Thursday, March 16, 2023

Private Revelations – Prudence Is Needed


Private Revelations – Prudence Is Needed

I think most of us would agree that today WE ARE LIVING IN THE GREATEST CULTURAL, RELIGIOUS AND ECONOMIC CRISIS IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. We are living in the most confusing times in the history of the world and of the Church. WE DESERVE ALL OF THIS because in recent decades there has been a great decline in the number of people who seek to obey and live God’s holy laws with the help of God through prayer and the Holy Sacraments.

The “Prophecy of Saint Francis” (Assisi) tells us:

2. The power of the demons will be greater than usual, the immaculate purity of our religious community and of others, will withered to the point that VERY FEW CHRISTIANS WILL WANT TO OBEY the true Sovereign Pontiff and the Roman Church with a sincere heart and perfect charity. At the decisive moment of this crisis, a personage not canonically elected, raised to the Pontificate, will endeavor to administer shrewdly to many the mortal poison of his error.

7. Some preachers will keep silent about the truth and, denying the truth, they will trample upon the truth. The sanctity of life will be held in derision by those who only profess it outwardly, and for this reason Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a worthy Pastor, but a destroyer.”

(“The “Prophecy” of Saint Francis (Assisi)”;

THUS, MANY PEOPLE TODAY ARE SEEKING SECURITY AND STABILITY in the quicksand all around us in our society and in the very pervasive atmosphere of subjectivism and relativism, especially in the Catholic Church since March 2013. Those of good will, who have true humility and charity and seek to discover and do the will of God, will not be abandoned by God nor by the Mother of God, Our Lady.

Cardinal Ratzinger said: “One of the signs of our times is that the announcements of 'MARIAN APPARITIONS' ARE MULTIPLYING ALL OVER THE WORLD.” ("The Ratzinger Report"; 1985).

In my written works on private revelation (see: and I quoted St. Thomas Aquinas, the "angelic doctor” of the Church, who tells us, in regards to private revelation that, "The prophets who foretold the coming of Christ could not continue further than John, who with his finger pointed to Christ actually present (Jn 1:29 ff). Nevertheless as Jerome (In Mt 211-13) says on this passage, 'This does not mean that there were no more prophets after John (the Baptist). For we read in the Acts of the apostles that Agabus and the four maidens, daughters of Philip, prophesied. John (the evangelist), too, wrote a prophetic book about the end of the Church; and at all times there have not been lacking persons having the spirit of prophecy, not indeed for the declaration of any new doctrine of faith, but FOR THE DIRECTION OF HUMAN ACTS." (Sum. Theol.II-II, 174, 6).

A Well Organized Misinterpretation of VCII

During the International Spiritual Exercises, at Collevalenza – Sanctuary of Merciful Love (Madre Speranza), June 22-28, 2008, Father Michael Gaughran offered to over 200 priests and to over 10 bishops of the movement these words in a meditation, with the title of the meditation, “The Church, The Movement and the current times” (


It grew gradually. It is enough to think of a subtle change that happened around the time of the Second Vatican Council. With the arrival of the “experts” there developed the fashion of theologians (Note 1), regardless of whether or not they deserved the name; the fact that they had published a book, in general that was enough. This continues and, with this, the center that guides the Church in the minds of many, has shifted from where God had placed it, in the hierarchy, the Pope and the bishops in union with him, and became the various opinions of all sorts of writers. [The students collected the books.] So, this has had an impact not only on the priests, but also on seminarians in many universities. This is the first part of the attack: the attack on the truth of God, the foundation of the Church. (…)”

OUR LADY IN HER MESSAGES THROUGH DON STEFANO GOBBI, “To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons” (, tells us:

Marxist atheism will contaminate everything; like a POISONOUS FOG it will penetrate everywhere and will bring many of my children to death of faith.” (November 9, 1975).

Darkness, with a THICK, COLD FOG, has entered the Church, obscuring it in the splendor of its truth. For this reason, every day, my word is forming you to the spirit of wisdom, that you may always see, in the light, the truth which my Son has taught you and proclaim it with courage to all in its integrity. The time has now come when only the little children, consecrated to my Immaculate Heart and entrusted completely to their heavenly Mother, will have the gift of keeping themselves intact in the faith and of bringing to the true faith the souls entrusted to them.” (February 9, 1985).

Those who only yesterday were good and generous souls, swept away by the general confusion, become TIMOROUS, INSECURE and as though paralyzed.” (December 28, 1973).

These children of mine should not be afraid to give themselves to me completely. They are now living in times of great confusion; in many of them faith in my Son and trust in me is diminishing. Bad example is everywhere increasing, and how discouraged are many of them becoming DISCOURAGED! This is the time to call on me, to yearn for me; this is all I am waiting for in order to reveal myself to them.” (February 23, 1974).

September 25, 1976

This Is Why I Speak to You

a "If you are little, you will always hear my voice.

b My beloved sons, do not let yourselves be misled by the many voices which are heard today. My Adversary deceives you with ideas and confuses you with words.

c You are, as it were, being submerged by a sea of words which grows ever greater and covers everything. The event of the Tower of Babel described in the Bible is now being repeated. You are now reliving the drama of the confusion of tongues.

d Your own words confuse you. Your own voices hinder you from understanding.

e It is now more than ever necessary to listen to my voice. This is why I speak to you.

f I speak to you to help you recover from the confusion, created today by your own words. Hence, as Mother, I gently lead you to listen to the one Word of the Father. This Word was made flesh and life in my most pure womb. My Heart opened to welcome it and guarded it as a precious treasure.

g I speak to you because today it is necessary to listen to his word. It is necessary to welcome it and to guard it jealously.

h It is only the word of my Son that I want you to hear. Today his voice has become, as it were, drowned out: it is the Word of the Father; it is my Son Jesus who is no longer heard.

i His word, so clearly contained in the Gospel, is, as it were, submerged by so many other human voices. You have made a gospel of your own with your own words. You, my beloved sons, should listen to and announce only the word of my Son, just as it is set down in his Gospel.

j The Church speaks to you. But each one wants to have his own say as to what she is telling you, and thus insecurity and confusion spreads about. And the Church is more than ever torn by this real confusion of tongues.”

In times of crisis and confusion prophetic private revelations are so important that Satan seeks in every way to diminish their divulgation, influence and effect. In 1882, Christ revealed to the stigmatist, Marie Julie Jahenny of La Fraudais, France that: "In the last days, a seemingly unlimited amount of FALSE REVELATIONS will arise from hell like a swarm of flies; a last attempt of Satan to choke and to destroy the efficacy of the TRUE REVELATIONS by false ones."

This indicates that these revelations are important enough for Satan to try to diminish their effectiveness in helping to alert souls of the very great dangers in this period of time when even “the elect will be deceived if possible” (Mt 24:24). But this also indicates that there are many false revelations and thus one must be very WISE AND PRUDENT especially in regards to recent revelations in which the proper Church authorities have not made any pronouncement yet.

St. John also tells us: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God: for many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1Jn 4:1).

Maria Divine Mercy has more followers than any other false seer today.

Exorcist Priest Testifies – MDM Cult Opens Door To Demonic Possession” (

I have had several experiences and studies and writings on the criteria of discernment regarding private revelation. In English:; In Italian: “Discernimento – Veggenti Falsi” (


Necedah Shrine

External links

Joseph Dwight "My Personal Reasons Why I Left the Shrine at Necedah, Wisconsin"


EVERYONE WANTS TO POINT THE FINGER, both in the civil world and in the Catholic Church. What can good popes, such as John Paul II and Benedict XVI, do if the great majority of bishops and priests and lay people do not obey or are at least cowards to stand up for the truth? There is a great tendency to point the finger on high, such as popes or the Second Vatican Council, but not to look in the mirror to find the cause of the present great apostasy before the manifestation of the Antichrist (2Thess 2:3). But Our Lady of Fatima reminded us that war is caused by our personal sins and stubbornness to not trust and obey our loving Father in heaven Who gave us the Ten Commandments for our true good, not for our harm!!! Protagonism satisfies our pride! Many people go around seeking to put everyone else straight, since they believe that they are already holy and right!


If a priest obeys the Liturgical Books of the Catholic Church, the Novus Ordo Mass is equally reverent as the Latin Mass. A priest in Barstow, California, in the early 60's celebrated the Latin Mass in less than 15'. Reverence depends on the heart and obedience. It is so easy and normal for our human nature to blame the one on top, but not ourselves. What can holy popes, such as John Paul II and Benedict XVI, do if the majority, if not the great majority of priests and bishops, do not obey God or the teachings of the Church?

IT IS AMAZING HOW MANY PEOPLE RUN TO PRIVATE REVELATIONS BUT DO NOT HAVE EVEN A COPY OF THE CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH for adults (CCC; ed. 1992, promulgated by Pope John Paul II; IN THEIR HOUSE. They do not know their own Catholic faith! Thus there is a great lack of the guiding truth of Divine Revelation which guides us in true spirituality and basic common sense! MDM is very strong in the Philippines where many people are generally less educated.

WITH LITTLE KNOWLEDGE OF OUR PRECIOUS CATHOLIC FAITH, as well as the criteria of discernment of private revelation offered to us by the Church, many naively believe that private revelations comes directly from God or from Our Lady and thus are infallible and above the authority of the Church. With little knowledge of these things, people forget that Satan is much more intelligent than we are, and thus can offer us private revelations that seem to us good and wholesome and holy on the outside, while at the same time leading us slowly away from the true faith and toward blind pride and trust in ourselves!

The messages of Our Lady through Don Stefano Gobbi, “To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons” (, leads us to true humility and total trust in Mary. THESE MESSAGES LEADS US TO TRUE SANCTITY which is the fundamental preparation for this period of the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21), even for the gift of martyrdom! The real and fundamental solution for the world and the Church is many individuals becoming truly holy, not in knowing the future and as many messages as possible!!! These messages of Our Lady through Don Stefano Gobbi are enough; we do not need to go searching for every seer and message around the world!

AN EVIL AND ADULTEROUS GENERATION SEEKS FOR A SIGN; but no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Mt 12:39-40; 16:4). That is, Christ humiliated and crucified. But it is more appealing to seek many seers instead of going toward Calvary with Christ and Mary.


o The great trial has come for the Church, so violated by the evil spirits, so divided in its unity, so darkened in its holiness. See how error has flooded throughout it, error which leads to the loss of the true faith. Apostasy is spreading everywhere

p A special gift of my Immaculate Heart for these times of yours is the CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, which my Pope has wished to promulgate, to be as it were his SHINING LAST TESTAMENT. But how many are those pastors who grope about in the mist, become speechless out of fear or compromise, and who no longer defend their flocks from the many rapacious wolves!

q Many priestly and consecrated lives have become dried up by impurity, seduced by pleasures and the search for comfort and well-being. The faithful are being drawn in by the enticements of a world which has become pagan, or by the countless sects which are spreading more and more.

r The hour of its great trial has above all come for the Church, because it will be shaken by the lack of faith, obscured by apostasy, wounded by betrayal, abandoned by its children, divided by schisms, possessed and dominated by Freemasonry, turned into fertile soil from which will spring up the wicked tree of the man of iniquity, the Antichrist, who will bring his kingdom into its interior.” (January 1, 1993).

a "My beloved sons, do not let your hearts be troubled. WHY DO YOU DOUBT? Why do you look with uncertainty at the present and the future in search of the sign which I have predicted to you?

b There is only one sign which God gives to the world and to the Church of this day: I myself.

c I alone am announced as a great sign in the heavens: this Woman, Clothed with the Sun, with the moon as a carpet under her feet and twelve stars as a luminous crown about her head.” (Novembre 30, 1974).

o And so I say to you, beloved sons, DO NOT SCRUTINIZE THE FUTURE, and thus, neither anxiety nor discouragement will take hold of you! Live only in the present instant, in complete abandonment, close to my Immaculate Heart, the present instant which the love of the Heavenly Father puts at your disposal, my little children...

p Before the Father - the omnipresent Father - only the present moment counts: not the past nor the future because this time is not yours.

q Live then each moment upon my Heart in prayer. Share my suffering, privileged sons of mine. At the time when the whole world was once for all redeemed and purified, the Father accepted the Son's divine suffering together with my human suffering of the Mother.

r Your suffering, my sons, is truly contributing to the purification of the earth.

s If the chastisement comes, it will be only as an ultimate and solemn demand for suffering to bring about the renewal of the world and the salvation of so many poor children of mine.

t But nothing contributes so much to the triumph of my Immaculate Heart as a priestly heart which suffers. In you, my sons, it is Jesus who continues his mission of purification. Only his blood can wash away all the evil, all the hatred and all the sin of the world.

u And so, now that the moment of the purification is here, you will be called upon to suffer more and more. For you, my sons, this is the hour of the cross. But you will suffer with me, with your Mother who begot you under the Cross.

v Be ever with me, in the present moment which the Father gives you: to offer and to suffer in the Heart of your sorrowful Mother." (September 15, 1975).

j But DO NOT SEARCH OUT THE MOMENT, SCRUTINIZING THE FUTURE and counting the years, the months and the days. In this way you would be caught up by anxiety and agitation and would truly waste your time, which is so precious.

k My beloved sons, my time is not to be measured in this way, but only by your trust in me, who am preparing you to be instruments chosen and formed by me to bring about at this time the triumph of my Immaculate Heart." (July 26, 1976).

j Multiply your cenacles of prayer, and live in the greatest trust and filial abandonment to me, without allowing yourselves to be seized by VAIN CURIOSITY to know what is awaiting you.” (September 18, 1988).

j It is my work, which I am carrying out by means of my Marian Movement of Priests. For this, I have chosen this little child of mine and made him an instrument of my greatest marvels in every part of the world.

k Satan has sought in many ways to destroy it, by stirring up opposition and criticisms against it, persecutions and obstacles, subtle snares on the part of FALSE VISIONARIES AND FALSE MESSAGES, which have succeeded in misleading a great number of my poor children.

l But I have personally intervened, in an extraordinary way, to prevent him from harming it, because I am jealous of this work of mine with the very jealousy of God.” (June 19, 1993).

n - I am consoled by you because you are following the road which, in these years, I have traced out for you with the messages which I have given to the heart of this little son of mine. Be more and more united with him; accept the word which I give you by means of him.

o Do not let yourselves become distracted or enticed along other roads, because today many are those who are SPREADING FALSE MESSAGES AND UNTRUE VISIONS. In this way, work together toward an ever increasing diffusion of this work of mine, the Marian Movement of Priests, throughout all your country.” (March 22, 1995).

p My Adversary has been given a period of time in which to tempt you. Thus he will set snares for you in all sorts of ways with PRIDE, with LUST, with DOUBTS, with DISCOURAGEMENT, with CURIOSITY. You will be sifted like wheat, and many will be allured by his dangerous deceits.

q Follow Jesus in ever rejecting his seductions; above all be on the watch because today there are many false christs and false prophets, who are seducing many souls and bringing them to perdition.” (March 1, 1980).

d Today, many are the FALSE PROPHETS who are spreading LYING MESSAGES in order to cast many of my children into anguish and fear.” (December 1, 1985).

So many want a CHRISTIANITY WITHOUT THE CROSS, to make the truth and the Ten Commandments the way they want it instead of how it is explained in Divine Revelation, which is explained by the Catholic Church and summarized in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

The great majority of PEOPLE TODAY DO NOT WANT TO FOLLOW CHRIST HUMILIATED AND CRUCIFIED (as was the case 2000 years ago and always) but rather to feel important and protagonists with special secrets and future prediction, which was one of the main appeals of the major heresy in the early centuries of the Church, Gnosticism, which has continued to thrive during the centuries in various different forms.

Yes, it is true that at least the majority of the Catholic priests and bishops today do not obey the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults (CCC; ed. 1992, promulgated by Pope John Paul II; But how easily many people take this as an excuse to decide the truth for themselves, or if a private revelation is true or not, without studying well what the Church has left us on this matter for 2000 years!

Many people, who are attached to a particular seer or private revelation, are not willing to talk to anyone who is not in agreement with themselves. You might say that in the name of God or in the name of Mary (of a supposed private revelation) they end up rejecting God due to the lack of true humility. So many naively believe that since it is a private revelation, the messages are straight from heaven and thus infallible and thus above any and all authority on the face of the earth, which is what they want! Of course they do not see that this blind prideful logic leads to the conclusion that all seers are from God, because all seers say their messages come from God!!! This blind logic means that Satan is so stupid that he is not able to deceive us since we implicitly believe that we are more intelligent than Satan who is one of the most intelligent creatures ever created by God.

MDM-BOT Is NOT Catholic – BEWARE!” (

Who decides which seers are from God and those that are not? Regarding the NECESSITY OF HUMILITY AND OBEDIENCE we find a very striking and instructive example that when St. Teresa of Avila’s confessors told her "to reject them (her visions) every time by the sign of the cross and by derision”, Jesus later told St. Teresa of Avila “that I was not to distress myself, that I DID WELL TO OBEY; but that He would make them see the truth of the matter” (“Ch. IX: Obedience To Lawful Superiors”;

All the TRUE SEERS up to March 2013 obeyed , with true humility, the authority of the Church. Yes, now we have a false pope, not canonically elected (“Pope Benedict XVI Forced To Resign”; But this is part of our punishment, as “The “Prophecy” of Saint Francis (Assisi)” tells us. With the present worldwide crisis at all levels even some priests put themselves under an unapproved seer, with very little discernment as did the Church in the past.

ALSO IN OUR PRESENT DAY CRISIS, PEOPLE EASILY FOLLOW CHARISMATIC PEOPLE like Don Alessandro Minutella. Our Lady told Don Stefano Gobbi that Our Lady is the leader of the Marian Movement of Priests. God chose Mary to lead the small army against Satan in this period, not Father Joseph Dwight or Don Alessandro Minutella. In the end Mary will crush the head of the serpent, Gen 3:15. Our Lady seeks humble little souls to form little groups all over the world who pray the Rosary, spend time in Eucharistic adoration, go to confession frequently. Satan so easily enters big groups, and leads to pride and compromise in a hidden way.

There is a very great temptation for charismatic people to offer themselves as the infallible interpretation of the truth in a period of crisis and to not dialogue with anyone not in agreement with themselves, which is exactly what “Pope” Francis does (eg. the four cardinals who wrote the Dubia against Amoris Laetitia). The Truth comes from God alone, not from any creature nor even from the Catholic Church!




Our Lady by way of Don Stefano Gobbi in the “Blue Book”, referring to the Marian Movement for Priests: “Let there be NO LEADER among you. I myself will be your Leader. You must all be brothers: loving, understanding and helping each other” (Our Lady to Don Stefano Gobbi, July 16, 1973). “Therefore there should be NO LEADER among you: you are all brothers, united in love that must grow ever more and more” (Our Lady to Don Stefano Gobbi, August 22, 1976). But without a certain human and spiritual maturity, it is very difficult to live these words of Our Lady.

As for the rest, leave it to me. THIS IS MY WORK ALONE, and no one will touch it, because I am jealous of it with the very jealousy of God. This work is willed by me for the great triumph of God and the conclusive defeat of Satan. Do not become uneasy if you find that movements inspired by souls to whom I have revealed myself are springing up here and there: on the contrary, all is part of my great plan. And so each thing must be in its place. Your place is the Marian Movement of Priests. Through my priests, an immense number of the laity will again be consecrated to my Heart and entrust themselves completely to me. With simplicity and WITHOUT ORGANIZATION, let them give themselves to me as a little child gives himself completely to his own Mother” (June 7, 1975; “To the Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons”; February 9, 1985;

The Great Difficulty In Overcoming Pharisaism - The Difference Between Schismatic Traditionalism and the False Pope Prophecies

C:\JJ Docs\Doc-Word\Doc Video-Email\Printed or Published\Email Gerard Wallis 160513 Pharisaism

A very good help in this period of the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21) when the Body of Christ, the Church, and will be crucified (CCC 675-677), and of the great apostasy before the manifestation of the Antichrist (2Thess 2:3), is: “To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons” (

Almost twenty Cardinals and more than 150 Bishops, more than 50,000 priests and religious, have followed the Marian Movement of Priests (MMP), receiving by way of the book which contains the messages, precious teaching from the Mother of God, in this devastating attack of the ecclesiastical Masonry on the sound doctrine of the Church and the Sacraments, especially the Most Holy Eucharist.

Many bishops have given their Imprimatur to this book. You will find in these messages of Our Lady revealed through Don Stefano Gobbi a resemblance to the writings of Saint Louis de Montfort, Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and to the messages of Our Lady of Fatima, with the sweetness that only the Mother of God, and the Mother of each of us, could communicate to those open to the caresses of Our Lady!

I would highly recommend that you read slowly one meditation from this Blue Book each day so as to let Our Heavenly Mother form and prepare you for this period of the purification of the Church and of the World.

May God bless you!

Father Joseph Dwight

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