Wednesday, February 20, 2019

P Gabriele Rossi, FAM, suspended ‘a divinis’

P Gabriele Rossi, FAM, suspended ‘a divinis’

The following is the English translation of a letter in Italian sent by the former superior general of the congregation, the Sons of Merciful Love (founded by Madre Speranza; Collevalenza, Italy), Padre Gabrielle Rossi, FAM, to Aldo Maria Valli who has a rather well frequented blog in Italian (

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Behold my doubts as a priest and religious” (Padre Gabrielle Rossi, FAM)
by Aldo Maria Valli

Dear readers, the letter that you find below was sent to me by a priest and religious, belonging to a large congregation present in many countries. It is a significant testimony, which brings to light a reality much more diffuse than what might be imagined.

The one who writes expresses in a simple and clear way the motives for which he began to recognize perplexities regarding this pontificate and why he feels that today the Church finds herself in such a situation which requires a decisive decision of conscience.

As it often happens to those who dare to manifest their doubts and to propose questions about the teaching of Francis, also the priest has been sanctioned and is thus paying the price in person. But on his part there is no making a martyr of himself. Only the implicit confirmation of how little real freedom there is in the actual Church, before repeated appeals to the paralysis, or rather the right, the obligation to say what one thinks with frankness.

But for one thing, above all, I thank this priest: to have shown who he is by signing his letter. We are in fact surrounded by too many Don Abbondio (the cowardly priest in the famous Italian movie, “I Promessi Sposi”).



Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord (Ps 118:26)

Who am I?

I am a religious priest seventy two years old and thirty two years in ministry, belonging to the Sons of Merciful Love. Since last December I was suspended “a divinis” from being the general superior: I can no longer celebrate Mass in public, nor preach, nor confess. I can only celebrate privately. (And I can still write to Aldo Maria Valli … at least for now) …

At the moment the sanction is for six months, but how long it will last God only knows. These are the motivations: 1) because in the Canon of the Mass, after the name of Francis, I insert also the remembrance of Pope Emeritus Benedict; 2) because in my homilies, when the theme requires it, I manifest my perplexity on some of the doctrinal and moral positions of Pope Bergoglio.

More precisely, all of this I did in the context of my ordinary ministry: in two small churches in the country, first; and then in two minor chapels in the city. I did not seek media amplification, nor did I cause useless commotion.

In speaking about these arguments, I believe to have transmitted not a taste for gratuitous criticism, but a sense of true interior preoccupation; and to have sought not so much to convince by force the listeners, but to help them reason about the facts, so as to understand “what is boiling in the pot” in the Church.

Notwithstanding this, the suspension arrived.

I accept this in a serene way, I am not arousing controversy … and I am thankful.

What do I think about this?

In 2013 I received the coming of Pope Bergoglio as a strong gust of wind, coming from the faraway Pampas, capable of sweeping away in a short time the fumes and fog that was heavily weighing on the Vatican and on the Church.

Then everything changed with the publication of Amoris Laetitia, in 2016.

I remember reading and rereading chapter VIII of that Exhortation for a whole month, in the desperate attempt to find therein some inspiration, until I had to surrender to the obvious: that chapter was ambiguous and contradictory, and such a characteristic could not be casual!

Thus I fully shared the initiative of the four cardinals who after a few months presented the five dubia; and I remained profoundly disappointed by the fact that Pope Bergoglio did not want to respond and clear things up.

At that point my trust in Pope Bergoglio began to vacillate; and a terrible suspicion began to go around in my head: are we perhaps seeing some prophecies that have been fluttering around for a while, such as those tied to La Salette, or to Fatima, or to many other private revelations, which evoke the possibility of “a great apostasy” beginning from the summit itself of the Church? And from this prospective I began to evaluate the writings, the words and the gestures of the Pope.

The questions that I asked myself:

This critical observation led me to ask many questions about the argentine Pope: some more complex and articulate, others more simple and popular.

Such as, for example, the following:

* Why in 2016 did he not want to respond to the clarifying questions of the cardinals of the dubia, and instead fomented the most reckless interpretations of his document, thus increasing the theoretical and practical confusion?

* Why in 2017 did he sharply push away cardinal Müller from the position of prefect of the Congregation for the doctrine of the faith, after exactly five years from his nomination, and he did not give him any other position?

* Why, continuing in 2017, did he accommodate in the Vatican the statue of Luther, taking a photograph before the statue; and then considered it an obligation to commemorate the 500 years of the Reformation, giving in this way strength of voice to those who affirm that there is going on a very grave process of protestantization of the Catholic Church?

* Why does he officially and repeatedly avail himself of the collaboration of a debatable character such as the American Jesuit Father James Martin, a declared champion of the gender ideology and of the homosexual cause?

* Why, from the beginning of his pontificate to now, does he not succeed in saying a word truly clear on the very delicate question of Communion for the divorced and remarried and to the protestant couples of Catholic faithful?

* Why, from the beginning of his pontificate to now, he kneels before people to wash their feet, but he does not succeed to do this before Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, nor during the consecration, nor when he is next to the Blessed Sacrament solemnly exposed (and takes for himself a kneeler with a thick cushion, and all the others – masters of ceremonies and other ministers – are prostrate on the ground)?

I confess that this last item blows my mind: why does he do it? What type of message does he want to send out? And to who does he want to send it? I would like it if some actual “guard of the revolution” might answer me.

The fundamental question:

Seeing how things are, someone will ask me: “But do you still consider Bergoglio the Pope?” I reply: up until the time that it is demonstrated in an official way that the resignation of Benedict or the conclave of 2013 had grave irregularities (something that is not in the competence of anyone), Bergoglio is the Pope in all the effects and his acts of jurisdiction have full value. In this matter so important, in fact, it is not enough simple suspicions (no matter how credible and diffuse), but there is needed absolute and indisputable certainty.

But this does not take away the right and the obligation of every baptized person to express their own critic in the case of teachings and of inadequate papal behavior, as was done toward Simon Peter by the apostle Paul “to his face” (cf. Gal 2:11), and the same Jesus who called him “Satan” (cf. Mk 8:33).

In the case then that the situation might precipitate with initiatives still more inconsiderate (for example, in the ecumenical field or in liturgical matters), one would have to wait for the indications of some cardinal more enlightened and courageous (in fact, a decided and clear position formulated by “a significant number of cardinals” appears more and more improbable). Is it possible that there is not even one, willing to give complete honor to the purple that he wears?

But let us avoid projecting too much into the future. Let us limit ourselves to entrusting everything to the Lord, supplicating Him to wake up from his profound sleep to calm the waves and the sea, and to take up again the helm of his boat.

The reasons for which I write:

I decided to write this my testimony for two motives.

First. To address myself to many other priests and religious who, from 2016 to now, are having the same difficulties of which I have spoken of above, and are still experiencing, on the part of their respective superiors, moral harassments of every type: reproaches, threats, removals, marginalizations and suspensions …

I would like to fraternally encourage them; and to remind them that in these cases we have the right and the duty to “defend the Truth” (in the event that, in our judgment, this might be threatened), but we do not have any possibility of “defending our own person” (even in the case of onerous decisions regarding us).

And I would like also to invite them to offer their own tribulations for the very lovable person of Pope Benedict XVI: so that the Lord might sustain him physically and spiritually, to the full completion of his sorrowful mission.

In fact – that no one might forget -, Benedict gave up “acting as Pope”, but he did not renounce “to being the Pope”. And so He still constitutes a sure point of reference for all those who truly love the Church: in particular, with his example of silent and prayerful immolation.

Second. To address myself to that number of growing faithful lay people who are pawing the ground, in the desire to do something concrete and useful, to hold up the house of God that is crashing down like the basilica at Norcia (Italy); faithful lay people who are more conscious and seasoned than one might imagine.

I would like to say to them to fight for this just cause with all the means available, but to never go outside, for any reason, the official enclosure of the Catholic Church, even if it might become “false” from the head to the toes. The “true” Church, even if reduced to a “small remnant”, does not have to produce declared schisms, because she will survive in the heart of those remaining faithful to the true Magisterium of the Church, in the midst of a hostile majority.

In the dramatic situation in which we are plunged into it is sufficient to do a type of “internal and underground resistance”, similar to that of the first Christians toward the Roman empire, pagan and intolerant, waiting for the Lord and the Holy Virgin to accomplish their plans of purification of the Church and of the world.

I thank you for your attention and I offer my cordial regards.

Padre Gabriele Rossi, FAM

Signed, January 16, 2019.

The original of this article in Italian can be found at:

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You can find another very similar article translated from the Italian into English:
Tosatti: Vatican Unofficially Restricts Bishop Schneider, Cardinal Burke (November 6, 2018)

The original of this article in Italian can be found at:
Il Papa Impone “I Domiciliari” al Vescovo Athanasius Schneider. Niente di Scritto, Così Non È Possibile il Ricorso ….

You can also read my personal experience which is similar to those above: “A Letter to My Bishop” (

There is less prayer than ever before, more sin than ever before, even worse, indifference as if sin no longer exists, and so we have given much greater power to “the father of lies”, Satan (Jn 8:44). In particular Satan has more power to “disguise himself as an angel of light” (2Cor 11:14), to offer his very deadly beautiful lies as if they were the “truth that sets us free” (Jn 8:32)!
Thus it is very important in these times of great confusion, when even Catholic bishops are no longer in agreement about the fundamentals of our faith and morals, to not only pray much and to study the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults, but to keep our eyes open so as not to slide into the convenient half truths (which are worse than lies!), especially to speak only about mercy without “GO AND SIN NO MORE” (Jn 8:11; 5:14)!
FOR UPDATES on some of these fundamental, hidden, and disguised deceptions of the ancient serpent, visit one of my index web sites to see the more important, latest articles:

Those who control the world and the Internet today are clamping down more and more especially regarding articles that help people to realize where we are being covertly led. Thus if you do not succeed in accessing some of my websites, in particular the three index websites, you might try using Google to find my index websites, with keywords such as: josephdwight, joseph-dwight-index; giuseppedwight, giuseppe-dwight-indice.

Father Joseph Dwight

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Padre Gabriele Rossi, FAM, at Collevalenza, Italy.

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