Monday, January 18, 2021

Palm Sunday – January 20, 2021

Palm Sunday – January 20, 2021

I believe that there is a real possibility that Wednesday, January 20, 2021, God might offer to Trump a type of PALM SUNDAY, which will help to spiritually wake up and lead back to God many people. But shortly afterwards there will be the CRUCIFIXION. Those who pray and live their prayer (“THY will be done”, not “MY will be done”), will receive the grace of final perseverance in this period of the purification of the Church (CCC 675-677), and of the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21) so as to arrive to the eternal RESURRECTION (Zech 13:7-9).

Father Joseph Dwight

The Church's ultimate trial

675 Before Christ's second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. [573] The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth [574] will unveil the “mystery of iniquity” in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. the supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh. [575]

676 The Antichrist's deception already begins to take shape in the world every time the claim is made to realize within history that messianic hope which can only be realized beyond history through the eschatological judgement. the Church has rejected even modified forms of this falsification of the kingdom to come under the name of millenarianism, [576] especially the “intrinsically perverse” political form of a secular messianism. [577]

677 The Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, when she will follow her Lord in his death and Resurrection. [578] The kingdom will be fulfilled, then, not by a historic triumph of the Church through a progressive ascendancy, but only by God's victory over the final unleashing of evil, which will cause his Bride to come down from heaven. [579] God's triumph over the revolt of evil will take the form of the Last Judgement after the final cosmic upheaval of this passing world. [580]

CCC 675-677;

Saturday, January 16, 2021

COVID Vaccine – 5G Network

COVID Vaccine – 5G Network

Dear friends,

The Mass Media is highly controlled by the elite of the world, as well as the Social Media, which has recently shut down Trump in just about all communications. So I hope we can at least continue to communicate with each other and offer the whole truth by Email, at least for now, even though many email marketing services are clamping down on those who try to warn people of what is really going on today in the world and in the Church.

Another email marketing service stops emails from Republicans, Trump campaign” (

Since there is less prayer and more sin than ever before, the great majority of people are not able to distinguish between the well prepared propaganda of the Mass Media and the Truth, and thus for these people the “truth” comes from the TV, not from reality, or from documents or from God through Divine Revelation. The elite of the world have worked for years to destroy true religion of God, so that now, with the great power of the Mass Media over those who do not pray, they can control and lead rather easily the people of the world toward the New World Order, which in the end will be the worst dictatorship that the world has ever seen.

A few of my friends asked me for some of the information that I have found regarding the vaccine for the corona virus and also the 5G network.

Here are a few Web sites that you might find helpful:

VIDEO: Doctors and medical professionals from around the world give advice on taking the COVID vaccine.

One understands that the 5G network is presented as being very advantageous for many reasons, which is true. But we are not told that the 5G network is ultimately designed to be able to identify, find and track people, and even to kill people who are undesirable to the elite of the world.

5G Is The Ultimate Directed Energy Weapon System, Says Particle Physicist

July 31, 2019

Particle Physicist Dr. Katherine Horton argues, based on her research and personal experiences, that the 5G network is intended as a Directed Energy Weapon system that aligns with the goals of the global elite to enslave humanity.

Someone also sent me the following email on December 28, 2020:



Dear people of my son, I as the adoptive father of Jesus Christ and as protector of the Sacred United and Pierced Hearts, I come to give you this precious message that will help you in the tribulation and protection against the demonic forces of satan.

You, as my son's beloved people, are exposed to the malevolent plans of the New World Order that intends to decimate the population, and more than anything else, to persecute and intimidate the people of God as their main enemies to defeat. That is why today, as defender of the people of God, I come to give directions to you. Through my holy intercession you will obtain many graces and protection against all the injustices and evil plans of the enemy.

I want to tell you that you have all the protection of the triumphant Army and also the purgative. Call on the souls in purgatory and they will help you. That is why it is important to pray for them in your prayers every day. They will be of great help, but for this you must know how to ask for their intercession with a pure and humble heart and in a state of grace. This is why confession is so important.

Today I want to talk to you about the vaccine that you want to make globally against covid. This will be mandatory because it brings a cutting-edge chip and nanotechnology, and it will control your minds and change your DNA, erasing the essence of God in you, killing your souls and spirits.

This vaccine is a trap for satan to impose it on everyone.

That is why heaven, concerned for its faithful little remnant, has decided to intervene to protect and keep them safe.

First of all, they are already on notice that they should not wear it.

Second, they have my protection and that of all heaven and purgative souls.

For this reason, from today onwards, they will pray, even if it is a Rosary for them daily. They will intercede for you and give you the strength and courage to face any situation.

How will heaven intercede for you in this situation?

From now on I ask you to be in a state of grace and pray before an image of the Holy Family the following prayer of protection so that when you want to implement the vaccine, my protective Mantle will make you invisible through the intercession of all heaven and all souls purgative.

PRAYER: (pray it from this day forward every day)

I, (name), as a son of God the Father and loved so much by Him, and as part of his faithful people, cry out for the help of all heaven and purgative souls, asking for the spiritual intercession of Saint Joseph and the Blessed Virgin. Mary, my Lord Jesus Christ, the Father and the Holy Spirit, in the face of this situation that threatens my physical and spiritual integrity, such as the implantation of the vaccine against covid in my body through the intercession of the powerful Saint Michael. I ask all his entourage of angels to come to my aid and make me and my family invisible to this threat, so that protected and guided by my protector Saint Joseph, I can be guarded by myriads of Angels and purgative souls that defend me from this taxation worldwide. Amen

They will pray it from now on every day and heaven will intercede in an extraordinary way in such circumstances and all who pray it will be protected from this threat to their physical and spiritual integrity.

This warning regarding the vaccine and prayer, God the Father has asked me to convey to his faithful remnant who are at the mercy of the New World Order.

Many injustices come from this regime, but they will also see the Mighty Hand of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, the Mother of heaven, mine, of the Holy Archangels and Angels, souls of purgatory and Saint Michael the Archangel who do not they will leave them alone.

You will also see many miracles and feats on the part of God as protector of his beloved Israel.

Therefore, the Holy people of my son cry out and say with a powerful voice the cry of Saint Michael the Archangel,

Who like God! Nobody like God!

Call upon me and I will come to your aid in the face of every threat. I care for and protect and guide them in their fight against evil. They are not alone.

Have faith in Divine Providence and protection.

Everything will be fine.

I leave you with the protection of my sacred Mantle and me. father blessing of Jesus Christ.



(Sent via Fr Dominic a German exorcist priest living in Rome)

God has chosen “the HANDMAID of the Lord” (Lk 1:38), Mary, His Immaculate Mother, to crush the PROUD head of the ancient serpent and his followers (Gen 3:15), and to be the General with “twelve stars” in this cosmic battle against the “great red dragon” (Rev 12:1-3)! Our Lady continually tells us to consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and LIVE this consecration of obedience and total trust in our heavenly Mother. “This is the moment for all to take refuge in me, because I am the Ark of the New Covenant. At the time of Noah, immediately before the flood, those whom the Lord had destined to survive his terrible chastisement entered into the ark. In these your times, I am inviting all my beloved children to enter into the Ark of the New Covenant which I have built in MY IMMACULATE HEART for you, that they may be assisted by me to carry the bloody burden of the great trial, which precedes the coming of the day of the Lord.” (“To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons”;; July 30, 1986; March 15, 1993).

If you might like to use the Consecration formula to the Immaculate Heart of Mary used in the Marian Movement of Priests (MMP), visit:

SAINT PADRE PIO said: "It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do so without the HOLY MASS." This saint also said: “The ROSARY is the weapon for these times”! A good confession (a Sacrament) is more powerful than an exorcism (a sacramental)!

Father Joseph Dwight

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Here are a few titles of articles (in English and Italian) that I copied from the Web (the 6 digit number at the end is the date – year, month, day):


Mons Carlo Maria Vigano’ sui Vaccini e la Santa Sede 210115

Pope Francis calls on 'everyone' to take COVID vaccine - 'It must be done' 210109.docx

Next in Coronavirus Tyranny - Forced Vaccinations and 'Digital Certificates' by Ron Paul 200427.docx

Are globalists using coronavirus crisis as battering ram to destroy, remake world order 200417.docx

China officials knew of coronavirus in December, ordered cover-up, report says 200229.docx

China should be sued for $6 trillion for coronavirus damages says top UK think tank 200405.docx

Coronavirus - Bill Gates says 7bn people will need Covid-19 vaccine and it will take 18 months 200509.docx

Coronavirus - Messe sospese in tutta Italia by Aldo Maria Valli 200308.docx

Coronavirus, Conte - vaccino fondamentale, stanziamo altri 287 milioni di euro 2006.docx

Coronavirus, la profezia di Padre Pio - 'Caos e morti per tre mesi' - Ma i frati smentiscono 200326.docx

Here's the Shockingly Small Number of People Who Died From Only the Coronavirus 200830.docx

After months of condemnation for no lockdown, Sweden's COVID deaths drop to near-zero 200810.docx

Australian woman struck down with COVID-19 says her symptoms were no worse than a 'sore throat 200309.docx

Bishop Schneider - Govt's are using COVID-19 as pretext to 'persecute' Church 200428.docx

Burke - Le Forze Del Male Usano Il Covid Per Imporre Il Great Reset Al Mondo 201214 Tosatti.docx

Contro Il Covid2019 Dovevano Bloccare L'italia E Invece Hanno Sospeso Le Messe, Con La Complicita' Di Cei E Vaticano - Ma Senza L'aiuto Di Dio Sara' Una Catastrofe 200309 Socci.pdf

Covid vaccine should be avoided at all cost by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr 201212.docx

As COVID-19 Crashes the Economy, Workers and Business Owners Wonder If Anything Can Save Them From Financial Ruin 200318.docx

Covid - L'arcivescovo Di Douala Annuncia - Abbiamo Una Cura 200805.docx

Mark Zuckerberg - If someone says hydroxychloroquine is a cure for COVID, we'll take it down 200729.docx

COVID, Bergoglio appoggia la chiusura delle chiese 200731.docx

Covid-19 is 'dress rehearsal' for anti-Christ arrival 200924.docx

Dr Anthony Fauci Plotted 'Global Vaccine Action Plan' with Bill Gates Before Pushing COVID Panic 200406.docx

Florida scientist said she was fired for 'refusing to manipulate' COVID-19 data 200519.docx

FEMA Ante Portas - Politician Warns - Trudeau Govt Plans To Build COVID 'Quarantine - Isolation' Camps Across Canada 201015.docx

How COVID-19 is a crisis fit for a 'New World Order' 200329.docx

Il Covid ha messo a nudo la nostra mancanza di fede 200721.docx

Is It Possible That COVID-19 Isn't as Bad as We Have Been Told 200407.docx

La Messa 'Covid-free' - un abuso contro il buon senso 200529.docx

Large Numbers Of Health Care And Frontline Workers Are Refusing Covid-19 Vaccine 210103.docx

Must-Read Italian Article on the CoronaCold scam and the overthrow of the Church 200801

L’Italia sarà ancora il laboratorio del nuovo ordine mondiale nella seconda fase dell’operazione Covid 200801

Liberal billionaire George Soros is taking advantage of COVID-19 to reshape America 200406.docx

Manufactured Pandemic - Testing People for Any Strain of a Coronavirus, Not Specifically for COVID-19 200327.docx

Mons Athanasius Schneider - Riflessioni ad ampio raggio sugli effetti del Covid19 200516.doc

Pope calls on scientists to ensure COVID-19 vaccine reaches every country of the world 200503.docx

Pope Francis calls on 'everyone' to take COVID vaccine - 'It must be done' 210109.docx

The COVID-19 Trojan Horse Is Pushing Us Towards A One World Government 200323.docx

Vaccino anti-Covid, Italia in prima fila con 130 milioni - Telefonata Conte-Gates 200502.docx

Vaccino per il Covid-19, telefonata tra Bill Gates e Giuseppe Conte 200501.docx

WHAT THEY'RE NOT SAYING - A Response to Covid-19 in the light of Church teachings 200825.docx


5G Health Risks - The War Between Technology and Human Beings 190514.docx

Anti-5G anger sparks wave of arson attacks across Europe 200501.docx

Giulietto Chiesa - il 5G trasforma tutti in cavie modificando il funzionamento delle nostre cellule.docx

Hundreds of bees drop dead around '5G towers' in California 190802.docx

Il marchio della bestia Š pronto e molti correranno a riceverlo - Ci sar… una struttura chiamata 5G che attiver… il marchio della bestia per il controllo, anche fino alla morte per molti 200510.docx

Nearly 80 cell towers burned in UK over 5G conspiracy theories 200511.docx

Ordinanza divieto di installazione sul territorio comunale di impianti di tecnologia 5G 200424.docx

Stati Uniti, tumori, antenne e allarmismo sul 5g 190918.docx

We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe 191017.docx

5G!Drones presentation at 5G-PPP TB e-Workshop

January 14, 2021

5G!Drones Is Putting the Pieces of the Drone Ecosystem Together to Make Sure They Fit and Can Deliver Value to Stakeholders

October 30, 2020

Hepta Drones and 5G will solve poor network connection during crowded events

12 November 2020

5G for vulnerable groups: Rescuing people with drones

5G!Drones project finalized a set of trials at the 5GENESIS Athens platform at COSMOTE premises

November 13, 2020

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Bannon Intervista Vigan• - Great Reset, Chiesa Profonda, Stato Profondo 210104.docx

Abp Vigan• warns Trump about 'Great Reset' plot to 'subdue humanity,' destroy freedom 201030.docx

Archbishop Vigano warns President Trump about 'Great Reset' in an Open Letter 201031.docx

Time Magazine announces 'The Great Reset' to usher in world socialism 201030.docx

Transhumanism - Expert exposes liberal billionaire elitists' 'Great Reset' agenda 201110.docx

Una lettera 'Meditazione' di Mons Carlo Maria Vigan• sul 'Great Reset' 201204.docx

Abp Viganò Denounces Alliance Between Deep State and Deep Church Amidst Election Fraud 201108

After the collapse of the economy comes “the Great Reset”

Washington's Vision