Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Who Is Our Savior, Trump or Jesus Christ?

Who Is Our Savior, Trump or Jesus Christ?

On May 5, 2024 at Formula One in Miami, the whole crowed stood and cheered the arrival of Trump, while many held a beer in one hand and having sex outside of marriage in the night. We expect Trump to save America so we can continue to NOT live the Ten Commandments, so we can continue to have our well being and pleasures! We Americans are HYPOCRITES!!! We have no GRATITUDE for all that God has given us! Only God can save America now, but if we do not obey God, God will not help us!!!

'USA! USA! USA!': Trump receives 'hero's welcome' at Formula 1 Miami Grand Prix


Did God give us the Ten Commandments for our good or for our harm? DO WE TRUST GOD OR DO WE TRUST OURSELVES? Today legislators who do not respect the Ten Commandments are called progressive instead of regressive or destructive!

Our Lady of Fatima reminded us that WARS ARE CAUSED BY OUR PERSONAL SINS, not by just a few people like Hitler or Obama or Jacob Rothschild. We do not want to hear or believe this. We want to blame others instead of making a good examination of conscious and a good confession. “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” (Mt 7:3; Lk 6:41).

The only vote that will save America is to vote for God by living ALL the Ten Commandments!

WE ARE NOT ANIMALS WITHOUT RESPONSIBILITY for our actions, as Satan and the highly controlled mainstream media would have us to believe. The forces of evil, with the elite superrich in the secret s0cieties, have worked for years to make us less capable of reacting (dumb-down) by also using very advanced technologies, so as TO MANIPULATE US MORE EASILY. But we were created in the image of God (Gen 1:26-27) and thus we can (1) freely choose to struggle against these evil influences, and also (2) we will live for eternity whether we want to or not.

TODAY THE TECHNIQUES OF BRAINWASHING THE MASSES are much more sophisticated and powerful and hidden, not only using the mainstream media, social media, schools and almost all the religious organizations, but also using very advanced nanotechnology introducing into our bodies, in many ways, extremely small particles with artificial intelligence. Find my article on the WEB: “They Modify Us Without Our Permission”; “The First Dose Linked with 5G”.

In our supposed democracies run by the people, WHO gave these arrogant little dictators permission to spray us with CHEMTRAILS, or to manipulate us to take UNTESTED VACCINES, against our constitutional rights, or to use HAARP to modify the weather and to cause earthquakes, and to modify our personal DNA with nanotechnology????? Where are the real men, inspired by holy wives instead of seduced and manipulated by their wives, ready to give their lives to protect their wives, families and society from these Hitler type people?!? Find on the WEB: “Those Who Open Their Eyes Are Labeled Conspiracy Theorists”.

CHEMTRAIL PILOT WRITES LAST CHANCE WITH HIS JET ABOVE NYC (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jjsa8zJRm7s).

The forces of evil have the mainstream media and social media totally in hand. The people do not have the strength to resist because very few of the good pray and live their prayer: “THY will be done”, not “MY will be done”! Very few live the Ten Commandments, and thus they are not able to distinguish between the beautiful lies of the TV from the “father of lies”, Satan (Jn 8:44), and the Truth that sets us truly free (Jn 8:32)! THEIR GOSPEL IS THE TV AND THEIR SMART PHONE!

Perhaps the greatest weapon of the NW0, directed by the proud elite of the world, is the MAINSTREAM MEDIA and social media, along with modern computer technology, which made it surprisingly EASY TO OVERTURN A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION (2020), and to rig the midterm elections (2022) in order to maintain the democratic majority, their puppets. “Programmer under oath admits computers rig elections” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1thcO_olHas).

WE ARE BEING BRAINWASHED toward the goals of the ruling class of the worst dictatorship in the history of the world (Mt 24:21). If they had the power to overturn a presidential election in 2020, now after more than three years of Biden-Obama in the Whitehouse, they have even more power to manipulate the situation. The FBI, CIA, the military, the secret services (which is supposed to protect Trump now?!?), are now even more under the control of the rulers of the world. Does Trump realize that the SS is under the control of the puppet masters of Biden-Obama??? The attacks against Trump are a distraction so we do not look at what Obama did and Biden is doing, which is a 1000 TIMES WORSE; they are obeying their puppet masters to prepare to eliminate more than half of the population of the US and to force us under the NW0! One can see that Biden was directed by the satanic mas0nry because the first thing he did as president was to sign many executive orders which promoted the gravest sins of the culture of death. Satan knows well that by doing this first, the country falls much quicker as a consequence. “For the sons of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than the sons of light.” (Lk 16:8).

FREEMAS0NRY STRONGLY PROMOTES POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, and thus conspiracy theorists are seen as out of touch with reality and highly ridiculed. This same type of pressure is now even stronger in the Catholic Church. Find my article on the WEB: “RIGID With Christ the Immutable Truth!” Thus few open their eyes to the fact that for years Freemas0nry, guided by its Grand Master, who is guided by Satan, have been working to lead the world to the worst dictatorship in the history of the world (Mt 24), the Great Reset, which in the end, with the help of the One World Religion, headed by the False Prophet, will lead as many people as possible to adore the Antichrist (Rev 13). If one overcomes the great pressure to be politically correct and human respect and human pride, one quickly begins to PUT THE PIECES OF THE PUZZLE TOGETHER and to understand the motives for what is going on and the brainwashing of the highly controlled mainstream media.


It would be a great help if at least the Catholics would do WHAT THEY LEARNED AT THEIR FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: Sunday Mass, regular Confession and to pray the Holy Rosary with their whole heart everyday! THE FORCES OF EVIL HAVE WORKED FOR YEARS TO DESTROY RELIGION AND DIMINISH PRAYER so now they can manipulate us as they want, guided by the Grand Master of Freemas0nry. Many people are finally beginning to open their eyes, and they try to protest, but few are willing to prayer and offer sacrifices and do penance as Our Heavenly Mother urges us to do in all of her apparitions; this is the real fundamental solution! Read everyday a meditation from: “To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons” (http://our-lady-priests.blogspot.it/).

THE ELITE HAVE COVERTLY ORCHESTRATED inflation, uncontrolled immigration, the shootings to take away our guns. In the last several years a great number of food processing plants have been destroyed by fire or bombs with almost no media coverage. Bill Gates has bought more than half of the farm lands in the USA. The easiest way to diminish the population is by mass starvation!

Those who become 33 degree Mas0ns must swear the oath: “Ordo Ab Chao”, meaning Order out of Chaos. “Ordo ab Chao” is the motive to promote “UNCONTROLED” immigration, as well as undermining commerce and the whole of the structures of societies in a covert and underhanded way using their very numerous bribed Mas0nic politicians and corporate directors! “Mas0nry is a true and specific Satanic Sect. The esoteric studies, up to the 18th degree include spiritism and magic, from the 24th degree one becomes “Militia of Satan”, from the 28th degree to the 33rd degree “Mystical Body of Satan”, this is the reality of Mas0nry” – testimony of Cesare Ghinelli, ex Mas0n. “Satan is the only god of our planet” - H. P. Blavatsky (Mas0n).

There are many indications that America is being prepared and pushed toward a CIVIL WAR. It seems to me that a good way to do this would be to let Trump become very popular and then assassinate him.

Most Mas0ns do not know they are WORKING FOR SATAN until they are brainwashed during at least 24 degrees of Mas0nry. But immediately at the first degree of Mas0nry one must accept religious syncretism, that all religions are equal, which means that Jesus Christ is at the same level with Mohammad or Buddha or any human religious founder.

Satan knows well that the soul of the world is the Catholic Church, and the Eucharist sustains the Church. The EUCHARIST is “the source and summit of the Christian life”.” (Vat. II: LG 11; CCC 1324). Satan, in a great number of ways, leads a great number of Catholics to lose the faith and humility before God in the Eucharist. With the help of God through the frequent reception of the holy Sacraments and prayer, especially the Rosary, one can overcome the temptations of the devil and make it to heaven. SAINT PADRE PIO said: "It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do so without the HOLY MASS." This saint also said: “The ROSARY is the weapon for these times”! A good CONFESSION (a Sacrament) is more powerful than an exorcism (a sacramental)! “One day through the Rosary and the (brown) SCAPULAR, I will save the world” – Our Lady to Saint Dominic (1214).

IF A CATHOLIC STOPS going to CONFESSION at least once a month, and stops praying the ROSARY every day, this Catholic will automatically lose the faith in the Most Holy EUCHARIST, and everything else! The Eucharist is the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ!

DEAD BODIES FLOAT DOWN WITH THE CURRENT of relativism which surrounds us everywhere today; live bodies swim upstream against the current by remaining faithful to the Truth which does not change with the rebellious world! Very few people have the strength to resist these powerful highly developed techniques of brainwashing us today because very few pray and live their prayer. Very few live the Ten Commandments, and thus they are not able to distinguish between the beautiful lies of the enslaving TV and the Truth of God that sets us truly free (Jn 8:32)! Their gospel has become the TV! Those who persevere in prayer and live their prayer, “THY will be done”, not “MY will be done”, save themselves. Those who do not pray damn themselves! Desired and embraced IGNORANCE is NOT BLISS after death! The people in hell are not able to commit suicide! Here on earth, if we were to see one instant heaven, we would die immediately of joy. If we were to see one instant hell, we would die immediately of terror. God does not show us heaven or hell here on earth so as to respect our free will, otherwise we could not help but choose to do His holy Will.

The whole of man’s history has been the story of DOUR COMBAT with the powers of evil” (CCC 409).

THE TRUTH COMES FROM GOD, NOT FROM THE CHURCH. The Church is the servant of the Truth, not the Author of the Truth (Jn 14:6). The Church must protect and defend the precious gift of the Truth, not modify or change the truth in a hidden sly way to please the world. Thus no priest, bishop or pope can change the Truth of Divine Revelation given by God throughout the history of mankind, infallibly explained by the Catholic Church, and well summarized in the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults (CCC); ed. 1992, promulgated by Pope John Paul II (http://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/_INDEX.HTM).

Even though JOSEPH GOEBBELS was the Reich Minister of propaganda (1933-1945), he often spoke openly about the strategy of the Reich propaganda. He said: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, THE TRUTH IS THE GREATEST ENEMY OF THE STATE.”

What Joseph Goebbels wrote is ALSO HAPPENING IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH SINCE MARCH 2013, with those at the highest level in the Church remaining silent about priests and bishops who promote the culture of death, while silencing in various covert ways those who promote the culture of life and denounce the Gay agenda and the culture of death agenda. Find my articles on the WEB: “Birds of a Feather Flock Together”; “The False Pope Will Fall Silent”.

The puppets of the forces of evil today, guided by Freemasonry, which is guided by Satan, have worked hard in the last several decades to destroy the family, the fundamental cell of society. THE REAL FUNDAMENTAL SOLUTION: “Prayer joined to sacrifice constitutes the most powerful force in human history.” – Pope John Paul II.

Find my article on the WEB: “Trump will lead America back to God - 1983 Prophecy”

President Trump will ‘lead America back to God,’ according to 1983 prophecy



This prophecy does not refer to saving America, but saving many souls in America after having neglected prayer and God for many years due to many years of wellbeing and pleasures during the prosperous years after World War II. Life is very short; eternity is very long!

Dear friends, by now, ONLY GOD CAN SAVE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and the world. In the Old Testament, God sent the prophets when Israel strayed away from God. Today God sends the greatest human prophet as our last chance for salvation, His own Mother. She tells Catholics to prayer and offer many sacrifices and do penance for our sins, to stay very close to the Eucharist and Confession and to pray very often the Holy Rosary. Do we believe that we are more intelligent and wise than the Mother of God, the Seat of Wisdom??? (http://our-lady-priests.blogspot.it/). The only thing that really matters is eternal salvation. This is why the ultimate goal of Satan, who guides Freemasonry, is to lead as many souls to hell as possible!

May God bless you and Mary guide you in this period of the great apostasy (2Thess 2:3) and of the greatest period of tribulation in the history of mankind (Mt 24:21)!

Father Joseph Dwight

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(Facebo0k does not let me publish my websites, and Go0gle obscures the search for my articles in many hidden ways, including English articles in English speaking countries!)

Below are some of the images recently found on Facebook which indicate that many are waiting for Trump to save America but few indicate that we must do our part by living the Ten Commandments!

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