Those Who Open Their Eyes Are Labeled Conspiracy Theorists
A few days ago Cardinal Pell was in good health. A few days ago, just before his sudden death, Cardinal Pell defined the Synod of Bishops called by Francis to deepen the theme of “synodality” and what the Church of the future should be like, a “TOXIC NIGHTMARE”. In the "secret" Vatican memo, Cardinal Pell wrote: "Commentators of every school, if for different reasons … agree that this pontificate is a disaster in many or most respects; a catastrophe."
“Stop that Synod! The last cry of Card. Pell”
"Fermate quel Sinodo! L'ultimo grido del card. Pell" su YouTube
NOW CARDINAL PELL SUDDENLY DIES! Shortly after the publication of the "Dubia" by four cardinals against Amoris Latitia, two of these cardinals in good health died! J. F. Kennedy spoke out against the secret societies and the coming world dictatorship, and also printed money by the government instead of the private banks of the Federal Reserve, and so Kennedy too was eliminated as were several presidents before him, including Abraham Lincoln, who printed government money! For similar reasons, in a sly hidden way, Aldo Moro, Italian prime minister, was killed in 1978; the Red Brigade was only a cover for the real assassins, Freemas0nry. By now, the only solution is God. God helps those who truly live the Ten Commandments with much prayer.
FREEMAS0NRY STRONGLY PROMOTES POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, and thus conspiracy theorists are seen as out of touch with reality and highly ridiculed. Thus few open their eyes to the fact that for years Freemas0nry, guided by its Grand Master, who is guided by Satan, have been working to lead the world to the worst dictatorship in the history of the world (Mt 24), the Great Reset, which in the end, with the help of the One World Religion, headed by the False Prophet, will lead as many people as possible to adore the Antichrist (Rev 13). If one overcomes the great pressure to be politically correct and human respect, one quickly begins to put the pieces of the puzzle together and to understand the motives for what is going on and the brainwashing of the highly controlled mainstream media.
By now the forces of evil have the mainstream media totally in hand. The people do not have the strength to resist because very few of the “good” pray and live their prayer: “THY will be done”, not “MY will be done”! Very few live the Ten Commandments, and thus they are not able to distinguish between the beautiful lies of the TV and the Truth that sets us truly free (Jn 8:32)! Their gospel is the TV!
Perhaps the greatest weapon of the NW0, directed by the proud elite of the world, is the MAINSTREAM MEDIA, along with modern computer technology, which made it surprisingly easy to overturn a presidential election over a year ago, and to brainwash the masses of people toward their goals of the worst dictatorship in the history of the world (Mt 24:21). “Programmer under oath admits computers rig elections (
EVERYONE WANTS TO POINT THE FINGER, both in the civil world and in the Catholic Church. What can good popes, such as John Paul II and Benedict XVI, do if the great majority of bishops and priests and lay people do not obey or are at least cowards to stand up for the truth? There is a great tendency to point the finger on high, such as popes or the Second Vatican Council, but not to look in the mirror at ourselves to find the cause of the present great apostasy before the manifestation of the Antichrist (2Thess 2:3). But Our Lady of Fatima reminded us that war is caused by our personal sins and stubbornness to not trust and obey our loving Father in heaven Who gave us the Ten Commandments for our true good, not for our harm!!!
The great majority of people today have remained spoiled domineering arrogant capricious ignorant rebellious children all their lives. There is no spoiled brat in heaven, because in heaven there is room for only one God, not two!!! EVERYONE IN HELL THINKS THEY ARE GOD and thus there is war among these very numerous false proud rebellious gods for all eternity! In hell, without the grace of God and the Gospel of love, might makes right! But who is the strongest in hell?!? Satan! I prefer to be under a benevolent dictatorship in heaven than under a malevolent dictatorship in hell for all eternity! “The punishment of hell is eternal separation from God” (CCC 1035).
It would be a great help if at least the Catholics would do WHAT THEY LEARNED FOR THEIR FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: Sunday Mass, regular Confession and to pray the Holy Rosary with their heart everyday! THE FORCES OF EVIL HAVE WORKED FOR YEARS TO DESTROY RELIGION AND DIMINISH PRAYER SO NOW THEY CAN MANIPULATE US AS THEY WANT, guided by the Grand Master of Freemas0nry. Many people are finally beginning to open their eyes, and they try to protest, but few are willing to prayer and offer sacrifices and do penance as Our Heavenly Mother urges us to do in all of her apparitions; this is the real fundamental solution! - Read the articles that you can find in my index (, which can be very helpful in this period of great confusion full of traps from our very astute mortal enemy, Satan.
SAINT PADRE PIO said: "It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do so without the HOLY MASS." This saint also said: “The ROSARY is the weapon for these times”! A good CONFESSION (a Sacrament) is more powerful than an exorcism (a sacramental)! “One day through the Rosary and the (brown) SCAPULAR, I will save the world” – Our Lady to Saint Dominic (1214).
Pray because the only thing that really counts is to get to heaven for eternity, which the elite do not even believe exists! God does not send anyone to hell! Many people do not want to be with God because they command their lives in their pleasures and pride, not the holy will of God, and thus, after death, they willingly throw themselves into the place where God is not, but where there is all those who want to make war among themselves for all eternity. The elite, with all their blind puppets, are in for a big surprise after death: THE HELL THERE IS! They will even be betrayed here on earth before they die because “there is no honor among thieves”! After they are no longer useful to their superiors above them, they will be eliminated!
I prefer to follow Jesus with my daily cross here on earth (Lk 9:23; Mt 16:24), and then spend eternity with the God Who loves me immensely, than to be suckered into false glory before men during this short life and then: “The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God” (CCC 1035).
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