The Great Destruction of Secular Feminism
On the “International Women’s Day”, March 8, 2022, I published on FACEBOOK a Catholic point of view of Christian feminism.
Women who live Christian feminism instead of secular feminism are very attractive to men who pray!
I included in my article, “Catholic Prophecy Today”, a whole section on secular feminism:
“38. RADICAL FEMINISM - One of the greatest forces working to DESTROY THE FAMILY and society is radical feminism. The goals of secular feminism are: the destruction of patriarchy; control of reproduction including contraception, abortion, and reproductive technologies; destruction of the fatherheaded family with divorce and illegitimacy made normal; all women in the workforce, no man able to support his family and free 24 hour day care; destruction of all-male institutions; total sexual liberation including sex for children, homosexuality, and bisexuality; destruction of worship of God as father. - Radical feminism is based on a worldview that is ANTITHETICAL TO BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY. The ethics of radical feminism lead naturally to sexual chaos, intergenerational conflict, and violence. Should such a worldview pervade public policy, society will become less egalitarian, more prone to use force in order to suppress dissent, and violent towards the weakest and most defenseless.” (READ THE REST at: “Catholic Prophecy Today”;
We cannot take the place of another person with a specific vocation from God, as SECULAR FEMINISM tells us to do regarding ordination of women, and looking continually at the faults of one’s husband so as to justify putting aside ones husband. This is why Our Lady continually asks us to not judge but to pray for priests and bishops, the first target of Satan.
TODAY EVEN CATHOLIC MEDIA (seeking to be “politically correct”!) PROMOTES THE “EMPOWERMENT” OF WOMEN (as does secular feminism) but rarely promotes the wife’s fundamental vocation to inspire her husband, with much patience and prayer as did all the married women saints of the past. Secular feminism promotes the controlling, manipulating, seducing and dominating men. Communism strongly promotes secular feminism, as is being done today more than ever worldwide, so there is very little protection for the families and for society and thus there is very little resistance to the coming world dictatorship. It was much worse after the French Revolution (1798) and after the Russian Revolution (1917); there were very few people praying for the King of France and the Czar of Russia. It turns out to be almost always worse after divorce and remarriage, as the statistics show. The true saints of God prayed, with much patience and perseverance, for their respective spouses.
Secular feminism, along with just about all Catholic media today, RELEGATES THE PASSAGES FROM SACRED SCRIPTURE, regarding the relationship between the husband, the wife and the children, as out of date for our modern times as if human nature and marriage has changed in the last 2000 years (1Pet 3:1-7; Eph 5:21-33; 1Cor 7:1-10; Prov 31:10-31).
How different is the meaning of the SLOGAN OF COMMUNISM AND OF THE ’68 REVOLUTION, “continual struggle!”, and the “DOUR COMBAT with the powers of evil” in the Catechism of Catholic Church for adults (CCC 409; ed. 1992, promulgated by Pope John Paul II;!? One is a struggle against the legitimate authority as do spoiled arrogant capricious children against their parents while the other struggle is a combat against the powers of evil!?! It is incredible how we have turned upside down everything in our blind pride!!! “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil” (Is 5:20)! The people of the generation of ’68, who are in power today, thought they would find happiness and freedom by throwing out all rules and regulations, rejecting all authority and God, but they unwittingly fell under the dominion of the “prince of this world”, Satan (Jn 12:31; 14:30; Rev 12:9), who they believe does not exist! Unfortunately, the great majority of the people of the generation of ’68 did not receive true Christian love from their parents!
So many people are finally opening their eyes to the world situation and want to march and make political manifestations or rebel, BUT VERY FEW ARE WILLING TO TURN TO GOD, to Christ crucified, with Mary at the foot of the cross, and pray and make sacrifices in reparation, which is the true and lasting solution!
When our Lord said, “What therefore God has joined together, let no man put asunder” (Mt 19:6), the disciples said to Jesus: “If such is the case of a man with his wife, it is not expedient to marry” (Mt 19:10). The disciples knew what Jesus was saying. THIS IS HARD! Do you know what the divorce rate was in the USA in 1960? Five percent! Were human beings different then? What was it that made 95% of the marriages stay together until death? Now you look at it and you say who could possibly expect today to stay together until death!?! Even though many who stayed together years ago would have divorced if they lived today, those who stayed together years ago, when the spouse died, they sobbed like babies. So the Church basically says yes, we recognize that those terrible things happen. But unfortunately when you open the door to divorce, EVERYBODY WANTS TO RUN THROUGH IT!
In times past it might have been easier to understand and see the importance of the man’s protection at the material and physical level. BUT MAN’S ROLE AND GOD-GIVEN CAPACITY AS THE ETHICAL AND MORAL PROTECTOR of his family and society is even more important even though this aspect is very little appreciated and promoted today (and even strongly discouraged and ridiculed in a sly and powerful way) by the mainstream media which is leading us to the worst dictatorship in the history of the world!
Dr. Ray Guarendi details the FUNDAMENTALS OF CHRISTIAN PSYCHOLOGY in his new book: “Jesus, The Master Psychologist – Listen to Him”. On EWTN Live, aired on June 10, 2021, Dr. Ray points out that “what they have succeeded in doing is taking the stuff that was once admired in men and made it psychologically unhealthy. And they have done a wonderful job of it. (…). A good example of a real man - Gary Cooper in “High Noon” (...). Woman as a group do admire that in a man. This is not a culture wide view that in fact men need to get rid of the stuff that was traditionally seen as a healthy male. It’s not a culture wide view but they sure convinced us it is. (…). These negative images are coming from image makers; they are coming from Hollywood where they want us to live the way they do. They want to bring us down to their lowest common denominator of immorality.”
Did God give us the Ten Commandments FOR OUR GOOD OR FOR OUR HARM?!? Do we trust God or do we TRUST ourselves or the world?!? Since we are not able to create our own eternal paradise, we must chose. Where do we want to pass all of ETERNITY, with a malevolent dictator, Satan, or with God, our benevolent Creator?!? Do we want to suffer with Christ for less than 100 years here on earth and then the beatific vision for eternity, or do we want to believe the lie of a Christianity without the cross and that “ignorance is bliss”, and then to be forced to embrace the truth for all eternity? “The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God” (CCC 1035). People in hell cannot commit suicide!
BY NATURE, GOD HAS GIVEN TO MEN THE VOCATION TO PROTECT THE WIFE, FAMILY AND SOCIETY, while the woman looks at the details of the persons and the family. In God’s plan, the woman inspires her husband and the husband inspires the children and thus the society. Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen wrote: “To a great extent the level of any civilization is the level of its womanhood. When a man loves a woman, he has to become worthy of her. The higher her virtue, the more her character, the more she is devoted to truth, justice and goodness, the more a man has to aspire to be worthy of her. The history of civilization could actually be written in terms of the level of its women.”
If a wife sincerely prays and seeks to live her prayer, she will automatically be drawn to inspire her husband with patience, as a natural fundamental priority.
If a husband sincerely prays and seeks to live his prayer, he will automatically be drawn to protect his wife, family and society, as a natural fundamental priority.
Consider the great difference between the results of SECULAR FEMINISM, which destroys the God-given identity of man and woman, as well as the family as God intended, - - and THE SAINTS, in particular the female saints, which the Catholic Church holds out for us as models and guides to true and fulfilling happiness, such as Saint Monica, Saint Rita of Cascia, Blessed Francesca of Rome and Blessed Anna Maria Taigi. SAINT GIANNA BERETTA MOLLA (October 4, 1922 – April 28, 1962) was an Italian pediatrician, wife and mother who is best known for refusing both an abortion and a hysterectomy when she was pregnant with her fourth child, despite knowing that continuing with the pregnancy could result in her death. She was canonized as a saint of the Catholic Church in 2004.
IN GOD’S INFINITELY WISE DESIGNS, the man tends to reason with his head while the woman tends to reason with her heart. Man should listen to the heart but make the final decisions with his head. God created man and woman complimentary, equal in dignity with different roles of mutual service and love, not power and strife as Satan wants and promotes. Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen said: “We live in a sensate age. We are no longer governed by faith, we are no longer governed by reason. WE ARE GOVERNED BY FEELINGS”. Discernment is need because the heart can lead us toward God or away from God, even to the point of: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately corrupt; who can understand it?” (Jer 17:9).
In God’s design, the husband is the head of the family and the wife is the heart of the family! Satan seeks to confuse this perfect plan of God so as to destroy the family, the fundamental cell of society. Secular feminism promotes power seeking, envy, jealousy, division and upheaval, instead of understanding, appreciating and living the different vocations as different ways of serving others so as to procure true unity and peace. Generally speaking, the sins of the woman are more hidden than those of men, but not less grave. Visit my article, “Catholic Prophecy Today” (, to see: “From a website in Italian (which is no longer available) one finds the strategic plan of “MASONRY AND SEXUAL CORRUPTION”.
STUDIES HAVE SHOWN that if the mother of the family goes to church regularly without her husband, less than 5% of the children continue this practice later, while if the father of the family goes to church regularly, even without his wife, more than 40% of the children continue this practice later. This is the way God has made man and woman, with roles equal in dignity but different. Our secular world today, sees only visible material contribution, and thus sees things from the point of view of power, not of service, and thus seeks to pit men against women, and vice versa, to destroy the family. Satan wants to pervert the fundamental God-given vocations of man and woman so as to weaken and destroy the family, the fundamental cell of society. Lenin and Stalin, inspired by Karl Marx and Freemasonry, promoted secular feminism so as to take away this protection and weaken the family so as to have very little resistance to their dictatorship. It is very politically correct, even in the Catholic Church today, to promote the role of woman according to the world and secular feminism, instead of according to the great call of women according to God as shown in the lives of the saints for 2000 years. Read Pope John Paul II’s encyclical, “Mulieris Dignitatem”, 1988;, which today is considered old fashioned and prejudice due to the powerful mainstream media. “The woman has a right to the honor and joy of motherhood as a gift from God” – Pope John Paul II.
OUR CULTURE TODAY SAYS THAT THE WOMAN’S JOB IS TO SEDUCE AND MANIPULATE HER HUSBAND, which is the Eve response. But the woman’s true call is to inspire her husband, and that’s the response of the Mother of Jesus as we see at the Wedding of Cana (Jn 4:46-54). Each of us have a very great design from God: If we seek and do His will each day, loving God and neighbour as the Gospel tells us, we will fulfil our great design given to us from all eternity! By following God instead of the world, we will find interior peace and joy here on earth and everlasting happiness after death.
by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.
“The roots of the feminism, as we know, are at variance with Christian principles. It argues from a massive discrimination of women by men, and urges women to revolt against men. The most famous proponent of this ideology was Karl Marx and his disciple, Nikolai Lenin. They urged “a revolution depends upon the degree of participation by women.” On these terms, women’s liberation is simply part of the larger struggle for the eventual creation of a classless society. (…)”
Audio: by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.
Feminism – Emancipation of Women (10-4-98) Part 1 - (47:09)
002 – Feminism – Emancipation of Women (10-4-98) Part 2 - (22:02)
003 – Emancipation of Women by Lenin 1918 (10-4-98) Part 1 - (47:03)
004 – Emancipation of Women by Lenin 1918 (10-4-98) Part 2 - (13:49)
005 – The Femininist Movement – Removal of the Father from the Family (11-19-98) Part 1 - (31:19)
006 – The Femininist Movement – Removal of the Father from the Family (11-19-98) Part 2 - (14:14)
007 – The Femininist Movement – Removal of the Father from the Family (11-29-98) Part 1 - (46:47)
008 – The Femininist Movement – Removal of the Father from the Family (11-29-98) Part 2 – (41:20)
It is interesting how the Sacred Scriptures, in very few words, re-assumed the fundamental cause of the great flood: “the sons of God” took to wife “the daughters of men” (Gen 6:2). One of the first strategies employed by the new Communist regime, inspired by Masonry, OVER 90 YEARS AGO, to begin to destroy America and Europe from within, was to SMUGGLE IN GREAT QUANTITIES OF PORNOGRAPHY, so that the “men of God” might take to wife women that were not virtuous but offered carnal pleasures, that is, the women who seduce and manipulate instead of inspiring men toward the true virtues and toward God! Man is drawn to what he loves, whether it be a virtuous woman or a non virtuous woman. The passage from Genesis tells us how important it is for men to chose wives that are virtuous, not according to the pornography that we find everywhere today! If we do not heed the warnings of Our Lady, what will come about will be much worse than the great flood (Our Lady of Akita, Japan, 1973).
MEN WHO DO NOT PRAY usually express their dominance with physical force and cunning, whereas the women who do not pray generally manipulate with their tongue and sex. Up until about a hundred years ago Christian society in Europe and in the USA understood both of these dominances. Generally speaking, the sins of women are more hidden than those of men, but not less grave. But today in our pagan society, only visible sins are considered wrong, which is enhanced by Masonry so as to put just about all the blame on men for sexual misconduct which is more visible than the non virtuous women who drive away their husbands with their lack of love and deceit and arrogance. When civil order will collapse, most men, who were not inspired by virtuous women, will become beasts and again dominate the women.
Our Lady revealed to Jacinta of Fatima between December 1919 and February 1920 when she died: "More souls go to hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason. Certain fashions will be introduced which will offend Our Lord very much. WOE TO WOMEN WANTING IN MODESTY"! It is interesting that regarding sins of the flesh, Our Lady did not say “Woe to men …”, but “Woe to women wanting in modesty”!
OUR FAMILIES AND OUR SOCIETY NO LONGER HAVE THE PROTECTION OF MEN OF GOD, who have been given by God the vocation to protect, not only physically, but especially morally and spiritually. We see in war and western movies women who were grateful for the physical protection of men. But through the powerful manipulation of the forces of evil, this greatly needed vocation of protection is no longer appreciated and promoted, nor appreciated and inspired by the wives of men. The forces of evil now go quickly toward their world domination.
Freemasonry has worked hard to promote “POLITICAL CORRECTNESS” which under the guise of equal rights and false prejudice, has confused and destroyed the God-given roles of men and women for healthy families and a healthy society. Freemasonry, guided by its hidden master, Satan, knows the power of subconscious suggestion and manipulation by the mainstream media to reverse the God-given roles of men and women and to put the woman as the head and point of reference on TV shows, newscasts and movies. Today it is very politically incorrect to point this out, and even seen as prejudice and bigotry.
The NEWSCASTER is supposed to ask question to bring out what he or she wants to bring out. The man, by nature, will bring out possible dangers to the family and the society. Behold the astuteness of the freemasons. The man is also generally more logical, and prone to see the whole picture rather than just the details.
MEN ARE PORTRAYED in the mainstream media as stupid or macho men like Rambo or the Terminator, but not as virtuous men to look up to. The TV often portrays men as misfits, awkward, cowards, wimps, womanizer, philanderer, skirt chaser, milksop, namby-pamby, fairies and sissies. The saints of God are exactly the opposite, ready to give their lives for God, their neighbor and for the Truth that truly sets us free (Jn 8:32)!
Women are led to dream about other men, not their husbands, in the SOAP OPERAS, which is the “pornography” for women. Many black families have been destroyed by the welfare system in the US by giving black women more welfare money that the black men can earn, while not helping the man to improve his situation so as to be able to support his family. This destruction of the God-given role of men, to protect, has been well organized so that today there is very little protection against the powerful attacks on the traditional Christian family and society, thus preparing and leading quickly to the worst world dictatorship in the history of the world.
EUGENICS WAS USED BY HITLER TO ELIMINATE THE WEAK AND THE UNDESIRABLE RACES AND TO PROMOTE THE ARIAN RACE. Margaret Sanger worked with Hitler and then founded Planned Parenthood in the USA to diminish the population by promoting artificial birth control and abortion. It is interesting that even though the blacks or African Americans in the USA comprise only about 12% of the population, 40% of the abortions are done on black women who are targeted with many abortion clinics by Planned Parenthood in black neighborhoods. With the technology today, eugenics is now called TRANSHUMANISM, in which the rich super elite are seeking to transform every human being and all of creation to a higher level, according to them, by using Chemtrails, HAARP and nanotechnology to modify our own personal DNA.
These technologies are also used to dumb down the people so that the people are less able to resist and defend their autonomy so as to blindly obey and blend into their ongoing collective transhumanism of all of creation which the atheistic elite actually believe will end up becoming god!?!
In this period of time we will be pushed to totally choose God or Satan, as Lucia of Fatima told us, with no more middle ground. The first of the Ten Commandments: “You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve” (Mt 4:10; Ex 20:2-5; Deut 5:6-9; CCC 2083-2141)!!! But Satan is doing all he can to lead us all to adore Satan – Revelation, chapter 13. Secular Feminism is hell bent on destroying the worship of God as Father!
Marx, Lenin and Stalin understood the great importance of the mass media, and later the television, to brainwash people. The Hollywood stars, after being given just about everything the world can offer, are forced to attend regular meetings of Satanism in which they must practice not only bestiality, but also cannibalism and must eat poop and drink urine. On the contrary Christ told us: “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Lk 9:23; Mt 16:24). A Christian, and in particular a priest, can only lead others to Christ only to the extent that he truly lives the Gospel in pray and sacrifice, without which, eloquent homilies produce no lasting fruits and conversions.
In our supposed democracies run by the people, WHO gave these arrogant little dictators permission to spray us with Chemtrails, to manipulate us to take untested vaccines against our constitutional rights, HAARP and to modify our personal DNA with nanotechnology????? Where are the real men, inspired by holy wives, ready to give their lives to protect their wives, families and society from these Hitler type people?!? “Those Who Open Their Eyes Are Labeled Conspiracy Theorists” (
Let us imitate Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the Holy Family, by staying close to the Eucharist, frequent confessions and the daily HOLY ROSARY.
SAINT PADRE PIO said: "It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do so without the HOLY MASS." This saint also said: “The ROSARY is the weapon for these times”! A good CONFESSION (a Sacrament) is more powerful than an exorcism (a sacramental)! “One day through the Rosary and the (brown) SCAPULAR, I will save the world” – Our Lady to Saint Dominic (1214).
Satan fears that we discover what the saints tell us: “Make frequent visits to Jesus in the BLESSED SACRAMENT and the devil will be powerless against you.” – St. John Bosco.
In this period of the “great tribulation” (Mt 24:21), “the Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, when she will follow her Lord in his death and Resurrection” (CCC 677). But “IN THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH!” - Our Lady of Fatima, Portugal, 1917. There will be fulfilled the Protoevangelium (Gen 3:15) – Saint Louis de Montfort!
May God bless you!
Father Joseph Dwight
Read the articles that you can find in my index (, which can be very helpful in this period of great confusion full of traps from our very astute mortal enemy, Satan.
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Why 'Educated' Liberal Women Are the Real Threat to Our Republic
September 9, 2022
Il Perché Donne Liberali ‘Educate’ Sono il Vero Minacia a nostra Repubblica
9 Settembre 2022
(Why 'Educated' Liberal Women Are the Real Threat to Our Republic)
“Feminism's "Gendercide" - By Joseph Meaney” (
The ENGLISH LANGUAGE has been specially used by the feminists to promote their ideology. One of the most radical changes of secular feminism is never to speak of God in the masculine gender. Why? Because to speak of God as “He” implies that God has mastery over the whole human race. This, in fact, may be said to be the radical foundation of feminism. At root, it is opposed to any faith in God who is Creator and Master of the universe.
The woman by nature is looking more at details and the persons in the family; man, as a protector, is wired to look around to discover what might threaten his domain, house, wife, and society. This also includes a greater ability to discover the various hidden poisons continually offered in attractive ways, not only in the world but especially in the Catholic Church since 2013. The wife in general is not wired to be looking at these things. The TV today portrays the woman as the one to look to for this guidance and protection, not the man, which is very effective in promoting the secular feminist agenda of subconsciously telling people to look to the woman, not the man, for guidance and protection which is lacking today more than ever before. It is very politically incorrect, and even reprehensible and condemned, to point this out today. Certain New Testament Bible verses regarding how men and women should conduct themselves are interpreted as only applicable 2000 years ago but no longer for the modern world, as if human nature has changed (1Pet 3:1-6; Eph 5:22-33; 1Tim 2:9-15; 1Cor 11:2-16; 14:33-35; Titus 2:3-5). Very often men on the TV are made to look ridiculous or macho men like Rambo. If a man or a woman put God truly first in their lives, with much prayer and the sacraments, and resist the false propaganda of the world, their vocations will become fulfilled according to God, despite being surrounded by a perverse generation. When I went to the March for Life in Rome, May 18, 2019, I met a women who boasted to be a theologian in the Vatican. A few minutes later I met Professor Seifert of Austria, who was fired by the Vatican by way of the local archbishop ( for being too faithful to the authentic teachings of the Church (“Courage to Proclaim the WHOLE Truth”; Since April of 2013 many good theologians and good Christian men in the Church have been replaced by women and men who at least do not realize the great dangers to the family and society and the Church, and who are politically correct and who always say yes to the new theology of the modern church which offers a Christianity without the cross of Christ which is what most Christians want today. This has been taking place all over the Church and the world in a hidden way, with the great encouragement of the mass media.
La donna di natura guarda più ai dettagli e alle persone nella famiglia; l’uomo, come un protettore, di natura, guarda intorno per scoprire ciò che possa minacciare il suo dominio, casa, moglie e la società. Questo include anche una capacità maggiore di scoprire i veleni vari nascosti offerti continuamente nei modi attraenti, non soltanto nel mondo ma soprattutto nella Chiesa Cattolica nei ultimi sette anni. La moglie di natura non guarda queste cose. La TV oggi descrive la donna come quella di guardare per questa guida e protezione, non l’uomo, che è molto efficace nel promuovere l’agenda del femminismo secolare di comunicare sotto coscientemente alle persone di guardare la donna, non l’uomo, per la guida e la protezione che manca più che mai oggi. È molto politicamente non corretto, e perfino riprovevole e condannato, di indicare questo oggi. Certi brani del Nuovo Testamento della Bibbia che riguardano come gli uomini e le donne devono comportarsi sono interpretati come applicabili soltanto 2000 anni fa ma non più nel nostro mondo moderno, come se fosse la natura umana è cambiata (1Pet 3,1-6; Ef 5,22-33; 1Tim 2,9-15; 1Cor 11,2-16; 14,33-35; Tit 2,3-5). Molto spesso gli uomini sulla TV sono messi in ridicolo o uomini macho come Rambo. Se un uomo o una donna mette Dio veramente primo nelle sue vite, con tanta preghiera ed i sacramenti, e resistano la propaganda falsa del mondo, le loro vocazioni saranno realizzati secondo Dio, nonostante l’ambiente dei una generazione malvagia. Quando sono andato alla Marcia per la Vita a Roma, 18 maggio 2019, ho incontrato una donna che si è vantata di essere una teologa del Vaticano. Pochi minuti dopo ho incontrato Professore Josef Seifert, che era licenziato dal Vaticano, per via del arcivescovo locale ( per essere troppa fedele agli insegnamenti autentici della Chiesa (“Coraggio di Proclamare la Verità INTERA”; Da aprile 2013, tanti buoni teologhi ed i buoni uomini cristiani nella Chiesa sono stati sostituiti dalle donne e gli uomini che almeno non si rendono conto del grande pericolo per la famiglia e per la società e per la Chiesa, e che sono politicamente corretti e che dicono sempre di sì alla nuova teologia della chiesa moderna che offre un cristianesimo senza la croce di Cristo che è ciò che tanti cristiani vogliono oggi. Questo sta succedendo dappertutto nella Chiesa e nel mondo in un modo nascosto, con molto incoraggiamento dai mass media.
A good description of Christian feminism:
Femminismo Secolare – l’Eliminazione dei Padri delle Famiglie
L’importanza dei padri forti nella famiglia.
In inglese:
Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know is a 2007 parenting book by Meg Meeker, MD, which provides guidance to fathers on raising their daughters (,_Strong_Daughters).
Alice von Hildebrand – Per 30 Anni Combattevo gli orrori di Femminismo
Radical feminism is not only OPPOSED TO MASCULINITY OR FATHERHOOD. It is even more savage in its REJECTION OF MOTHERHOOD. The feminists are radically hostile to the mothering of children. In fact, the image of “mother” is just as much in need of transformation as the image of “father.”
Obama Pushing for New United Nations Agency Dedicated to Radical Feminism
Front Royal, VA, 03/03/10 – The OBAMA ADMINISTRATION has endorsed a proposal to create a new U.N. bureaucracy dedicated to restructuring relations between the sexes along RADICAL FEMINIST lines. The new super-agency is supported by a consortium of feminist organizations called the Gender Equality Architecture Reform Campaign (GEAR). (
“Radical feminist proposal for UN ‘super agency’ wins Obama administration backing - The Obama administration has endorsed a proposal to create a new U.N. “super agency” to advance extremist feminist ideology, the Population Research Institute (PRI) says. The organization warns the agency could engage in “cultural imperialism” in service to radical causes. (New York City, N.Y., Mar 4, 2010;
“Kids of lesbians have fewer behavioral problems, study suggests” …
“Post a comment (chrisozman): Unlike many here who want a buck each way with their gay friends, I'll tell it like it is. This study goes against every other study on the subject in the last 40 years. In other words it is biased from the start. As government people say privately "never have an enquiry unless you know the outcome... more … “(
So one of their key points of the marketing plan of homosexuality was to undermine the Church and in fact to redefine Christian beliefs just as they now want to redefine marriage. The gay militants went to the leadership of the APA (AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION) and sold the notion to them, and then the leadership of the APA went and tried to sell it to their membership. But the membership was never completely complicit in this, they never really agreed with what was being pushed and shoved down their throats.
The movement started with Dr. Robert Spitzer with the APA, who writes about this currently. There was no new scientific research that removed homosexuality as a socio-pathic personality disorder. SPITZER REDEFINED HOMOSEXUALITY on behalf of Gay activists so that this disorder could be removed from public awareness. It was the same disorder that it always was. Now they are redefining Christianity. After 2000 years of every Christian scholar of every denomination agreeing that homosexuality is sinful, we hear things in the emergence church: “Well it really doesn’t say that”. Regarding marriage: “No, no, we are not redefining it”. But if it is not a man and a woman, if it is not two halves of humanity, then what is it? If it is not a man and a woman, it can be anything that man says it is.
These public manipulators have been trying to prove an organic source of homosexuality for many years but have been unable to do that. For decades, the APA has not considered homosexuality a psychological disorder, while other professionals in the field consider it to be a "gender-identity" problem. TO TRY TO MAINTAIN A LITTLE CREDIBILITY, the APA even had to revise their statement on homosexuality. Specifically, in a brochure that first came out in 1998, the APA stated: "There is considerable recent evidence to suggest that biology, including genetic or inborn hormonal factors, play a significant role in a person's sexuality.” Contrast this with the new statement (May 2009): "There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay or lesbian orientation.”
Peter LaBarbera, who heads “Americans for Truth About Homosexuality”, believes the more recent statement is an important admission because it undermines a popular theory. "People need to understand that the 'GAY GENE' THEORY HAS BEEN ONE OF THE BIGGEST PROPAGANDA BOONS OF THE HOMOSEXUAL MOVEMENT over the last 10 or 15 years," he points out. "Studies show that if people think that people are born homosexual they're much less likely to resist the gay agenda."
Read the rest at: Catholic Prophecy Today (
"I am, in fact, convinced, that what feminism promotes in its radical form is NO LONGER THE CHRISTIANITY THAT WE KNOW; IT IS ANOTHER RELIGION." (Pope Benedict XVI speaking (as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger) on radical feminism. Excerpt from 'The Ratzinger Report').
“We are a group of women who are educated, employed wives and mothers fully immersed in the age of the so-called women’s movement. We all know women who have used contraception, had abortions, been divorced, burned out in the “real world” only to ask the question, “Is this all there is?” Ultimately, the question is asked, “Who am I and why am I here?” CCWF is turning to John Paul II’s teachings, including his Apostolic Letter, “On the Dignity and Vocation of Women” (Mulieris Dignitatem) for a better way to answer these fundamental feminine question in the popular culture. The Holy Father emphasizes the “feminine genius” - that woman can only find herself by giving love to others. He points out that in the spirit of Christ women can discover the entire meaning of their femininity and thus be disposed to making a “sincere gift of self” to others. Through this sharing, women help shape society and structure the interaction between all persons, man and woman. We have the most wonderful role model in Mary, our mother. John Paul states, “After all, was it not in and through her that the greatest event in human history - the incarnation of God himself - was accomplished?” (
LET US GET A GLIMPSE OF HOW THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE SHOULD BE! “When husbands place their trust primarily in the Lord and draw empowerment from the Lord to be trustworthy, their wives are able to relax and trust the covering and leadership of their husbands. As stated by author Larry Crabb in “Men and Women—Enjoying the Difference”: “Wives tend to go ‘off duty.’ They feel relieved of the relentless pressure to make things go as they should.
They relax in the strength of an advocate that frees them to more easily realize the other-centered joy of their womanhood. When wives are feminine, husbands gain confidence in handling responsibilities, and are drawn to warmly enjoy and profoundly respect the woman whose involvement with them means more to their hearts than the most coveted honor or achievement could ever mean. They feel strengthened in deep parts of their being where nothing but femininity can touch.” (
Many great women saints lived out their call to evangelize by instructing children in the faith. Such is the case with St. Madeleine Sophie Barat. After the French Revolution, she founded what became the Society of the Sacred Heart, a religious order dedicated to prayer, sacrifice, and the education of girls. Reflecting on Proverbs 31:10-31, she wrote:
“How rare it is to find a valiant woman! It is perhaps necessarily so, since Scripture says that they are more precious than pearls and diamonds. Let us however work to train a few. For in this century we must no longer count on men to preserve the faith. The grain of faith that will be saved will hide itself among women. A woman cannot remain neutral in the world. She too is set for the fall and resurrection of many. How different are God’s thoughts from ours! Between women and God is often arranged the eternal salvation of husbands and sons. But for this she must be valiant. Strong to uphold purity of life. Strong to keep inviolate the treasure of faith. Strong in every battle of life. Great-souled in the face of calamity, persecution and death. And remember, sorrow is the training ground of strong souls.” (
L'agenda femminista all'interno della Chiesa cattolica
The Feminist Agenda within the Catholic Church
by Cornelia R. Ferreira
Until about 1985, I was aware that the feminist movement was making itself felt in the Catholic Church, in women's demands for ordination, girl altar servers and so forth. Then, in 1985, a kit of discussion papers (hereinafter referred to as "the Kit"), entitled, Women in the Church, was published by the Administrative Board of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB).1 It was to be circulated amongst women in parishes across Canada, with the purpose of making them question their roles within the Church. Having been asked to critique this kit, which was causing much division, I found it necessary to study its bibliography, as the discussion papers are so abbreviated that this source material is needed for one to determine the philosophy underlying each session. (…)
Spiritual feminism is an iceberg
Spiritual feminism can be likened to an iceberg threatening the barque of Peter. The tip, which represents women's demands for ministerial power, is visible and can be avoided. The real threat, however, comes from the much larger submerged, hidden part of the iceberg, representing the philosophy of religious feminism. This poses a grave danger to souls, so we must turn the radar of our minds upon it if we are to avoid its perils.
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New Age Nuns - Increasing Practice of Yoga, Reiki & Shamanism
By Barbara Maczek
The Vatican’s recent assessment of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), which represents 80% of Catholic religious women in the United States, found actions that were in non-conformance with Church teachings. In fact, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith said LCWR is undermining Roman Catholic teachings on homosexuality and birth control and promoting "radical feminist themes incompatible with the Catholic Faith."
Le Monache di New Age - Aumentare la pratica della Yoga, Reiki e Sciamanesimo, di Barbara Maczek
By Barbara Maczek
La valutazione recente del Vaticano della Leadership Conferenza delle Donne Religiose (LCWR), che rappresenta il 80% delle donne religiose cattoliche negli Stati Uniti, ha trovato le azioni che non erano in conformità con gli insegnamenti della Chiesa. In effetti, la Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede ha detto LCWR sta minando gli insegnamenti cattolici su omosessualità e il controllo delle nascite e la promozione di "temi femministi radicali incompatibili con la fede cattolica."
Incalculable Damage
May 31, 2011
What is feminism and how does it operate in our society?
Donna Steichen: That’s a good place to start, because if you notice, feminism is rarely defined. In particular, the feminists don’t define it. It is to their advantage not to define it, because most people interpret it as meaning that you’re for women, or that you believe women have a right to be educated or are just as smart as men. (…)
And the few children they do have suffer?
Steichen: Of course, that’s the real tragedy. Go back in history and observe what happened when immigrant groups arrived in America. When they began they were often poor and living in slums. But, with two parents and the mother full-time in the home, the children got an education and assimilated into society. That’s because they had their parents there to direct them. (…)
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Danni Incalcolabili
31 maggio 2011
Riflessioni di Donna Steichen sul femminismo e la Chiesa al 20° anniversario di "La Rabbia Empia”
Nuns Gone Wild: A Trip Down Memory Lane
Posted on 23 April 2012 by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf
Those of you who wonder why the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the American Bishops initiated a reform of the leadership of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), should take a little trip down memory lane.
Vast sectors of women religious in the USA have for decades been infested with a radical feminism so poisonous that many of them, especially in leadership, have even come to defend the killing of babies.
The problems in many communities of some are deeply rooted and, like all weeds, are hard to extirpate.
The following is a review of some key figures in this history of dissent and defiance. Some of these nuns have faded from view and others are still quite visible. (…)
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Monache Andate Selvagge: un viaggio lungo la strada della memoria
Quelli di voi che si chiedono il motivo per cui la Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede e dei Vescovi americani hanno avviato una riforma della dirigenza della Leadership Conferenza delle Donne Religiose (LCWR), dovrebbe fare un piccolo viaggio sulla strada della memoria.
Ampi settori di religiose negli Stati Uniti sono stati per decenni infestati da un femminismo radicale così velenoso che molti di loro, soprattutto nella leadership, sono arrivati fino a difendere l'uccisione di neonati.
October 28, 2009
(Sister) Donna Quinn's 'ungodly rage'
By Matt C. Abbott
In light of the recent story about notorious pro-abortion nun Donna Quinn's "moonlighting" as an abortion mill escort — deathscort would be a more appropriate term, actually — and in light of Rome's doctrinal investigation of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, I offer the following lengthy excerpt of Catholic author Donna Steichen's book Ungodly Rage: The Hidden Face of Catholic Feminism.
Although published in 1991, much of Mrs. Steichen's excellent analysis of radical feminism's infiltration into the Church is still timely and thought-provoking. Thanks to Mrs. Steichen and Mark Brumley of Ignatius Press for allowing me to reprint this material (minus footnotes).
The more things "change," the more they stay the same, indeed.
Chapter Seven: From the Catacombs
Catholic feminism is sweeping across the American Church like a prairie fire from hell. Whether or not any given feminist intends to serve the Prince of Lies, every progression more clearly reveals the cause itself as a demonic assault on God, on his creation, on the Church and on the family. Its first victims are women. Men who subscribe to it show their disregard for the Faith. They also display contempt for women as women and an eagerness to escape masculine responsibility.
Read the rest of the article at:
Ungodly Rage: The Hidden Face of Catholic Feminism
by Donna Steichen
Written by a Catholic journalist who has investigated feminism on its own ground, this remarkable book fully exposes the hidden face of Catholic feminism for the first time, revealing its theoretical and psychological roots in loss of faith. A definitive account of a movement impelled by vengeful rage to revolt against all spiritual authority.
La Rabbia Empia: la faccia nascosta del Femminismo Cattolico
da Donna Steichen
Scritto da un giornalista cattolico che ha indagato il femminismo sul suo stesso terreno, questo straordinario libro espone completamente la faccia nascosta del femminismo cattolico per la prima volta, rivelando le sue radici teoriche e psicologiche nella perdita della fede. Un resoconto definitivo di un movimento spinto dalla rabbia vendicativa alla rivolta contro ogni autorità spirituale.
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