Mary herself gave us to pray: “Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are most in need of Thy mercy.” Little Jacinta would remain on her knees and keep saying this prayer over and over again, and from time to time she would call out to her little brother and say: “Francesco, are you praying with me?” And she would say that we must pray very much to save souls from hell.

Jacinta asked Lucia: “WHY DOESN’T OUR LADY SHOW HELL TO SINNERS?” She said if they saw hell they wouldn’t sin anymore! She said that if people would just stop offending God, there would be no more war, and no one would go to hell. And she actually took hold of Lucia one day and she said: “I’m going to heaven, but you’re staying here. If our Lady lets you, tell everybody what hell is like so that they won’t commit any more sin and they won’t go to hell.”

HELL IS SOMETHING WE DON’T LIKE TO TALK ABOUT AND YET IT IS A REALITY. And our sweet Mother Mary talked about it and so did her Son. Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke quite graphically about the fires of hell in Sacred Scripture. And our kind gently loving Mother then showed this reality to the little children, the youngest of whom was only six years old. Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “Blessed are those who have not seen but still believe” (Jn 20:29). That’s us; that’s us! Blessed are we who believe in the truth, these eternal truths of our faith. Heaven is for real, and hell is for real. And whether we believe it or not, our souls, our lives are leading us in one direction or another. AND WE ARE MASTERS OF OUR OWN SHIP, in the sense that we’re at the helm, we’re steering our lives and our souls either to heaven or to hell. And we can change course if we want, it’s up to us. We can turn this ship around, if we so chose. We can turn the steering wheel of our lives and head in the opposite direction if that’s what’s necessary. Here below it’s so important for us to be far-sighted servants of God, to look ahead at where everything in life is leading us. All of us have to do our retirement planning. Everyone has to decide where and with whom we wish to spend our retirement. And I’m talking about our eternal retirement now. I want so much for us to end up in a good place, in a comfortable place, in a place that’s not too hot! I want every single one of us to end up in the most beautiful place of all. Because eternity lasts a really long time!

OUR BLESSED MOTHER OF FATIMA IS BASICALLY REMINDING US THAT WE HAVE TO CHOSE BETWEEN TWO FUTURES. We have to chose between two options for our everlasting retirement. If we wish we can chose hell which Lucia described as a great sea of fire filled with pain and despair that never never ends. Or we can direct our lives and aim toward heaven, toward the Immaculate Heart of Mary, toward a place filled with waters of grace and refreshment and light and peace and beauty and endless love and endless joys. We are made for happiness, not just the fleeting kind of happiness. We are made for everlasting happiness in heaven. And we can actually start tasting it a little bit here below if we wish. To be near God is our happiness as the psalmist says. And only that which is eternal can fully satisfy us. Little Jacinta said if only men knew what eternity is, they would do everything in their power to change their lives!

Archbishop Fulton Sheen wrote in 1948:
Nowhere in Sacred Scripture do we find warrant for the popular myth of the Devil as a buffoon who is dressed like the first “red.” Rather is he described as an angel fallen from heaven, as “the Prince of this world,” whose business it is to tell us that there is no other world. HIS LOGIC IS SIMPLE: if there is no heaven there is no hell; if there is no hell, then there is no sin; if there is no sin, then there is no judge, and if there is no judgment then evil is good and good is evil. But above all these descriptions, OUR LORD TELLS US THAT HE WILL BE SO MUCH LIKE HIMSELF THAT HE WOULD DECEIVE EVEN THE ELECT–and certainly no devil ever seen in picture books could deceive even the elect. How will he come in this new age to win followers to his religion?”
(Communism and the Conscience of the West, by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, Bobbs-Merril Company, Indianapolis, 1948, pp. 24-25)

To fight in a battle, is it not prudent and necessary to know not only your own weapons, tactics and strategy but also the weapons, tactics and strategy of the enemy? It was recounted to Pope John Paul II that the Vatican's chief exorcist, Father Gabriele Amorth, “knows too many bishops who do not believe in the Devil”. The Pope replied bluntly: “ANYONE WHO DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THE DEVIL DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THE GOSPEL”. When asked “What do you see as SATAN’S GREATEST SUCCESS?”, Amorth replied: “The fact that he has managed to convince people that he does not exist. He has almost managed it, even within the Church. We have a clergy and an Episcopate who no longer believe in the Devil , in exorcism, in the exceptional evil the Devil can instill, or even in the power that Jesus bestowed to cast out demons. For three centuries the Latin Church – in contrast to the Orthodox Church and the various Protestant professions – has almost totally abandoned the ministry of exorcism. So because they no longer perform exorcisms, or study them, and never having seen them, the clergy no longer believe in them. And they no longer believe in the Devil. We have entire Episcopates trying to counter exorcism. We have countries completely devoid of exorcists, such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal. This is a shameful shortfall.”; (http://www.speroforum.com/site/article.asp?id=2879; http://www.vaticans.org/index.php?/archives/61-An-interview-with-the-Vaticans-chief-excorcist,-Father-Gabriele.html).

God, Who is love, respects our free will totally, to live the Our Father, “THY will be done”, or to live the Our Father “MY will be done”! God will not force anyone to spend eternity with Him in heaven. In heaven there is room for only one God, not two. All those who want to command end up together where everyone wants to command. But if everyone wants to command in the eternal place where there is no God, who commands? The strongest one, who is Satan! I prefer to spend eternity under God than under Satan!

The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God” (CCC 1035).

Let us make the right choice!

Father Joseph Dwight

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